Monday,' July 18, 1027. TUB EVENING HERALD,- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON raire Thro ; s BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMA TH ' Items Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Uasn( If You Have News for This Department. Your Cvurtcty in Calling 88 Will Be Appreciated lefl or orth MM.' f'ttrl ' KnV. anil Mm. Hoy Ilaasetl lievalfl lor 'Portland, hf motor, where I lift , will enjoy r. visit with Mr. Umuu'tr mother. Uator they plan t" M"Ur outh to ln Death end other points o( In terest for an 'eiieu-M visit.- I'rom llm Moulli . U..I..HU ' KHll tt llllt-MM ofilro.. Ar..s. ar. .-non, the new resident of Klanieth ty. They have arrlvnd In tilde, lo luln Mr. Maln. wlio la employed la the mill.. Kujoy. Comic Ht-i lion ; , . ' f . In ller. received at (.lie ;!T aid otflie, Nellie llasklu ot Murrlll liaa wrlUn lo the editor, tulllim how muck ah ouloys the paper . and look forward lo tlin eonili ra tion each day. Mh eiiageatad -tUo nam Trine" for Tag' pony. At Tlioiniiwm llonio Mr. and Mr. W. I. Thomm ot IMne Itlitie ra enjoying a visit from Mr. Thompson's mother anad sister, who red In Uoulslarui. i'ume To Miikhaven . Quiet, rool, restful plac. UooS horn cooking. Fhoue. 'it. . 6'J Conger. Adv. Ilelurwil Krvin Visit Mtsa Juanlta Savage baa return ed to bnr bom at Fin Itldge after visiting with' relative and friends at Oram IMsa and Iteedsport. Tmra(Ta lvt Hauglilrr Mr- and Mr. Coo rue Turner of - Modoc Point are receiving congratu lation upon the arajval ot a babj daughter, born at tbe Private Sani tarium ia this city on Saturday. For Insurance Sea Jas. II. UlUg. Adv. DrhWoll. Williams, , M. O, W II.KIM Klamath Fall or Lakevlvw Crlmliul Lawer Location to b ahnouueed liter " J-AJ Have .' i Kodak Film ' .'There's no' guesswork about Kodak Film-r-your nnderwoocrs pmrv U'w KLAMATH FALLS OREGON ' V f ' ' WHCrt PAPtTICUUAf PtOPLfi Lg " . oBssaa uvTMeir DfuG3 rastrstei . Ill'llHIHil I'loill City Mrs. Klyd Dunran McMlllurt and Miss I'm i. tl Hotji-rtson returned Hun day afternoon from rlati Kramlw-o, where limy hav been for Ih unit eaveral day on mt. enlnvahlu trip. Mis KobrrlMII plum to leiv Willi In the ii.arfulurn,for KuK'-nr, where ha will make her home, havliit ac cepted position as private aerre tary lo Ctrl A. ""'Id, formerly ui Ai mer of llm Now City laundry, of thU I ''""' --l.r..r. I couu-!ru,',' - '' John Hliiiinona of Uvally U In the city today atirmlliiK the couviuitlon of (he Hpunlah War Vvtermis. Mr. Hlmiiiuna plana to b hero fur sev. arul day. . , ' Daughter llui-n Mr. ii ud Mrs. Fred Z"p of this city are the happy puruiits of a hiliy daughter. The child Waa bom July II at the Private Hulillarluin. Ix'aving Toinorrow if. N.Moe of Mors store pluni to leav tomorrow fur an cstendid buying trip In the suai. Ills trip will take b!ui a fur east as New York City. Called by Mulder's lK-etl Mrs. Cody ol 3 Waluut street, was called to Seattle on Saturday by th sudden death of hr mother. Hh left by motor, arixmipanled by her soii-lu-law, Vernon France. i-tt for Vaaruuvi Mrs. J. F. Medberry and diugb ter. Mtea May It. lied berry of Bev erly Hills, California, wer guesta tn th rlty over Sunday and left lul evening fur Vancouver barracks where they will visit with (ieueral J. I). Iltch. Here from Nprague Ulvrr Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ilayward of Spragua Itlver spent the week-end here with friends. They were guests at the hotel Arcade during their visit her. Klamath Flower Shop for Flowwl Floral design, quality will, serv ice. 34 Main (treat. Phona OH 9. adv. Your Kodak With You- Whether you're at. the beach, in the court try "or just at home this summer, have a, Kodak handy for a' picture record of all the good times that you and your folks enjoy. We have a complete line of Kodaks here $5 up. Come in and let us help you make a selection. . . ' : ' i I sA wf-tt" arT negatives will always be satisfactory in your camera stock tip here. Kryatal Kote Points oh Velox the acme of perfection in Kodak finishing, and obtainable here' exclusively. Our work is rapidly and carefully done, and prices are agreeably moder ate. .' ' llauKlilcn VUllInK