ffniverrity Library Ccip Eugene, Oregon f - WFtTHiB. Oregon: (iennrally (air tail, cloudy west ponton, wllh fog n1 mlat near the roaat tonight and Sat urday. Normal temperature and hu midity. Gentle Mt and nortrwost wind. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade IMce Five Ceiits KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1927. Number 6078. m, i. 1.1 i -f- - - -- Section Two i dliwnse h-ia broken out again on Title lake, will haatn to ftio spot, of In femullnn and devote lila nitlro tlm" In tho attempt lo determine loo auld !eorg U.S.B.X yn OTIHT H H fl n I" ; '"M (i'",r ill LIRUI UUIIUL i Tunktti. I lillrrt Met". Kama ward iii n i Hn i rniinr '' f . IU U I Jill I I IIUUL Kir. Tonkin urrlvcd us ntorni nr nmn ini ,iim l,ork,"y-t'ul'fnr,',u,iod,'voU' III U I LI 1 1 nfllM fill V 'verl day to th duck altustloo. Ill DlnU ItflflLllU I !;:: :xx:rz - .Via eoiillnued. "that tho dlscaao haa rtruppeared. I hop o but the are affected la an Immenao. that ducka could be (lying like file In on loru" ! lion and lo cnaunl observation, the 'condition would not be known. '1104 k In Waahlngton. I). Iher . "Wo are nat aa mttrh In tho d.irk la man. Mr. Hporry. who. ilin!""' hal of dlapaao la Ihn word la flaah.d that Hi duck ' ! ' thouaaiid or V ducka In tho Klamath haaln. aa froM 'the vary atari. XV are hoping that United State Game War den Tonkin, Berkeley, to ' Inspect Situation First Picture of Illinois Gang Leader on Trial Coat Remodeled. ) Fur Munulaiturur. Furrier urn. WILLIAM IthMM.r It i It Klamath Avenue, Delween Fourth and Flllb. Klamath Fall - Or. the hlh water In th marshy d ! Wkea will pre vent recurrence.1 ".Mr. Hperry la connected with ths ; I'tiltrd Hlatea Biological Survey tyid la an expert in ascertaining rauaea it gum bird maladlea. Th V. R. department la concerned over the altuallon Iter and la willing to de volo lint and money to Ita cradlrn Hun In rase It ahowa up again." Mr Tonkin will b In Klimath for a.-vrrnl duy. depending on what hla j tnreatlgtin In Tulo lake, lower ' , Klamath lake and Hump dlerioaca I ,-'. -r ' it . : x kit AW. Krrk ItulitMT HulMiltuto. OUANOE. N. 1.. July J5. IA1- 'Thouiaa A. Kdlaon la boning up on ' riihUr. In an fflort to rind ! latltuta thai ran bi grown In th t'nl tfd Statu. Thla wk h aptint Hiiro daya In th library nf Nrw York botonlral gardftt. - , 4 I UK' l 3 I mil i LUKE m CROP LARGE? FLEECE IS SHIPPING DONE ' Improve 4 Mile Highway j South of Lake view; Com mitiion Views Road encloifr. and mrmbnra of tho ClH-. fornia atat highway romml.-ou wore in Lakxyiew Sunday morntpir . to Ititerrlrw bualnras men. Thia party came to Pine frrek from AI-' turja to look over the road in view of designating It aa a alate highway , projert. If it la o riealgnated. there . will be niaradamtxed road to replace the prcaeut aurface. - Lake county, Oregon, acear&njt to treport, will meet thia highway at fine Creea; ; with a maradamlied road. We Deliver , PRONACO MALT (100 Per Cent Pure Malt Sugar) Our rualomera any: heat Mall "I'ronaro" Malt la the yery hare ever uaed," We are mrlualve agent In Klamath county. A trial will roniflnrw anybody. Pelican City Bakery & Grocery v Delicious Bakery Product Ameiicmi antl Italian Imported Specialties . PHONE B51-W LAKEVIKW. Ore.. July 1.'.. An exceptionally heary hay crop la being , harrealed. - The lint cutting of al i fulfa haa been made and work atar jed on the natural bay landa. Pavori table weather la aaalatlng ranchera In Ucrlng for the crop In good ahape. ,' Work on the larger rinrhea will 1011 j tinue for aereral weeka. Htiv k on open ram;ee are doing aplendi:iy. 