Pairt. fiieht THE FA'ENING HF.nAT.D. KLAMATH r'A.MS, OREGON Thursday, July 21, 1027. RUBBER YIELD TO BE DOUBLED NBW YORK, July JO. (A.P.I Tlie IliTaM-Trlbunii say that clen tll experimenting on rubber plantations In Dutch East Indie have developed a system of bud K Tuft dig through hk' the yield of rubber trees can be increase. four (old. , , Through application of the new discovery, aaya the newspaper, which cornea Just at the time when Thoinaa A. Krtlsou hoped t (tve the market a rubber substitute, the price of crude rubber will be cut Irom twenty-fire to ten cenu a pound. '"Tie new discovery la tremend ou." Krauk R. Henderson, presi dent of the New York Rubber ex' change, la quoted aa sjrylng. 'lt means that the rubber Industry has been able to aolre Ha problem from the Inside and It 1 only a question of time when competition iw ill nec essitate the supplanting of all ex isting areas with new plantation employing the new method." T:e principles of bud-grafting established by the late Luther Bur- bunk, naturalist, form the bast for the new discovery, the Horald-Trlb-uiie :.. Spreading of the new process will ultlmaley result In the cost reduction of tires, surgical supplies and flooring material, Mr. Hender son is further quoted a saying, arti will mean the doom 'of the present reclaiming; process, through whit' J old 'tires and scraps produce 34 per cent of "crude" rubber, used In this country .at present. L F IS SPOKANE. Wish.. July 26. 'AP The present year Is expecte' ?o be "the biggest legion year ??ce IK 21." Howard P. Savage, national commander, said here today where he slapped briefly enroute to the Oregon state convention at La - ;rande. He will return here July 27 for the Washington state con vention. "1 shall be able to report at the national convention in Paris In September almost 100 percent com pletion of our program," he an nounced. "Aud It took the, entire organiza tion all the 11.000 posts to put it across, not any individual post or department." Commander Savage is attending eight legion state conventions on his present trip. EG ON C HE DPT M STIC STOCK MARKET STRONG NEW YORK, July 20, (A. P.) ' Despite the heavy liquidation in tplrcd by the belief that the market ' has been climbing too rapidly. . stock prices continue to move Up ward today under the stimulus of aggressive pool operation in a wide assortment of specialties. Scores of issues were bid up 1 to 6 points, with comparatively few weak spots scattered throughout the list. WATCH REPAIRING HERB 1 year guarantee on all work GEO. METZ JEWELER , 822 Mala Standard Dyers and Gleaners Odorless Cleaning; One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 MOM'N POP H MRS GUWN -1 YYONDeR V DISHES? VfrKf C ' OH.M.MES.' Six. ' VOX.JOSrrA V I I h' VOO'RE TUfSCOeH H j X DIDN'T kNOW ' COPS fANO ft LOT . H WlMOTE - X'U- V USING Ml DI5H5S? llTHefoSWCRertNl 1 OP PCrXTCS-CHICK f JJ (Vv - -y V OF HOURS H6? i eoftROVJCOTHEM KN0WS ftBOOT IT 7 -t- rv Lrnrrft vhile moo were EtoKmrT TtT fOaf ffli PARIS TAKF.S VP SHAWLS AT lilt! FASHION PAIU1K PARIS, July II. I API Aa "Evenlnr of )h Is" at the Urand Palace, the xoterninont a exposition building, ho stimulated the vogu'lut pat and Immediately prolor to