Thnmlnv, July ll; 11)27. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pntr? Seven 1 ' MARKET PLACE t NEW TODAY I.ONT Lady's gruy coat ln.twaiwi Klunialh Full, niul i'i0iiilu. Phono 42S. Reward, ll-lt FOR HAI.K - Kcni truck cheep. Cali fornia, Highway Outage. 1(10 FOR ItKNT 4-ronni unfurnished house mul garngn. I' !1 W. STAGES N - Going ANYWHERE EVERYWHERE New Reduced KnteH New Phone Number 326 , New locution "Till Militlilm Hnutt" J Closing Out ' t T t I 01 riign oracle J eweiry at ? i nev. X Y I Watches T Clocks . . " 2 Silverware - Cut Glass I t t - - . - j f Free X Gifts t at ' Close t of Each f Sale C. : FRECKLES AND i;. ; a., "via is oiMc5 to oar- pick we que ZUAT MIAA76 B&SrA-lAAAG FOUMlS ai6mo POMy.' w t at5V NEW TODAY FOR ItKNT One room, ilmihln bed villi hiiili. One mini $:i.00 per week, 111 mi'ii IIV.iiii per wet.k Phone IKI.1-J. 14-IH FOR HAI.K New nintrliiiiiiit hmi.i consisting 4 sillies. Alwuv rented, good Int-onio. Corner lot. rloae III. good dim rid. equipped Willi electric rangea, wnler bett ers. !. Price $i.oufl yi'MH iHh will handla. Ward ft la'o. Keallora, 202 Wllllnma lll'.U'.. 1 1 I A GOOD NKW HOI'HK AT A MKilkTY CHEAP PRIOR Jiml finished thla spring, lived In' short time by the owner mid now ho wants 10 lull. 4 lum rooms, llli. breakfnat nook, all kind a of rloaala. cup liourda and such, all well put loii'ilivr. Concrete basement, furnace, mm, pavement and sidewalks; rood district, not loo AUCTION Commencing ' FRIDAY, JULY,. 15th Sales Daily at 7 P. M. i , ... .Our Loss is Your Gain! Don't fail to grasp this opportunity of obtaining high grade standard merchan dise at your . own price. All merchandise will be sold to the highest bidder. ! Free Coupons to Those Attend ing the Sale A 10t).00 Diamond Ring Will be given away the last day of sale i The first 25 ladies entering this store Friday, July 1 5th at 7 p. m. sharp will. receive $2.50 gifts. , Mrs. J.L.Edwards 210 Main Across Street from R. Hammond, Auctioneer HIS FRIENDS. NfcS i ear A SVwCLV. AvaA,E IT 1 krwftgjLJT J.-Uf- GOOD J . AW 6 5.' -A ti CiA) C .vir, V'OOP. WWA AJAAN& 7lAT -0liuO Ofc A-HC&K ) NEW TODAY fur out. Homo furniture goes with I lila. Print lliini) Takes 1 00I1 rash Id handle, balance on building louii Willi easy payment. I consider thla Aim of Ihe best values on III" market today. No profit to III" owner on llila dal at all. und thn (lUlrlrl la lo cated right and Improving right along. A nice plnr to live In and a profit In sight whenever you wunt 10 at'll. M. I.. JOIIN'RON 40 Mum HI. Phone 20B-W SALESMAN WANTED To canvass for old relluhls concern. Kxperl ence not neceaaji ry. t'ommlaaiou. expenses paid. Married or slngl. age 25 lo 40. Ken X. T. Taylor Saturday evening 6:30 to 7:3". Krn llotol. 14-16 Entire -f T Street Hotel Willard Klamath Falls Fair and Square OO'AJO it Ot- CAAl iJG AAV POJy A. AJAA" S - VnICHA.DAJT us Si.tfE." NEW TODAY pint HAI.K Residence lot on 0110 of tli lical aim-la In Hot Springs. Paving and aewer liens fully 1111I1I. Price only 91 loo. Terms. Ward ft Dnli-, Knliiira, 22 UlJIIiima HIilK. 1 KOIl BALK A very desirable four rooin house, or will trado on larger house. Clone In. Phone 94. 