Voliu'H(lav,-.?uly 20, 1927. TUB EVENINfl HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' Pa ere Nine cov MARKET PLACE Rumors of Injured I Are Are Dispelled SARATOGA LAKH. K. V Jul)- 0 I A T.I Circumstantial evidence liu vorjr nearly couvlcted Jurk Itempaey nf an Injured left arm only lhr day before the friihinr heavyweight champion muat utty llul highly poieut weapon Inlo rum hat villi Jurk Hliurkry lu, tho Yankee, ied: uiu. y llul a single inula willies, a bulky Icaihir aumlhng of 2up pounds, heft, slowly, turned i hal tered fuco tn Jury of newpaaper. mnu In I ho renter ot Jack train ln. ring au.l lb eharg of serious Injury hud to bo dlamlaaed. Offle lul denial that Dempaey had 'suf fered such a IiIIkIiI lo hi Cham n( conquering III Boston Mllur man Thuraday iiIkIiI mlghl b In correct, but Hutu was no denying Ihn rv4dtico offered In Jack's behalf by I ho hauli-M bag alter Ilia wirk am yoaterdsy. , ,-rceroIy an hour after Jack, dur Itil seven round workout, bud linaahed I ho bug (or six who lo niln niri with aerie or Ml book and vicious right rroaac that "iu the hl aack flying almoat to lh co'l ln, ruiimr spread through llio ramp that an injury to Dempaey' l.-M arm bad rauard lbs lay pff In train ing over I ho paat week-end and had brought about tha framer tllle-hold-rr'a auddf-a defialou evral duya ago' to do no mora box In g hefor Ih Hliarky melee. Manager Leo 1'. Flynn admitted I ha arm waa "sore" and Ihe crate fur facte wa on. Tha dual explanation waa thla: Several ilaya aio, llrmincy, In pro tecting hlmaclf from tha hostile ad vancea n( sparlrtig partner raualil several hlnwa on bla loft arm. A slight soreness developed and Jack 'a hunillcra, following a procedure Ibey alwaya employ In treating alllt mus cle, bathed th arm lu Hiam.iit and bandaged It lightly to protect bla clolhlni. .The bandana Itself had no mora significance than, the soft rotlon stocking on thorough bred borne. 1 4 - 4 llul on or I ho ramp personnel, on (rabbin JarVa arm playfully Sunday nlrhl, fill tho bandages; Iho whisper passed from man lo man for. a day and finally Into full blown rumor after yeslerriay'e work out. Hut tha way Jack had alam mod, that hag hortly before ruined tho alnry. - .;t J s . Although he worked wlih. no par ring parlnora, Iompaay yeaterdsy abowad tha , nawapapormt-n ' mora power. aivaKenpH and apecd than at any time In (ha training grind. Kor the flrnt liwe' In thre weoka of training here. Jack appeared to barn regained a good . d-al of h!a old lime apoi'd nf apt. . Pempaey'a training hero enda to day with a hirt limbering ork otit. Iln v III Iravo (pr Ni'W York by train lomorow., TOW AND A. r..." July 20; (A. IT.) Th ?nten(lnn of ,Mr. Kllaa geib Wltloia la that In ItU when a bride aha loaned her huahnnd. ten a hrJrk layor,- $37,000 which ho goon turned Into million, earn lng IJ79.O0O In ona year alono'at New York eonlrartor.' Bha" 1 aoeklng to li.ive her dlrorco got oalde 011 the gronnl that ah ob tained U frnuduleuily at hli Inall atloa. - STAGES TO ALL POINTS 326 New Phone Number New Reduced Rates New Location 8th & Klamath Ave. 1 "Tim Huiialilup Itoute" tRECKLES AND y ' : ' '7"""y'''"7 Z7 tfW '-I Bf57trU AAJV7MIM6 t-"Y ',''' f -fj ' , k ML WtLajMAMsA PAy I' I ", ' ,i f AKOM AUVJAVS SAID , ) Ato.A&iMkr? K V K ( r cxr? Il ZJSSUCUAMW i 'W Iff ("mm-1 iV Ell RAISERS SEEKING RELIEF WAMIIN'flTOX. July 1. (A P.) Jlrlefa In auipnrt nf and In op poaltlnn tit tha pi'llllnn of Pacific enailt cherry grnwera