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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1927)
Tlunxilny, .Inly I I, l!27. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Items of Interest Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Basin. If You Have News for This Department. Your Courtety in' Calling ft 8 Will Ik Appreciated I'wni i ln l-luM , I )! ' r in I iii'it In mi Crater luke, (if Willi h lin hnd heard much about, tiustiiva A. tliiuh of XX'aHliliigttiti, I C.. arrived here luil livening and IliU uiirnliiK li ft fur ilin cciilr spot. Mr. llauh will Journey nntlll frniii hero unit visit a hum her of pulm if liiU'ri'm heftm- returning cast. ll' registered ui thu lintel Arciidn. .Xirlicl I nun l'irl lonil Mr. mill tin, Walter XX'Icscndiin Ki'r mill luby linvn arrived rrmii Port Imul und will make their future limim In till" i lly. Mr. V It . ii.1ii iik-t has accepted position villi III Sunset grocery. Several cars mm Mr. nmt Mm. XX'Irsrndaiignr made IHU tln:r home nnil will he welcomed lim k by llii'lr many fnlldlllitll tnpriitc Friend of Herbert flurry will be tl- i.-l in learn he la rapidly recov ering from a icrlnus luu )ir opi-r-mlnn ami II In hoped he will lio able In ri'iurn liomo frmn rnrllmul wlth In a fortnight. Mm. Untie .Murlln mill her iliiiiRliler, Mr. J Harden Curler vImIIi'i! wlili Ir. Hurry while luuih for several day. Tiny re turned Imtii'i li i km ii Hi r .New tp.ip)-r XXniii.m Hern Mm. Hlnugli. mult lln ailvcrlluliig tt iini m Al leuM HI rnm are needed In lake members of the ttpaiiisti Wur Viti'iiiiiit nnil lln-lr Indlc In Crulcr lukn nil XX'ediicsdiiy. according lit II. XX'. Iliiililmiy. Anyone uble In assist In 1 11 k I ii k Hi" vlsltoi on tills trip will do i cummin. ! a greut fuvnr liy tilling II. XV. llHihliiny or net ting In I nmli wllli Lynn Huliln H llui chamber nf i miiiitcrcc. I'll' visl- llrlll Tcimt .Value. Al a meeting uf X't'teraii (if For eign wur li"lil . It illicit l n drJIl Iwi in rnmpo-cd nf X ern XX'olk' r. mm in.iniliir, XV. II. Harbison, senior vlce cniniii.iinliir, Ted -Xliiiilgnmery. Junior ylco-comuiunder, Fred Knliik. chut. Inln, mul .Niililn Cunlor, nrricer nf llm day, wim iHn I' ll. Kv n mciuliirs m rt. Inliluli'il lulu tin- nr xmiliiillun. Tilllnr nf wnrk iinom- CoU Remodeled. Fur Manufacturer. Furrier jmiim. xxii.i.nxf 42 Klamath Avenue. P.nwren Fourth and Fifth. Klimulb rail Ore. .! t. t litm will nrrlvo hire nn Hiiniliiy mnrn- illt.lii-tl by ihn nrsiinliiillitn Hirnimh- ""r ' ' UK. iiul tint male. It. K. romriin. Hon-. Word the l""lnK H''rt Iitml. mcnihpr (if llm rniini-U nf p. MHir. fill her of Mm. XX-. I. Cnfer IU ri-illiiH l-lniiiii il mliilmrulltin. Horn d pirim-nl nf ' n'' ,r" Frtd (""'"r w""1 rcrelvel A rini'iilton anil dnr liu hi-i-n VoIitihik nf rnrcU-n n .nl,l,......l ! here Inul evcnlnie. Mr. Mountrr rruriKdl fur u a purl of tno ciiii-r-, iliv incctliiK. 1 Page Throe Spanish Wood Chopper Drops ; 'Wills in 4th NEW VOIIK, July 14. (AH)--Al-llniUKh ho lu'cmnpllulu-d what only , man bforo him had don ovitr Ktrnlch of 17 yoam, Paulina Ti runiliin, the Bpanlth wooilchnpfM-r, till U far (way from lh heary-W'-t-ht throno iui h wim before Im knocked out llm-ry Will In the fourth round of a. 13-round flitht Ij'.t n Ik lit Bt Kbhi-m field. Aftr lhr roun.ln of leiharxlc purrliiK. 