Hrnw The Mlase Lois and l.ola O'Neill, twin dauiihteri of Mr. and Mr. 1. (,', O'Neill of thin rlty, are her for a fortnight from their horn at Holly wood, California, making the trip by motor. The young women will bo remembered by many local poo plo her, where they visited hut umnier. Front Portland , Mrs. Helen Maloue, prominent In musical clrclea of Portland, has ilon of th. KnVnlah War Vat. Mr. L, L ."L?, ,l ......... .. ... .... . .... uAiiisrr inn win rr.iurv me popu lue nnw umr "flnr Iclvlne Wl1 Lindbergh", wblch waa written by Seneca Fouts. Iti-tumlng from South Chris Jllanas, of the hotel Arcade, I expected home on Wednesday from San Franctico asd Sacramento, where be haa been for tho paat week visiting relative and frtends, f Yancey From Lltlloquln Carl Yancey of Chlloquln la a visitor In tha city today from bis home. Mr. Yancey la atopping at the hotel Arcade. Kxpcrt rrearrlptlonlata Forbea Fur Drug. Mn.. Knlarla lUck . Frlenda of Mrs. Homer Knight wilt u .lad iu snv wa smvi to resume her position at The Club this morning after an absence of several day on account of llluoas. Valley Hotel Headquarfr'is Tba headquarter of tha Spanish War Veterans haa been changed from the W II lard hotel to tha Valley hotel, according to announcement made tbla morning by 11. W Bath- lany. , leaving Turmbi) Mr. and Mr. Ueorge Barth plan to leava In tho morning by motor for l.a Urande, where (hey will attend the stste convention of tho Amorlcan Legion. lloso Specials tl BO value,, tl.tS. S21 Main Adv. Mode 8)io ob. , Keep It Handy., s '. Picture chances dont' wait . keep your Kodak handy and you'll be rewarded by an album full of valuable prints. if you use its" Tn Cratnr Ijtke Mr, and Mra, M. ii. Mordoff. ae- rnmpanled by their dauihtnrs, Ml- Mu and Lorraine, . and aim, "lluddy," and Mia Ksler Vcalth, enjoyed a trip to Crater take on Hunday. Mr, liorrioff rpporta hun dred of tourUta from all eecdoo of tin country at the retort. 1 Mr. and Mra. ). II, Hamilton left on Hundajr for an , attended rrlp 'to Canada and nttn.r ,' eastern point' Tliiiy mad lh trip by mo' tor and -will b gnnu for at leaal a month,'' Mr.' Hamilton la In charge;' of tb ready-to-wear depart ment of Jlfte's atore. - I, Dr. tad Mra.' (I. T. Vaapor and Ml Jill lloxan left Uijum urn -Ing for Myrtle Point on an 'enjoy able vacation trip, which they plan to apeod with frlind. . Mia Hogan la taking bar annual vacation from the Golden tula elor. -.' I yialt ing From Fjist . .m!1ln'M!r,1 " ' 1TOr,1' tJ"' er having apent tbe past week ' lnJrlg a brief visit Ju lb. rt,yher( M , holjM of MrJ Mr, H(iaw aao nrnw-iicm-a ' " -il U1U llll'UUS, llrv. Tliomaaj -llau k ma many menus 01 nev. . enryi(m to her nome , Lo, Angele j uuiiias, pasiur 01 m. riui a r.pis copal ' church. ' will , be - pleased to learn he ho returned from Port land, where h spent the post two; week receiving medical attention, Itev. Thoma submitted to a major! opcrat'.on while In tha northern city. i ' ; J For Cool Plunge - . (jo lo . Hot Spring N'atalorium, Spring and Esplanade. Adv. hi Vacation .'' 1 ; Vernon France of the post office has left on hla vacation and will liemnln HWsf rnr lArthlipht Tliir. lnf tba oomer ..'eman. new ,gb-clerk. will tak his place. ' tprrt PrrrripnhK 'If For be Para Drugs. From Kirk Mr. and Mrs." Clydo llurk, spent Sunday In the rlty with friend from their borne at Kirk. ' ' Ri-aumrd Foolllua I Misa Lillian Sroffleld resumed I her position at Mo' this- morning after an enjoyable two weeks vaca tion. - ,-,; , . tu-. ; y niH'a For Floater .; and Floral design. Phon 1111. Adv. - - ' . . CASE& MELTON. PRINTERS All new type and the knowledge to use it effectively. Prices always ight No .((Juesstimating). I!M Ho. Ttb Ilioue IHS-W A New Comfort GAUZETS 49c llo. of Ono ltoarti Here are Ihe teatnrca of this exoliiKlva proditct. 1. Velvety edfcor pre vent Irritation. :'..' " - 'I. Under layer prilert rtothlntr. 1 , f,. ' , , 'S. Highly absorbent'. ' . 