r. Thursday, July 21, 1027. ' 'TIIR EVriSINfO HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Fly ' mmi ' U.' . 1 MALIN, July ' 2f. Mr.. ' Kiiiina Millar has returned lu tier hum In Klmnitth Valla after a visit of two ki will! hr daughter, Mr. O. W; Cooley. Mis rrtrl 0'f)y and Edward r. nail were united In marriage oh Saturday venlng at th homo of Iter. Miksowaka, who performed lh. ceremony. For th present Mr. aoJ Mb. Hall will mk lli.lr home with Mr. Haifa mother. Mra, O'Day. Woodrow Webber of Urania l'aa'. la spending evrl week with hla slater, Mra. Waller White. Mr. ' and Mra. frank Thallium and aon and family huva moved from Mails onto their homoatead. waul of Ilia river. Mia Iloao Marhart hfi returned to hir . boma In ' llerourn, Minn. MIm Machart seat nevnrnl raoalba with bar alatar. Mra, Anton I'elraMk. Mr. and Mra. frauk I'agyr and aon. frank)' spoilt wk visiting at ttclo. They toppcd at Corval lla on Ibalr trip. frank Paiyr waa on of laat yrar'a graduate of I lie Mailt) hlKli arhool and txpafU to attend O. A. C. nvat yer. ' j . Tha ball lama at Mdrr'lU 8unday aflarnoon blw tho KagI and Malln taani resulted In a victory for Malln. The score waa II. to I. Another farao will be played byj these leant whlrh will determine Whlrh Irain will be rhenipluua. Mra. K. A. Krrkara of Cottonwood !a visiting hrr ion, mil Ankllu, at bit boma on tho lake. A. Smith of Jilobur. California, baa moved, with hla family to Malln. when they will make their hums In tli future. They bare moved Into lha Worlow houae, after visiting wlth Mr. Hmllb'a daughter. Mra. John lteber and family. '- ' l.a Tern Johnann of Medford la visiting her. cousin, Mra. John Mc- Culley. i Mra. Rigor of MrCloud U spend ing several weeks wlih her parenla. Mr. and Mra. A. M. Thnmaa. Little Kvelyn Rigor la slaying with her graudparenta for tho auinmrr, j i. K. Illi by baa come to join Ml wife and Utile inn, who hare been vlalllng tome werka with Mra. Itlgby'a parenta, Mr. and Mra. J. r. Ileddy. Mr. Illgby mill be located here In buainraa. Curtla llliilna baa gone to (Straw, for an Indefinite period, j John Mlkaowakl and Joe llulousck returned Bunday from the llien training ramp at Vancouver, whore they have been for the paat ill Weeka. The boya are looking flno and report a worth.wbllo time.' Malln la growing rapidly ' thoao daya, two Dew bualneaa plarea Just being opened. The new bakery opened Tueeday, owned by Mr. Page. Tha bakery la located In the Rajnua building on Broadway. ' i Mr. Clyde Van Meter haa Inalalled a service elation at bla place, Van'i l'umpHtore. Tha Malln Cheeae factory la mak ing butter, lea cream and cheeae with tho truck gardena bringing vogotable to homo market. Wo are well auppllod with homo prod uct!. Hllaa Kllgoro of Clear Dam, waa bualneaa vlaltor In Malln Wed neaday. E. K. Parmer, proprietor of the Klamath Courier moved hla family to Morrill on Sunday. Mr. Cook of Hand la visiting for. few daya In Malln with frlonda. Mr. Mlnnla of (ho Btfnl Hwamp district railed In Malln Wednoaday to attend to. business matter, Mr. and , Mra, Vrana and Mr. Iroutuy and slstor-ln-Uw. Mra. Droubuy art vlaltlng with relative!, Mr. and Mra. I'oavar. EXTLOIT OP IMIOAT - PVTIXTO MOVIK IIKJtLtN. July 11. (A.P.) Capt. Taut ' Koonlg'a daring exploit of taking tho merchant anbmarlne "DeutKhland" Into Jlalrlmoro haT bor and back to Bremon during tho war,' doaplto the vigilance Of nilled aubniarln doatroyera, haa been put Into a movie. : Tho film, which bean tho title, "U. Deutschland,'', iwa twice Intordlcted by tho board of r) cmenaora, but bo flially been released bribe ehlet conaor. - Capt. Koenlg wn on the welcom ing committee which grooted Clar ence Chamberlln and Charloa A. Lorlne at Dromon on behalf of th North German: Lloyd, when the two ocean flier cmo to Uremfirhaven to nteot tholr wive. ., i i It 1 sometime! oaaJor lo step In to another man' shoe than It la to walk In thom.'1 Sympathy I like blond hlr; a lot ot It Isn't tho real thing. EAT .WHERE ITS T ' JCOOL y 1 Special Today Veal Chop - ; Drilled Toinatooi .