if Friday. July 1B, 1027. THE EVENING HERALD. 'KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON k .. . iCET PLACE I? RrlftR ft i i ) LESS ACTIVITY, T Prices Higher in Wcgt For eign Market Reported) , Strong BOSTON. July 15. (AIM t Sit Ootmnorclul Utillt-lln tomorrow will sny: i ' . "Slightly less activity has chir. arterlted thn domestic won market Oil past week, but price continue 10 harden, All diti aro In de mand, although quarter and half blood grade have been, dominant In thn trading. Kino woota, aleo hare been In good demand. "Foreign mtrket are slrotie. end Merino 'In London reached ncv. heights (or choice wool. k "Thn goods market I evidently in morn cheerful humor than for km lint and commit mmm have been encouraging. Unl I'iIt Higher. Vln Ida rr t. ' prims have gone posatbly a bit dearer In lli aalee nl Itoawell. Thn uxi U getting rapidly cleared of tlio new clip. "Mohair la firm In moderate trading, mostly on low quality hair, at a price," Th Commrri LiI Bulletin will pub Hull thn following quotation to morrow: Rrourcd bal:' Oregon: .Fin and V M staple, Oregon: Finn and P M tuple. U.0SOI.0.. Fin and P M rlolh lug OdcvTSS; valley number I. ocC. ; . J . Mobalra: Original bug average IS month. 53rS6. Thn Cu and Rpfl Club la trying to aafva Iho prublutu cl hU h ws first the enrol or dlwam.. Departures daily ' V Ohly straight-thru motor roach service to Portland. California cilina and great Houlbweat -with 3 dally erhe dule. . Serve all Intermedi al point atop-over If do ll rod. Great responslhla ay, tarn protncla you cre for haggng. Fluent ' gloss-enclosed tarn, reclining chalra, baatrra. I.oav tor, VRKKA. DlNKMim HKDIMNO HAM KHAXf lSOO ... ' ' IX 4 AM.KLKS BAM IHKf.O, I'HOK.MX, EL TAHO Mi:i)lXltf, HOHKIll no PORTLAND HKATTI.K, VAXrOrVKlt 7ill a. mH lOi.tO a. ni., : 1:00 p. nt., 4:00 p. ni. Terminal Stage " Depot Thone 999. FRECKLES And POP AAAtfffS AAw 7U.IS . C"0W 8AR CAJP-.R TO - CAW eJSVW AOOS5 ' iN WOOL MAR Safe i .naasgEsaaaKMaataanaatvaavaaacaEakSX r ; ' " - - -- .! . ,w.-fM - ' --- . . a- -e. r-rr.a f ,......e ssrajTBfzrrapi -- " i v-- - . - . ; v i.c. n i i . m i i I r-'-N-jK , - J i V ' ' r'- .ClTSirwciivKC,wa TO" 1 Ls'' ' i "". i' ' n ' . ' "" ' ' l ";;.' ' . -; " - 1 ; ii i J PINE INDUSTRY : is PICKING UP Orders for Past Week Equal New Business fo Seme Period of 1926 ' NKW YOIIK. July IS. ' ikt" Whllo reioii rnrelvad (from S.K aoft wood Uiid 131 hard wood lum ber mill allow tha IndiiMtry In rhnr- antnrlntlr aeaaomtl ItMdowti. thuro la aurouragetiinut In Ibf furl tbut 111 bnalnoaa lakell tilnt week la equal to. that of tbn rurrraptitnllng wk In IU2S. iwn thn Nattoikil Lumber Monufn. inrer' mk IiIiiii. ! - AlDHtat Invariably thw order fltu. ww'li Hir waek, baa been ea In H21 Iban In 192S. Aetual rnporta abow a - largn dnrrnoan, but onoalilerlng for mllla thai am dUrontlniilng re nurtluR. thn ronctualon la that th order (lie la aa lurjtn aa u yritr ago. Hh'pineiita were about the aamn. with a alight dnrreaan In product Ion, Strwi.lMMJ Ht.ilrriuo I-or SI. NKSV VOIII5. Juiy 15. (AIM Any body who wanta a nice marble atglr- rae which roit ItSO.doa 12 yeare ago ran have. It for one