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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1927)
PACE TWO THE EVENtXG HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' Wodnowlnv, July 20. 1927. ANOTHER STATE N BUILDING LOSTOF LEGION IN LA GRANDE v , 8AI.KM, Ore.. July 20. (An The Ural reaction of atate govern Inent to the results of the special election bf Jans IS, when the state Incotnti tax and other flnancl-il measures e re def ealed, wait yes terday l n tba alat.v board of run (rol refused to proceed with the eonstraclloa of . the numes' home at tba aula shnspltal-tor which tho laat legislature appropriated 1S. 000. This action alto ia a reflection of the supreme court decision of Uat wee kholdlng that tba state could jioL construct a new office building with fund of the atate Industrial accident commission be cause It would throw the state in debt over 50.000. This, it was held, would be anconatltutlonal. t Under present eondlUora at the atate hospital it la necessary to give Uursea and attendants lodging quar ter In the main building. If the new building were constructed It would be possible to hous at least US more patients in the main buUdlng.' Dr. R. E. Lei Stoiner. superintendent of the hospital, pre dicted that both the Salem and the Pendleton hospitals would be crowd ed to . capacity by the end ot II months. For tbe .same reason that the Burses' home was turned down by tb board it 4s probable that the board will not go ahead with con struction of the new- state tuberru- NG E GUARS LA OltANDE, Ore.. July !0. (AD Tbe advance guard of Iho atate American Legion convention l com ing to La tlrande today and this evening, with the arrival of atate and national officials, bocomo, the "Capital" of the l ulled Stales as far as legioanairea are concerned. Thla evening, eevorted bv lrn dletoa veterans disguised us r punchers, national commander How ard Paul Savage, of Chk-agQ. will arrive. In his party also will be the chief wrecker cf the 40 et 8 society. Charles A. Mills, of Miami. TV., and other national legion of ficials. Ex-Conimnnder James Uraiu and John R. Quinn are also reported enroute to La Grande. The state . officials, headed by Commander Arthur Murphy ot Port land, will come in tonight aud the women auxiliary leaders are to id In i measure by apiOUaltona of J radium and other treatments. TIm'Ii Iho weakening nature, of hla llluea ! would bo demonstrated ami the' royal luilleiit would ugutn be furml to bed. I . ruuslil Willi .IU.k. i One of the lunt u'ts of Verdi j naad's retgu aa lo bring uIkmii t He creation of a government under tlx' PrultiiniM. whom . bn truHted uuil who. with him. were Inllui'ntltil awiiiKiug Ituuianla into the world war on tho side- ot tbe allies an uct in which- Ferdinand flung him self against hl owu k n. tor lie was a lloheuiollern. Only a tew weeks ago Premier Avereacu. o whom dictatorial dreams were credited in aome cir cles, was removed from the head of the government aud a more in clusive government was formed un der I'riiu-e Stirbey. one of the rlcb est Kumunians and long favorite at court, to hold the reins until the Bratlnnos were ready to step into power again. Those who know Rumania are quite unanimous in the conviction that the regency for Prince Mich ael. Carol's six-year-old son, will rnle as provided by law aud that there Is almost no possibility of Carol ascending the throne. His friends in Kumania are tew ana i -T .... - KINU AMI Ol rKS' OI'KN NKW ItKdKNT UTIIKKT arrive this afternoon. ib time for I between, it ia said, and certain-1 ly are not strung enougn io impose him on the country. Nor has there , been auy indies I Ion that Carol cares to some back home. That .bp Is not wealthy and that be doea not! 1. Avu AnA k.n.'