- 1'ntatoea Oratln ; Salmon Baled I , 50c CLUB CAFE Sideshow ..) T.Z tTXWf' tn. .a- , , mm ii f'v A aiiectsrla not every vlalior to Allantlc City area waa the recent fire which laid waate a block Iwrderlnr on the boardwalk. Three peraona Injured, elxty made bomeleaa and a heavy monetary luea owro the flame' toll. Hi-re you ace firemen In action at tbe height ot tli blew. ......... At the Liberty Some of the algni which are to be aeen In the aaloon which playa a prominent part In "The Heart of the Yukon," allowing at tho Liberty 1 lira t re for Tburaday and Friday, will undoubtedly afford amuaement to all who eee Ihla fine picture of Maakun life during th time of the gold ruab. Th aaloon la owned by one "Caah" liynon. a man who Uvea up to hla name by figuring everything concerning hla life and toy In dol lar and cenla. It I her that much of th atlrrlng action tukes place. and the notice poatrd for the bene fit of th rah cuatoraer. wll no doubt afford plrture-goer aeveral chuckle. They are lime honored rlogana of tbe aaloon of the gold man day nd tbey add 'a vivid touch of realiam to Ibe Alaskan act ting. . r I'ncle Hiram and hla Country Wore with many new girt aur prlae are nwalilng you tonight, ao don't forrgt to bring your basket. HVUH W A LI-OIKS HOMK ,. , , IS TKACIIKIW .CULLKGE LONDON. (AP)' BtriwberrV Hill, 'nmoua aa the residence of Horace Walpole, ha been turned Into a Koman Calbollo training college for teacher. The opening ceremony waa per formed by Cardinal Ilourne. The now educational centre, which ha been named 81. Mary'a college, will provldo accomodation for 200 tu- dcuta. ' Strawberry Hill at Twickenham wa bought by Walpole In 1747. The Interior decoration and en largement by him are churchlike In appearance. Some of the nian lelplocca are repliraa ot tomb. One I of Inlaid marble, worth S00 pound even In the 18U) century. One celling la an extraordinarily tine copy of that In Henry Vile Chapel In Westminster Abbey. ' TOWX OKT8 IJGHTS . - .. AS .tVKDDI.NU 1'RKSKXT PAttlS. July 21. (AP) A wed ding present that didn't go to the married couplo I lighting the street of Courgenay, a little town In Auvergno, southeast ot bore. ; It is an electric atrvet lighting syiftem donated , by Dr.' Adolphe Ja- SUMMER PRICES QN WOOD , Buy your wlnlor'i supply of block-wood and green-slab at ) once,' whllo the price are at the bottom, FARMERS Also toek up for th year, at the bin or delivered. We 'deliver anywhere In the valloy 1 cord jumbo load. ot; the Atlantic City boardwalk - " y jrv-r- ' At the Pine Tree "Local color In spoken title. " Thl 1 one of the odd devlcei by whlrh Aulonlo Moreno, who la Bpanlah hlmaelf, act "Hpanlah" In "The Tempi ra." now showing at the 1'lne Tree for Thursday and I Friday. This new production filmed . from Vicente Illsro Ibanet' famous I novel of South America, Moreno nealre KnMnlRh In !! htm llna mm t "Itobledo," the South. Amtrlcan engineer. HI explanation I inter- eating. i "When an actor play a foreign role and apeak hla line In Kncllsii i It la plain to be aeen on the screen," aaaerla Moreno. "We