1'aullno brought a rliclit Imnd blow on a direct lln from hi k nccn to tlwi f'anl ncitrn'a rbln on1 XX'HIh rolled to tho (an van. He was up at tho tnunt of it, only to run Into a volley of MM and right that put him under the lover ropa where lie lay aupportcd on bla elbowa while lieferee I.OU Munnolta counted him out. Tho Bpnnlnrd'a victory availed Mm nnihinx.' Irmofar ait a title rhunre thin year Is concerned. He was drop- ped from Tot ftlckard'i heavyweight eltmlnallnn Ihurnlmnl ttftit. licit I 1 Donipney had refuted to enga- In more, than on preliminary bout leading to a fight with Gene Tun noy. Klckvrd'a original intention waa to match I'lrundun with Demp oey and have the winner moot the anrvlvor of the Jack Hliarkey-JImmy Muloncy teat, Shunted oul of thla tournament, the hounding Ilaique cut aalde a contract with Itlrkard to pick up tho Willi opportunity. lull. in. ut whit h will lie given mem ber of It." Htnnlh XX'ar Vcli-riiiia ami lltelr duly f 1 1 ml". Tim affair will h.i held ul I.ckIiiii hall on Mon thly eveiilna Tlitt ollowlug will lie on I lie receiving linn: Mr. and Mm. II. XX. Ilnthlany, Mr. and Mm. A. it XX'lUnn. Mr. and Mm. Frank Frjnk ft.r.l. Mr. mid Mm. Charle Murlln. Mr and Mm. V. J. XVuiker and Mr. and Mm. (ieorne lliirth. Xl'iiler Pud". If wilier frmn the nine auto camp of Kliimiiili prtivrn Hi piiro at tin repnrt of Hie first three, there will be no need of any correction in wal-r facllltle on the camp ground, wan the comment yenteriluy uflernoon of 1 Dr. C. H. Newanm. niedlcil director of the Klamnth county health unit. Dr. Niwanm hr.a n'nt aiimpba of water from nine camp groundit cf Klamalh. Ilotiirnn rrum the f rit llirei Oilell lake. Itiinedui) Inn. and Khitnath Fall auto campa nhnw A IIiihm rntnt Hcnttl Mr.. I., r. XVillltH anfl Mm. Moille lleldliin have ri-lufned from Ht-atlle. u, t. . M ....... I !, a M t. .... I , . . . ' t .1.. u ? am... t ""' ter mipply to be pure. . Bpl,.lld ..le'et'ln'g. Uf Ilelillng ' '''''' water rupply ui.o will remain here fur alnirt time ' fur u Indefltiliu period Willi her nun and dautthler-tn-la. Mr. and Mm. Don lleldlng. depart mem nf 1 lie Dally Newa i.i I w hen h will Juiiriicy aouiri tn vlttll Atcdfiirit, waa In llm rliy fur a hurl lime enruule to ( mi r hike. Mm. Nlniinh waa acrnnipanleil by Mr. und Mr.. W. XX'. Allen of Medfnrd. Mr, Allen In dealer for the Chevrolet In the valley i lly an I while hern vlalied with Mr. Locke of the lock Mninr company. (luittgi Mtwtlng kiii p The latllea auxiliary of The Vct- lleiurneal Kn-iii Trli Mr. and Mm. T. 8. AltbolL acconi panled by Mlaa Marie McMillan and, Klchard Nelann. nephew or Mr. and Mm. Abbott have returned from a trip lo t'reacenl City, Kureka and other poluu of Internal. It li hard oran uf Foreign XX'am have changed plan lo Jt hi parent. Mr. and ll regular meeting date to the f rm I Mm. C.rant NeUon at their new and third XX cilm.tUy evening! of : homo In Medfurd within a ahort cot h month. All membera are ri ,tlme. (iieted to Btteiid Hie meeting to be held on July 20, The hour hit be--n leaving mi Vncailnn hnuuncad for eUht o'clock. KlrtinUnl Oil Part A parly of Standard fi company official Including P. ly. Fahrn.y, K. M. Kwlng, H. I Illnke. ('. I.. Kog- Ml 1'hylia llugan of the tiulden Itule more plana lo leave the flra. of Hi week for Myrtle Point where he will enjoy a week' vacation with friend. Dr. and Mm. fl. T. Caepi'r, her The XVenlln e The Cyclo-stormngrupli nt I'mler wood'a Pharmacy nhnw a allghtly lower preaaure tmliiy mid thla may ho followed by no Me cloudlncu al t limm h com In in t warm weather I probable. Korocaat for next SI hour and warm. The Tyco recording thermometer