Saturday.' Tuly 1 A. ' 1927. 1!E PATWINfl HRR'AT.n.' KLAMATH FALLS, OTtfcriON I Society News ',' .. ' HFLRN'K DIlKITKXSTriX, Society Editor. 1 ! - . , Words of the Wise . TUEKg la. not a fiercer boll than the allure of treat object. Keau. COR trouble wrought of men. f Patleno la hard 1 tell joa It t lard. rncelow. . rvEAIl are oar p-treats, dr ar our children, our neighbor, our companion!; bnt all the af tcetlons ot all men are bound I'P In their own naUro land. Cicero . TJTHO ran to help me ithen I tell, " And would use pr.nty atcry ' , tell. , . Or Icls the place, to make, It C-' : well?. , My mother! Ann Taylor. T RT laepenJence be our boast, Erar mindful what It cost; Ever grateful for the prite. Let Its altar reach the sale! Jfopklasou. j I - I ACH inorn t wake anj rtutlQS - take To heart with cladume song. Is happiness and aweet content Throughout the whole dty lens. DECENTLY at a house party, an ' old bachelor waa given a girl's room for the night. She hid U-tt It Just as It was, full ot feminine personality. "It was all so totally different from my room at the club." he said. "As I looked at the jyilss Bernice Hector proved a -things on the dressing table I real-1 most gracious hostess on Fri tted I had not surrounded myself da evening when she entertained with even the comforts ot life. My j at the Hector home In courtesy to room . contains only the absolute i Mrs. P"te Motsrhenbacher with a necessities for my every-day living. ' miscellaneous shower. The guests Have you. ever seen a man room , la at hotel or club? he asked me, we talked it over, "where there Is no chance for a woman's touch, or' the accessories she Is sure to put around him If she '"gets - halt a chance and la spite ot him? Ne cessities are all yog . would see. tooth brush and other toilet articles. ! fsothlsg-to suggest, the past, noth-, .Invitations were Issued to JO of IBs to call back a glrl'a or woman's tie intimate friends ot Mrs. Mots face la to be seen unless he tappras cbenbacher. to'bo married or engaged to her, I j and sometimes not even then. Type-1 C--r TT.,'X'. T ."."'.V. ' writers, newspapers, cigars. Ice- OaCTeu ilc3tT JranSn water pitcher and glass, take the I i place ot all those suggestive, dear I feminine useful, useless, memory-' ful things I found - In that girl's room.. There were little memory suggestions all around. To me they meant nothing. Yet. t am sure each thing brought back to her mind happy tune, a loving friend, a flir tation or love affair. No one could ever guess the inviolate secrets of woman's room. What dreams of . romance have been dreamed there. Those little keepsake that mean nothing to the casual eye. A din ner tsvor, a cigarette with a mark ed data on It. a book with pen- Itltnwa ,Iar. I. . . I I. could tell Ita tale of the Innermost lira or toe gin or woman. Each Is key to some bygone Incident, the memento of an occasion which had been magnified by the memories associated with It. .. Thar say, "Lore is to man's lire thing apart; a woman's whole existence." . Even It a woman a whole nature and brain did not keep memory alive, her little souve nir with which she surrounds her dally life, a book, a flower, a pic ture would be a constant reminder. Is it any wonder they say we are hard, forgetful, unromautic? Is It because we reallv da not r-ire for all of those things, or simply that .Vi fin hnrn that WAV? I Portland Visitor Honored At Dinner JLjR. AND MRS. S. P. MILLER were host snd hosto'i on Thurs day evening t a prettily arranged ..dinner In compliment to Miss Maud McCawley of Portland who is the house guest of her sister. Mrs. David R. Vandenberg. Covers were laid for all at a table attractive with summer blossoms In the shades. rainbow Coats Remodeled. Fur Manufacturer. Furrier MRS. WILLIAM BESHLhfl . 