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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1927)
Vww. Fjvr- SaLunlay. July 1C, l'.)27. TUB KVKNINO WV.WW.W KLAMATH FAU.S, OREGON IN THE REALM OF BOXERS fflWING EXCELLENT FORM Figlitcn Round inn Into Shape for' July 20th . Fight Card Here I. IK ill lllKlTD Wild Will lippi'lir III) Jul 2nl riiilil program urn hIiuwIiik (!hhI form In llmlr dully Miiikuiu ('. ihi ut I ho I .i'K Iihi hull, mill mulnly good rnndlilnn whlrli assures the f. ri they irn norloun In mi effort to furnish ih cash cua luiii"m Willi tlii nrlliiii they pay lo see. I'oiir riMiillilini la (no old nn nlllil fur mi)' Imicr In nan now tin y on 'I llm insjnrliy of lingers ri'.illtn li'i liio Int n nllrr t hoy are In llin ring In Im miry, a an honest refren I ko llulihy l(it liu'i"' to l, will mil n luiwion nml pirt Imys wlnn one Ik c ti i -f Ik til i ti k i hi- other. Kuley unil O'Alulley luivo ton-1 vluiiil local fliihl buga they mi-un ' business nmt will Kiiirr llm rliin ! next Wednesday r v nttiK In Hie I pink" liy good linrtl hosing sev I klnns rui li j Itnlcy works with Hiutkiy ami a 1(1(1(1 ulil-UlOlllltllxl alug-fcit In staged liy lh(4i I wo, whirl, ilia-aura' I ho fun. O'Mulley Inrtea wallop lib Tim f'aluhan -ah nlBht and furnlshea lh Una wllh plenty of cft The Churches (Cotiilniipil front pego 4) I MINT IHITIST ( III IK II Itev. . V. Kliiimona ! It'it It a rtotnlng anil evening service will lie he hi al Ills First Baptist church. t'oti.i...ilv rongivgiitiiinnl Cln.rrh HcV Nelson Y. fnles, 1'anlor .1 S ? Wnnihind Am. t'hunh arliimt la at 5:11 a in. Teachers pleaae romi al 9:10 In re .elve Ihn hllrirrn. If a airinger la i III our city yon art most welcome. reaching ni (It-nn hy Itev. J. V. llryaBI al 2 o'clock. Our Hiinday ac-lmol there la at 3 o'l-lork. We I will want you then' na a picture will he tukn. I IHht I'Iii:hhvi:ki. rut lu ll , rme ut nixin H 1(1 Sunday school. All claaacs na usual. Tli Young Women's rlaaa take peculiar pleasure In omnium--Inn a apertnl apenkeri Mrs. John luiwo of Slcrri .Mmlrn, California, who api-nka nut nf a long exii-rencv with girls, having fur i-intl years taught la i i group nf the Klng'e Jlnuchlnr. 11 Oil Morning Worship. "Being Frank With Ourselves'' announce, aa a sermon for groping souls, for all who crave something they have liot. All who ' wontit experience, a genuine Christian llfn nro cordially luvllecl. Mrs K. 8. Vi-nirh at. Ihc nraan will lc:ul In thr mualral wor hlp. :uc I'.v.nlnK U'orahlp. "('onto lo Ji"ua" la lh paator'a thfnu-. la I lila familiar phraao a myatory to you? or lin you harni-il It hy r-pi-rli-ni-r? Whirn la Ji-aua? Who la It thnl auva. "(nnii"? ai'tlon, Kuna think l!iy forraie a final and lively aot lo hitwi-cn Iheaa two riiKKi, wlllltiat ami hard puncli lux "Hona of Wrln." Johnny limy, tlm Unlit wdnlit from WnalilUKton, xlvra Hi" '"" ainuaemi'iit 111 Ilia iifforta to ronnt-i t wllh puiii'lma. Working Willi tlm foxy l'ip. Wi hater, Dillon, Krai lia and many other lilxh i-laaa lioya liuve been Hindu lo look foollalt In trylin In land on Pep In nortliwem ern aynia, no llrny work all Ilia hunler, knowlnit axulnat a hoy nf lila own en 1 1 her ha will leiiru front Wghaler Ihn klinrk of well limed pumliea. Illlly Ailalln wotka mil dully net ting In ahnpa and aecllmiilrd aa well, u ml la mmloua in meet Ihn win ner of thn Uiley.O'Mulley frnina and Ihn fnna who witteh Illlly uitren Ihn nuttrh will Im onu worth aeelng. . Iienl f'oupto WinI llornra Itex Knllinun unit Her I In (nrnlliio Hmlih wuro xrniiied a II rcnao lo wed thla morning at Ihn county ilerk'a ofriie. ljey. V. K. Alllann porformed Ilia ferimniiy. Mr. Kellnmn aavo hla occupation at roofing. Ml OFF CIS EXPECTED HERE I'OltTI.AND, Ora., July it, (A. I'.) Thn Klumalli Fnlla rnllway ter in In ill nil notion win receiving the attention today of a Itroup nf orfl tlnla repreai-ntlng tha fircnt North urn and tho Kpoknnn, Portland and Rpnltln rnllwiiya, I.. ('. (illiinn, oxeenllvn vln prenl deiit of ihn (ireat Northern, In cliargp of operallona, who apenl yra- terduy at Healtln, returned today I with T. II. Iiegnan, Renenil autx rlii llomli'iil. They met wllh W. K. Turner, pnaldeut of Iho Hpoknnn, Cortland and Heuiile; Judxn t'hiir lea II, Curey, iltorney and A. J, Wlmhell, rhlef rnRlnnvr, , Thla group will hn Joined to morrow liy W. I', Ki-nney, tin-it .Northern vleo prenldent In chargo j of traffic and thn offlrlula expect ' to lenvn tomorrow night for Henri j from whero they will proceed lo I Klamath Kulla by aulomohlle. I Revolution Suppressed, Italy is Threatened (Continued Krotn Tata One) night, the Ilallana would aend their iralua In their ou behalf over the Krenner paaa, to Cermany under mllltttry earorta. The paMr oaya reporta alao told of tha eoncentra tlou for muueuvera of 10, OHO Ital ian trnoia on the border near Itreo ner, whr the railroad paag end tunnel through tha Tyrolnnn Alp nro located. COURT APPROVES Buick Touring A-l. New paint. 