reglmered maximum and minimum lemperatiirc today a follow: High sr.. low 49. pai'm-d awuy at hi home In Jack- Mill, California. Hoth daughter are miulh, being called hy hi crltl i al lllner on XX'ednc-Nilay. -Xliiny Can ItcgMer- .On the averjge of SO ram a day are reglHterlng at the Triple A booib of Ihe chamber of commerce, durlnic the pant week. California o far 1 leading all other atntn and mom everyone la plunniiiK tit visit Crater lake while here. iloozct In (iraveyiinl Thirty Iuitild4 of "homo brew" liquor wan found cached yealerday afternoon in Ihe Llukvllle cemetery by Mllre. A llule girl who happened to walk through .the cemetery, tip ped olf the police. Hltopptna; t-'rum Dorrut Floror.ce Oliver of Uorrla i upend ing the day here ahopplng and visit ing with friend.' AT THE LIBERTY Pete Morrison Till ItHD.iV anil MIIDAY anil Lightning IN "Range Buzzards" real or Daring. Peril uml XX lid Ailrenlnre With a Dare Devil-May. Caret Cownuncher unit a llenutlful Cilrl. SPECIAL TONIGHT Uncle Hiram and His Country Store DON'T FORGET YOUR BASKET -M.WY rtl KPItlMKHS ' 1XVT4 lfr" ITS! EC SPl: I.XI, HATI ItDXV KIIIIIIKS' M XTINF.K A KKKH ;l,FT TO KACH BOY 4n f.lltl, Planning; Trlit Mr. and Mm. J. II. Hamilton ore looking (nr-jjul to an enjoyable va cation which they plan to spend In Vancouver, II. C, and other fanada point. They are making Ihe trip by motor and will be gone for at leant three weeks. Mrs. Hamilton Is manager of tho ladle' ready-to-wear department at Moe' more. Honored Mr. Illiliinbarj.i-r A group of local people honored Fair i Mm. 11. Khluabarger of Modford with with a picnic on XXedncsday evening. With her two children he is enjoy ing a visit here at the apartment of Mrs. Dorcia Norrl.t. AtThePineTree Thursday Only Corinne Griffith ' In "The Lady in Ermine? . An 'AbiMirl'liig Dnrnwi of llotKur itnl lot-y Friday Special Oile Hhowlua Only The. Moroni Olsen - Player In . -. - Mr. PimPasses By' . 3 i I i . SATURDAY, and MONDAY SALE All Package Goods y2 Price. All Art Goods y4 Off Furs Re-modeled, Re-lined, Re-made. . v A REAL CLEARAXCE SALE. . .; Northern Fur Store 810 Main Street in and Farrl Oagley. all of Port-1 broibr-ln-lw and lster will arrom 'Und, arrived In Ihe city laat wa ning and are gucm at the hnlnl XX'lllard while here. Mm. Khrney and Mm. Kwlng accompanied tho party. ' . , . Inspector Here tieorge K. Ilotlgen. postal Inspec tor, with headquarter III Kugene, aM'iit XX'ednesdJy here Inspecting Ihe liaal office, Mr. Ilnugen I en route hark to Kugene frnni a trip to laike rouniy and other point un der hi Jurisdiction. Visiting I'niin Slmklnn .Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Munthey and Mr. and Mm. J. II. Munlhey of Htock ton, California, are siendlng a few day In Klamath county visiting. They are guests nt Ihe Arcade wlilie here. Klamalh riowcr Hltop for KPxver Floral design, quality wltL serv ice. g4 'Main itrcet. Phono CSJ. fadv. pany her on the trip, going by motor. ' They are At the tlvau Home MIhs Clara Jo Clrren of Medford and Dick Cleveland of Merced, Cali fornia, are the huuse guest of Mr. and Mr. Syiul Kvans at their ranch horn "Sunset." The visitor enjoyed a trip to ("rater lake on Tuesday with Joy and Joe Kvuns, Knjiiylna; Hrnslilci J. r. .Vagulre, Sr.. with his two children, fieri rude and John, and hi sister. Miss Margaret Mngiilrn, are enjoying- llielr trip to Seaside, whero Ihey will spend the mouth of July. Kuch year they motor lo tho bench for tho month of July. Iteports (ood