43 Klamath Avenue, between Fourth and Fifth. Klamath Falls Or. Bridge Affair At Linkhaven This Week JtrtS. William Canon entertaineJ m In dellgthful hospitality at two bridge affair ot the week at pic turesque IJnkhaven. Wednesday and Thursday were the days chosen by the gtucloua hostess. The ilah Jongg club were Kuest on Wednesday afternoon. A buffet luncheon waa served each of the (afternoons on the apacloua lawn 'after which the cueeta enjoyed j bridge, with three tables In play. ( Sirs. Oscar Shire held the club prise .and aecond prlae waa awarded Mrs. V. O. Smith. Miss Mario .Audrey, the house gueat ot Mrs. E. 11. l'lke waa a spo- clU guest on Wednesday. 1 On Thursday, Mrs. Gsnnng enter 'talned with fire tables. Mrs. Nelson ' Reed held high score at the close of the afternoon's play and second prite went to Mrs. Charles Martin. The guests on Thursday included: I Mesdamea Charles Martin, Nelson Reed, T. V. Henderson, H. N. Moe, A. K. Thomas. U Kowhn, R. T. 1 Hunter, v. it. iiooertson, warren . Hunt. Il.-rnanl J. Itea. David It. j Vandenberg, C. t. Roberts, John C. Boyle. G. A. Kniuse. Paul MrKee I Mildred Oleson. Uoli Hills ot Sac-j ramento and . Maud McCauley ot Portland-. Shower And Bridge At Hector Residence enjoyed bridge during the evening hours and at the hur ot eleven the hostess, assisted b her mother, Mrs. O. M. Hector and her sister. Mrs. David Shirk, served dainty refresh ments at the Individual tables. The rooms ot the Hector home were attractively deoratel iwitB aweet peas and Ophelia roses. To Hold Picnic Soon TIE annual plcnlo of Sacred Heart parisb -will be held on Sunday. July twenty-fourth, at the beautiful Martin Oreen ranch home. Father A- F. Loeser will celebrate Mass In the open air, after which an out-of-door program will be enjoyed and the member will picnic under the beautiful trees. This marks the annual affair of the local parish and scores of mem bers ot the church are making plana to attend. ItUO filial Lhatiet IS Given At Linkhaven MEMBERS of the Moroni Player. A "who appeared at the Pine Tree on Friday evening enjoyed a de lightful dinner at Linkhaven. The table waa especially attractive, cen tered with an arrangement of pink nd lavendar sweet peas. Cathed ral tapers In the same color note were gracefully arra aired at either end ot the table. Covers were laid for seven. MlSS Nichols Bride Of Joseph McKay NNOrNCEMENTS telling of the marriage of Mr. Joseph Adrian McKay to Miss Muriel Joy Nichols In Portland on Jul sixth have been received here by friends. The wedding was solemnized In Ihe chancel of the Caurch ot Our Father at high noon. Mrs. McKsy before her marriage Unght In the Klamath county high school and made boats of friends in hl" "r during ter residence h"re. After a honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. McKay will make their future home In Montana. Light Jackets White pique Jackets and Jackets or separate blouses of light colored silk are sponsored by Paris as smart topping for black pleated skirts. CHICKEN DINNER Sunday, July 17th Served from 5:30 to 8:00 Home-cpoked Food A nice, quiet, cool place. LINKHAVEN Phone 762 Miss Frances Humphrey Bride of Paul E. Keller A pretty home wedding was sol- emniied on Sunday cvrntug nt the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Georxe Humphrey on Pine, when I heir only daughter. Miss Franco Rlltaheth Humphrey, bocauie the brld ot Paul Keller ot Portland. Rov. . D. V. Halght ot the First Presbyterian church performed the ceremony Just at the hour ot seven-thirty. Tho bride was attended by Mrs. Marvin K. Lucas, as matron ot honor and the bridesmaids, were Mrs. Herman Gisvold and Mrs. Cecil Matt. Mr. Norrl Sewell ot Portland was the best man. The bride, from ono ot the oldest families of southern Oregon, was a beautiful picture gowned In white crepe Romaine. Her frock was sleeveless, made with a long bodice and a skirt which hung In paints at either aide and In the front. The only decoration was an exquisite trim of duchess tare which was rounded and rather shallow In the front and hung In deep points to the waistline 1a