14-16 KOIl ItKNT Now modern 5-room houae on Roger Ht. Full basement, I garage, range. Adults only. In-, quire 302 W. Main. 14-15' KOK HAI.K May aiarklnx derrlrk. 40-foot pole. 24-foot hnom. with cable and guy iil,ln. Frank Ira White, llomerrt-al, Hhaatn Way. , 14-16 WANTKI) New car aaleanian In a.. 1 1 Unlit make of fir. Alan iiaed car aaleaman. Iloih to work on commlaalon haala. Addreaa P. O. Ho M. 14-1C t Stock t , ? T ? v t f f f f f f ?! ?i t ?! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? Diamond Rings Toilet Sets Jewelry Wrist Watches Charms f ?! ? ? ? ? ? ? ?' ? V ? ? ? ? ?l ? fl f ?' ? Save 1 Your Coupons rs RDC OUK Bay AM) A A1AM& TWAr WILU kMCAU A MAMS 7WAT ' . 6IRL. FBiEAOSAiOJE) BBBET7ER7MAM I LlkE Bor MOE'RE ) TO FIVE IT A AWtAAJ (AJ - UfcT U. or 61ru kam& sr:ZJ OA-1 j T t-Vlf.r- -Jj' 'rOry '"'mhl -" f3 - V eta u a st orr. . - CM' ST NCAWaviel. sac. l tJ NEW TODAY KOIl HAI.K 1 I. He modnl Maxwell coupe, run 7000 mllea, llcenae 1 124 Muater ( II11I1 k wdan. A bargain $775 1 "hovrolet Sup. touring $135 1 Overland roadati-r $140 1 Late 2-Door Ford sedan $275 1 l-ale 4-Door Ford aedan $275 1 1927 Overland 6-aealed aedun, rnn ir,00 miles... ..$725 1 192C Olds coach. A dandy buy. Deluxe model ...$750 1 1924 Kaaex coach. New tires $47S We have many more to select from. Liberal terms. HOY CAI.18 I'HBIJ CARS See Walt Abbey 8lh and Pine lit. Lot Phone 234 Von 8AI.K IlKAL KSTATK We have a very modern restaurant ta an excellent location with a good lease. The average net Income over the laat 12 months has been better than $700. This business can be bought for $4200, with $1700 caah. ve believe thla to be an unusually good buy. Inventory shows better than $4500 invested. WATTERS t BAUNIII8EI, Realtors -G264 Main St. Phone Sg n-ir. it Lot one of lllock Two Railroad Ad dition with about $50U paving UKuinHt it and a frame garage on It can bo bought for $2;ri0, with $110 down. The gtragn.ta leased for $40 per month. This lot is on the corner of .Market, Spring and Klamath Ave and will be a very valuable location as the town builds up. WATTERS & IIARVIIISKL Heiltori! 62C4 Main St. Phone C6S 14-13-16 TO TltAKK We have a dandy five room bouse with full basemen! on the upper aide of Pacific Terrace. This is a new stucco houae having mai.y modern conveniences. The price Is $45uo and thn owner will tike a good used car as first pay ment. WATTERS & RARSIIISEL Re 1 tors i S2C Main j?t Phone 66 1 4-1 -1-1 6 FOR SALE Lot 2 of Block 50 Hot Springs. Price is $650. This lot Is three or four hundred dollars' rheaper than any other lot on the , . upper aide of Pacific Terra: Will .. I n the uw paving and Just ' two blocks from the old paving. . WATTERU BARNIIISEL Realtors 626 Vfe Main St. Phone 666 14-15-16 FOR RENT FOR RENT Room. 235 N. 6th. 13-15 ROOMS 920 Lincoln. Pbone 597-W. 132-J20-JyZ0 FOR RENT 5-room house. Pbone 737-J. Inquire 32S Grant St. 126-12-14 FOR RENT Apartment, 320 9th. Inquire 920 Lincoln. 91-8-11 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, one or two gentlemen. 126 X. 3rd St. 118-1S-18 FOR RENT 2 -room furnished ant. Phone 22F2. 119-12-14 FOR RENT Sleeping room, hot water day and night. . $3.00 op per week. 303 Wash. 89-9-14 FOR RENT Large front room, also garage space. Phone 326 or call 1018 Wash. 129-12-14 GARAGE FOR RENT 3 blocks from Main. Phone 249-W. 6-6-tf FOR RENT First class furnished apt., steam heated. McCarthy Apis.. 630 Pine. Phone 800. 