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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1927)
Saturday, July 1(1, 11127. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 11RIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Items of Interest Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Basin. If You Have News for This Department. Your Cuurtety In Calling 88 Will lie Appreciated AllMlIU ln HM- llll. IMrnlr T.hIih . Wilbur ll.iutira tlniiilit Whll- Thiv unnuitl ! nl.- i.r llm ranlim'. I'iiiImk for Convention. .Mr, iinl Mm. lioorK" l!:irih plan Him rmiii'lifo Ylaitora 1 ho Miaaea ..'Ma Murphy and A I ii in I'll a Hall or Kaeruinento are j 111" houaa Vuesla of Mra. A. Iluwn ' n ml MIm Kvelyn lltl. On Krlilay ' evening ll' vlal'ora worn enlitr tiiliierl with a thiatr party at Hi I'lne Trea. HnrlHtur llelurna MrKlnley Harbour hua reaurnerl Ma pimillllll Ml I Mil pot offlre, fol lowing a brief 1 1 1 n-N. Page Throe li. .y uuil K. n F.miu will nrrlv,. In i,, fnmr Ainilliirv will l. ti-ll . lo l.-uv.. on Tuisuluy l.y inmiir fur KlHiunili Kails Huiiiliiy afieriwnil i.n j ,, Hiiwlay. July 17. ul llm ( rooke-l , l.a tiiiiml... where l hey will attend th Hpaiilah Am. Hum Wur irni. . cr,.,K llm, l.orv. anonllng lo an lli state roll vn lion if the Ahht- liii. I tin. Kiiiin i'iiiivi'IUIoii of Dim "II. .mm uf llm 1'lilllppliiea," "July 17. IH, I'l nn. I ..!. .Mr tl.'iiilM'rtmi In a peat torn liiiilitli.r of Hit1 riiriliiml rNi Anmr l.-un legion ntirnl.dr mm, mitt n From Albany. Mr. and Mra. I). O. Wood won h of A I In n y ara spending llm week end hero with frlemla. They arc holef at ixml at tha Hull, IVoin I'lne Hllu- .Mm, f. Thompson and Mra. I). I! rail ley of Hlna fllilgo apent t eral hours here thla afternoon shop ping and visiting friend. l-'mni Ileal ly - J 'h 11 Blmmona of finally trana- llnll while here. i"M I uniiiiiiiirritiriit All vlll Inn i I. mi I.. Kli.n. Mr. unl Mia. Ilnrlli , mi ni hers iii I'MimhI.'.I a I'or.llnl In-' nm -it.'lir . m from ill.' local i nlnn I 1 1 tit i Ion in nil. in I. unil aiix.lluiy. I ' - - ! "We hope in hrliiK home the cop l nr ...t... lirinii 1 .11" for huvlng tin- lur,:- I "W lire mill Im.lly In m-eil of jet ucr.'ui.e In in'inli'-ralilp i.f iitiy .motor cars in Like vlalrora ali.'nd rliiua.'r uf the hiiiiiliirv In in ,01. Iiminlit-r uf 111" Oregon Icglalulnre ,nK ,m ilpanlah War Veiaraua' 1 on-1 1 1 alaie. TI1.1 l.x-al auxiliary lia from .Miilinnimili iniinly. and a in.'ni'. ,ni .rl, , Cmtvr Lake mt menili.ra 11 1 ihe proacnt Um-." I.i'r of iliu llonmi rom mlt 1 011 In- Wcilinailnv ami nr.. in In.,.,.. 1. Ui,. mi,.,i iiu.ary uiirina 11111 inai inmnii. air. j niiimy la ai,p.' ..I lr liaihluny atalcd llila nmrnlnv.';i, ;'2 mid IIS. lulu. . I 11 iiuhrr four In I'orllnnd. I , i. r..ii fr 11... in,, ..1 n,.,l wlnill la Ilia turiKat mulllrllml rtorli ! ,1.. mi,..r .., .....n,..r. . ..r .1,1, . I,'.. 11. ...1.,... I 1n roMlntid, and Hftmca Kottla la Huihlnny. a paal atnlt i-omiiinndfr nf llm Spun- I' Ain. rl. un War Vi-i.tiiih. n.r t,.r,., M.df..r.l an i-miiH'iii hi yi'r .mil i.unm.1 pt.ii-, mi iny j,,nn f Mpilford. lm P. M. Crawford. AiiKcl.-a; lli lon of 111" nmiroiKill. of lifi'iiir ' (,, , (h r ,;rrK Tnnliln. Ili-rklny: Howard l lm ir ii will liav lh-lr iuanM ,riri.. I.lndly at Ilia I.lii.ll-v ! Caw-ron. Sun Krnn r.