dollar and no qunatlnna aaked. Apply to the fulka wrecking the maaalon of 6th Avenue recently aold' by Klhorf ir. Cary. It aeeaia there'a no demand (or marble atalrraaea now. One from William A. CUrk'e manalon wae dumped at aea becauae the wrecknra could think of nothing alae to do with It. Abarnca makna the picture poat- rarda accumulate. , Vacation F&res - -for louKost travel to Pacifia . Coitut cities and world l I famous retorts' Now plan vacation (rips. See the whole Pacific Coast this summer. Fa ' moui trains snJ con venient schedules to. ccrve tlio entire coast. Note three exampleo tickot. i t. u'e d.tUr. limit loLe. R-r ltT(p to ' Pan Franclneo,. IS1.I5 Loa Angelea I3S.VS" Del Monta -. $27. t ( Hanta Crui US.iS Yoaemlle I3S.40 Portland . I IS. 30 Goiwiftly .comfortably by train. Save precious .vacation time. Save money and ncrvotts en ergy, too. Ask about low sutnmrr fares and Southern J'n ciic'j4grfiit routcjtolhe ' east. Ooutiicsm 1 ( f. ath w, Hr IJW I'liono -iw HIS FRIEjNDS First Woman Aviation Field Chief ' Mrs. tan-nut Oi-lxv, widow of Carl Olan, who made tlm flmt drop la plane upliebl by a parnrliuln. la claimed aa thn flmt ' woman to manage an avbulon field. After ber buoband'a re rent dralch ahe look over the ImluMry be had atartnd near Han Diego, wldctl to lt equipment, ami In doing; well In I ho builnewi. " NEW TODAY i WANTED Kiperlnnced stenograph er and bookkeeper. Dealrou per manent poaltlon. Local reference. Write Box SS7, care Hcrjld. 1S-1S FOR SALE In Hot Spring, ad dition, a new t-room aturro houae with full baaement and fireplace. Will eonalder good cloaed car aa aowa payment, ivv ijisey m. 2V0 Lasey St. V . 15-14 FOR RENT Furnished 1-room house; also partly furnished one room cabin. Call S34 Prescot Ave. ' 15-19 LOST I.lcmllyn setter. 8 montba old. Call 1332-W after 5 p. m. Reward. . 16-1S FUR HALE Furniture, , gon Ave, 1437 Ore .1 15-21 "We Knot? Houf FAMILY. WORK ECONOMY ROUGH DRY WET WASH. ' New City Laundry Phone 154 E. J. KOMI, Mnnager 4th and Klanwth CORNS (Jalckrsliefftompainfnl . corn, tender toe and pressor of tifbt shoe. DlScholTs "Lino-pads Itt , HARNESS and SADDLES AWNIXflH AXD AITO T01S If It' made of canvas-or leather, we make It. CONNOLLY BROS. , SADDLERY 014-018 Main awl Fair and Square NEW TODAY LOTH FOR BALK IS lots In Hot Kprlnxa Addn., one or all. At a bargain on may term. Write. Her ald Hog 8.-. . . - 15-1S FOlt RENT 1-room apartment, alao alwplng room at ill) Oak Ave. Inquire SOS Oak 8U 1S-21- Kof SALE Cream aeparator. Rum wy H . co Red Front' Second Hand Store. 230 So. th. IS Hand Store. 230 So. th. FOR RENT A quiet sleeping room for men only. 205 Wlllita Rldg. IS ROOK KEEPER, experienced, wishes position. Reference, phone 867. 15-14 WANTED Work on ranch by young American married couple.. Exper ienced. F. Wardlow, Gen. Del. FOR -RENT Room for one gentle man. No other roomeni. Always hot water. 326 Flue St., or call 122 N. 4th. . 16 FOR SALE Invalid's wheel chair. Phone 108. 