for thorn Mannrqulna from , . . ( UtrMIIIMMIHB shop paraled with modern shawl. but also all forma and varieties were displayed. Many dated frJin the time of Napoleon, wheu He beautiful Madam do Bourrleuue, wife of the gr.?at emperora private ecretaTy, started the fashion by wearing a "cashmere. ' The rage for shawU listed several geenratlons. Persons frequently have large collections, regarding th-in at excellent Investment. In lSfil the shawl "went out." Until recently they mere used for all ort of decor ation, ev-n to wall coverings. Legal Notices NOTICE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Kla math. In the Matter ot the State of PLEASANT L. FOUNTAIN. Deceased. Notice 1a hereby given by the uu dersigned.. administrator of the es tate ot Pleasant I- Fountain, de ceased, to the creditor ot and all persona having claims against the salri decesaeri tn evhihit .t,.h claims with the necessary vouchers ! bore . "titled suit on or before within six lhortth after the first Thursday tha 4th day of August, publication of this notice, to the1 nJ "" ,0 fw'!i: said administrator at bis office at for mnt thereof the plaintiff will s0 Main Street. Klamath Falls. Upply to the Court for the relief Oregon, which said office the nndcr-1 nr" 'r h' """P1"1"'- -': signed select as his place of busl-i'or Ulvoree from you m the in all matters connected with i nesq said estate. H. C. MEiirt YUAN. Administrator ot the estate of Plea sant L. Fountain, deceased. Dated and first published at Kla math. Fall. Oregon, n this 29th day of, June, 1S27. ' invi:ijAin29 July 7-lt-Il SCMMCNS. Kquity 2880. In the Circuit Court of the. State of Oregon" for the County Df Kla math. KATHRYN HARLES3, Plaintiff. TS. ELilER G. HARLESS. Defendant. To Elmer G. Harless, the above- named defendant. In the name of the State of Ore gon, yon are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, or or before Thursday the 4th day of August. 127, and it you fail so--to. answer, tor want thereof, mm m v: XA YA H NMMO OFF H16 JJOB.OF. AYy;A W.'XK " I nt-wr,"l in., .r,n,. Wi-A M T f- "SEE AT LOOKiM &.fl& WA v I PtrP01 nHAl la ib. eoiKiow behind ' "' f Mn rOX 1 wTawc,5. Legal Notices the )n i m i f will upply to the Court I for the relief prayed for 111 her complaint, tow It: for a dlvoiv trim you up.iu the around of desertion or a period ol more man one year and n romnivnccmcui ui "" lor auvn oiner and further relief which to the Court may seem Juat n1 wUilable. Thia summon la served upon you by puMUattou thereof once each week for a period of aix rouaecutlre and successive weeks, pursuant to order of the Honorable A, L. I.eav- llit. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the Till 'day of July. 127. Hale of first publicatirn hereof. July the "th. 1S27. aud date of laat publication hereof the 4th day of Auguat. 1927. 1). K. VAX V ACTOR. Attorney for the plaintiff. Post Or fl'e and Buslties Address: 201-2 Wllliu llulldinK. Klamath Falla. Klamath County .Oregon. 7-H-21-2S-AI. SIMMONS. EUily U:WM. