' Tlunwluy, July 21, 1.127. TUB EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Nine $ lcovV . MARKET PLACE BUYERS' WEEK STARTS MONDAY g I'OIITLANI), Ore.. July II. (Hpe r.lul lu 11m Herald I The mauu facurcra mul wholcanlra of Pori iuud Imvn set Ihu stage fur ou.i or tho lancr-at Kttt JnrltiK cr nicrchnnta fruui llm Pacific rouat lo be lisli In I'lirlluiul llm week of July 25-30. luring Portland's Flflecuth Annual Buyers' Week Hundreds of merchant are msk lux arrangements , m piesont and take advantage uf Hi tutxpliwl II y lliul In .brine, extruded by ihu job bers mid matiuraciurrr r.,r whirl wind program pf rmrrlalmm-nt and super-attraction thai Hit,., inuf. t hauls will rviunnibcr tir many day. J'urtNml lv prepared to meet all llite inurcbunia uu Monday niurtr li(. July 25. His opening day of llttyera' Week, at llnlairatlon head-luarn-ra hn they will ha furnLfc d wliti coupon bouk ami badge that will entitle III nui lu special enter lulp incut for the entire ink, 1'racllcally every atata west of llio Rockies liaa advised Buyers' Week llcadquar tnra thai nirrchatila from varloua localities will b pres. rut and be a part of I'orlland Fifteenth Annual Buyer' Week or tanliatlon. ' As a special Inducement. (b Job bers and manufacturers of Portland will give the merchants their round trip rullnwil fara. provided Ihelr Combined purchases ainuuul to 1500, PEilETlIftN 8AI.K.M. July SI, (AIM--K. (!. Warner of Pendleton waa liday ap r pointed by Governor J'alteranu as a nio inner of tho stal.i livestock ssn liary board. Hp will represent tb Oregon Wool CroaciV association. Ilo succeeds Jny II. Dobbin of Eu Ivrprlav. . , , , Under a new law whereby ap pointments to fill vacancies lu Jus tiro rourta art mado by tba jy crior three .appolntmania worn an nuunrad. i. A. Arit)l,l wa ap lioluli'd Juatlco of 1b pi'i i at Tol edo lu aurci-rd Viv lata J. W. Pariah. Arnold ha llvrd at Toledo ( yvZr: llv wo-a pojilpuiaii-r for It jrara ami haa bi-rn a liiambar uf thn port 'ouimlaalon for lj j.ura and la now praldi-nt .? oX tba commlaalJn. II. I.. l.tiU una appullllcil jua llri of llm Mairi'fur ll"1 Irll'a l.nkf illalrlr! a id c. K. Llnnloii fur tho WoUpoit dlatrlct. , Tho appoliiinrnia ar nnill au" rraiora aro olm U'iL and quallflvd at Ihu ii cut nnulur obKtlon. Mirny llilima may bo proarrvi-d In alcohol, but Inw and order are not on lbf Hat. Krcry inurrlicl woniun thlnkalhal nil br huabnnd'i. bai'bflor frlrnda fUy blm. , I'rartlro may not niuko a lawyer pcrfvi-1. but uoiikIi of It niny mnko blm rb'h. . i i . Stages TO ALL POINTS 326 New Phone Number New Reduced Rates New Location 8th & Klamath Ave.. "Tho Hunaliliio ltoulu" FRECKLES AND 1 ' M ED ON BOARD W, . ' v 4 T iMl ZU ' ' -vL. W . ) AAKS-6MWW. ' .. i t J -' . i' f- .W'-w" f ".. y ' lu ; - - J sv c stavict iss, Zz- , , -J " ' v J ' : ... . ' . . a Singer Success ;V La.v ' . v . , ' i v. ' 1 hm tic I li n wuhIu I u t tin yu frtfHilltm Mr CiinMtii' U tlm course of It'!) HunnrU, llfrkrlry, ( nl., tflrl How pluliiC In Hralllr, H1ir Urn m run tract Hlih ihf fnmnl rw York rum wity iIiIm fall, ami liur lu rr Mnl fi iiji-t-r" uf lnHii Till !' uf K ii n kit I lly. "Deed Filed" . July 'JO, 1027 Tawy Klowart vt u.- Mary. K.. to Kredcrlik f. Forla; NK'.NW, a.-cilmi :-3Mlti; lot 7 of avc. 21; lola S. . 