'and lamha and beef are fatt.iln j for market. v ' The 19!7 clip of wool la about M i.ahlpped. FaTell-L'tley Realty rwu-i i pany, repreaent!ng Hallowell. .'one ! c Donald, and I). T. Oodall for Ele- : mann Broa., finished tbelr Likerle i ahlpmnnt laat week. There wi'l iie a few more clipa go forward from i Bend. The fleece weighed out well. I arc racing better thaa aeren pound. ! Many Individual banda aheared eloae I 1 to 10 pounda. The abeep are making ! an excellent get-away for 19J8 w a'. I The improrement of four m!!a of highway aouth of Lakevlew j coming along rapidly. Thia distance take out aerera), bad curves end i grades. j Mr. J. P. Hall, California atate Dog Dle: Mw4er Hayed. ' ' NORTH AtiAWAM. Mass.. July 15. (AH) During a thunderstorm, Henry Campbell and son took refuge Inside a house they were building. . Their dog stood between them: lightning killed the dog. Neither man waa hur.t . : . 'r' ThU plrtu. f l.He. Illnt.r ! Ms ''V """ '-, trial for tlir nmnl.T of Joe Adam, of Weat C My. The sIkk-Ii.,, of Adam.. of score L InHna; the vlelou. Bn warfare of the l.t two eara In .uthem II liH-ls. Mr. IHr- r. I .mn aV the left, while ltirer .It. iHtweru I.I. two daughter. Minnie on the left ami W. "Tr. HBht IK I.I...I l.l." I Itobert K. Ho.lth. hi. lUtornr,. Tl.l. U the flrl new. pirturr ere, takew of Wwr. , ". ... SAFEGUARD J , Your Eyesight Do Not Let Fear Interfere With Good Vision ' A common rauso of neglect In har--ing their eyes properly attended ta is the fear most people hare that tbey may hare . to wear RlaKses. DR. H. W. BARR '; - Eye Sight Specialist '" GUS DUNN - JFTftKI.Kft AND OITIC1AS ' - AOS Main Street forty-Four Youths Awaiting Opening of Boy Scout Camp : Daily Program is Announced CLEARANCE SALE Coats Silk Dresses Hats Hat? formerly $10.00 and up, now $5.00 Hats formerly up to ?10.00, now $3.95 Silk Gloves J2 Price RARNH ART'S . LADIES' McCarthy Bldg. READY-TO-WEAR No. 118 No. 7th St. Myron ilasklns. Ralph Peyton. Glen Scott, Albert Ijivenlk. Keith nucon Ich. Jack Hales. Howard lyewls. Dexter Knight, lllchard Krnnden burg. Wilier Thomas, Wendel Moore. F. Cook, tlordon Brunton. Klmer Wllkoraon. Ben Wlllson. Clarence Howie. Howard Keed. Sluaser. G.-i Forty-four boy nil accerdlted Boy Hcout of Klsmnth are anx iously awaiting the day wheu. in charge of Beryl Blerln. acoul execu tive, they start out for their sum mer encampment on the c-ist lde of Luke of the Woods at Kalnbow Th. it.v I. Jiilv Id. and for seven IJante Sluaser. Morris .i.v. th. vnnth. will live In thelDrew, BUBSell Howard. open, will enjoy fishing, hiking. Tho camp will be In charge of honllng. and. moat of all. acout- Beryl Blevln. camp director: J. W. ..nrfnr ih. ilireetlon of Blevlns Scoggliis, assistant camp director; and his able assistants. July !&. Ih boys will return to Klamath, and will be replaced 'by inot her group who will remain t the beautiful spot nntil August 1 Annovnrement wa made today by lllevln of the Hat of hoys who will ho at tho ramp the first week and the dally program at the rump. Fate of Wheeler-OIrmtead j Mill Still In Doubt; Hear- ing Wedneday i For the third time In , the past, week. he sales of the Wheeler Olmstead Lumber company, bank-j rupt Pelican City plant, today was postponed.. , '. , A bearing on an Injunction in stituted by Lloyd Wentworth. Pcrt Innd, tritstte in bankruptcy for the mill's creditors, which waa to hnve been held yesterday morning be fore Vnlted State District Judge Bean, wa postponed until Wed nesday. Earlier In the week. Sheriff Haw kin had set the time of the sher- Iff' sale tor tbls afternoon;. Advised that no action wa taken WATCH THE FOOD YOU EAT! What a relief for mother" to know thnt when they put on a meal for their family that ha been prepared from Groceries and Vegetable, from here, they are the finest and the most wholesomo it's possible to obtain. We carry only tho best grades of canned jroods, tho freshest Vege tables and tho finest Groceries in the city, Thono us your order today. ' . Strawberries Raspberries Loganberries ' Blackberries f Black Cap Raspberries Big Black themes Apricots . Peaches Watermelons NCasabas Cantaloupes Honeydews Plum9 (all varieties) , Green Beans, Home-grown Green Peas . and All Kinds of Fresh Vegetables' HURRY CASH GROCERY Phone 576' 524 Main I The list follows: i 44 To l(f. j Arthur Bremer. Axel Alio. Wal lace Baldwin, Morton Ynden, Bur 1 ton Htlnson. Kmebert Kos. Dirk Hnyden. Harold GrUfilh. Donald Kcnyon. Norton Taylor, Bex Hi maker. J'arker Smith, Jenn Joyaux. Kndney McQttad. Merle Crawford, Harvey Brannon. Vernon Knrlne, Bex Fauss, Jnme McNutt, Dillon Moore, Kloyd Moore, Horace Moore, Merle Swanson. moralo officer, and Tom Cunning, senior patrol leader. Dally achedule of the boy will be follows: :30 a. m.. arise: :4". a. m.. dip In like: breakfast. 