Americana subconsciously are llp-rvader s are any other people In any other country. One ran watch actor peaking and practically tell what they are saying. "Hp when I'm ' suppoacd to be French I spealt French, and when I'm Spanish I speak Spanish." A a special attraction tor Fri day night eight act of Amateur Vaudeville will be presented for the second time many new fare, novel ties and a festuro-act that aro sure to pleaae you. val, whru bla daughter Sabine was married recently. The orlclualltty of the gift was bcltcm-d by BJe strings attached to It. Knowing the ways of officials bo mole It a condition that there should be no commission appointed to Invostlgato the matter, that no official, governmental or local, ahould Interfere in any way and that work ahould tie stuTlcd In a week after tha offer waa made. Conse quently, contrary to all precedent, the town waa lighted by eloctrlcltty within two week. It you Imagine that thl la a cold, unsympathetic world, tdl poo- pie that you havo a cold and listen , to , their lugKestlon. , ... . . , Will Sacrifice - a transportation ticket, good for $90.00 on any tailroad. Inquire at. HERALD OFFICE ' Kodak Guessing - h- Contest - Closes Six O'clock ' July 23d IS YOUl ilKSi4,V IX? Count tho spool " In our winduwl STINSON STUDIO MAY KING r , : 7aT.luiit ... A. Y.D. (At Your" Door) ' Industrial Supplies. THOSE 871 '.' . .""" KIIE.NCH TRY TO AUOUKII OLD rTIIIAL UY rOWON' , PA It 1 8, ' July IV (API -Trial by polaon.v an old tribal custom of French equatorial Africa. I official ly ab)!lahnd by r recent decree. ' Under thl ytem penon aocof ed of crime took polaon. If they showed n 111 effect they were con sidered Innocent. If they died they were conalderel guilty. Tor year tbe French authorities have tried to stamp oil this cu- tom weU otbcr brntaf ,nd dungerou practice. t' .' clcf two at era backward than (o'talfe one forward. r -j GLASSES; Fye Exsmi Fuied nd thi (jlasscs Ground in our oa ... , .factory tm jwr ,t , Mn tdtjl hlrrMmll. ' Broken Lenses Replaced : DR. COBLE'S . V -. 70 HAIN TSlET ... u ,4 .-.l,K OJ . Reed & Reynold? Real Estate ? Fire Insurance ... i'v;; We specialize 1 in ir rigated farms and. stock ranches. " 1036 Main St . 1 " KUxnaUi; tsvll; Ore. PERFECT, teth1 ' 'f ;;vf Every one cannot havo per fect tooth) ithat ta a bjttle Btattor that Is In thaTkands of naturo. ' - : No matter how goed, ,or how, poor your teeth (r4 fou should visit a cooscWtlous dentist two or three times each year, simply as, a health 1 n ' DR. PEAT. t Ai i t.! AfV "Dentlntry tVBh a . t Written (Juwanice" t Bugarman Bldg., Cth ft Main IIUITIHII JUHKIHTKKH llA('ll .HM.OUO I.NCOMKN IXJ.VIKJN. (AIM The maximum yearly Income of the great Hrltlah lawyera la 10,00, according to an eatlmato compiled by tha Lon don Evening Standard. Tula peak I touched at tha premnt time by only one barrlater, Hlr John Blmon. Hlr Douglaa Hogg, before becom ing attorney general,' waa closu aecond. Hlr John Blmon, however, la far ahead of 'the reat of 'the field ao far aa Income 1a' concerned. Hlr Edward Clarke' beat year waa 1 100.000. Norman Blrkett. William Jowltt and Stuart Bevtaa are placed la th next rank of barrtatem. Tho: Income of the) celebrated barr'.alera aro aald to be hardly earned. It I aald that for the aame effort they could have earned much more In bualneaa. LONDON HIIII'PINO HIIOWH IIIU IXCREAHE ron VE-tll LONDO.V. (A.P.) During the f Il eal year Jnt ended the London port handled more traffic than ever bkpre, tbe total tonnage being , SS.IIP, compared to 47.0C4.000 la 12J. . It U eatlmaited that 1,000 ablp of all else pas Graveeend every 21 hour. Londofi' network of dock, wbarve , and warehouse spreads over 50 mile of river bnk. Vlf tually 60.000 men 'are reglatered dock worker. " ' '' " ... r ,. - , - , If a woman Isn't quite nre of her husbaoi she always adVertl far a- plala oooav-v.