7. a. arc. So; S'tSW, and lota . I. . of ay. 21: NV NWU and lot 4 of avc. 2: KV, CS and NW(, of NK" . 29, all In twp. 39-1 1 :. 740. to arrea. Klamalh Korporatlou lo K4 Dot lomloy; lot 721 lu block 129 Mill) addition. Klumulh Korimrallou lo K. M. Clill.oto and I). M. Knilth: lot 11. blk. 210. Iiurrow addition to Klam ath ralla. Annclla Mt'l'alm, rt vlr to Waller I'omroy; lola 407-40D, block 110, Mills addition, Kthol Copcland lo John II. Cbpc land, rt al; E'NK'. acc. 7, and W'HN'Wti arc. t-SO-9. Walter I'omroy to Alma J. fofer: lota 407-408. blk. 110 Mills addltlou to Kluiualh Falla. K. MvCluy ft lix lo Pacific Krult at I'piducn Co; 70 ft. front aco (on Dallra-Callf. blRhway) by 210 ft. bIoiir rlcht of way ot O. V. K. railway; In NV',8WU acc. 7-J9-10. Jnanit J. Dnilcy to John J. Amos; lot 1, blk. 2. Kalrvlrw No. 2. rilTult 4'uurt 2401 equity: Mary K. O'l.oimhlln va. Manfred M. (iarouttc, rt al; to riulet tills to lota 17-19. block 30 and lola 19-20-21 In block 22 Hot Springs: complaint filed; It. C tirocsbrck, attorney. HlltUfHCtloilM K. V. fowley to W. K. Uenton: lot 2, block 8, Altamont arrea, $75. HIS FRIENDS i " e ' w i A ' h 1 rff ". all rlBMM, . - -lrT!t , U .ini.e, , ..,1.1 .s I -(SreO ll u3) B N j s.Mrfslly Mat .. ml, I '. , vJ.(?Wil.iSM3 1 r ' i i ' - virs I. . .-ii L l i . - If - I I iiuth 8. Addison lo Jvaaa J. Ilalluy rt us; lot 1, block 2, Falrylfw No. 2: 11.000.00. Only aflsr a public favorite haa biH'oma a "baa-been" doa h begin lo rial Ilo the eniptlnoas of appUuaa. Women and opportunity tike to make culls when you aro out. - NEW TODAY WANTKIi Will buy trailer. I'houe Oil or wrliu full particular, price, condition, capacity, etc., to 413 High. 21-23 ruit IIK.NT Hlei-plug room. Men only. Location dralrable. I'bone f!2. 21-22-23 HAVE VOI! any pine timber you wish cruised? Cominunlrale with J. If. Klsher. Arcad Hutol. !(-(-erences glvm. 21-Z7 F1)K HALK Hoarding and room ing house. Inquire belwmn 2 and 4 p. m , nd after 7 p. m . 1U21 Main HI. 21-23 WANTh'D Laundry.. Hone by band. First class. 10 HI Manum its Ht. 21-21 FOIt HAI.K ern houa row. Kqulty in 4-room mod Inquire 2205 Uar-21-23 FOIl 8AI.K Sanitary rugs. l'lone 2!3. couch and .21-23 FOH HALK-fc-room modern house, fireplace, also garage, lasll. con crete driveway. 1560i required. Ilalunre 127.00 per moi th. -t Fred Leonottl at the Toggery. 19-20-21 Foil KALK 9th street modern home, six. rooms, garage, cement driveway, full basement, furnace, paving all paid. 1500. Take 12000 caah, balance terms. For appointment call 927-M. 21 WANTED Will buy hog-., weaning pigs, shoals, sows and dairy cows: also beef, herd cowa, calves or yearlings. Write full particulars. Oley. 413 High Ht., Klamalh Falls. I'hone 612. ' ' 21-22-23 WA.NTKI) TO KKNT Hy respon sible party, two adults, strictly modern furnished home In desir able location. Other requirements: trees, lawn, furnace beat and ga rage; three bedrooms preferred. I'hone 909. call for Mr. Weaver. 21tf I fP3? trATTl WMAT4 NHAT WOO CALL BAt. Vx HlOE MiME WHEM IV ro.J-T A trnt f " 1 fUER" ALL AMGUW FOR A I llil 1 1-I I I LL I - - CHExwiM- -TU wifE TuoT IsTABftDcuEMu.uTrt i I I m I - f- II II II II - 'V' M L.DUiV4ISl't. A DAL.C k I' iv.T: I I I I V 1 II n I II - I S- "S " VriiAKJMI NUNC-a., . 