for an la rVeaae nf f If I y percent In I he tiirlff rale on Italian rherrlea wru fllod today wllb Iho tariff cninmlaalon. Hacking up Ita roqucat for the maximum Increnwt allowed by law, (he growera rnnlendod that the domnatlr cherry " r it I f Ilia) Iho reiiilre mnnta for and la an actual and pot ential ciiinpptltor l'h Imported 1 hrrrlca (or all Mnraarhlno pur poaya." They aaanrled Hun price harrlera are now withholding from Ihe dnin eatlr growera, douiiaic uiarkota 'n which they had hcn en lit led to compete. The Nation il Treaervar'a Aaaoclatlon, reprcaentlng 26 eaaleru mauufacturera of Maraachlno lype chrrrlea, opwlng the lucraaae, rharged Ilia weatern growera wore aneklng lo have the rouiiiilaal.in create an artificial market fur Hinlr churrlcD, "an Hint Hi public and Iho trade will he forced lo ua Ihe large and weatern cherry deapite tbe ea labllahed demund for the llallan fruit." It waa ubvioua, the aaaoclfttloii brlof doclared, that Ihe weatern growera could not aupply the de mand ' now ealallng. without de voting aeveral yeara lo the develop ment of a cherry comparable In alio and toatur with the Italian. Nicaraguan Fight Still Continues WAKIIIMiTON. July JS, IA.P.) The fighting al Ocotal, Nicara gua, wher three hundred followera of (ieneral 8ndlno were reported kllh d.,' continued today to be the auhject of ' agitation at the conven tion nf the I'nn American federation of labor, deaplte the explanation from the-'atale department that the Amarlrjl t tinea Involved were the ohjena of attack by bandlia. t'olncldent with receipt of offici al reporta from Hear Admiral Sel ler, commanding American naval detachmenla In Central American walera, pralalng the conduct nf the marlnea and Ihe Nlraraguan govern ment troop engaged, dnlegatea from Ihe central American republic drew up revolution at the labor rnmreaa Baking that organltatlon lo go on record agalnat "the pre ence and gctlvltle of the I'nlled Ktaloa marine corn In Nlvaragua." The reaolutlna urged Trealdent Coolldge to order American with drawal Immediately. .WASHINGTON. July 19 (A.P.I High commendation for the conduct of American marlnea and their air farces and the Nicaraguan guardla national waa contained In the first offb'lal navy report made public to day on the battle at Denial between.! the marlnea and the force of (ion cral Handino, The report, forwarded by Admir al il. 8. Sellers, commander of the American squadron In central Amer ican water, said that Private Char lea Sydney fiarrlsnn, who waa wounded, atlll was In a serious con dition, hut "doing well" with hope of recovery." "LEYDE.N, Holland, Julyn. 20. (A. P.) "Miss Louise Van Huron" is bo atuil law and literature ot the .university here In the fall. Princes Jullnns will register under that Unmn. In I r . II ! , mrtnt mmmrv ). irtrt lli- i lllt, tkorlal ? ! mm4 h rt mil r msb I rBMt. HIS FRIENDS 'II 1 NEWS NOTES OF BEATTY riEATTV, July 20. (Spoclnt lo Th Herald) Jeaa Parker of Illy apent moat of Hunday at Ileatly Iwiklng for men to work In the hay field. He repoilg aplvndld crop. Frlende of Mra. Q. N. Anderaon of Med ford will regret to bear of her critical lllnnaa at the family home. Her dauxMor. Mr, frank SchiiilU. of Ileatly. and on. O. T. Anderaon, wore called to her bed aid on Hunday. Her condition how alight improvement. The baaeball game between Ileatly and Deary, held at lle:itty, proved a victory for Dc-atly with a acorn of 13 to 7. Thla la th flrat game that Ileatly hua won, but