450.00 Buick Garage 1330 Main Phone 42 PROPOSED ROAD 11 Vacation Time Beckons Did you save your spare change during the fall, winter and spring months? If so, it is yours for a trip to the beach, or some far off place you have longed to visit. Our SAVINGS department helps many to accumulate the necessary funds for a long-planned vacation or trip. In small amounts and large the money is deposited to be called for in the future. It draws interest while here. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve Bank Travelers Cheques, in convenient denominations makes traveling easy. Dunlap and Goddard Taken , Over Survey By Chlio- ' quin Residents CllJI.OQrir, July U. The roun- ty court ThurKdoy In company with J. 1. Hrnpbymailo a trip over tho propoaed wwr highway from here through Kirk and on to The Dalleo- ' California highway on tho wcatbank of Wllliamaon river. The new proponed road la about ' 30 mllea long and for more than half it length followa the old log ging road from I'lneridge. It la an , Ideal route and will eventually be lined by the atate, It la (bought, aa part of The Imllea-TallfornH high way ayattim lo obviate uaing tbe Rand Creek aeetlon of that road. County Judge Cloddnrd, County f'ommlaaloner Horace Hunlap. and County Koadmaater Spidell, after a preliminary review of the new road expreaaed hearty approval of tbla new route and aald they would do 'all In their power to bring the mai- ter before the atate highway com mlaalon. It la a natural grade and free from the dangeroua bend In tbe Sand Creek route. ! Tho new route will he an all year round road and will be cbeiper to build than the old road U to maln- . tain. It waa held. The proponed road wonld rhorten tbe dixtanco to Kirk by four miles. Failure of Gas Pump is Cause Of Calls for Help f Continued From Page 1) here. They aent the SOS call "be rauae It appeared that our g supply might give out, and we were taking no rhancea," Smith explain ed. From tha time they dived Into the fog bank off the Golden Gate until they picked tbe kalwe tree a the softest available thing to land on their whole flight project was series of difficulties. The climax of their troubles came about a. m Honolulu tlmo (Honolulu time is 2 hours be hind raclflc time.) At that moment they aent out their first HOH after having con cluded they had only enough gaso line to stay in the air another hour. They presumably were about TOO miles from Honolulu and 500 mllea from the neareat land. M. O. WILKIX8 Klamath Falls or lake-view Criminal Lawyer ' Location to be announced tatar ' JJ-JL5 Reo Light Truck 5 good tires. A good bujj. 135.00 Buick Garage 1330 Maui Phone 42 Any Time Any Place Just Phone 7 8 9 For CAL'STAXI Safe drivers f 4 Comfortable cars -, , Courteous service ' ' t- Country trips and dance trips a r specialty ' Simplified ' p Trouble-free pyg i Guaranteed4! Therc's a Reason Why we are busy all the time. If- You like good food slop at . The BRICK CAFE Open All Night 111 No. 7th '23 Buick Roadster Reconditioned and new Duco. $475 Dunham Auto Co. 403 S. 6th Phone 52W GLASSES Fyci Examined, Fitted and the Glu Grouitd ia our on factory to suit your imMndiiti rcf it meats. Broken Lenses Replaced DR. GOBLE'S 70 MAIN (TWEET Rtflirt Quitt Strrict Bargains in Batteries All new factory made in rubber cases. Fully guaranteed. 11 Plate Special 9.65 11 Plate Heavy Duty 10.65 to fit Ford, Buick Four, Chevrolet, Essex,' ' Overland, Star, and all other light cars. 13 Plate Ford Special ......... .$10.95 13 Plate Heavy Duty ........... 