1 L - IB f BW NEW TOD AY KOIl IlKXT S-rooin bouse. Htose and some furnltore! fit month. I'hona K23-W. ' 21-21 FUll KKNT New -room hous. It. IV llreltenateln, 32 Wl Main tlf." ' 21-27 FUK HAI.K - fine coruvr, luussi ft., bpiMialta new blli school. Lawn, flowera, lre-. garden and old 3-room housi-. First rluss alio for good home, apartinxnts, flita or bungulow court. Full prlr only 12100. Terms 1.100 rash, balance easy monthly payments. WAIt DAI.K. Iteallors 724 Main Ht. 21 .wrui;, To prospertlre members of the Lower Klamath Lake Crazing Asso ciation, we hare now the certificate of Incorporation. Vou are notified and urged te apply for membership on Katurday. July 30. 1927. at 7:3o o'clock V m.. at the I. O. O. F. ball In Merrill. Oregon. At the emu: i.roe and place, the permanent directors will be elected. The Ity-ljiwa must lie readnpled The Incorporators of Ihe Lower Klamath l.ake Crating AssnrksiJon, Hy Al'CiL'ST L. AMmiKN. . ' Merrill, Ore. ' ' . JJl-Ht FOR RENT HOOMS 920 Lincoln. I'hone 497-W, : 132-420-Jy20 Foil KKNT 1-rooni apartmest, also aleeplng room at '810 Oak Ave. Inquire lot Oak Ki.. . ' 15-21- Foil HKXT 2 -room auirtmen'., also private bstk. Private en trance. 513 High St . 20-22 FOrt RENT New S room bo usee, 118.00 month. Close In. fhont 6 4 4-J. 422 Plum. -. 84-J2-U. FOR KKNT Furuisbed apartments, Reduced ntea. Coiy Apt". 68 Main. 1-Jb FOR RENT One room, double bed I with bath. Oue man. $3. 00 per; week, two men $5.00 per week. Phone 9C3-J. , . 19-23 FOR RENT 4 rota and bath hrnse on south and Oregon Ave. Range, linoleum, shades. A mighty good location" for the money. $30. Phone lefi-W, - 20-21-22 Out Our Way 5iAft WVAAT WOO CALL BAff . "TV.' J'l 5fAN0 iN WiThTH' BOLL. T 4 IT k SOMEBODY 'LV. GETA &TE I : I - -LB i PRETTW OJICK SIVJC6 I I 1 -L - -L f ; I BEEM NNORKIM' AROOMO . ( ! J L " HlM VHAOtJ OOn" Sour Grapes " -' - , . FOR RENT Foil KKNT First, clsss furnished i apt., steam healed. McCarthy 1 . Apia., CIO 1'lne. . I'hone 100. 14tf FOIl IIK.NT Completely furnished1 a pis., garage, new building, Just off miln on llroad. itex Arms. J I'bone lilt. J20-A20! Foil KKNT 4 room and bath house on pavement, handy lo Falrview school and shlppington bus line. Oarage, range linoleum and shades. 135. I'bone 2.'.-W. 20-21-22 ron RENT We can rave Too big money at lbs Arcade Hotel A part men Is, furnished completely, elec tric ranges, linen, dlsbea and tele phones. Or rooms with private baths at real cut ratea to per manent (Oela. Arcade. May 9-June t FOIl KKST-i-5-room modern bonse, , completely furnished and on pave ment with good garage. Kent reasonable to good tenants. -ItOOM modern bouse with furni ture, located on Paclflr Terrace for sale with' small cash down and balance in monthly Install ment.' ' NICE NEW HOt SE close tp pave ment, three rooms, well arranged , and modern. Priced at 11900 with small cash payment. This Is an opportunity to own a nice borne at small cost. TRI-STATE3 REALTY Phono lo&O Raltors 1134 Main FOR RENT Nest two-room fur nished apt. Free light and water. . 825 month. 901 Alameda. Phone C29-J. 19-21 WANTED WANTED Oood. reliable street sellers. Call at Herald Office. 20-26 U'lVTrn MiitiMm-nrk erwiklne nr ' roa'd. No objections to country. 44 Main St. l'hon lv43. 