-v -. !- - ".-. I - . 4l Main St7 CLEANING- PRESSING WorK called tor and ( W&delwered.r ,';,.! Klamatk Clfaning r '& Dye-Work T? Phene 40J. rw w-. SatHsCiledl InveGtovQ 4 - m. ' in r ' 1 (A) A MTVl.li COMSoVMV The California Oregon Power Company; lit LLKHVHTH TO IHH'O'H - -Ji TO I'l.KAKK THJJ HIE JVC II I'Aitis, jmy :i,- Xfr--rBuir flghllng eeem In a fair way tli kill tii kill ok tii Dries ns Itarlf lu Krance, The public putting to-denth animal In the "Corrida" at Orl recently stirred opposition. (Vheni one of lb bull mistook a dress ra- .1 pr , This Magnato1-. . TmW i. lo:. ms iiimh good engine bettor Th fact . that mar than a half-million "Z" Engine are in ns 1 proof enoegh of the satisfactory service, they are rendering. But now. equi pped with a Rotary High Tension Magneto of Fair banks -Morse owa make that asaiares a hot, fat a park that make easy atarting a reality Z" En linn are - more idptndtbtt than tvtrl - - Tbe "Z" Engine i tbe only engine of its type that is Phone J ,- ft '-" ;it!.t,"tt!v..'. :t.. !'' -, '"' -..-1 I 5'J V?li '.""''t. .More than 3000 Preferred Shareholders . - . . 1 . j. j . TTHacuStt ". i si r t a ' 1 Steadily accumulatiiJg dollar on dollar by regular saving '., ,. uid investment, the practitioner of thrift feels secure in the ( ' M 1 knowledge of a comfortable balance Id the bank, and a , yxauy income limn paiiiiiiiniL iuvnunui.T., ,.r . . . l. ., , .. . . 5. More than 3,000 preferred shareholders of The Califor nia Oregon Power Comparer know this, feeling of security. " Moct of them are numbered among our 25,000 customers, " and are satisfied writh their investment as they are with the ..r .. dependable utility rervice. they receive. - Their .mony goes directly into permanent, useful public utility properties. - ; " It is easy to become a preferred shareholder in this ' ; u progressive public utility As small a sum as $10 a month, 1 ' , a . systematically puc Dy unaer our moniuiy investment plan, will enroll you as a' ' satisfied investor. '-. ' ' " ' "A copy of this 16-page book, describ-' , ing and illustrating the properties of . : The California Oregon. Power Company, , ; ! will be sent to you' on request, together . ;with complete information about invests ' .' 1 ment in the Company's preferred shares. . -i v drF!CE$,v' Kkdibrd,Grantj Pasj , Roseburj . 10math ., JiDuiumuirrCslifcri - --- ..i4 J Vl bearaal for the teal thlnnij' gorfJ ed the Spaalah matador CaJqultd there waa further Indlgnstioh. i The real thing la bulltr1irjrtng 1 forbtdilvn In France but It 1 . that enforcement sf the law In the avmn naa oium oeen very im .MUf . I hare thought buIl-fUbUug would dla lh. Jt, ... 1 1 e 1&m .! 61- . ".". -rH? t . - , ... fi'.-. -ir equipped with a Rottrr High. Tension Magneto. Thi mag, ,. , neto la l-oiling-i dust- ' proof and rust-proof. Due to volum production --aae the : fact that thi magneto ia made . by Pair banks-Id orsv yoa ea .' have the. -2? with tii urmr magneto at . no Jacsc - i r . . price., .t. . 1 '.,'-ii Let yoar next cr.in hav -thi dependable ignition. Came lo and let n (how yea r .' ' tn l in operauon. 371 1.1 r2 A .J.-.i f r t . if. t V f j.r.' t ,'f', "v...;-. I.-'. " w ........ t s !- Eall - Otcgon l' ' ' - :t i m 1 , it; Klnmnth Falls 07 Mslo Phone. JJ!