the. player declare It will not be the laat. Henry Hotcbklna. well . known rancher of the Bprague river dis trict, tranaacled busllieaa in Klain alh falla on Tuesday. Hatnmle tlodnwa and 8yveater Weiaer were hualneaa' vlaltora Hi Klunialh Kalla during the it week. ' Tbe homo of Charley McCumbor waa robbed during the paat week, a number nf valuable, tblnga were takM. During th pt few week a number of bnmea In thla aeciion have been broken Inlo. Iloeda. Frank Wolford to Donald Cum pugna, Itaymond Krouf. et al: l-ot 9. Hlk. 67 Second Hot Springs, r atrlrted). D. F. Could to II. K. Hanger: lAlt 12-11. Hlk. 9 nuena Vl.l.i Addn. K. V. 'I The K. IJ. Co.. to Theo. If. Phll Ipp: Wli lllock 1-A Dixon Addn. K. F. T. II. Weal fall, et ux to Ceorg niehn:. Lot 4. lllock 19 4 Hot Spring. . A. !.. Wlahard et ux to F. M. Lawrence; Ixit 7, Block 7 Altamon! Acrea. ' 1 Sheriff to. Klamath county: Tax deed In cauae F-239: (0 parcel hid In by county.' iDnta on re q neat I. ' 0 I III FAm'os 40 Yefi?s old !!;!i;i;vT 'tue old soak" , NE W , T,OD A Y 4- WANTKH (lood. rellabU atrp-l aellera. (tfill at Herald (fl,r. WA.NTKD- Iloueework. looklnk or maid. No ohjectlona t eenntry. 44 Main iff." I'honc 1013. .J'l-Z." FOIl HUNT 2-room apAtment, alao private bath. Private en trance. MX High W. 20-22 I.OHT Ituat color -winter coal, brown fur on collar anil cuff. I.oat near Clly l.lmlla Service Station. Picked up by man 1.1 Ford truck.' IS 00 reward. He tural to li'wald Office. - 2u I.OHT- Hoy Scout outfit, army and red and green ch kd lilaiikois, Sont uniform, atc llevrjrd. Call Herald ufflca'..'..'. 20 WA.NTKD - High echoed ' girl or oiherwlae to watch, children and do light housework. Moderate! wage. Phone wr. rtoiii.-. VI FOIl SALE Tranaportatlon ticket good for 9U on any road. Will sell at aacriflce. Call at The Her ald Office. ' 2li-!l-23-2f-2.7-26-27-2Spd LOST AND FOUND FOI'NII Elks tooth, back. Call 1068-W. letter UlST Elks Tooth No. 1247. II ward. Phone 9S or leave at Her ald. 12-20.' FOR RENT IIOOMS 920 Lincoln. Phone 697-W. U2-J20-Jy20 FOIt RENT New 2 room house, lit. 00 month. Close In. Pbont 144-J. 423 Plum. S4-J2-IC FOR RENT KurulaL.d apartment. Reduced rates. Vt'o-y Apia. S. . Muln. - , , . '.' 1S-2S FOIl KENT -One room, double bed with bath. One man $'.0U per week. two. men l,0 per week, l'hooo 9.1:J. . . ; .19-22 Foil KENT 4 room - and bath bouse on south end Oregon Ave. Range, linoleum, shade. .A mighty good location for tho money. 30. Phune 205-W.' . .20-21-22 Out Our Way , 60OO SOFFERiM GOSV4?' SOCH DOMBMieS JiS -TH CPOvcjQ IM - He GOES'Kl GMS A &itW MlOOV-b AGtD Win a NiKiKiv Krinm fnoWJ w AWW ff?OM r-UMs X K77 auk FOR RENT Foil I1F.NT Flrat claaa furnished I apt., alaam healed. McCarthy- A 30 Pine. Phone 800. 1 4 If I nun iik!iT-i.,mim aninnu-nr. ilniii aleeplnx room at klo Oak Avo. Iminlre () Oak St. 15-21- Villi HK.NT 3-room houae and ga- ragn newly furnished, block, from V.. Main, 1 block from Mills.! school. Price 120. Call 2t"-lt. j ls-20 FOK HENT Sleeping room, cloee! In; - Private balb. Phone. Two blocka from new high school site. 112S East St. Phone 1037-W. 95-2S-30 FOK HENT Furnlahed court apt. I rooms anl bath, electric range, but water, garage. - 1C15 plaoade. Phone 794-W. 7S-J2-J2 r FOR RENT We can tava yott big money at the Arcade Hotel Apart ment, furnished completely, elec tric ranges, linen, d.shes and tele-; phones. Or rooms with private balbs at real cut rates to per manent guets. Arcade. May 9 -June 1 FOU RENT 5-room modern bouse, completely furnished and on pave ment 'with gaud garage. Rent reasonable to good tenants. 