-o: Jumca d.irlnu llm ioiiriiUoii at llm Ar-. i.niy ll. lchu for Dm ' t ;rr. IliTkrloy : J. K. Iiunn. Nok- rnim imin. ,,,,, f ,rr 1 11 1 u li 1 . rplurimd on Friday walh; F K I lo Imr tionm In llm valley. IiurliiK r,,lo.i JIitMiiic Hiin-lar. ,,,. Y, h(.r. M1 j,n, ,,. W " 1 " """ "'"'"liillimTi..! wlili a ntiiulii-r of Im .MJho llitnnon Hiimi- Mlaa llrrnardlna llitnnon hua ra liirimd homa from an t-xn-ndrd vlH In ( i.lirornla with r'il.itln-1 pud I .' frinnda. I'IuiiiIni lli'liim ' A. ii. I'liimb of Oie Golden Itul I ,,, itciiij I atom returned Ihla mori.lnn from Murtln (llaen U weeV.ei.1 vi..! bullt trip lo San Franclani Hi .- In Ihe rlly from Henri. .Mr, HI la atnppiiia, at the liolel Ar.n.le AlliertMin IUlurnisl Paler Albartann of Tellran Ilay ! Lumber company returned today j from an emtorn trip which carried I lilm aa fur eaat aa Mra.' Alliertaon Joined her hiiahand In I Ilia euat and then motored on Into! Canada with relallrea, Hhe will re- turn to Klamath fa I la In lha near j I futtira after liarln apent aeverall moniha In New Tork City. 1 Flliil H'tit for lilrorre .Vorma Hparka haa filed nlt for MANLY KTfl piiH ri.aaiK iifirwom . Mew leaeher. aniall riaaea. earefMI aprMlaa, ffrtel alas' v elellee. awrlel aaataaa a aerel Iralslea. C a I a 1 a aearfally aat eaaaaat. aeied hualneaa In Ihn rlly to. 'ay. dvorra in tha rlrcalt eourt Mr. Hlmmona aloppail at the hotel Jameg f, Rparka. Tha allomeya Too Late to Cla.alfy FOIl KKNT- f-room modern SiOuaa, partly furnlahed. Good realdanttal dliuict. iiO. 103.1 Main, p atalra. ' If repreaentlnn Mra. Sparks are Man-! WANTEli lidy aolicllor who haa li I n K. MK'ulloch and Ilrliu-oll. flllla For I'lowera and Floral dealgni. I'hona 1 IS. Adv. Jjiml Offlrr OHIriratea To Frank 1,. Parker, entrymnn;! SB i NK 1-4. Bee. 9: 8V 1-4 where he kp'nt, aerernl daya. 8R 1-4 Her. 11. Twap. 24. R. had aucceaaful experlenea. A Koou propoittinn for tha right party. Apply i9 B. ih Bt. It HE 1-4. BK 1-4. Bee. 30, Twd. 81. It In from IUm-Ht Point j 12; SB 1-4. NW 1-4. Sec. 2. Twp. Mra. Charlea lJunn apent the 25, R. It: aclerted in lieu of Utah mornloK here ahopplnir. from Rocky lands. Point. Iiii r..rini.i lo'iiio Mil. n. . I im convention will lie held J.ily.r?' I 'ilea IteuUler AniotiK ihe out of alntn rara rKla terrd al the rliutnlier of commerce tudiiy. up until one o'clock were 'tintor uf I lie I7(li ilia-1 ,r(iniu i,fn,ra. Irl.-t cnmprlalna the conm ca of j KhllllBlh. Lake. J. Iienon. le..ahlllea ,.,,, ,r S.-M, and Ciook will arr.v In Tho ,,,,,,. of r uia ,..niorr.iw ... " " "" i,.un Pnrli will lie held convention of Ihe "Wterana of the Iftliimla of 1 . for lour dnva. Henalnr l'tton la a former atttte romtiiuinler of the Hpntilah American War Velerntia of orcRon. and la Biicrcd a wi"-k F K. hhlMitncr. Weed; F. P. Ilelnttl, Kureka; W, J. Kmery. I'or leravllle; F. It. Week'and, Meitlo I'aik; F. V. Ilijlim-a, llerkeley; F. P. Tnylor. fllveralde; W. T. Ilanta, t'lil.o and Thomaa II. Mlato, Ban Aliaelltio. Iloivitnt Cameron Itetuma Aftei an ahaenea of aeveral montha from llila territory. Howard Cameron, formerly with tile Flro- fr.un Hun. lay. July 24. al llm M-r-ttn ir'cn ranch liotua. Father A. F. I.oeaer will ccti'lirulo maaa lu the oHn and prottram of out-of-door atonn Ilulilier company, haa return- aporta will he enjoyed llirniiKiioui lo Klamath Falla territory. Mr. Cameron la now affiliate. I with the ralldl.'