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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1927)
f - City Edition The Old Home Paper WEATHER. OREGON: Ful rlunlKht iin.l Sat urday, but cloudy mil foggy near the roast. Rising temperature Sat urday in the east portion, decreas ing humidity In tho Interior, gentle variable wind. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade V- Pi ice Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FKJDAY, JULY 15, 1927. 4 Number G078. IMS 2 AIMS NARROWLY MISS DEATH Machine, Out of Gaso line, Forced Down; Hits Tree HONOLULU, July 15, (A. P.) Aviator Ernett L. Smith and hit navigator, Emory Dronte, landed at 9:46 a. m., Honolulu timo, on tho (aland of Mololtai. Both wore re ported safe. The piano crash- ' d into Ire in making then landing. ; ' xTha message telling of tho forced landing on the laland camo from Kakunakaki, town on'th kai. Uland of Molo - Won! llint tlx Kuillli ilne Iin.l liuiilnl on one of the Hawaiian Manila came n ll iiiliiplele mir. prlne here, for the Init wonl of the plane waa nwlinl nl lit: 1.1 I'uclflc I line when the steamer W'llltclmliin i iiiIvImmI rndlo alntlona licro thai she cecclinl a menatfi from Itronte )' lull the plituir IiihI ImikIinI at aia The Wllhelmlnn Inld land stn tlims sho u chanitlng her course and would speed at forced draft to ward the ponttlon lvcn out by llrontn an the point of descent. The Wllhi'liulna callmnled ah wna then nbunt Oil miles frinn the pliine'a liiillnileil poslilnn. Cntcli NlRiinla Two oilier veelH. the nrmy trans port KrwonlH and liner I'reildent Pierce, rnnght thn filers' Htm sIk nnls and nrivlnad land atntlnns they were deviating from their cniirsn to gn to their aid, I ('ot a word wus received from the plniio from the time llrontn sig naled they wcro landing In the sen until mesmiges were sent by them a I, they rnmhed In n forced landing. FLASHES XI XGIMHCK VI.AXK Hl'MOH KXI'I.ODKD HT. lOIIXH, X. I' Inly 1,1, ( -) The spark of hope, kliulletl yes. tcnln) when two hunters li'iimliil Mtiikimo In iln Interior which was liellevcil lo bo the remiiliis of the plane flown by Xiinitexser nnil Coll, was vliltiiilly i'llnuulliril loiluy when Miilur V. Nhlney Cotton, after tolk Inu with the mo nun, illNCceilllt'tl llieir story, Wll ll Oh' I't'BLINIIKK IMPROVES PORTLAND, July 1.1, (APIMr. II.. W. Hales, wife, of II. W. Hates, publisher of the RoseburK Nens Review, who lias Ijifn critically III at the GihhI Saiiiiirlliin liosplinl liere, followiiiR a major operation two weeks ' imo, Is tmlny ri'iiortetl slightly Itiiprovrtl anil hopes me now enteitiiinril for her riiniiete recovery. ' . K UH IS IIILI, OX WAV HOITII , PORTLAND, .Inly 1.1, (AP) lioula W. Hill, cbiilriimn of I In- hnnril of illitM'tiii'N of the OiTiit Xtirtliern rallmnil, pnSMMl tlirotiKli Piirtliintl inly tmlny on hla wily lo Pebblti Itench, Calif., iiiiiiiinnli'il by his film. II). He left for the south on Hie Hlinstn Llinlliit. , NOTED COI'NTESht HIES . , lll'lll. I, .Inly 1.1, (tl') Countess Mnrklevlca for ninny Jenra one of the most n niiii knlile iirrsiiiinlllli's In Irish life, illeil fin ly this niiinilnu. Iter liiisbiinil mill sti'p-Noii. s well ns Eninon Do Vnlern, the repiihllcnn leiiili r, wet e til Hie lieilslile when she passed, nwny, I'OR.MEII AMBASSADOR Hl'CCl'.MHH PIT'I'SI ll:l.I, Muss.. July l-l, (AI) Henry White, f ner nmliussn. tin I' to I'niiice nnil Italy mill Amerlcnn ilelcRiite lo the Purls pence con Iiti'iiii", illeil In Lenox nt 11: III I this inoriiliiK. Mr, While underwent nil operation three jriits hkii mid bus lieen In III henllli lunch alnce then. EXPRESS REGRET (1RASTS PASS, July 1.1, (AP) l.liilllniiiils Lester J. Miilllnmt nnil Albert llei iil.i titer, m iiiy ni n..s(oi fllei to lliiwnll, totluy epfessetl rr Hiinl thill Pilot Ernest Smith nml Xiivl(ntor Alitor)' llionle huil been niiiilile lo i fin li Ihelr gonl In lliinntl, THREE KILTERS HANGED WHILE 'CONS' LOOK ON JoI.IKT. III.. July 15. A I' ! Ould.inrs. In a heavy fog. whllo 4uo iPfin Tf T I 0 1 1 11 T men win, only a moment before hail L U U L I I 1 1 U L been laughing and shouting looked I till 1 1 1 I I H II II I on. 3 of 7 convict, who .lew Peter'" UM U,U ' IUU 1- Kloln. deputy warden at the state' penitentiary near here May 5. lm. $60,000 Deal Consummate wrre nange.i ai in oc.m morning. ... Those who witnessed the linn bad