20-22 X HlOE MiME VJMEtJ 1 "SEE THAfANtMATE.0 MAMMOTH CAviE. COMiMi if ors tOOMO.vA MOVIES FOv? A TyiO ivi MitV. HIM- HE" , OAW HE WA"i MAOEh WANTED VA: work. Kelerence. 11-23 I'hone 24 7-J. WANTBD 2-ton pneumatic lire truck. What have you! Ilox 589. 19tf CONCRETB WORK Phone Tom, the Mixer, 14tl-W. Ttios. Pblllp sen. 824 Plum. 29-J21-Jy21 WANTED 100 lawn mowers to sharpen. Call W. Xhastaln, 1232 J. 18-23 WANTED High school girl or otherwise to watch children and do light housework. Moderate wages. Phone Dr. S-'f. 20 WANTED To buy some second band furniture for ranch: also a good cream separator. Call 73-M. 20-21 IF YOU WANT tbe best of land-1 - scape done, we have bad four i years of experience in Klamath ' Falls, and can give yon tbe beat ; of references. Call W. Cbastsln, i Phone 1232-J. 18-23 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE WORK WANTED- Es timates furnished. No Jobs ' too large or too small. Phone 10,7. A. C. Johnson. 105-11-23 WINDOW CLEANING Floor wax ing, house cleaning; and janitor service. References. - A. ; M. Rhoads. Phone 105-W. 197-2-tf For Sale Automobiles TRAILERS FOR .SALE Roy Call Auto Co. New aad Aiied parts. 727 Commercial, near ftb. 18-23 FOR SALE 1 Late model Maxwell coupe. run 7000 miles, license $375 11924 Master t Bulck sedan. A bargain $775 1 Chevrolet Sop. touring $135 1 Overland roadster ...$140 1 Late 2-Door Ford sedan ..$275 1 Late 4-Door Ford sedan $275 1 192 Olds coach. A dandy buv. Deluxe model $750 1 192t Essex coach. New tires $475 We have many more to select from. Liberal terms. ROY CALL'S USED CARS See Walt Abbey 8th and Pine St. Lot Phone 334 FOR SALE FOR SALE gon Ave. -Furniture, 1127 Ore-15-21 FOR SALE Transportation ticket good for $90 on any road. Will sell at sacrifice. Call at The Her ald Office. 2U-21-23-24-25-26-27-2Spd FOR SALE German Police pup pies, pedigreed. Selling out, $35 pups for $15. " Small payment will bold one. ' Kennels Pelican Road. 19-21 FOR SALE 250 thoroughbred rab bits, pedigreed and registered; also 2 acres of finest loam soil: house, well, berry bushes, 150 rabbit hutches and accessories. Excellent loartion for service sta tion. ' Call "Ace" Babbitry. Vi mile above Pelican City on Dalles California highway. - 20 For Sale Real Estate J FOR SALE 5-roora modern home completely lurnisnen. i lose in on pavement. Beautiful lawn. Dou ble garage. Phone 1S8-J. 16-22 EYE OPENERS i $800.00 New, well-built 3-room house, close in, near school. $150 down and $20 per month. I $1100. 00 New, modern home with garage, targe lot, close In, near school. $20W down. 1 TRADE Rood car wanted as part payment on choice 5-room fur nished home In Hot Springs. Full price $4500., j THE ALTON. WRIGHT CO., Inc. iteauors v-si-aa By Blosser .pom y .1 For Sale Real Ertate i FOIl SALE Apartment bvuse in Medford. Will trade fgr Klafp-' ath property. W. A.'; Turner at' Lakeside Lumber Co. l-ti.' FOR BALE 5-rooin modern hoiU.,, uri-piare, also garage, iixit con crele driveway. (1500 required..' lialance 127.00 per month. ...itee, . Fred Leonettl i Ibo ..Toggery '. . ., 18-i2(l:2l., . CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH m.'HIXK.Htl - Fine paying busi ness. I'p-to-dat place sad , one of lha best Investment lor 'tba money I have ever seem. Assr for me at 1134 Main street.