115 N. 4th. 15-14 M. O. WII.KINS ' Lawyer Klamath Falls 208 Williams Bid' FOR SALE Bummer cottage at Lake of the Woods. House 14x26,. well built and finely located, to- gother with new boat and Johnson motor; all In fin shape. All for $800, For particular call at Her ald office. - ' 15-21 . FOR BALE 400 yearling Whit Leghorn bens. They have been carefully culled and arc now lay ing 60 nor cent; aa extra fine Hock. Klraer I, Applegate, Box 236, Klamjth Falls. Phone 14 F2. 1 15-181 FOR SALE OR LEASE Modern home. 4 rooms and bath, garage. woodshed, lawn, trees and shrub. Lot 60x1 SO. at 39 Nevada. Ave. Sale price $3300. Caah $300. bal- ance $40 per month Including In- tercrt. Will Ivase for one ycir at $30 pr month with aomo furnl- . ture It desired.. Call 107-W or write P. O. Box 353 City. 15 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE WORK WANTED E-1 ttmate furnished. No - Jobs too large or too small. . Phone 10"7. , A.C.Johnson.' ' 105-11-2S WINDOW CLEANING Floor wag- Ing, house cleaning and janitor service. ' References. A. M. ! Rhoads. Phone 1066-V7. 107-26-U' LOST AND FOUND FOUND 17-Jewel Walt ham watch. Owner call at Herald office. 1 4-1 LOHT Lady'e gray coat between Klamath Fella and Cblloquln. I'bone 422. Reward. - 14-1 FOK KENT 4-room unfurnished hou and garage. Phone S27-VV. For Sale Automobiles FOR BALE ModelKIS Special CMC truck with cab and body, new rQR KENTBU of otUc, M. pneumatic tires all around. Right . nttt) Block opposite Court House, op In shape for Immediate work.j ,0 lcrea, cregan Ranch near Orln Addreaa KV. rare Herald. 9-15: aa)e achool, 3 mile from town. FOR 8ALE Lata model Standard filx Studebaker Coach, ' five good tlree, new In Mar 192S, run 18,000 miles. This car la a bargain. : Addreaa KV. care Herald. S-1S FOR 8ALE Model 12( Paekaxd. Sedan. 13.000 miles, upholstery and paint like new, lateat type high compression motor, Addres Bos KV. care Herald.. S-1S, TOR 8AiE-A2 Blf Big Btudebak- ! r S-paaaenger Sedan, 120 inch wheel-base, new last December. Rubber, body and motor In tint I claaa shape. Addreaa Box KV. 9-15 ; clans ahupe. Address Box KV, ram Herald. 9-15 FOR SALE 1 Late model Maxwell conpe, run 7000 miles, license $175 1 IS J 4 Maater S-Bulck aedan. A bargain $7"S I Chevrolet Sup. touring... f 135 1 Overland roadster $140 1 Late 2-Door Ford aedan SZJS 1 Late 4-Door Ford aedan....$27S 1 192S Olda. coach. A dandy ' buy. Deluxe model ....$750 1 192S Essex coach. New tires 4475 We have many more to select from. Liberal terms. ROY CALL'S USED CARS ' Bee Walt Abbey 8th and Pine St. Lot ; Phone 334 FOR SALE FOR -RALE Typewriter, latest mod el U C. Smith, at sacrifice. Ad dress Post Office Box 755. 14-15 FOR SALE lb-Inch alternating electric fan. new. Reasonable. 1010 Main. 130-13-15 FOR SALE Oood alfalfa bay, $1 per ton in the shock.. A. Otto. Spring Lake. .. . 97-9-15 FOR SALE Hay stacking derrick. 40-foot pole. 24-foot boom, with cable and guy cable. Frank Ira White, Homocreat, Shasta Way.' ' , 14-1 FOR SALE 200 tone of upland hay in the grass at 14. SO per ton; and 140 acre of fine beef pasture. T. A. Cnlbertaon, Fort Klamath. 