14tf FOR RENT New 2 room houses, $18.00 month. Close in. Phone 644-J. 423 Plum. 84-J2-tf. FOR RENT Sleeping - room, close In. Private bath. Phone. Two blocks from new high school site. 1125 East St. Pbone 10S7-W. 95-28-30 1 FOR RENT Ft) It KBNT Two nice clean fur nlahed room with running water, (lood garage, low rent. Phone 1247. 132-13-14 FOR RENT We can eava 700. bt money at tna Arcade tiotei Aparv menta. furnished completely, ala trie ranges, linen, dishes and tele phones. Or rooms with private baths at real cut rates to per manent guests. Arcade. Hay f-Jnns WANTED WANTED Lawn work. 1 247-J. Reference. 100-9-15 WATKD Care of children. Ex perienced. I'bone 491-W. 84-8-14 ! I (CONCRETE WORK Phona Tom. I the Mixer, 1461-W. Tho. Phlllp ; aen, 824 Plum. ZS-J21-Jy21 JANITOR Married, partly employ ed, wishes 3 or 4 hours work dally or will exchange services for apt 24 High, Apt. S. Phone 24-M. 128-12-14 For Sale Automobile FOR HAI.K -ModelKlC Special CMC truck with cab and body, new pneumatlo tires all around. Right up In shape for Immediate work. Address KV. care Herald. 9-15 FOR SALE Late model Standard Six Stndebaker Coach, five good tires, new In May 1926. run 18.000 miles. This car Is a bargain. Addresa KV. care Herald. 9-15 FOR SALE Model 326 Packard Sedan. 13.000 miles, upholstery and paint like new, latest type blgb compression motor., Address Box KV. care Herald. 9-15 I TOR SALE 1926 Big Six Stndebak er 5-passenger Sedan, 120 inch wheel-base, new lost December. Rubber, body and motor In tint class shape. Address Box KV. 9-15 .class Pfcaix), .Address Box Ky. Herald. ' - ' 9-15 FOR SALE FOR SALE 16-Inch alternating electric fan, new. Reasonable. 1010 Main. 130-13-15 FOR SALE Jay Hawk hay stacker. A-l shape. Price $75. Frank Cacka. Malln. Oregon. 82-6-14 FOR SALE Good alfalfa bay, $10 per ton In the shock. A. Otto, Spring Lake. 97-9-15 FOR SALE New ivory enamel silk lined bassinet baby buggy, rub ber tired wheels, $6.50. 2360 Eberllne. 117-12-14 FOR SALE 350 one-year Whito Leghorns. 75c each If all taten. D. E. Alexander, Rock Creek Ranch, Upper Klamath Lake. - 106-11-14 FOR SALE OR TRADE Ons instru ment for locating gold deposits and hidden treasures. ' Inquire 84 4 Eldorado Ave. 8S-8-14 I FOR SALE 200 tons of upland hay I ill iii kiubb til fi.uv lirr tun, nuu I 140 irriw nf fin heef mature T. A. Culuertson, Fort Klamath. 121-12-18 FOR SALE German Police puppies, pedigreed, selling out,- $.15.00. . Wolf grey females $15.00. $45.00; males $25.00. Smalt payments will hold one. Poodle cheap. Ken nels Pelican Road. 131-13-15 FOR SALE Real Eestate 90-foot 6th St., $1500. terms. Fourk60 foet lots Oregon Ave., $400 each. 100 ft. Oak St., $600. Terrace Ad dition lots, $300 tot $550, 10 cash, balance 24 payments. Sev eral small bouses, will sell like rent. Cottages, flats and apart ments for rent. W. M. Montellus. 621 Main St. . 11-17 By Blosser MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE WORK WANTED-Estimates furnished. No Jobs too . large or too small. Phone 1057. A. C Johnson. 