4. . Kaslly disposed ,ot.,tl Cool and 11k th. , Afford perfect pro- . tectton H,. f,.., : Just nk for, (iuuart Star Drug Store Coat Remodeled, fur Manufacturer. Furrier irw. wn.i.iAM 42 Klamath Avenue, Between fourth and Klflb. . Klamttb Fail - Or. Ktrong I-ft Tlila Morning Dr. and Mra. T. E. Strong and Mlaa Maxlne Mlnck left thla morn ing by motor for aouthern CaJlfor- and Mrs. II V. Javyui. Mrs Rtrnne 1 a lster of Mr. Joyaux and with j tin iiiuubihi, - num uuin ui San Francisco, will return to their home. - Mia Mlnck will journey World Flyers are , Given Big Ovation (Continued From Page 1) Macom. Chamberlln' wife was ,, with him on the Leviathan. As the Macom warpea into toe i dock, Graham MrNamee, 'announcer for. the National . Broadcantlng cpm- cany. bgan a running account of the welcome for tha million unable to -view tha procession through lower New York. .. . ' Street Jammed The Macom' . arrival w jut at the time- wbes the great office buildings were disgorging tbelr I thousands into f the streets tot ine lunrlr hour and eireeta were lammed V t viih men and Woman wb7 stilled tbe I pauga of hunger that they might feed tbelr eye on these men who ' bad to fly through almost insurper . j able obstacles and bad won. . As the tug waa docked, ticker Standard Dyers , . and Cleaners Odorleu Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade SL: Phone 825 STAGE Information to all points. Call at New Stage Depot - eVh and Klamath Ave, Phone 326 Picture Shooting Your-film -can be correctly dereloped but once! Are you .getting the best of re sults from your kodak ex posures? . " Try our mail order service. May-King Stinson Studio We Welcome You Spanish War Veterans The only exclusive Stationery Store in Klamath Falls If it belongs in a stationery store we have it. tape and torn paper waa lovaed from a thousand wjniltw'g In the filer' honor and Ills puper atvow- lorm that I Mnnhaltan'a accolade,; Oakland, to apend aeveral. waoka lugim fulling through the air. 'In Klntnatb Kalla vlaltltig relntlvfa Hundred of police who had 'and frlenda. Doth young women iMen waiting at the battery ainro . formerly resided In Klamath rail o'clock with little or pothlng to and have many frlenda hor who do auddnnl found tht-maelve con-, welcome (bulr return. .. . fronted with almost liripoanlble taakl of keeping the crowd aufflilcnlly From llilili-brand , . . . In order to permit formation of tnei Mr. and Mr. J. Horton of 'l jld proceMlon In which the flier would j brand are "pending the day here ride to city hall. j on buainea. - , . l-ft Till Mornln; Ben Fainhlld left thla mornln( for San Francisco, after having pi nt the ' paat aeveral months in Klamath Fall, He plan to enter the L'nlvcralty of California thla fall.' The Bible I the only boot Is never off the press. - rhlca AT THE PINE TREE LAST TIMFJi TODAY Charlie Murray and Chester Conklin "McFadden Flats" ; Dan McTadden waa so dumb he thought alfalfa waa a Greek let ter fraternity. . , , TL'KMDAV and Vt LU.VKKDAV 5 Act. Vaudeville u 1 VresgrJ a ME would not be far wrong in answering "EVERYTHING!" t A variation oi a pound here and there may mean the diSerence between profit and loss in a year's business. Weight is the only method oi determining actual quantity of many commodiQc. Come to our store today and let us explain why Fairbanks Ccalcs with a ninety-year-old, world wide reputation for continued accu racy, dependability and long life, protect your profits when you sell - - - why they assure you of full value for every dollar you spend ---why they help to gain the confidence of those to whom you sell, and many other features of convenience and utility --- all at a price that is amazingly low. MJal CM BJH tLM SHAW MAC Stationery Murtln filrla Coming ; The Mleaea Vera and Dortba Mar tin are epected her Ihla week, tm On Ilunln Claud Itlgga I a bjialnem vln! tor here today from Portland. ' AT THE LIBERTY LAST TI.MKS TODAV The Great ' 1 TOM MIX "No Man's" Gold" A rough-riding, bronch busting, lure shcoting, lassoing Ievln-than ot the saddle that's TOM MIX- Note To tbe DELEGATES and their famille. of the VETERAfi-of tba SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR: You are ' admitted FREE, at the LIBERTY THEATRE, Tue lay and Wednesday, tor the show ing of "ACROSS THE PACIFIC, i guests of H. W. Pool. fyowmuch deD ends upon REA Co. 620 Main Street Phone 602; Klamath Fall), Ore. V