.lite for lha rrw ... ... ,..... r. """" " "'" com,...y ,u . ' e wiiia' hi neeuiuariera in rtan An Intereeiliia- anmmer vl.llor III Francla'-o. Ilurliiir Ihla hnalneaa trip Kin in mil Falla la Mlaa V 4. v I a ll I , , Btl pVi,g Bt the' hotel Wll- Croiinco of ('una. In. tho hnuae itueat i arj one of Hie outatiiiidlna pulillc men , .,,.- la atule. In thl He waa pulilliun nomliinluiu for4 governor I iat year, and will he a randldnta lo aucceed Minaelf In llm at He aen nte In Ihe repiililli an irlmnrlea peat May. Senator I'ldon la mi ev preaid.-nt of the nulla and chairman of Ihe aenate committee on Judiciary. ArrltltiaT Tomomiw Wlll.ur llemleraon. Claude Whit ney and Heneca Fouta will In. alien. In Klamath Fulla ilurlna tha Bpntt' Uh Ameri.un War Veiernua' con vention. All Hirer men ara prom inent btialncaa men of Portland. of Mr. and Mra. Ilert llollowuy. Ihetci Kperirtla 12 all value, f 1 95 023 Maln.rAdv. IlldgAdv. 1'or Inauraiirc tlu Jaa. II. lirlacoll. Wllllama .(Htrecla lerralel .A cotnmlltee In (harfto of dec Mode Shop, oratlnn Ihe atreeln of Klamath Falla ! lor His convention of Bpitnlah War ctrrn, which -nvenea here to- Ciil.rvnli.liiK Moo. I..) morrow were bitty thla niornliia Dr. unil Mra. K. Ill-la. lie am on-' l liiar flrnta Ihroucliout the bual lertalulni at Ihrlr liooie on Monday i noaa ac tion, rveiilni with a dinner parly. . I!,ornlc 11,'it Tom C. Onleman of Portland, yitlet, com. reaitui place, lioon mouilur of the Ordeman Auto In linma rooklnit. Phone "2. 000 . Adjuatora, haa taken offlcea CoiiKer. Adv. I In (Jie William liuilrllnR. Tho com I Taujr have branch offlcea In a hum ' iM-r of eltlea Ihrnnirrronf-trie-Kate; EAT WHERE IT'S COOL Sunday Dinner CHICKEN WHAT AM CHICKEN . CLUB CAFE STAGE Information to all points. Call at New Stage Depot Bill an.l Klnmnlh Ave. Phone 326 K Xpert rrracripllonlata Forbea Pure Druca. Mra. Iivrc Here Mra. John Lowe of Bierra Madro. Callfnrnln, la Ihn nueat of the Voutia- Wnmen'a rluaa of Ilia Flral Preahyterlun church and on Sunday will apeak before the younn women. ' Announcing The opening of several new home sites in Ouse Kila Addition These homesites formerly were known as Lake Shore Acres DRIVE OUT Saturday afternoon or Sunday Select one of these wonderful homesites Enjoy life in the pines and still have all the conven iences of a city OUSA KILA is located about two miles from the new Fremont bridge on liock Creek highway.' Tnkea Offlcea lie Or. P. M. Camion, prominent physician of Lakevlew haa opened offlcea In Ihla city where ho pinna to make hia fnturo home. Dr. Canton will be In ncllvo prnctlre within the ronilim fortnight. i ICtprrt Prewcripllonlata ' Forbea Pure Drum. I Away for Health I After an llluea of ravsral weeka, I W. K. Heck, accompanied by Mra. Heck left for aouthern California where It ia hoped tho change will I'prove beneficial to lila health. These homesites are situated in a beau tiful grove, with lake front boating, fishing, swimming, etc. An abundance of fine water for house and garden use. Do not wait Only a few sites to be had. G. A. BELLMAN Window IMaplay Attractive The: Pnlnre incut market hna an nltractive window diaplay, which la arranged In honor of the Spanish American War Veterans' who wll! convene In Ihla city tomorrow for Ihe Hull aunuul convention of the alnto. Klntniitli Flower