. Kit t ,Kf hA I executive sessions tonight. .This party will Include: Mrs. Anna Hershner. state president, ot Hood Rirer: Mrs. Wable Mclnturff. secre tary -treasure r. of Marshfleld; Mrs. Rose Wilcox, vice president, ot An telope. Mrs. A. B. Beats, national vice president ot the northwest dis trict, is due hero tomorrow. loeis hospital at The Dalles for rlvfd bere ,hu ornillB. mak,B which i about 1160.000 baa been ep- , , f tMr ropriated. A proposed Industrial Cr,n!e n tfuclts.: building at the atate hospital and Although two new $300,000 ho- htrildlngs at .other state Institutions,, nnder tomltructlor,t wll, not but likewise fall by the wayside. ' Whether the new state normal achool at La Grande tor which over 1200,000 has been appropriated, will DO constructed at once may depend on action of the board of regents Of normal schools which Is to meet at the atate house today. 'At the Liberty ' Hlslrolc scenes In "Across the Pacific," starring Monte Blue, show ing at the Liberty tor the butt times today 'were re-enacted during the 'filming of that picture on the very pot where they -actually took place, 83 years ago. 1 "Across the Paclfk" is a melo dramatic historical spectacle adapt ed from the - OhaTles D. Blaney story. It deals with the insurrec tion In the Philippine Islands, which fallowed the Spanish-American war, in epio style. Agutnaldo, the leader of the insurrectionists, - who beld out against tbe armies of bae United Slatea for two years, was landed In the United States after bis cap ture at old Port Jjoa Angeles. This settlement no longer exists, the . very Jong pier iwhkb marked it having . been destroyed by . a tidal wave several years :ago. This tact was learned not from tbe his tories, but from the father o Ross Ledermann, tbe assistant director, iie &ad witnessed the landing of Agnlnaldo at Port Las Angeles 23 wears ago. -. Prom there tho rebel chciflnin was taken to Washington, where he took - the oath of allegiance. .He has since played considerable role in. Filipino politics and la still alive in Manila. Charles Stevens plays the part ot Agulnnldo. Thursday night, Uncle Hiram and bis - country , store siss many new surprises In store (or you; -don't ails It, . be able to accomodate any of the visitors, members of the homing committee believe that arrange ments hsve been made to care for tbe expected 3.000. About bedtime however, some of the veterans will be forcibly re minded ot the beetle days of 1917 and 1918 when they find that In stead ot feather beds, army cols and regulation blankets will be' is sued. But there won't be any cooties on band, local legionnaires promise, and La Grande hasn't seen my mud in weeks. ' Final preparations tor tbe "big jam" are being made -today. Con cessions are blossoming forth over tbe business district and the last of the decorations are being placed. Even tbe rush of the Hungry Seven Band.. torty-eiKblers from Portland has been anticipated and extra help has Does 'em ployed in all mess hajfchi. " At the Pine Tree Markets -.PORTLAND, Ore.. July 80, '(A. P.) Cattle and calves steady; no changes; receipts, cattle 100; valves, ten; cars. six. Hogs steady unchanged. Receipts (10 direct. - Bheap . and lambs, steady un changed. Receipts, 35 sheep. ' Butter:. Standards He up: but terfsbnp V4c Extra cubes city 40: standards . 38 H; prime firsts 37; firsts 35; creamery prices; prints 3c above cube standards. Butter fat 3Hc Lo.b. Portland. ' Milk He hlgber. Raw milk, 4 percent 2.25 cwt. f.o.b. Portland. ..Ergs 2 to 3c hlgber. Current receipts 2!c; fresh medium 24c; fresh standard firsts 20; ditto ex tras 28. .Poultry: Light hens 1c lower; broilers up 2c; Pekln ducks down 2c; heavy hens steady. Less 5 per cent commission; hesvy hens 2 IB 23c; light 1IH 013: springs 18; broilers 18fJ19r Pekln white ducks 18; colored nominal; turkeys alive, nominal. Onions steady; local 2.25 3.00. r Potatoes steady at 3.004 3.50 cock. ' . The vaudeville showing at tbe Pine Tree tor the last times today has indeed proved A rare treat for the Pine Tree patrons. Knss'Bcri lo and brothers, in rings and things, acknawldged the leading exponents of (lying rings, performed aensa tianal feats that places them In a class ot their own. Joan Fa ley. in the ."Surprise Girl" In tier oddity comprised of dancing and piano' work was a very pleas ant attraction. Iter personality is charming-, to say the least. Alsace and LorraAe's . presentation ot a brilliant musical specialty, from Opera to Jazz, featuring tbo "Al sace A'folin," with' a human voice was well received by the audience.