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Kluuiath County. G. O. VAN DYKE, Plaintiff, , vs. , ESTHER A VAN DYKE, Defendant. To Esther A. Van Dyke, defend ant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE i OF OUEliON. you are hereby re-1 quireu io appear ana answer ttiv complaint meii against you in ine "uai ot '' n,or ,han one year. This summons is served upon you by publication once each week for four succesHive weeks, pursuant to an order from Honorable A.- L. Learnt, Judge wt tho above entitled court, made and entered on July 6th. 1927. date ot the first publica tion hereot to he July 7th, 1927. MANNING. McCOLLOCH A DR1S- COLL. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Post Office and Business Address. Swansen Building. Klamath Falls. Oregon. 7-14-21-2S-A4 NOTICE OF tilAHDIAVS SALE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County ot Kla ; math. i In the Matter of the Estate and ! Guardianship of Nora Copeland. i Minor. Pursuant to an order made by the Honorable County Judge ot Klamath .County. Slate ot Oregon, dated the 15th day ot June. 1927. notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will sell at private sale for cash or credit at the Front Door of the County Court House of Klamath County, Klamath Falls, Out Our Way oonT ViO SOURSEUF A ROOT 'AT OC BOW . HE UKtTrllMWM TAKE. Hl NMMO OFF HI 6 JOB, OF. SE.E 'AT LOOHiKl' SLA9 IM THAT UXH.eF? ? WELU, NOT CASTW AKW RETuECuOMS) Pinv A PARTW A Case of Klamath Falls Business Directory nVWalyMVtJaW' l.OIWiE, FRATERNAL. NOTICE it. ', L i.i.ns Meet Thursday evening. Visit ing member web-ome. ELKS TKMI'LK 3rd and Main OI.IVKR SPIKKR. Exalted, RuUr F. D. McMlLLAN, Secretary Frntcrani order of toxica . I tOP tnla v.rv Friday oVv '!)! T:, , Z&sXii Moa Hall. ,:' C. D. LOM1. Secretary ' Aerie 2090. - - Puoua Hi. Labor Tempi i '. Veterans of Foreign War IVIiran Pom i;w.i Meets every. second and fourth Wedjiesduy evenlug, 1 p. in.,; base ment Court House. , . VEKNK J. WALKER, Commander, Phon 125S-W. Loyal Order of Moose Meet everv Thursday U t). O. M. M... II. .11 U'lnMlrlltk v- A, V. OKO Ofil.K. rili'tatOT Klamath Lodge No. 77 A. F. and A. M. ' Stated Communications Second and Fourth Monday Vlbltlug llrolher Welcome I.OOMIS HI 1 1. Ill G DltlNK RADII M WATKIl lias cured thouttunds. Why not youT Radium ore for sulo by X. A. IIRIGGS, (Special Representative) Phone 96U-W J1-A1( - Legal Notioc-a Oregon, on or after the 1st duy of Auguat, 1927, that purni ot real property, the boundarlea ut which are described a follows, to-wlt: Town Lots In Fort Klamath. Kla math County. Slate of Oregon, be inx Lots 1. 2. 7 and 8 In lllork 9. Hessig Addition to Fart Klaaiath. Oregon. Dated this 15th day of June. 1927, at Klamnth Falls. Oregon. ' L. W. COPELAND. Guardian of the per sou and estate of Nora Copeland. a minor. 7-14-21-25 If there Is any pig In a man s nature It is ure to crop out when he travels. Originality: Doing what omo other fellow did so long ago that people have forgotten all about It. i t BE SORE THeRE AlKTf KiOTrtiNt'lKl FROMT OF HiM BEFORE VOO OO NOTmM' BEiVNO'lM .WATtH A MOO&e Jump ivno "That fnc Necessity ' hcw Com 6 Hou himj To fow DlSHt'S FROM MRS. TUTE V1HCN V HfAO PtfrftV OF OUR OUJM VlHftT BeCrtME v CP OURS Dl O VOO W&PiK - - . THtM? Klamath Falls Business Directory ACCOUNTANTS W. W. KOITIIWELL I'ubllo Accounlant Auditor Dullness Orgnnlmtlou Office