4-ltOOM modern house with furni ture, located on Paelfle Terrace ' for sale with small cash down and balance in monthly install- nienis. NICE NEW HOUSE close to pave - ment, three rooms, well arranged and . modern. Priced at I1900 with small cash oavment. This la nn nnnortitnitr to own nice I home at small cost. TR1-STATES REALTY Phone 1050 Raltors .1134 .Main FOR RENT Neat two-room fur nished apt. Free IlKht and water. ' 1 $25 month. 4101- Alameda. Phone G2U-. ...... .. 19-21 aiftwi ej i ck LfoLoov rr-iru' cj& Pirf Tea inTh BOTTiu AW' bC ME RED rM uic, wnst --t -'I . -"K O. VI A ., . ,rN I 2 ' - ' A WANTED WANTKI l.awn work, Phone 247-J. WANTED 2-ton pneumatic tire true. v Dai nav you ; IIOX ntf WA.NTKD- Eugllah l.-aaou. by tier- nun iMab n ln.lv 'ull k'vin. Apt. No. . CONCRETE WORK Phone Tom, the Mixer, 1 IS1-W. Tbo. Phllip acn. 24 I'lum. 3S-J21-Jy21 WANTED :oo lawn mowers lo j sharpen. Call W. Chaatain, 1232-1 J. 1S-2.1 IF VOr WANT the beat of land acape done, we have bad 'four yeara of experience In Klamath Fall, and ran give you the beat of reference. Call W, Chpalaln. Phone 1 21 J- 1 I MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE WORK WANTED- Ka-! timate furnished. No Job too . large or too small. Phone 1T'-T.' A. C. Johnson. 105-11 21 WINDOW CLEANING Floor wax ing, houae cleaning acd Janitor service. Reference. Af. M. Rboads. Phone 1056-W.. 107-2-tf For Sale Automobiles TRAILERS FOK SALE Hoy Call, Auto Co. New and uaed parts, i 727 Commercial, near 6th. 1X-23 FOR SALE White Chevrolet bug. good mechanical condition, five good tires, 125. Call at Apt. 2, St. Francis Apt., 2S Oak St.. after 6 p. m. FOR SALE 1 Lit model Maxwell coupe. run 7000 miles, license ...$37S 1 1U24 Master Hoick sedan. A bargain $773 1 Chevrolet Sim lAiirinr 11 IT. Nl Overland roadster ...$! 41) 1 Late 2-Door Ford sedan 1275 1 Late 4-Door Ford sedan 1275 1 192(1 Olds coach. A dandy buy. Deluxe model ..$750 1920 Essex coach. New tires $4 75 We. hava mauy, nwe.to select, from. I ... Liberal terms. ROY CALL'S VSED CARS St-e Walt Abbey Sill and Pine St. Lot Phrwie 334 FOR SALE FOIl SALE gon Ave. -Furniture, 1427 Ore-15-21 -IFOR f S2J SALE N. Kth. Furniture. Cheap. 19-2U SALE Uerman Police pup . pedigreed. Selling out, $35 t pl pups for $la. Small payment will hold one. Kennels Pelican Road. 19-21 RESTAURANT SUPPI.IESI have bought all equipment ot the Klamath Cafe, located at 808 Main street, and tomorrow will open sale on same, consisting of chairs, tables, counters, coffee nrn. waier cooler, range, dishes, refrigerator, etc.. at bargain prices, and will be at location July 20th and 21st before mov ing out unsold articles. It you need a two-oven r.inge, better look thla one over. F. M. Lucas, Hardware and Furniture.. 19-20 For Sale Real Estate FOIl SALE 4-room modern house, hardwood floors. Small payment will handle. See Oliver at 120 N. 7th. 19-20 FOIl SALE 5-room modern house, fireplace, also garage, 18x18 con crete driveway. $1500 required. Balance $27.00 per month. - See Fred Leonettl at the' Togge'rv. 19-20-21 FOR RENT-w-4 room and bath house on pavement, handy . to Fairview school ami shipplngton bus line. Garage, range linoleilji and shades. $35. Phone 205-W. 20-21-22 By Blosser 1K-2.1 ; jaic ixrat uiat lleforence. t , FOIt KAI,K Apartment house in Medford. Will trade for Klam ath proporiy. w. A. Turner at I -akcoili, Lninb.r Co. 19-25 y' 1 1 MAI,KS-foom modern hnm cnmWMy t,nniZ? , ln.. ,Tn: . .. Don hie garage. Phono 16.H-J. l-22 FOIt 8AI.E- New 4 -room modern bouse, partly furnished. Close In and near school. IZ.'