fotiaht and struggled !. an hour to get Into tha enclosure, walled aliout by a 20 fool board i fence. On a triple trap In tho gallows they were dropped to simultaneous deaths Roberto Torrfi, who lam minute pica for a stay failed: Wirt Icr Sialesky, whose regret waa tha'. bo could not again are hla wife and children: and Charlea Duemhow. akl, "lough any" who aoftencd at tha last and sought tha aanrtnarr of religion. Tho 3 condemned men presented a strange apearatico In that they mounted tho acaffold with long flowing hair, mustarho and Ward. Since they attempted to escape for tha third tlmff alx weeks ago they had been denied raiora or tra mi vices barber. Stnlcukr and Torres spent their ' Inst houra In prayer. TODAY'S RESULTS .tllMTirMll ICHK ' .llHM. ,. ! I'lillaflelphla J ID I Chinigo , 1 10 1 Qiilun. Grove and Cochrane; Ja ceha, Cnnnally and Crotise. National lnirue. Chicago , 16 Boston 9 11 llrlllhenrt. Mills. Bush and llnrt-j tiell I Kdwards. (ioldmnllli. Gene-! wlcli. Wens and Gibson. I'lltnburgh t. y 6 13 Brooklyn t t Dawson and Spencer; Elliott t n,l llnrgre lives. Cini'liin iltl New York l.unue and llnrgruve; Taylor. 1 4 3 4"10 0 Grimes and New York 10 IS Cleveland .. 9 11 0 llnvi. ripgrna, Thomas and Col lins: I'hle, 1 1 ml 11 n. Buckeye and I.. Hewell. Boston 7 1 6 1 Hartley; llnrrlss, ilofmann and I Van Glider and O'Kulll. Suufl iftr Tr it tAt ' i . ik ir T ID IS -j. r x f ? - - --o - . tnna- heim, Cal., New Owner Sale of the largest nutoiiurfillo camp on (he Pacific eonot, the Altatnoni ramp ground, on Tlw DnllrfCnlirorttin highway one mile wiul It of the city limits, lo CJ. T. Ingram, Annahcliii, alitor obi. announeeil tbU mornltiK by I'red Gnrlrh, former owner. The camp around waa aold by Mr. (inrirh for Mr. Ingram arrlvea In' Klamath Falls tomorrow, morning to tako possession of hla ' new property. Mr. Ingrain In connected with the' Worn ('mat Theater company, n cor- norailon nnerat'.na I ml ihealera. Il la not only a manager but alao a min mimiiii'-i ll lll -ll!-?ril, arrive here thin afternoon formal poHiteanlou. . He will lo tnk IH Cablna. ... Th camp ground 14" one of the largeal of Ita kind In tho I'nlteJ Rtnlea and tha Urgent on tha I'a-' (Continued on page alx) , TQ BE 300 Game Birds Due to Ar rive From Came Farm Saturday Hold on Klamath as an Ideal ) I district fr tho birds to thrive and multiply, the atato km me commission has outhorlied the ahipmenl from tho "state gamo farm at Eugene of ' :loo Cblnnse pheasunts to he relcaiicd in thn Klnmath Iwsln by Dlslrlct tinmn Warden Marlon Barnes. I The pheaointa, full, grown, will .' he loaded on a southbound Southern acltlc train in Eugene tonight at i p. m.. and will arrive In Hiamattii Knlla tomorrow morning l'heusaula by reason of unlimited feed, natural coverage and the open wintera of the past four years hare multiplied rapidly In tho Klamnth basin. Itcporta from Tula lake, low er Klnmuth lako and the lower rei lion of tho Klamnth Irrigation n dla thV" trlct, ure lo the effect that are thousands of the birds In tb grain fields and In rtio thousands of acres of weeds. Barnes haa not announced whero tho birds will bo released. Despite the fact that tha pheas ants have been raised Inside pens, they quickly adapt themselves lo new conditions when liberated. y S' ALTAMON CI an M k PHEASANTS LIBERATED - ;; 4 j s , ; m J .-- - . . --:! (f . ""i 1 i. I... Here Is the Pacific Air Transport monoplane which spanned the SitMi miles between the Hawaiian Islands anil San Krmielsco only to lie fnrci-il down f ir link of unsollne. Althouli Krnlo Smith ami his pnl Bronte failed to nvlral r tree In effecting a binding, neither of the Intrepid nvintora wna In jured In the full. , , According to nnmitlieiitlc report, I his plane Is eitli-r the some or a rcpllm of Hie plane used here lust jciiv by The Hlainalh Air Service which Inter dlacoMlmicd business. Through several legal processes,- the Pacific Air Mnll Transport. . camo In pomHswion of the Klnnmlli Air Service's one and only monoplane, which wna often seen l thivnir uver Klamnth Falls. ( IL S. Flyer ERNIE iVs-:X"i a-eil-tl V J. , Kf-J Building Permits May Set New High Mark Puring July With huiMing permits so far this month intalllna over fSUIt.tlflO. a new monthly building record for Klamath Falls1 looms as a possibii jliy, city 'hall records reveal. One permit, the inlon High