125 to fit Buick Six, Chrysler, Hudson, Hupp, Jewett, Nash Six, Studebaker, etc. , ROY CALL AUTO CO. NEW AND USED PARTS 727 Commercial, Near Sixth Tlm new -day refrigerator has set ,'ti oivn standard of perfection The greater iU .tn. i'i :virih or. flinizjtion in .lie 'uilJ h.u now produced a xt:o.i clctititul refrig erator. The mister miiuU of the Cencr..l litcccnc UboratorieJ (wotkin; .r: a period of fifiecn years) ha-s faced the problems of clcctrii- :c friperation and solved them one by one. They have dons vay vith ncisc. three fcet away from there frige ra tor and yu ptr.Sahly won't be able to - ell whether the motor it on or otT. ' Tliry have cut dowr. current con iuuxian. This rciricratot actually ca.s h ss to run than the average family ice bill ' They lave made aa all-in-one unit that require ni o'cmbling and r.o oilim;. All tnc rroving parts a'c enclosed in oe iir.-nctically c;-.i housin;', f Iwi Ko-p te' ptrmcnent'.? in aid trouble out. Thty h.ive made a nfrige'ator th;t you should rcc, ask about, ami com pare with all others, before yoj dccule to bu). ModeU for every ho-nearc no von display. Ccme in end see then. In thnneanviliile, mail the co-ipon .t-rlnw for an intcreiiin,; dvscrip tise booklet. Outstanding Advantages Simplified oo drains, no attachments. Portable install anytthcte. Jutt rluS into nearest outlet and it mm. Quiet three feet away you cao hardly heir it. No Servicing never needs oil ir. or atrention. AU moving parts at; endow! in an hermcucall .r,lcd housing. Economical -.ties very little current, and maintains uniform eemperti'ire. Clean tl.e circulation of air tt.rcu.Ti ih eeib drives dust away frvm the if P ths ieftigetatot. Ghatm: ! Gtrl ElUric Durant Sport Touring wheels, pood lubber. 175.00 Buick Garage 1330 Main Phone 42 . GENERAL H ELECTRIC '';"' Refrigerator . nui cition o cnvsitAt tLEcrrKic leading eucthcai iaA-f.c: taNi7Tio.. o tmi won BALDWIN HARDWARE STORE "The Winchester Store" 414 Main St. Phone 261 n.u.mviN ii.viinwAHK to. rioaao annd mo your rlpscrlpllvo book on simpli fied (irnornl Kli'clrlo Itefrlscrnlor. See the NEW Grain Binder The McCormick-Deering Combines the Best of McCormick and . Deering! In order to build the one best binder it is possible to produce,, the Harvester Company has combined the popular McCormick and Deering grain binders into one improved, per fected machine. The best of both will be found in this new McCormick-Deering binder. j. You will certainly want to get acquainted with the latest improvements in binder construction. Drop .. in and ask us to show you the new McCormick-Deer- ' ing. See it before harvest ; season opens. Thorn am Many Improvement oa New McCormlck-IWr lng lUndcra that are aot oa your old machine. 1. Improved bevel Rears. 2. Improved ball throat l-aarlng on bevel sear shaft. 3. Improved adjustment of ball-thrust bearing for meshing bevel geara. 4. Unll-thruat bearings on both end of the main .wheel hub. . 5. Removable teller bear- , Ing tn grain wheel. . Roller bearings on both ends of main elevator driving roller, v 7. Improved aelf - aligning ' roller bearings. 8. Vertical bolted connec tions between main frame and platform. t. Improved connection be tween platform and ele vator frame. 10. Better bracing for oat aide reel support. 11. More apace between main wheel and main drive chain, eliminating accumulation of dirt and undergrowth. 12. Better platform canvas . adjusting device. 13. Controlling levers eas ier to reach and oper ate. 14. Wider range of adjust meats cn reel. If Yosir Machine Is a Hoar-n Years Old It lYobaMy Lacks Moat of Thcso, Too AU on the NEW McTonulck.lertn: larger and better shaped bundles. . Simplified Knotter. New cord holder handles 11 -grades o twine, .Quick -Turn Tongue Truck. JIakea , binder; easier to drive: ; Take i neck weight off horses. . New Bundle Carrier. Outer end drop as well as fingers. Discharges bundles aa well on bills as on level ground, j 1. Flat Bar Steel Frame. Replaced old pipe frame. Lighter and stronger. 2. More Roller Bearings. . Holler bearings added to elevator rollers. 3. Floating Elevator. Au tomatically adjuats It self to heavy or light grain. 4. Larger Capacity Binding Attachment. More room between breast plate and binder deck. Forms Is Your Old Binder Good for Another Season's Work? Will It go into the hnrvcat tl.ta season, tie all of the bundle and sa.1. ''B1,,'n7. Will It cut the emp with tho minim..... of labor? Wl l It give you (rood -rv1c without . eeaalve repair expense? ... If It will do the.., things you don't . inee, la Z It It. performance I. doubtful. It U well to remember that the new. lmr-"vrd MT;I3' Ing he bra possible service, nnd It costs little, considering; the many year It will servo jfow. J. S. MILLS & SON 6th & Klamath Phona 9 Jl ,Namo Acldrcsa '4