.o rash, bal ance llk rent. Inquire P. O. Hog 1102. i.2u FOIt SALE Oil KENT 1 acre, modern bouse. Just outside city limits or 4 acres, bouse, chicken bouse and rabbitry. Call or write R. Vance Hutching. 22-20-tf FOK SALE Snmmer cottage it Lake of the Wdods. Hour 11x21, well built and finely located, to gether with new boat and Johnson motor; all In fine shape. All for I Hon. For particular call at Her ald office. 15-21 1 157a Fine 3-room house on pave ment, large lot, garage. A anap. Terms. 12300 A new 4-room home close to pavement: hardwood floora, nook, bulltla bath, garage, base ment, etc. . A real bargain. 1400 Beautiful 4-room home on 'corner lot, close in; hardwood 'floors throughout, nook, base enient, garage. fireplace, etc' Terms. 13800 will buy a fine new 3-room home, completely furnlahed. Breakfast room, dandy bath., full basement, cement floor, etc. On pavement.' Terms. ' A. A. RELLMAN Sc CO. 120 N. 7th St. . Phone IS 19-21 RANCHES FOIt SALE 30S ACRES nnirrigaled, sheep ranch, k mile south of Matin. House, barn. $3000. 300 ACRES 130 cultivated. Water for irrigation, fenced. $20.00 per acre. Excellent front on Klamath river. - s , 70 . ACRES Meadow Lake, house. j . barn, garage, sheds, hunkhouse. fine corral, 2 wells, fuel timber. $10.00 per acre. Good livestock ranch. Lots ot adjaj-ent ' range. Will exchange for improved near- liv nraiurtv SO ACRES Cregan ranch, nnirrigaled,- 3 mile from Klamath Falls, near Weyerhauser west side mill site. $3200, to close an SQUAW POINT, on Upper Klamath Lake, adaptable for summer re sort or lodge. Excellent lake frontage. M KS. L. B. HAGUE 210 Willlts Bide Phone 227 Insurance Loans Realty 20-23 DON'T FAIL TO SEE FAIR ACRES SUD-DIVISION If In terested In rlnao-ln Iracta fin. sandy soil, a commanding view of the city, lake and valley.' Natnral drainage and no alhala.. plenty ot irrigation water, wonderful oppor tunity for nroritletinn of herrlea. vegetables and poultry. Located 14 miles from city. Price $300' per acre; 30 down, balance $4.05 per month which Includes 6 Interest on deferred payments. SELAK & TRACY Realtors -609 S. 6th, St. Phone 969 BUSINESS PROPERTY ' Lot 50x120. improved with new frame store building 30x40; also small new dwelling that rents for . $22.50 per month. This property is well located in choice residen tial section ot Klamath Falls and offers an unusual opportunity lor a good business location and can be purchased for a short time ut much less than It Is actually worth. Price $2O0.00, small pay ment down, balance like rent. SELAK & TRACY Realtors 609 S. 6th St. . Phono 96? 20-22 HAVE YOU TWELVE HUNDRED BUCKS CASH? If you haven't it Is too b.d, for ' that is what it iiikes to handle this house. 1 rooms and bath, new lawn, youni; shade trees, one block from California Avenue pave ment, on graded street, rood garage. . Owner built this last year to ' ' live in but has to leave account altitude. Tola! price $2100. $1200 down " ' and balance to the building snd loan. A lot les than rent. The best snap no far "ihls sea son, and the time for snaps Is about over. It cost more than the selling ' price to build this house and the lot I a good one. - - arc u eT nrr Ci M. L, 404 Ma'n Ot. JOHNSON Phone 205-W 20-21-21 Vn, f!I?.T y-e inc. - v ,