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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1927)
TnW Sit t 1 1 1 HF. FSVENTNrt HRRAT.D. KT.AMATF! FAT.T-?. OHFCON Friday, July IT,, 11(27. Welterweight Sensation to Bay City promoter altered their , ' ' , 'plan and selected another boy. Live in City u ) J Webster has boxed all the north--- i went welter main .renter since One more boxlnit sensation of the lvln Ban Francisco Jncludln northwest attracted her by Glen ""boy Harper. Yom Karmcn. Lnaron. matchmaker has arrived Oeor.o McCormlck. Jimmy Kelly. TAKKS tUTII IIKXH, July 15. tAT) Hubert V Sawyer, Deschutes cnutily iuilsto jrhamplon ot the world. Waterman portant ftthta with Pode llereo. of the west ami the popularity of offered to aend Webster for f l.Orti) j L Itaron received an offer from I III. camp around grew by leaps und 'and two tickets. I Leo l.omkl from California for j bound. At the last moment, however, the Pep'a services to act as trainer while I am IvaviiiK the business for aud publisher of the It 'll il llullv- ! Leo was preparing; to meet T1itcr;the reason that my wife cannot tin. yesterday took the oath of state. Flowers. Hv In the Klamath climate.-' Mr. I highway , commissioner. Ho sue- Webster works every evening ai.tiaricn asm. -una Ik 111 Meworn . reeds Win. Diihy of Dakar, re s' p. ui. l the lesion hall and will I at this lime and her health Is not act aa second to Frankle llrltt and '(nod. We plan to travel until she .Joe Bimonlch and Travle Davis. One ot his feats was to slay five ' rounds and two minutes with Leo Lnmskl at Otympla, a big feat for any middleweight, much less a small j weltcrwetfthL iv.h.t.r hii hii rmm TiMmi. I I Tirana promoters arc now wns originally brought to the west seeking Pep to Tight Del Allen, Ore-, hv Joe Waterman. Portland match- on s latest weiterweigni sensation maker, to develop Doe Snoll. In addition to bringing Snell to the In-Klamnth Falls to make this cltyi his permanent headquarters. He Is Pep Webster, colored wel terweight, who besides his proclivi ties aa a fighter, has uncanny abil ity of developing boxers. Johnny Bray In the fight card to be staged here July 20. Fan are .asking for a Webster Callahan match and l.o Huron la giviug the match careful consideration. regaius her health. I liuve tin 1m meiUite plans. 1 dniilit very much If I over return to li.'' . The camp ground Is located nn what was formerly known as Hie Altamont Tanch. It I located ut a grove ot the moat beautiful poplar trees In Klamath. Dorris Dance to o r J ' It Is easier to make a new, unf- tse Ungmai ana ;ri, ,hiin to HU a u , ,,, u'm.:. Peppy Tomorrow, peak. Webster ts largely responsible for the development of Danuy Mat for July l. May Meet t'alUlinn I A danco with a spice and original- I.e Baron brought the colored I it y that will supplement tha rhyth flash here not only as a possible j nilc strains of Jail is scheduled -for signed. IMU'T l'tlHTl'tKI DKTKOIT. July 15, (API The Sammy Mundvll-IMill M.Cruw light weight chiimptoUHhlp boxing mntci scheduled for tonight was postponed today until tomorrow night bv caune ot nun. Considering whut mast people nr. willing to do for money It's a won der there are not moro millionaires. Ford Touring Just overhauled ; 5 good tiros; a 15,000-mile car without repairs. 150.00 Buick Garage 1330 Main Phono 42 Studcbaker Tour'g Light nix,-A-l.. 250.00, Buick Garage 1330 Main Phono 42 thews. Young Peter Jackson, and opponent for Callahan, Starkey or "One Step" Watson, a iVnver boy Fugate. but also to develop Johnny recently matched with Pete Latao. Bray and Billy Austin, local boys former welterweight champion. jthst Pep took a great fancy to 'Webster's first trip to the coast while acting as I.e Baron's trainer brought plenty of trouble to Call- In Tacoma. fornia welterweight ot San Fran- Webster Is an Intelligent, cour rlsco and Oakland. He met Gene toons colored boy who is well Cllne, Mike O'Leary, Joo Roche, thought of by Tacoma. Portland and Bobby Rrldgea and other leading Seattle fans. He will be an asset men ot his weight who were then here as a main event attraction and righting the four round game. j will be very useful In developing Pep went over big In the Bay die- talent, trlct. and soon after locating in ; Sought aa Trainer Tacoma, Waterman received a wire Harry Dillon, light-heavy champ from San Francisco promoters ask- wanted Pep to train him tor a re Ing ior a good welterweight to box rent bout. Ted Krarha recently re Jack Brltton, ' then welterweight tained him as trainer tor bis Im- Bargains in Batteries All new factory made in rubber Fully guaranteed. cases. 11 Plate Special $ 9.65 11 Plate Heavy Duty . . . . ....... 10.65 to fit Ford, Buick Four, Chevrolet, Essex, Overland, Star, and all other light cars.- 13 Plate Ford Special .