Mcrtlnir K. K. Mngee, manager of ruder wood's pharmacy returned la-(t eve ning from llend. where ho attended the Oregon Pharmaceutical associa tion meeting held there during the first part nf the week. Mr. llagee reports a splendid meeting, many druggist from all over the state were lu attendance. ; ; , I fl for Callfornln Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Magee left thl afternoon for a visit to several Cali fornia cities. They will spend the greater part of tho time In San Fran cisco and will return home In ab.iut a fortnight. I'ruiii Xt-ed Lumber Company Kenny Mllic-r, of the Woed Lum ber company nt T'nnant, California, pent Wedneaday 4n the city visiting with friend and transacting bul- Knirt hllil (etliiff Notith ' Hen Falrchlld, who ha penl the past several montha here plan lo leave within a short time for Call fornln, where he will make plan to enter lh l'nlvrlty of California. Come To l.liikltatrn Quirt, coot, restful place, homo rooking. Phone 762, Conger. Adv. ' Oood 660 For Insurniice Hee J a. II. lllifg. Adv. llrlscoll. Wllllnm Hero Kor Coiiveiillon , Adjutant General While and How ard H. XX'addell, two prominent Span ish "War vcterana have arrived In the city to attend the 'convention which convene on Sunday morning. They are guesta at the hole) XX'lllard. Prom Kirngii llher II. R. Wolford, ni reliant nf Spra gun Itlvnr, I In tho cily tndny on hitslness, Mr. XX'olford la slopping nt hotel Hall while here. Khoppliia; I 'mm Clillwilliil Mm. J. J. Vlllalr, wlfo of Ihe ramp (iiporlntendcnt al Kwanna camp, with Mm. F. II, (iusterger spent Itoston lleiilily Hhoppe announce Mrs. Audra Myer as ex port ln.ircl operator. Winter Illdg. Take Pneltlnn Howard (Ilrownler Ilrown has ac cepted a position as night man at tho XX'illlnm gtir.ino and took up his dullv'S laat evening, Ilrown Is first baseman with tho Pelican. Wednesday In the city shopping. The father, Visitor worn gucnla ut the W 1 1 bird Vallctl Ily nines Mr. 1'red C'ofer and Mr. W. D. Cofer have been called to Jackson ville hy Iho critical Illness of their fnhii 1'iirt Klitmnlli Mr. and Mr. James Pellnn, promi nent rnsldeiil of Fort Klamalh. are In tho city for a ahort visit and busi ness trip. They nro slopping nt lh hotel Hull. K xpert Prescription!! Vorhn Pure Drug. 1'roin tltci Vnlloy Kd Webber nf Medford I trans acting business hero today from tho valley, lln' I slopping at tho hotel Hull. Kxnert Prescript lonlsl Turbo Pure. Drugs. "l-rotn Liikovletv Mr. nd Mr. A. J. Swift, resblenl nf I.nkevlew, nro visiting in Iho city today Willi friend. 1IIIP I'or Fliiwcr and Flornl designs. Adv. Phone 1118. Vlslilnii In Vulti'v Mis Venice Monro of this cily Is Shopping From ltocky Point- Mr. II. K. Hnnslierry (if ltocky Point spent Wednesday In the city hoppliig. Mrs. filenn Ilerryhill ac companied Mm. Hunsberry. Mm, J. L. Kilwnrds' Jewelry Ane- lion marts nt 7 p. m. Friday, July 15th, S10 1X1 I n street. Hco display ail on pugn 7. I'ft for ItO Angelin Mr. and Mr. Fred Fletcher have left for a visit In southern ('nil tornla. Most of the time they will visit with friends In I.ns Angeles, At llnibell llmm Miss II u 111 Venice, daughter nf Mr, and Mr. K. W. Vnuiilco Is en joying n visit nt Iho Horholt home at Clilloiiiln for several day. Hack I'niin laike IHMrlct. Attorney W. M. Duncan and Mrs. Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Wright, have returned from Odell lake where they have been spending several day. l-avlnir oir Vocation T. R. Malnrkey of Iho Evening Herald plan to leave till wcek-enj for Portland and Seaside where he will apend hla vacation of two week with relatives and friends. lln will arrive In the north In time to greet hi parents, Mr. and Mm Dan Malurkey, who me returning from a tour of Kurope. Too Late to Claatify X' ANTED Housekeeper. Pelican Cily Hold. Call 197S 12 I To Start Soon- Paring of Mt. Whitney street an other concrete project will be un der way 'In theiaear future. C.--A. Dunn, -number of the firm of Dunn and linker Construction company. said toduy. : Notice I.. O. O. M. Initiation and feed. Moose hall. Visiting member welcome. CLYDE THOMPSON, Secy. M. O. WILKIN 9 Klamath Falls or Lakevlew Criminal Lawyer Location to be announced Inter' J9-A0 KOl'.ND 17-Jewel XX'althara watch. Owner call at Herald office. 14-16 1 FOIl HALF. Typewriter. Islest mod el L. f. Smith, at sacrifice. Ad dress Post Office Box 755. 14-15 FOIl KENT Suite of offices. Mol bnso Illock, opposite Court House. 80 acres. Cregan Kanch near Orln dalo school, S mile from tow.n. Mr. L. li. Hague, 210 Wllllt Illdg. Phono 227. 12-13-14 ouiid campfire IDlicn dax' is done . . . . .. iVacnnipfii-e sending its wislfii) 'smoke jlhrouRh clear nit'initiiiri air In a ihe FOIt HUNT Furnished court apt, 2 rooms and bath, elactrle rang, bot water, garage. 1(15 planade. Pbona 794-W. 78-J!-Jy2 7" Jttniov TSaA testis Sleep .Kill the Moequt toe. Fly-To bed ' room before retir ing. L'-njoy repoas free from the buu and ting of mo. quitoea lly-Tox will not stain. M miit nus.Morits HOfcOl'ltVM fI HHl.Vt. X' Un.xw.e Itllll ceiling (il stars . no where such inter rclaxa tHin nml rt-Mfulness ns nf a ('oii(tiiiiiil 'iinir J' ffiitiiimto Lamp, men in the miiRnilii'l-nl ("tin- udian Pucilic Mockirx. t ithl nf these KoMilublp ' ('.iimns (or yoifjuml ymir liimily. Kvcr type nf .oiitdiNir tvcrealutn; easy j i (nidi's i(iiiirlii il tvry j'h tiinili'riilc prtcrl Lift lit- I t-ralure now llnidJia P,wtfi( Tratvllfri Cfeqilr, t,wl IM HeiM Lterr. m Amllti Huh njyln ii-vIhU In n nnmlirr of tho of hlah urado Jrwilry, 210 Mul'n St. mn r.f.i ft m H i-ja Y XI Mr lion Iriittwf nf II II FI7 .n I ILrxi Iriittwf1 nf ' W H Dracon nfnX Uftt r More tfeaaa $Cfl9 PreSerred Sbareboldcro jf-ai4aiaaiaBaiaJi i nrt t r a. if i a jt m - ServSee to Customers S YldeimdJ 5 r, - i Customers of Tbe California Oregon Power Company in homes and factories used 293,0p0,00Q kilowatt hours of electrical energy last year. More than 3,000 preferred shareholders receive dividends, regularly by check every three months. The capital supplied by investors in the Company's preferred shares goes directly into permanent, useful public utility properties. '.. The confidence of our thousands of customers rests on their knowledge of i the fact that dependable service is fur nished at reasonable rates. ' The investment confidence of more than 3,000 share holders is merited by the fact that divi dends always arrive regularly, by check, on the due date. .A copy of this 16-page book, describ ing tfnd illustrating the properties of The California Oregon Power Company, will be sent to you on request, together with complete information about investment in the Company's preferred shares. The California Oregon Poyer Company OFFICES. figCEf? Medford. Grants Ibss.Roscburg. Klamath Falls-Oregon . li'j'l YreKa, LHinsmuir-UUtfoniiA . ;.l . T Vh1I.iI elil..u llh .Iu Iti... -it I -.1 .... m 1 I r (may as I MfifU'rn M nun ui' nun. J i"HTt,j Ulrt.MlI HU 1)11 ai4lKU I. .1 , i tt -