10S-11-2.1 WINDOW CLEANING Floor wax ing, bona cleaning and Janitor service. References. A. M. Kboadi. Phone 105C-W. 107-x-tf For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Rooming bouse. Term Inquire 120 Lincoln. Jelt-Jylt FOR SALE In Hot Springs Adda, new 5-room stucco house with fall basement and fireplace. Will con sider good closed ear aa down pay ment. 2000 Lovey St. . 13-14 FOR BALK New house on 50x150 ft. lot. Z bed rooms, living rooai, breakfast room, sewing room, kitchen, bath, full cement base ment., furnace. Call 74 Callt. Ave, or 7S0-W. FOR SALE Five- room modern home, completely famished. CIoi In on pavement. Beantlfnl lawn. Doable garage, .phone 10S-J. ' 101-9-15 FOR SALE Rooming - bouse, 29 rooms. Long lease, Tenna, $1000 will handle. Write Box DS Herald. 93-1-14 FOR SALE OR RENT 1 acre, modern home, just outside ctty limits or 4 acres, house, chicken house and rabbitry. Call or write R. Vance Hutchlna. 32-20-tf FOR SALE New modern borne,- lo cated foot California Ave., Just paved. Price $5500. S1500 down. A bargain. See owner. Phone 1027. I7-W-1S FOR SALE On highway In Chllo- quin. lot and new building suitable for store and gaa atation, with liv ing apartment, garage and wood shed. Price right for cash. Vt-zj B. Laurltsen, Chiloquln, Oregon. 107-ll-U REAL BARGAINS $1350 will buy dandy little home near highway. Liberal terms. , $1575 Fine 3 -room home on Ore gon avenue, partly furnished, pavement paid. Very easy terms. $2300 Dandy new 4 -room, house ' iutiuein. itarage. noog, hardwood floors, basement, porch es, etc. Terms. $6000 will buy 5 bouses on 2 large lots. Income $130 per month. Im provements paid. A bargain. A. A. BELLMAN , , Realtors . - '' -120 N. 7th St. Phone IBS ;1J-14 CHECK THESE OVER . . . GOOD AUTOMOBILE WANTED As pan payment on coxy 5-room home in Hot Springs: completely and well furnished. Lawn, garden and flowers, paved street. Price only $4500.00. A SPLENDID BUY 5-room modern home, Tery close In on pared street, paring paid. Fine sar roundings; far below present value at $5500 with email payment down. $1100 buys coxy modern home with garage on large lot: close in and near one of best schools Jn city. $200 down. .. ', j. HOTEL AND APTS. Clearing- over $200 per month; wood lease, at tractive proposition. Very reason able. Come in. . WALTON-WRIGHT CO. -Cor. 11th & Main Phone 1144 12-13-11 DONT FAIL TO SEE,,. FAIR ACRES SUB-DIVI8ION If in terested in close-in tracts. Fine sandy soil, a commanding view of the city, lake and valley. Nateral drainage and no alkala, plenty of irrigation water, wonderful oppor tunity for production of berries, vegetables and poultry. Located 1H miles from city. Price $300 per acre; Jo down, balance $4.05 per month which includes 6 interest on deferred payments. SELAK & TRACY Realtors 609 S. 6th St. Thone 969 BUSINESS PROPERTY Lot 50x120, Improved with new frame store building 30x40; also smnll new dwelling that rents for $22.60 per month. This property is well located In choice residen tial section nf Klamath Falls and offers an unusual opportunity for a good business location and can be purchased for a short time at much less than it Is actually worth. Pries $2500.00, small pay ment down, balance like rent. SELAK ft TRACY , Realtors ' 09 8. 6th St. Phone 969 . : zt-tt 9