school, .totalled ,2(iO.OUll. Other i I permits. Including one of $16,300 for an addition to' Mills Addition 1 achool, bring toe total well over .3110.000. I . tlnnrit fur thn fltv m fflfnhlnh- cd III the summer ol 19 2'.. when in one summer month, building per mits exceeded 1400,000. MOII SETS FIRE TO PALACE LONDON. July 15, (AP) A dia patch to the Kreniug News from Vienna says that a rioting mob aot fire to the palnco of Justice. Gen-i dnrtnea were flinging the fnrnltnro' from the wtndowa as the dispatch was sent. ' ! FlltKIII'G j PORTLAND. Ore., July 15 . A P.I Is a firebug indim trously laying a torch to Port- land's downtown printing plants? Kiirh b nottslhtlltv Is seen In a survey of recent Waxes that Include yesterday jitternoona fire in the. Kllham-Statlonery and Printing company plant. seventh floor of the Wolnhard building. Sth and Ouk streets. "l)n mage there haa been estl- mated from SI 5,000 to $25.- 0(10. It Is the third large printing plant fire In the last 111 months for which no natural cause can he flinred out. points out Cap- tain JilarFarland. deputy fire marshal ............... II 4 r-W TV- 1 Smith Monoplane Crashes . vf sl, ' ,',1JL. " s T li 11 - 1 fn Ml miuv 'Aim SAN THA N CISCO RENEWS PLEDGE IDF FRIENDSHIP Bay City Chamber Will Help Klamath Secure NeW Highway South H.tV FHIH0. Jaly 15. (A.V.) Kenewal of icoort will ilelKca ainl of plana for con flutilng hunlueaa rcUitlona b twisn .San Franclaco anil Klaiu atli county. Oreson. featiirefl the luncli meeting; Kiven- yeafenlay by tha liH-al chapter of commerce fo lit.! huHincfcM nen anil two acorr fe ni'l nine Tlxltora from Klaiiialli l-'alla. " Thn local chamber also pledged itnelflto aid In getting the high way from Weed; California, to Klam ath FnllH. built In the Dear future. Mayor T. B. Watteni, of Klamath Kalla apoke on tha necexalty for the new highway. Other ftpeaker were rommbwion tr Tliin-elt Short of Klamath county: Dr. K. 1). Johaaon. repreaentiiiK thai president of tho Klamath county chamber of commerce: Bruce Dennla.j publlnher of the Klamath Evening Herald, and State Senator J. J. ' Murphy, of Weed, California. TRIP TO CRATER ; Spanish-American War Vet erans Will Be Enter tained at Lake Curs are needed. i This is the word sent ont to all i residents of the city, owning auto- members of the Spanish War Vetera committee. The visitors, here to attend the annual Spanish-American W ar Vet- eran's annual convention, will be i'taiien on tri to Crater lake on . I ednesday. At least 50 cars are . , needed. I The caravan will leave the court . house at 11:30 o'clock Wednesday, i a and will leave the lake at ( p. on. o ! At Fort Klamath the guests will be entertained with dinner at the Fort Klamath hotel at 7 p. m. "Wo are anxious that peoplo with cars respond to the appeal and reg- i later their cars either at the cham- I ber of commerce or with II. W. ! Bathlawy," .Mr. llnthlany. in charge .:' "rangemen.s said today. .1- I i NEED GARS FOR -jftr - tJt HIGHWAY SPAN NORTH OF BEND IS DEDICATED HK.ND. July 15. AP) Several thouaand peraona, reprenentlng vir tually all aectlona of the stale were In attendance at the dedication ceremonies today marking the com pletion of The Dallea-Californla highway, the dedication of the Crooked river bridge and the crea tion of Peter Skene Ogden Park. The ceremonies will be held at the bridge. 30 miles north of Bend. Governor Patterson felicitated the enthualaatSc backers of The Dalles California highway which culminated In the erection of one of the high est apan bridges In the United Slates. Other speakers will Include)!. B. Van Duier, retiring highway com missioner: L. 'A. McArth'ir auri O. . V. llli lke. Portland: Robert W. Sawyer, Bend, newly appoint ed member of the state highway commission: Congressman N. 1. Sln nott: Kenton G. Bnrdick, Redmond, C. B. McCvtlough, state highway department engineer, and H. C. Groesbeck of Klamath Falls.