- . The Lynne slaters, ayncopaUrs of harmony, renedered several splen did numbers and won for them selves the title they carry. Mun sey -brothers - presented a sensa tional vehicle whici constituted a combination. In roller akating feats that excels any duo of this descrip tion yet presented here. On the screen, Irene Rich and Ooowar Tearle, -in "My Official Wife," a drama of pre-war - Russis with a vodka kick, wasa splendid screen play, enacting many scenes of the Russian-Austrian war. Thursday and Friday, tbe Tsmp- ! tress" featuring Anionic Morena will be tbe feature play and as a Friday special, tbe second presenta tion of the "Amatcur-Nite" witi many new local acts, in songs dances. Instrumental and a bit of comedy, will hold many surprises for you. Rumanian King Dies This Morning (Continued From -Page One) of the Balkans.". whom his parental discipline had sent into exile. From time to time tbere were in dications that the physician's battle was having some -MecCi and" the cancerous condition seemed alleviate P'Palaiity of knute lloekw's untiiii-r arhoul football omrves and i-u. largrmenl of the trttrraiu by tit fauHMts Kn Jlauie mentor, prompted htiu to appoint aa iulln(, Paul J. HehitMk'r lTt), liml lootliMjl eoavh at Orvtron AjiricalluroJ Colti-ire, Him km will handle elmut work aad ticbinaler will bo ou the Held. KcIkmiIs will hr cosMliictnl next Minuner In the .. mthll west, south anil fartwrvt. Tbo 4rlurr allow them togvtber at CUrvalUa, after twu waeh ot football wrhiMil nork. woik. every one knowa. but that he has sufficient sources of Income lo live a leisurely lite near Paris Is obvious to all who have observed bis comings and goings at the French capital. To all appearances he Is quite content with things sa they are. Opposed lo larol. -The Bra llanos and their party! candidates won aa overwhelming victory In the recent elections to parliament and the Bratianos. now' strongly entrenched In power, are solidly opposed to Carol as is Prince Stirbey, who with them form a lit tle group ot the richest and most powerful men in Rumania politically and economically. What Queen Marie, who for years has been better known to the world than her more retiring hus band, will do in European politics nw , nh, 1st retired from the throne. Is a question which already ' is being thought of. Whether she will be as influen tial in international affairs witn the regency ruling aa she was shar ing the throne, with Ferdinand is the problem. A woman's Idra of a good ron- rersulionalist Is . . whg.:.eao think of something to say when she pauses for a second to regain her breath. . . . . Too Late to Classify WANTED To buy some second - band (urnlture for ranch: also a good cream separator. Call 73-.M. , 2-:i FOR RENT Completely famished apts., garage, new building, jnst oft main on Broad. Rex Arms. Phone 111. " J20-A2O FOR 8ALE Fine corner. 105x85 ft., opposite new blgb school. Lawn, flowers, trees, garden and old 3-room house. First class site for good home, apartments, fists or bungalow court. Full price only 32100. Terms 1300 rash. balance easy monthly payments. WARD t DALE Realtors - , i 724 Main St. 20 FOR, 8ALE Ninth street modern home, six rooms, garage, cement driveway, full basement, furnace, paving all paid. 15500. Take 12000 cash, balance terms. For ' appointment call 927-M. 20 EYE OPENERS $800.00 New, well-built 3-room house, close in, near school. 1150 down and 820 per month. 81100.00 New, modern home with garage, large lot, close in, near school. 