Syatmltllna Bpvclul Inveallgatlom Invvulorle 020 , Miilu Phono 0110 AHSTHACTS Title Insurant Abstract 1)1 ue .VIM Conveyancing ABSTRACT Of TITLlS CO. of southern Oregon Phones Day noo Night 678-J C. T. PRICE. Mauagur Sit Miiln St. ' Kliiinath Falls ATTOHNF.VH C. V. " Attorney -at-Law Slate ami Federal Court 20S Wllllla Illdir. Phono 911 Abstract Examined liou Ealatej iw a ppt'cuiiiy K. I,. KM.IOTT Atl,erney-at-Law i Sulla IS Now Melhase illdf. Across streot from Court House Phone 624-J. Office Phon 128 M. O. WILKINS Lawyer Klumnth Fulls. 2n Wllllnlua lllilat. AI'TOMoitll.F. DEALER Repair Work, llnttrry Service. Tire Nash, O.iklnml. Pontine, Packard IL It. It. tlAIUAt.E - S3 1 Klamath Next lo Poatoffice Phone SIS AITOMOHII.E TIHKH llrlog In your worn tire get BOOfl utile more nt iimiiiiI cost ACE TIRE SHOP Guaranteed vulcanizing, rotreadi 116 South lllh St. Phnnn 843-J AI TO It F PA I It Ninlthy' Itrnalr Shop Guaranteel Auto Repairing; Car called tor and delivered South 8th St. Phon 8P3-W IIATTERY SKRVK K Battery Service, Magneto, Starter and Generator Repairing F1)YI IIE.NKIOT C). Wlllard Service 234 Main St. Phone JJ7-W Bat'.ery. Magneto, Generator and Complete Electrical Service ' W. P. John-on's AITO FLECTRIO SERVICE 724 Klamath Phone 24 rnlico Kcmy Delco Bosch Autollte GENERAL REPAIR SCIII IIEIIT'S ;eneral ItKI'Allt SEIIVK K Carl K hulK-rt, Jr. Repaint Cash Rejilstprs. Typwrlters. Adding Machines. Safe and Lock i and dun. 30 Klamnth Ave. (Between 6th and 8tul IIEAITY PARLORS Eipert Oporator. Individual booth, violet ray. maro-lllng. hnlr tinting BOSTON- ntl'TY SHOP (ilorenna Wnrren Wlnlors Illdir. Phone 311' Water, French Pnpor Curl Fnrlnl and scalp Irenlment III II DIVO M.TKi:IAIrl BWAN LAKE MOI I IIINO CO. Quality Hulldlng Material South blith Streot Phone tli CIVIL KNGINEERS I. c. ci.E(;homx Civil Engineer and Survoyor . 219 High Street O. C. KKLLKT Consulting Civil Englnoor Underwood Uulldlng, Phone 107S DENTISTS DR. K. O. WISF.CARVKR . VII. M. K. COOPER Dentistry . X-RAY Laboratory Underwood Hulldlng, Phone 845 y ji c ' - Klamath Falls Business Directory DKNTISTH Oeoeral Tractlca ot Dntlitry DR. PHII IP COI.K U Mala Over Muo'a Rlora Phon 8(1 Opeu Evouluga by Appointment "Dr. J. J. Emmeni, Modtord, Or. Practice limited lo eye, ear. fnoso. and throat.' Tolcpuou 617." ClllllOPUACTOHH Dil. til.KN MtMIRK Pnliner tlraduala Chronic and Nervous Dlsraa New Melhase lllork 321 Muln BL Phona 127S OpHNlto Court llounet convai.ksi i:nt HOME I CONVAI.FSt KNT IIOMK 15.1 liruulte St., Asliluml, Ore. Where Ilia alck and aged are cared for In pleusaut hum urroundlng. J5-A5 AMIMIIMSAt KLAMATH FMPLOVMKNT ' UlUlb Employment tor worker in every trade mill, railway and farm, j Jumi-a It) an. Prop, did and Main Si a. Phone 1ST i IVMIUMK New York Life Insurance Co. P. K. IICHKH Agent 830 Main LAI MVUIK4 81TERIOR AITO l.Al'XDIlt Howie Oarage Cars Washed Called For and Delivered Phone 37 I.IVrSITlHK Freah roaru on hand at all times Front One lo Carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phone: ' Ranch S2tt: Re. 418 E Mocbettai, Jr. Trvum rltalloo OHTEOPATIIM dr. f. n. fionnARO l.O.O.F. TEMPLE Osasopalhle Physician and 8urgon Office and Reslduace Phone 811 MVKIU TEACHER AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MCSIO Dand and Orrbeslra Instrument Taught. Clause In Harmony aud Arranging 3rd rioor Winter llldg. F18-M1S' MCSIC TEACIltlW MCSIO STCDIO MISS F. LARSO.V Teacher of Piano 1313 Lookout Phono 768 March IS PAINTS, WALI, PAPF.R . Wull Paper. Paints, Enamel. llrtiahe V. It. OLI'S Acroa from Posinfficn Phone 48 Everything a Paint Store Keep I'uluta, Oil, Varnishes, rtoadoulng Felt, (Haas, Roofing, Wall-Paper PATTERSON'S PAIXT KTORH 628 So. Sixth St. Phone 6 8 3-J STENOGRAPHY SarajaseVaaavsavsT I MRS. I.. II. HAtil U . . ' Public Slciiogruplmr , I Notary Public ; Saving and Loans Real Kstule ' , . Insurance jllltl Wllllli lilt!;, Phono '17 I All kind ot legul form ! TIMIIEIl CltllSERS . Timber Cruising, Reconnaliance and Appralsnl , II. II. Ofil.K 406 Main Street Phone 205-W Working from M. L. Jisson otflc By Taylor PAIVII.XJ I'AI'r.H llM,lt TINTIMi I.IK Per lliMiii l u , - SMITH BROS.' I'llUIIK DU The Cascade Hrl . , NTRIC'ri.V MODItN Weekly Itiilcx .1.INI anil I'p Nliowir mill Tub lUilli Froo illl himI Walnut l'loii 8MI-W hlaiiinlli Full". Oie. m A dam rfS a imr.i . ' .' ' Clalrf.i.iant P)cJilo , ' iyriittitd tly Loruliid At, ' I ! 4 at 'Ho. IllvrralJelAv. I Rrudlng Dally A. M. la 8 IV M. Plum 8(211 for Appululmnut HpU udid eure at reasonable price. Maternity rase a spqi'lnlty, jllli: PRIVATE HAMr.WlItM J:IUI Worilrn anil IISIs. Plume TIM-W Jill WANTED Curpenlvr work by roulracl or Day. Cabinet work aud flulure built. 1 101 DUMoii hi. Phono 143d YELLOW CAB PHONE 1111 Trip lu Pelican City, flhlp plngion, Altninont 7ic. City Irlpa, 3ic aud up. Full THE IIF.HT Ask for th union card r. It. Olda. J. II, Flke. R. U (Ireen, I.. II. Hhrhorn, C. H. King. Mr. Carpenter Employ member of L. U. 1171 Hiartlug July II Red Ball Stage Line Two llully Hinges Hot wren Klaut' atli I alia anil Ijikctlew. Leaving H:!tl niurnlng I-atlna; 'i ixi I', M. Lrnir ItEt K AltirH Auto Hlagfl )ffl,T. 11 Phone 77 or 600 JIl'RRY TAXI NERVICK Under New Management Phone 341 Prompt Service -JlO-JylO EXCAVATING IIU,rlTIXO Svwer and CeasprKil Work llicino 42'4 Call at Nod E. Main Hi. FRANK MAIlTtV HOWARD Transportation Co. . STAGES' Ix-avlna; Klamath Falls 7:13 A. M 10:00 A. M 1 P. H., 4 P. it., maklna; ronnertlona lo Portlnml antl way point name, tiny. Connection at Aahlosiil Hilh Pickwick HtNgje tor 1'alU fornla pollil". 7: J B A. M. and 1:00 V. M. Stage mako dlret! through con ned Inns to Portland ud Seattle. 10:00 A. M. and 1 P. M. Hlngea inakn direct connection lo Baa Francisco and Lo Angolv. ' tWal Office 013 Main BL Phono 000 . YOUNG COAL & TRANSFER COMPANY y IHAMONI llRlglETS, l'llono 1007 Fir.t Methodist Church Tenth anil High HI. FRANK I W KM KIT, Minister' Residence, 1003 High St. "We 8peclallc lo Help ' fulnes."v Sunday Sorrlcos 11 s. m., 7:14 p. CHILOQUIN STAGES Leave Klamath Fall Dully fur Clilloquin and Intermediate points a follow!, :, s. m. 12:30 noon . 8:80 p. a, 7:30 p. tn.. Tase t a. m. bus to connect (or, - camps boyond Cbllog.ula. 0. S. KINO, , Owner . KXAMATILWEED 8TA0a and Intermediate points, L. K. V. 7:80 Ar. Weed It Lv, Weed 1:30 Ar. K. F, 8:00 8tages Leaving Stags Terminal Depot , 615 Wslo I ' - Vu. eiT7 sr ma atuvicr iwc j