-. " Lumberman Hurt In. Bad Accident PENDLETON. Ore.. July IS. A. j p.) i. Gratton. president of the Standard' Box and Lumber company of Portland, waa seriously injured In an automobile crash this after noon one- and a half miles west of Rleth on the Columbia highway. Gratton turned out t avoid another car and bia own mLrhine. hurtled over a 15 foot bank. He austained a possible fracture of t':e skull and cuta over the eyes. Mn. Gratton suffered severe head Injuries. James F. De Borde of Los Angeles, riding with the Grattona to Yellowstone park, sustained severe cuts from flying glass, while Mrs. De Borde was uninjured. Car Turns Over; Man is Injured EUGENE. Ore.. July 15. (AP.) John Dawson of Portland, re ceived injuries to one band and minor bruises when hla automobile turned over on the Pacific highway north of Eugene, early this morn ing. . A passing stage helped right the car. which had struck a telephon pole, veered across the highway and turned over. f- Justifies College. NEW YORK. July 15. (AP) In one graduate alone the trustees con sider the American University of Bel rut to have justified Its existence. Word cootea from Cairo of the death at 75 of Yakub Sarruf, who was graduated In 1870 in the university's first class. A member of a poor fam ily, he rose lo be owner of a chain of newspapers In Egypt and the uni versity authorities regarded his In fluence so wide and constructive that the hopes of the founders were more than fulfilled. COUNCIL ACCE1TS PROPOSAL PENDLETON, July 15, (AP) The city council last night accepted the proposed Vert memorial build ing plan, the building to house pioneer and Indian collections of curios. The people must accept the build ing by special election in the fall. The structure which la estimated to cost $65,000 will he donated by John Vert, pioneer wheat ranch er. The only proviso Is that the city maintain- the building. DIRECTORS MEET LONGVIEW, Wash. July 15, (AP) Directors of the West Coast Lumbermen's association, the asso- clatlona lumber extension bureau. liviu seiiaruie niveiuiKS acre mis morning, and planned to hold joint session this afternoon. Routine mat ters were discussed Roy F. Morso, Lonkvlew, president, said. REVOLUTION THREATENED IN CAPITAL Police Fail to Check Frenzied Crowds; Many Killed ; LONDON, July ;15, (AP) Disorders and bloodshed, which are characterized by the Vienna ' correspondent of The Evening , News as "con stituting a revolution," pre vailed throughout, the . after- . noon and were continuing this evening in the Vienna capital. The acquittal of soldiers who were accused of the mur- ider of a Socialist, precipiated rioting which grew in intens ity as the day proceeded. There have been numerous clash ea between the mob anil the Gen darmie, who nml carbines, pistols and sabres, in an effort to stem the trouble. Some on both slilea . are reported dcml anil many are nalit to have aurremlcnfl. The correspondent said the riot ing there devVloped into a regular battle and adds the following: "All shejij have been closed and tram and . omnibus eorvlcea hare been suspended. . - Xlob Furious - i "'A furious mob attacked univer sity workers. "A general strike has been pro claimed. Rallwaymen are removing the rails, stopping the rail serv ice. " , , The correspondent says the "rev olution" apparentrv-. is organlied and is succeeding, Latest reports, he says, state that fifty persons bare been killed and hundreds wounded. Troops hare been called. I out. be adds, hft are undependnble. ine wuaesc demonstrations oc curred In the Ring Strauase. . , . Parliament Suspemlect , ... Parliament suspended its sitting. The newspapers ceased publishing and many factories closed. The police station near the town hall waa set afire and many windows in Parliament house and the law courts were smashed. The demon strators first tried to attack the university and then swarmed about the parliament buildings. . The po lice succeeded In clearing the places whereupon the crowd rushed to the court house. Here they over ran the police, broke down the Iron gratings and forced their way Into the building. Fires were lighted In the Interior of the court house whereupon socialist organ isatlomi In uniform tried to get control of the socialist masses but without suc cess. The police then were ordered to use their carbines. There are many wounded and some dead on both Hides. . ' PASTOR IX LUCK V - PORTLAND, Ore., Julr 13, (A. P.) It's Just one thing af- ter another for Her. A. X. Thompson, pa si or of Epworth 4 4 Methodist Episcopal church. s About three weeks ago be an. 4 ilerwrnt n major operation. t A week Inter he was ralaHiltel 4S V automobile wind- 4t shield and hla head and neck 4) rut by broken glass. )at 4 night while he and Mrs. Thompson were on a trip to California, hla house waa rob- bed. .