121-12-18 u , , ,, " , TOS' Wolf grey female $15.00. $45.00 maiea $25.00. Small payments will hold one. Poodle cheap. Ken nel Pellcsn Road. 131-13-15 FOR SALE Real Eestate 90-foot 6th St., $1600, terma. Four 40 foot lota Oregon Arc, $400 each. 100 ft. Oak St.. $400. Terrace Ad ' dition lots. $300 to $550, 10 cash, balance 24 payments. Sev eral small bouse, will sell like rent. Cottage, flat and apart ment for rent. W. M. Montelios. 521 Main St. 11-17 , rrr nrtrr rUK RENT . v ' FOR RENT Room.., 235 N. 6th. . ... 13-15 ' ' ' ' ' ROOMS 920 Lincoln, Phona 597-W. . - 132-J20-JJ20 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, one or two gentlemen. 126 N. 3rd SU 118-12-11 FOR RENT New S room house, $18.00 month. Close In. Phont 644-J. 423 Plum. 84-JX-tf. FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. Private bath. Phone. Two blocks from new high school site. 1125 Xast St. Phone 1037-W. 95-28-90 FOR RENT FOR RENT rtrat clese furnished apt., ateam beated. McCarthy ApU., (10 Pine, v Phone 100. 14tf FOR RBNT One room, doable bed with- bath. One man $J 00 pr week, two- men IS.00 per week. Phone iti-J. 14-1S FOR RENT New modern 6-room house on Roger St. Full baaement. garage, range. Adulta only- In quire 302 W. Main. . 14-1S Mrs. L. B. Hague, Bid. Phone 227. 210 Wlllita 12-13-14 FOR RENT Fornlahed court apt, 2 room and bath, alactrlo nus hot water, garage. 14 IS Ea planade. . Phone 7S4-W. 7S-JJ-Jy2' ron. RFnt We can care too bit money at tbe Arcade Hotel Apart ments, furnished completely, elec tric range, linen, disbe and tele phone. Or room with private baths at real eat rate to par: manent gnata. . Arcade. May 9-Jun WANTED WANTED Lawn work. 247-J. . Reference. 100-9-15 ' WANTED Housekeeper. 1 Call 1978 Pelican City Road. r 13 FOR SALE-? Real track cheap. Cali fornia, Highway Garage, : 14-16 CONCRETS WORK Phone Tom. tbe Mixer, 1461-W. Tboa. Phlllp ea. S24 Plum. 38-J21-JyIt WANTED New car ' salesman to sell fight make of car. .Also nsed car salesman. Both to work on commission basla.. Addreaa P. O. Box 37. 14-1S SALESMAN WANTED To canvas for old . reliable concern. Experi ence not' necessary. '"Commission, - expenses paid.-' Married' or single, age 25 to 4. See 8. T. Taylor Saturday evening 4:30 to 7:30, Kerne Hotel.' - ' ' 14-14 For Sale Re&I Estate FOR SALE Rooming house. Terms Inquire 920 Lincoln. Jel5-Jyl5 FOit SALE. A very desirable four room house, ' or will trade on larger house. Close in., Phone S4. - - - .' 14-14 FOR 8ALE New house on 50x160 ft. lot. 2 bed rooms, living room, breakfast room, sewing room, kitchen, batb, full cement baae ment, furnace. Call 746 Calif. Ave. or 790-W. i - ' FOR SALE OR RENT 1 . acre, modern houie. Just oatsld city limits or 4 acres, house, chicken house and rabbltry. : Call - or write R. Vance Hntchlna. 32-20-tt FOR SALE New modern, home, lo cated toot California Are., Just paved. Price $5500. $1500 down. A bargain. Sea ownor. Phone 1027. 67-4-18 FOR SALE On highway, in Chilo qutn, lot and new building suitable for store and gas station, with liv ing apartment, garage and. wood- ' -shed. Price right for cash. Daisy B. Lauritsen, Chiloquln, Oregon. 