7:05 a. m.; S a. m.. InMructlotia In scotitcraft: 10 a. m.. swimming and boirtlng: noon, lunch: 1:30 p. m.. irt wSrt z :: p.i'n ,he r1orl,and court sher,,f H,w : kind fulfil: : m. ramnr re nrocram: n. m.. i ta pa. A special overnight hike to the top of .ML Pitt will be held each week. Two and a Half Miles Oiled Toward Keno GLASSES Fyn Examined, FiticJ and tlw Gl CtrtHiird in out o n factory to suit yomr Broken L enact Replaced DR. GOBLE'S 70 MAIN TtlT Rtfjin Qtiii Sertkt with iV4 mile of the Ashland Klamath Kail highway between this illy anil ixriiu uiicu mm iii iit-aij ront and arreenlngs, re-treatment of thi section of highway I pro ceeding slowly but surely, stale highway authorities said today. Maximum mileage day on re treatment operations is two miles. Following completion of this sec tion of read, the state, highway oil ing crew will move to the Algom.v Klamath Falls section of Th Dalles California highway which, when completed, will wind up state high way oiling operations In Klamath this year. . The aale will be postponed un til nexf week, awaiting disposition of the Injunction in federal court." F. Hill Hunter. Klamath Falls, holder of the first mortgage on the mill which he liad purchased from the Lumberman' Trust com nanv. had foreclosed on hi mort- I gage, ojid securea a uecree irum ( Circuit Judge A. I.. Lavnt cmering, the sheriff to sell the mill on the sheriff's block. j One week ngo. as ho was about to sell the mill on execution. Sher iff Hawkins received a temporary Injunction from Judge Bean's court enjoining him Trom selling the. mill until claims for an accounting from Hunter made by Wentworth had ! been settled. Tho injunction hear-j Ing was scheduled for Monday but i was postponed at that time until yesterday, Once agnln the hearing, was postponed until next Wednea-j day. . , ! SATURDAY SPECIALS PHONE 83 6th & Mam Try cur "Health Bread" ( Order a Dozen MOLASSES COOKIES - RAISIN BREAD All Kinds of Hunch Vegetables ; 5C '. ' ; - ., . ' - Head Lettuce, large ............10c 1 Head Lettuce, small, 2 for ...........................15c String Beans, 2 lbs. for 25c . Home Grown Peas, 3 lbs. for 25c ' Melons of all kinds Fruits of ul! kinds. " FA L L S Grocery and Bakeiy 6th and Main Phone 83 1! - BALL PLAYERS 23 Per Cent Reduction on All Gloves, Mitt and Bats Camp Mattress, doubles size $4.50 Camp Mattress, single size $2.75; Aluminum Lunch Sets $8.50 Jointed Steel Trout Rods .'. 75c Split Bamboo Trout Rods $1.45 Imported Trout Flies, dozen '....$1.50 , Tapered Leaders, 6 ft .45c Castinpr Reels, 80 yards .....$1.45 Level Winding Anti laek-lash Reels......... $5.50 ' ' v Klamath Sporting Goods Co. ; 117-80 7th St. . Telephone 1369 Health Unit Will Stage Clinic Soon At Kesterson Mill To old parents In collecting all- ' metus of their babies and amall chil- . dren. a clinic will be held at the old ' Kesteraon mill site, near Topsr i tirade. July 22, by the Klamath couh ! ty health unit. It was announced thl I morning hy Miss Haiel McClelland, t county health nurse. The rlluir will be a baby and pre ! school clinic and approximately 11 Irhlldnn and bab'.c are expected to , attend. Mrs. ('. C. Ijewl Is in charge ' of preliminary arrangement. The ' clinic will be conducted hy Dr. . 8. ! Xewsom, medical director of the , Klnmalh county health unit assisted hy Miss McClelland. - "The roads are In poor condition between Keno and Kesterson," Mis McClelland saltl. The Polly Shoppe 133 South Ninth St. Opposite Post Office We hold no SALES Our prices are always at their LOWEST. Our goods are NEW and SNAPPY, , Voile, Sparkle Rae, Dimity DRESSES , ,'': Have Arrived ' ' Priced $2.35 $2.50 $2.75 See Them ' Also New Arrival of Silk Dresses ' Sizes, 34 to 46 Priced $10.95 to $15.75