the back. Her veil ot silk net formed a cap and was elaborately embroidered. Clusters of orange blossoms caught the. veil here and there. Sbo carried a .bridal shower ot bride'a roses, lily o( the valley and sweet peas. Her slippers and hose were of silver. Mr. Lucas, matron of honor, wore a frock of nile green orgaadle, trimmed with bands of taffeta, which added to her blonde loveli ness. ... The bridesmaids wore attractively gowned in orchid and pouch col ored organdie, also trimmed with band ot taffeta. To the soft strains of Mendel sohn's Wedding March, played by Miss Pesrl lllehn, cousin of' the bride, the bridal party descended the stairs and entered the living room ot the Humphrey home where the vows were spoken. Miss Blehn was attractively gown ed In yellow gcorgotte and wore i corsage ot orchids and lily of the ! valley. . j .Mrs. Lester Of field. In a sweet I low voice sang "At Dawning" dur ing the service. She was charming Brilliant Tea for ' Summer House Guests TT wiia a scene of exquisite French A coloring In delicate pust.d shades of blue and rose on Tnrsdsy afternoon when Mrs. Eloise Jtrln tyre and Mrs. Ruth Holloway, -were hostesses at a brilliant "tea" at the Mclntyre borne on Lincoln 1n opur tcsy to Mr. Annie D. McPb-. and Mlsa Helen McPhersoo ot Port land, the mother and sister of Mrs. Mclntyre, and Miss Vivian Trounce of Canada, the house guest of Mrs. Holloway. The honor guests and tho hos tesses received the guests at the entrance of the Mclntyre home which waa lovely with summer time blossoms of sweet pea and rosnhnds and a soft light fell from many shaded lamps. . The hours were from three to fir and during the afternoon more than 69 guests called to greet the visitors. Mrs. D. V. Halght presided at the prettily appointed tea table during the hours. The Misses Margj-irel Circular Skirts The tendency toward more full ness In skirts and toward uneven hemlines brings the circular skirt Into popularity again. Pointed Yoke A light blue crepe frock take a deep pointed yoke of darker bluo taffeta I Kith for the blouse and skirt. The points run over tho shoulder and down the hips. New Blues Patou Introduces "Indo," an odd purple shade of blue and - Lelong uses Clematis blue for stunning eve ning gowns of chiffon. Pockets, collars and yoke effects on fall coats, both fur and worsted, show that summer sports extena their influence to fall cloths-. 560 Conger Ave. in a frock ot delphinium- bine chif fon trimmed In tea rose p'nk. The bride was raised In Klamath Falls, where she has endeared her self to scores nf people, both old and young with her charming and gracious manner. After griduatlng from the Klnmsth county hlxh school she attended O. A. C. She la a member of Zetit Tan Alpha. Mr. Keller, the groom. Is the son ot Mr. aud Mrs. J. J, Keller tit this city and one of tho most popular young men of this com munity, lie Is a graduate of O. A. C. and a member ot Sigma N. For the past several months he hi been prominently connected with The Oregonlan In Portland In the art department. After a honeymoon In Sun Fran cisco, Mr. and Mrs. Keller will be at home to their friends ln Port land on July 21. They motored south In the Fold coupe which was a wedding gift from Mr. Keller's parents. A reception . followed the cere mony at which more than fifty guests were present Including: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Snoop. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tulow, Mr. and Mrs. George F.fe, Mrs. Ida Howard. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Keller, Mr. uud Mrs. Dan J. Ryan of Fort Klamath; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin K. Ltirus, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gisvold, Mr. ami Mrs. Cecil Matt, Mr. and Mrs. Leone Tiffany, Mrs. Sam Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Tempi ir. Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Johnson, Mr. and .Mrs. A. R. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Will l.oonils pt Ashland; Mrs. ('. II. Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Humphrey of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Jacques J. Stelger. Jr., Mrs. Jennie Hum. Mrs. William Rente. Mrs. Norman Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Al ford of Gorher. California: Mr. and Mrs. N'orrls Bowell-of Portland: Mr. and Mr. Arthur l.eavltt. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fisher ot Dunsmulr, California; Misses IV irl lllehn. Jean Perry, Cant Karlo and. Wanda Wal lace. Messrs. Edwin Driscoll, Kenneth Perry. Fred Hlehn.. Freeland Staley. William Lytell, Vernle Carter of Dunsmulr, California":" Charles Hum phrey of Berkeley, California, and i Mr. and Mrs. Ocorre Humphrey, i' Cummlngs and Jenne 0 rover assist ed In serving the guests throughout the afternoon. ' In her usual charming manner, Miss Grover rendered several vocal ; selections during the afternoon. I Among those who railed were: J Mesdamea Frank Mills. A. It. Wil son, B. 8. Veatrh, Warren Hunt, L. I. Truat, J. A. Houston, W. 8. Hlough. D. V, Halght, ' U Lowe. fOllve Barnhlsel. K. L. Elliott, C. t-amhert. James McClure, Don J. Zumwalt. Francis R. Olds, N. Reed. Lynn Sahln, K. T. Hunter, Wil liam Ganong, Ark McConnell. J. I. Beard, K. G. Cummlngs. Fran). Moser, O. T. Ibiuge. A. M. Wor den. George Myera, Frank Z. How- ard. Paul T. Jackson. Carl Schn- bert. Jr.. It. E. Wattenhitrg. Wilbur Jones and Fred Fleet Misses Sadie aVu-Dowcll. Mildred Oloson, LeLalnn West, Virginia West, Maybelle Lonvltt, Anna M ii Johnston and Lnrlle Lambert. Spanish Influence An alluring golden yellow taffeta dance frock lakisi lock Chantllly lace In Spanish fiiphlnn for Its long tight sleeves and the front pali-l of Us iterollntle Isidlce. . i ' A Lanrln mid-summer model Is rose-hued In a flowcVod pattern with bandings, stitched bell and vlsca hat in rust red. . . J- ' s Fireproof Centrally Located. Onnillr. ? mmtA a I n the demands of th day that's J why the Hntler Is patronised 11 tbe discriminating. J Management Geo. Warren Hoopei . Correct Dental Work i When you come to me for your dentul work you j will bo awiured of proper workmanHhip at a juHt i and reasonable price. My liftt of Bfttiaficd patient i is growing daily. You. too, will be pleased with . my service. . free Examinations Given ' DR. R.,D. COE Hopkaldg. Phone 836 j Miss Lindlcy Honors Summer House Guest iaS C.KKTHl'DK I.INULK Y pre 11 aided over a delightful ilanrlng party on Wrdneadny evening at the l.lndley homo on Dudley Heights j Honoring ner nouse guoai, .mis; Betty Junes ot Medford. A coterie ot the younger social set were Invited to spend Ihe eve-; n lug at Ilia l.lndley home where riant-lug was enjoyed from eight un til midnight. At the hour ot mid night a buffot luncheon was served Among those who enjoyed Ihe hospitality of Miss l.lndley were: Misses Betty Janes ot Medford, Julia Dow nf Berkeley; Allaa Masse)-, Betty Pulley, Mnrgnret Bow liens. Zi-pliB Rogers, lola llcnll, Jean Itognra and Ktlinhelh (lruhain. Messrs. Stewart Bulsliter, Lester C o f e r. Bill Kuykendall, Kenton llamaker, Roland Cotrr, Leslie Kl more. Bob MrMlllan Dick Msgulre. l-'tewart and Hub Magtilre. Aloha Chapter Has Informal Afternoon "pi IE first ot a series of Impromptu sffalrs lo be given by Aloha chapter of the Eastern Star during the summer months was held at Masonic hall on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. C. K. Dennis, worthy matron of the local rhnpter presided. Four table nf cards were In pluy during Ihe afternoon hours from 2:30 until 4:30. Light refrn.h- ..... I ....I ,.. . and a number of visitors from other I chapters enjoyed an Informal after-1 noon. - ' ' Again In two weeks on Tuesday -afternoon, July twrnty-slitli ihe member will convene at Masonic tin! I at 1:30 for another of these dellKhtful Informal gatherings. During the summer months no lodge meetings are being held by Aloha rhnpter. Southern Visitor Honored At Dinner TN COl'RTESY to Mrs. Moerl of A Kentucky, who Is spending the summer In Klamath Falls with her brother. Father A. F. I.oeser. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Murray entertnlnrd on Wednesday evening with dinner at Linkhaven. Centering the prettily appointed table was an old fashioned haquel. loliity hand painted place cards marked Ihe plaeea of the guests. Covers were laid for: Mra. Mnert and daughter, Mlsa Rita Moert of Kentucky; Mr. and Mra. P. E. Ilnn- non. Father A. F. Loeser. Father , Flege, Mr. Walter llunnon and the j host and hoslesa, Mr. and Mra. ' Murray. Painted Accessories j Hand-palmed scarves, bags. hat. - pars sola and other accessories add J a decorative note to many summer I costume. Tho latest aro sheer chif fon hosiery with hand-painted flower t designs. Jacket Influence A now evening coat take brocade rose mairc for an upper section that blouses slightly over the waist line of the transparent black velvet bottom. Velvet cuffs extend to Ihe elbows.' Rough Straw New rongb straws In natural, white and white flecked with black " nrrivra irom rar.a to vary me 1 " o'""- They run from tight '' ' "irdlum h"Ko l't. Straw Set Parasols, sandals, huts and bags nf the new vlsra straw til soft I greens, tan and grays embroidered color offer summer rhnrm. SAFEGUARD Your Eyesight Not Let Fear Interfere With Good Vision i Do A common cause of neglect In hav ing their eyes properly attended to Is Ihe fear most pooplo have that they uiuy have to wear K lasses, DR. H. W. BARR Kye Bight Specialist GUS DUNN JL'WhlKIl AND OITICIAN Ml,1 Mnlu Street "To Si-ne Humanity Iklter" LET the limn who grateful, think of a kindness, reiving It. even A SUrKIUOR SKRVICK Which Never Cost More Often Leu 22 Yean of Satisfying Service ' Lady Attendants 5 v rf FUNERAL Tiii'XOHi 40 Murphy-Simmonds Nuptials Arc Told TLAMATH FALI.S frl nds of Mr. and Mrs. Jink Murphy were de lightfully surprised on Wednesdav whn word of their inarrluite was toil. The popular young couple slipped quietly away on Saturday evening and were murrlej In Vreka on "tin day morning at nine-thirty o 'click h.- tho Iter. C. Miller of The First Methodist church. Mrs. Murphy before her marriage was .lls xatha Klmmonds. daugh ter of Mrs. Fred 8:earns cf this city. She has made her home In this city for the past ten years and was a graduate of Ihe class of "ii from Klamath County High Hhnol. Throughout Klamath county she Is recognised as on of Inn most c'larm Ing ant gracious young women of thta c.-.nimunliv. Mr. Murphy la one of Ihe well known young men of Klamath Fulls, having rouie here from Portland several years ago. Tbey are at home In I heir many frlinds at 72J Doly atrret, an at tractive homo which Mr. Murphy recently completed f ir his bride. t : A built-up oxfnrd takea two but tou on a aide fastening nf Its sad dle. In manner remlniaceni of a decade o. PARK your car in front of the SWAN SHOP Then Honk your horn for CURB SERVICE We are ready to serve you THE SWAN SHOP OpMlte Conn llone HOWDY Just back from San Francisco. Had a wonderful time, and all set for the BIG DANCE Tonight FULL OF NEW IDEAS HAL BLACKBURN AND HIS BAND Altamont "Where Everybody Goes" CLEARANCE SALE Coats Silk Dresses Hats Hats formerly $10.00 and up, now $5.00 Hats formerly up to $10.00, now $3.95 Silk Gloves '2 Price ' BARNHART'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR McCarthy Bldg. No. 118 No, 7lh St. would be repaying while r- HOME PirraAvi. at 6 Tit )( I Many Lengths ! Just as vara! Inn trips may ha i long or short, ao traveling roots i run from abort aeparate velvet Jack jta lo long tweed thai entirely rover Iroi ks. 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING WcrA called for and delivered. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works I'liene Wt. WATCH REPAIRING iiinw 1 ' year guarantee on all wurk CEO.METZ - JEM EI.KR (tl Mala 8 Ki