107-11-16 I FOR SALE Lot 2 of Block 50 Hot Springs. Price Is $650; Tbl lot la three or four hundred dollars cheaper than any other lot cn th upper aide of Pacific Terrace. Will be on the new paving and Just two blocks from the old paving. , WAITERS A BARNHISEL ' Realtors I 626 M Main St. Phone 666 t 14-15-16 By Blbsser For Sale Real EstaU FOR 8ALE--rlTa room modern home, completely furnished. Cloae) In on pavement,. , Beautiful laws. Double garage. ' Phone H1-J. 101-9-lt Lot one of Block Two Railroad Ad dition with about. $600 paving against It and a tram garage 00. it can be bought for $26(0, with $650 down. The garage la leased, for $40 per month. . Thle lot Is on the corner of Market, 8pt.ua: and Klamath -Ave;, and will be vei-y valuable location aa th town build up. : , 4 WAITERS BARNHISFL. ,. Realtor ,"' 626 Main St. Phone 664 - 14-1S-1S TO TRADE We have a dandy five- room bona with full basement on the upper aide of Pacific Terrace, Tbia I a new stucco house-having many modern convenience. The price la $4600 snd tbe owner will, take a good- od car aa first pay-' ment, ---?.,. - . WAITERS BARNBISEL Real tor a 626 ta Main St. Phone 6S -34-15-14 A GOOD NEW HOUSE AT A . MIGHTT CHEAP PRICE Just finished (hi spring, lived ' la a. short dm by th owner and now be want to nil.- - . ... .! . 4 large rooms, batb. breakfast , nook, all kinda of cloaeU. cap boards and each. all. well: pqt v , together. - Concrete baaement. y . furnace, garage, pavement and sidewalks; good district, not too ' " ' far out. Soma furniture goe1 ' with this. - - ' ...... .,-...1 .-: 1 ,. . Price $3600 Take $1900 to handle, balance on building da loan with easy payment. .... 1, 1 consider" this one of the best valn on the market today. Np ' profit to the owner on this deal -' at all, and the district la lo-" cated right and Improving right it ' along. A. nice place to. Iiv in- v and a profit in sight whenever t yoq want to sell. . . " '-- M. L. JOHNSON 1 " 406 Main St. Phona 205-W ' ....... -.14-151' DON'T FAIL TO 8KB rt FAIR ACRES SUB-DIVISION: If in tereated in. close-in, tract, -Pine aeudy soil, a commanding vie of the city., lake and valley. Natural drainage and no alkala, plenty, of Irrigation water, wonderful oppor tunity for production of berries,' . Tegetable and poultry. Located . ltt miles, from city. Price 1)00 : per acres SOfS down,- balance $4.05 pec month which. .lnclade 4 interest oa deferred payment.? 8ELAK TRACT - ' Realtors " J : 1 409 S, 6th St. . Phone ltt BUSINESS PROPERTY J -Lot 64x120. Improved with new. frame atore building 30x40; also small new dwelling that rent for , $22.50 per month. This property , Is wall located In choice reaiden- . - tial section of. Klamath Fall and offers an unusual opportunity fc-t4 a good business location and Can be purchased for a short time at much less than , it 1 actually worth. Price $2600.00. small pay ment down, balance like rent.! . . . SELAK A TRACT Realtors ' jr 409 S. 4th St. ' Phon 6 - ,. ' - 2o.2- - J-v yf y FOR SALE REAL E8TATE Wo have a very modern restaurant, in an excellent location with a good lease. The average net- income' : over th laet 13 months baa been -- better than $700. This business can be bought for $4200, with $1700 cash. We believe this to be an'unusually good buy. inventory shows batter than $4600 Invested. WAITERS. V BARNHISEL ' Realtors -S2SH Main St. Phone Sf 14-16-16