Shop for Flower Floral dealgna, qiinlllywlth arrv Ice. S34 Main atrect. Phone 083. I attv. 1-Voiii AlKomn Mra. 11. J. Loftagnrd nf Algonm apent Hie morntiR hours here ahop-plnR. 120 North 7th " Phone :S8 ,i 1925 Ford Coupe New Duco. $300 Dunham Auto Co. 403 S. 6th Phone S2W Durant Roadster A snappy car. 250.00 Buick Garage Herb, Our Chef, says: Ludii'R, don't kill yourselves these hot days cooking a big meal. Make the old man take you out where he enn git just what he enjoys best. And, as the Irishman rays, you will both be satisfied and contented. HOTEL WILLARD . I AT I 1 COFFEE SHOP ONLY THE BEST SERVED -Open from 6 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. THE LIBERTY HATl'KD. V OXI.Y Franklyn Farnum In "Rough Going" If you try to buck the law yoo'li find It rsuuh going! " fOMIXG KFXD.W anil MOXD.IY The Great Tom Mix "No Man's Gold" AT THE PINE TREE HATinnAr only "The Sap" FrnluHnfc KENNETH HARLAN He rapturea twenty-two Oermaaa, but he waa no hero In bla own home town. ' ' ' HI' X DAY and MONDAY Charles Murray anil Chester Conklin ia "McFadoWs Flats" A Comedy In Million Laagha! ! LTV ,u-;v'-."Vw NEYBEkIJT vi n nuuu cere u NEW COLORS and o o . ". V insin Price 'made possible by the efficiency aniaixecbnomies bf the worlds newest and finest motorr factory Enriched in heautT by new and ' fashionable color combinations and offering all those nmatinx qualities of performance and lux ury which have sent Pontiac Six ' popularity to record-breaking lieisliU Pontiac Six is announced today at new low prices on every body type.' This surprising price reduction comes at a time when Pontiac Six Sales have been surpassing all pre vious records and is made pos sible only by the economies of in creasing production in the new $12,000,000 Pontiac Six Plant, which in facilities for efficient quantity productionand precision manufacture, represents one of America's industrial achieve ments. As a result, manufacturing costs on the Pontiac Six have been reduced. So now at a base price of only $745 Pontiac Six offers the follow ing features which constitute defi- nite assurance of lasting satisfac tion and which are obtainable in no other low priced six: (1) Bodies by Fisher with all the Fisher advantages in styling, com fort and safety. (2) The smooth ness, power and snap of the larg est engine used in any six priced up to $1,000. (3) The endurance and stamina assured by an oiling system which forces 250 gallons of oil an hour through the engine at 35 m. p. h. (4) The convenience and luxury of such features as tilt ing beam headlights with foot con- trol and Fisher W windshield. These are four great factors of satisfaction which every buyer of a low-priced six has the right to expect. Yet not one of them is provided on any other six, at or near the new low prices of the Pontiac Six. See this triumph of efficient production and ad vanced design which makes pos sible the enjoyment of six-cylinder perforata ce and Fisher body lux ury at the lowest price in history! NtwLamrPTtconAUPammfrCmBodyTyp , Coup ... 745 Sport Cabrlolat 795 Sport Roadatar '745 Landau Sadan '845 Do Lux Landau Sadan '925 rW Six 1 Lkt DefiWr, r 7?0. Afl pritm at i sKMry. )riifrt prictt tnttudr mmtmtrsn hand ing cfMaTtfcs. tauy lo pay n lha General MKra Tim P)mmm PUn. R. R. R. Garage Phone 212 820 Klamath Ave.' It 1330 Main Phone 42