-. T. J. Webb. io-21-S2-2 FOR SALE Summer cottager st Lake of the Wood. . House 'Hi25, well built and finely located.' to gether with new boat and Johnson motor; all in fine shape, i All for 8800. For particulars call at Her. ' aid office. 13-21 r $1575 Fine I-room bouse on pave-;, ment, large lot, garage. A map.!. Terms. ,- i ,12300 A new 4-rtom home close i to pavement; hardwood ftootH,; ! nook, builtln bath, garage, bosc-i ment, etc. A real bargain. $4300 Beautiful 4-room hosje erti corner lot, close In: hardwood: floors throughout, nook, . bane: ment. garage, .. fireplace, i etc.' 1 Terms. . ', ,' .: '-' ' $3800 will buy a fine newt-room. -home, completely furnished. Breakfast room, dandy bath,, full basement, cement lloor,etc Ofl. pavement. Terms.- .r, A. A. BELLMAN 4V Cg.v ,"V 120 N. 7th St. - I'bone .lift RANCHES FOR SALE y 'i' . , - ' -., a:..' ; 308 ACRES uuirrlgatetf.' "sheep, ranch, S miles south of -Italia. House, barn. $3000. ,. ! ' 300 ACRES 130 cultivated. Water : ' for Irrigation, fenced: $20.00 per acre. Excellent front on Klamath river. 20 ACRES Meadow Lake, house, barn, garage, sheds, bunkbonsc, . , fine corral, 2 wells, fuel timber. $10.00 per acre. Good livestock ranch. Lots ot adjacent range. , Will exchange for improved near- by property. ( ,. SO ACRES Cregaa ranch,,. nnlrri- . gated, I4 miles from'- Klamath FalLs. near Weyerhauer . west ' side mill site. $3200, to close atfcl estate. Terms.- . . .'.rj . ? SQUAW POINT, on Upper Klamitb Iake, adaptable for summer re. sort or lodge. Excellent .take frontage. - - ' V ' '': r IR8. L. B. HAOCif J 210 Willits Bldg. TbODe' aT. Insurance Loans i Realty1 .. ' .".IljWSS' DON'T FAIL TO SEE k - FAIR ACRES SUB-DIVISIQif "ln- tercstetl In close-In tracts. Find, sandy soil, a commanding view of - the city, lake and valley. Natural, drainage and no alkala. plentx.ot irrigation water, wonderful opnot-i tunity for production of berries.7 Tegctables and poultry. Located 1H miles Irom city. Price $300 per acre; 30 down, balance) $4.05 per month which includes S Interest on deferred payments. SELAK & TRACY ... Realtors ' 09 S. 6th St. Phono itt BUSINESS PROPERTY " ' ' Lot 50x120, Improved with -new frame store building 30x40; IM small new dwelling that rents for ' $22.50 per month. This property Is well located in choice residen tial section of Klamath Falls and offers an unusual opportunity for a good business location and can bo purchased for a short, time at much less than It Is actually worth. Price $3500.00. small por. ment down, balance like rent. SELAK & TRACY Realtors' ' 609 S. 6th St. ) Phono 6 " 20.23 HAVE YOU TWELVE HUNDRED - BUCKS CASH? If you haven't It Is too bad, for j mat is wnat ll taxes to sanaio this house. ' ' - 4 1 - A 1 i luvui, aim uaiu, f. una l.wo.ii young shade trees, on, block ' ' from California Avenue pave ment, on graded street, good , garage. , ... . 7 'Vr ..rt Owner built this ast year. .to-..' live In but has to leave account ' altitude. " ' """A Total price $2100. $1204 down , and balance to the building; and , loan. A lot less 'than rent., ' The best snap so far this sea . son,' and the time for 'snaps is about over. ' U'i' ( J It cost more than tbe selling- ' price to build this house and , Ibo lot is a food one. . "-. - s f a M. li.' JOHNAO.V" t 406 Main Ht. - Phone 205-W ''"