$10.95 13 Plate Heavy Duty , Ii35 to fit Buick Six, Chrysler, Hudson, Hupp, Jewett, Nash' Six, Studebaker, etc. ' ROY CALL AUTO CO. NEW AND USED PARTS 727 Commercial, Near Sixth tomorrow night at Dorris. Callfor nia. according to word received here today. With moving pictures of crowd, a hen chicken supper, a dance ton test and, last but not least, the Marysville Jan band, all In pros pect, the affair promises to te auc cessful in every sense of the word. Francaa Anderson, attractive young woman, has been elected queen of the dance, and around her will revolve thearlous and sundry activities of the entertainment. Altamont Camp & Ground is Sold iv.un:iuum riuu j bid . i eific coast. It includes 90 trim and i attractive cabins, eight acres ct land, a grocery store, butcher shop, aervice station, garage and other building. The-pimp ground Is al most a little municipality of Its own, with all accomodations at hand. The deal ha been In process of negotiation for some time but only yesterday did money actually change hands. , Mr. Carich. formerly In the pool ' room business in Klamath. Initiated I the camn ground nroiect three veur 1S ago. He acquired the property and started In on a comprehensive scheme of development. Popular. Offering exceptional attraction to tourists, the name of the camp gronnd spread along the highways Ford Coupe '23 model; good tires. 100.00 Buick Garage 1330 Mam Phono 42 '21 Chey. Roadster Just a good car. . $165.00 Locke Motor Co. Ol KVItOI.KT CARNIVAL DANCE at .MERRILL Saturday Night, July 16 CHICKEN SUPPER SERVED And Cat' Taxi Will Make Special Rate. t LES SAILING AND HIS COUNTRY BOYS Will Play Till 3 A. M. 3? 0 Durant Roadster A snappy car. 250.00 Buick Garage 1330 Main Phone 42 L W -S.- -5- Announcement We claim we sell the best meat in Klamath Falls at the best cash price. In order to overcome the difficul ties of leaving the cash when our deliveryman calls, we are introducing our Meat Coupon Books of $10.00 and $20.00 less 5 percent making an additional saving on our low cash prices. We also have our own delivery service which is free and leaves at 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. Phone your orders. This Weeks Prices Steer Beef Roast ........ Boil Soup Meat Steak ............ 15c .12c .12c ,18c Fryers Fat and Tender .......30c Hens Fresh Killed ........... 26c,, (..'.' Lard Bulk 1 15c 2 1b. Pails .35c 41b. Pails 70c 9 lb. Pails $1.60 Good Bacon Fresh Smoked ....... .23c These prices are good at the Palace Meat Market Lincoln Meat Market Phone 68 524 So. Main St. Phone 444 3rd & Main St. Piggly Wiggly Market 407 Main Street Phone 682 2'for$1.45 Extra Value For Tomorrow HlionliiR a fen- of lliem In our window. Fine brood rlotlm, nin'lnia. luiimooka, Hr. Kull cut, rolntorcrrt at of stiain. 2 for at. 4.1 In the better grade some selling up to $2, tomorrw at $1.35 The men of Klamath know the stock we cany, as well thn oualitv. Look at these tremendous savincs and then begin to wonder why you haven't bought that extra pair, ft ians vrays Browns Silver Every pair goes Pin Stripes Wide Stripes Plain Colors $ 6.50 values 7.50 values 9.00 values 12.00 values Golf Sox Stock up on these while at thews rricea. Fine imported .voolerm as well as' cot ton. Plaids and checks. '" Discount f!.n.ey..75c lo Another special croup, cotton, roll tops Dress Shoes and Oxfords Nine different styles, blnck and brown. Shoes that sold up to $6.50. Kid and calf. Good buys. $4.35 Drastic Reduction on Straws "-y Two months ' of wear still s ' V ahead of -you. Throw away that old one when a new one costs so little.. IX Ps $3.50 tffa"- $7.50 Leghorns Panamas Swiss Toyos Sailors Saharas $2.50 grades now $1.65 $2.35 $3.65 $1.95 5 Own a good swimming suit. 1 ask I or a uantner They're so well made, fit right, and hold their shape. Single or two piece suits priced at from $2.25 to $7.50 c ft, ' McDonald Shirts The (tood unlon-mutle, coal slyln shirts that particular men like. Fr.ur d Of? colors 0 1 tti Boys' Blouses Chenrnr than ynu can muko them. Nice materials and slsos up to 14. Val lies to 11.25, nt ... DOC Boys' Overalls Ilia; pile of waist anil 1st I In practically ill sizes. Moth ers know we curry good all for the kiddles. I'rlccd n 95c Golf Knickers A chance for n nice p a I r of knickers. Fancy iv o"n put terns. I.luhl nml ilnrk (flora. All sixes now nt Discount We Always Have5 Been For the ' Workingman Twenty-Two Years At It. Sixth and Main , n l o rv r 17.1... TT ivimoummer uays tsrrag Digger vaiue uays Sugarman's Store For Men Offers Many Tomorrow Best Days for Flannels as V- r a, VIM ' & -i r , m. i ir . i il. i t at S4.35 4oOWiP at 'wiffmm I at 5.95fd( at 8.35K SSihXn t . , Work Shirts 75c This is a good buy in work shirts and no question about it. Striped or plain colors. Well made, full cut, all sizes. Khaki Pants $1.95 Shop the 'entire town, t!ien look at these and the chances are you will, take a pair with you. Special purchase, all sizes. " Levi's Overalls $1.50 'Every man knows the price of these overalls. Boss also included, in waist or bib. This price holds good as long as we are to sell them at that. .. K. SUGARMAN '7 Ain't Mad at Nobody" 0 0