8200 down. TRADE Good car wanted as part payment on choice 5-room fur nished home In Hot Springs. Full price 34500. THR WALTON. WRIGHT CO.,' lnr. Realtors 20-21-22 FOR SALE 250 thoroughbred rab bits, pedigreed and registered: also 2 acres of finest loam soli: house, well, berry bushes, 150 rabbit hutches and accessories. Excellent loactlon for service sta tion. Coll "Ace" Raubitry, t mile above Pelican City on Dalles ' California highway. 2b CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH BUSINESS Fine paying busi ness. Up-to-date place and one of the uest Investments tor the money I have ever seen. Ask for me at 1134 Main street. - T. - J. Webb. 20-21-22-23 T 'r ' ' ' CHICAGO, July 20, (A.P.)-l(ob 15,000; uneven; belter grudes hogs steady to 10c higher. -Cattle. 10,000; fed steers and yearlings steady; grassy kinds weak to 25c lower; fat cows and heifers weak to recent sharp downturns; voalers SOc lower; strictly. . choice hoary bullocks, ST14.25. . Bulk -vaalers 12.00 (HI. 50 to big packers. , Many a true .word is spoken by TnlMkev , Dodge Roadster New paint; 5 tires; A-l. motor. $350 JJuick Garage 1330 Main Phone 42 Uurant Roadster ,. A snappy car. - $250 Buick Garage 1330 Main Phone 42 Ford Touring A-l; see to appreciate ' , $100 Buick Garage 1330 Main Phone 42 Ford Touring Just like new; ran 2000 miles; retails new, with accessories at $525. Our price $395 ' Buick Garage 1330 Main Phone 42 t.ODON. (AIM The rebuilt Re gent street, now imiisldered ono of tho finest thoruuiilifurea hi Europe, has been formally upeued by the king and quuun driving through It on their way to University college., The drlvu was ntteuded by no core uiouy, except that thu imiyurs ol Westminster and Mnrylubiine ac companied the royal couple. Urgent street Is on Crown l.tnil. The buildings were pullud do-vn for the past juat. after the war, when the 99-yssr Iviaes exptra.l. Tlin maximum height of the new buildings Is 10 foet greater than those demolished. The runts ihuvu gone up amusingly, llefuro the war they wero 3130,000. Nuw they are I3.S50.0U0. A patent modiolus teallmonlal oc casionally thruats greatness upon smtill man. tldavll. lo aald administratrix at her plai n ur busluesa al Lorella, Oregon, wllhlii six uiuuths froitt, Ihs dnlu bytmif. Duted July II, 1IT. IONA J. KOIIDNKV, Administratrix. C. C. llrower, Atty. ..((,.(.. .. , 14-m-iM Legal Notices NOTICE! TO CREDITOR). I Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed I by the County Court of Klamath County. Oregon, administratrix of j the ratals of Amelia James, de-1 oeaaed; and all peraous .having: claims against said estate are noti fied to present surh nlulma with 1 proper vouchers, duly verified by at- Tc Night Another , BARGAIN DANCE all evening ' "for 75c Hal Blackburn and His Band ALTAM0NT Hupp Roadster Runs just like new. $650 Biiick Garage 1330 Main Phone 42 Buick Sedan .1921-A-l. $175 Biiick Garage 1330 Main Phone 42 : w 11 IN- TH E-KN 0 . There is a swing to ber parties. 'A , (mart note of originality. She fcirly sparkles with clever ideas. At her recent dinner she intro duced the latest etiquette in serving salad shtstrvtJ 'tt first. With French Dressing, of course. And realizing how much more appetizing French Dressing is when it is freshly blended, she mixed the dressing, herself,. at the table. Stirred it up in a silver bowl. , Easy? Quite. Merely Wesson Oil 'and vinegar and as much salt and pepper as you wish. If you like it mild use three parts of Wesson OU to one of vinegar. If you want it tart use two parts of vinegar. It depends some what on the strength of your vinegar. Some prefer lemon juice to vinegar, and many add a dash of paprika for color. And to this very delightful French Dressing one thing or another may be added to captivate your guests. Wor cestershire sauce or a bit of chutney for green salads, mustard sauce for .fish and meat salads, or some strong mint jelly on a salad of fruit. But do use a good salad oil. Wesson Oil, for instance. It is clear and light in color and very delicate in flavor and so good to eat that it makes delicious French Dressing.