'Tiilvershv Library Coitik. ' fcuirene. Orrfon City Edition The Old Home Paper , " ' Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service 1 ierald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade IVKATIIF.R. Oregon : Generally fair suit, cloudy west portion, with ton ua1 mist nor the tot tonight and Fri day. Noriniil temperature and hu midity, (ientla west snd northwest winds. Pi ice I-'ivo Conts KLAMATH TAIXS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1027. Number 6077. HI? DELEGATION GETS ROYAL RECEPTION Sacramento Pledge Help in .Securing K. F.-Weed Hiphway lit inn i: iii'vnw : BOBBED-HAIRED I ROBBER CAUGHT LOOTINd BANK J SAGINAW. Mich.. JtiJy 11. (AIM - Blonde, Iiiihlud-hnlreil and 1 Hunt, a I'l-ycnr-old girl, U held Inn. I today, lollowlng her unsuccessful tit- i i tempt yesterday In get I r. ,ihiii (rum i I the ' I II K teller III Iho Peoples Sav ings hunk. j (Vnly pointing a ilorn-i'Kl rcvulver tin o llm Imr of K. K. Hpccktlsrt, j 'teller -if lln linnk, tho girl shoved ' a ."..nun check signed "make II rnappy" through Ihe window and j airily commanded the teller In "give ' mi- IS.no. anil make It anapay!" Hpe.khart dropped to h: knees l behind' ih counter and pressed the umm era m mm THREE RAILWAYS OF OREGON ARE COMMISSIONERS HEAR PROTEST OF K. F. STAGES , Itltlli: I.IWH j,-.,n.pll..led burglar alarm atal-m. j J',,.'""' FRANCISCO, July 14, 1 witliln a lew secon! a policeman. .. IN BIG MERGER Copies of Proposed Huge Combination Received By Commission KAI.F.W. lire. July II. (AIM Tltrii Oregon ralltlM) line. Dm (Iii4in i:i.itrlc. Hie Oregon Trunk Mini I lif I nlli'.l Itnlluiit, arc In il.iil.il In I hi' .rnM .l im-nirr v.h.rehy llir limn orlli.m Pacific Itjillunt r.ii.iiui. a new roiicru, v.oul.1 ariiilrt tiy loa-e i-nniriil of In- KHknui, riirtliiml ami Si-HH.' SAI.KM, Or., July H (AIM The public service commission hearing the protest of Din i 'I'm iiuir( jit Inn company again Kluinuth startes, iur . In idiHiillff u 1 1 1 K i that III.. Klainntli roiiiinitiy In in conflict with Ihe sehed- STATE PROBING FISH DISEASE; HM LEVIN HERE BELIEVE PLANE OF NUNGESSER FINALLY FOUND ojHTate lil 'hiu M.-dford and K la ro ut h Fall. It afford noMiuhiir con vi nii-nt e. The pl.i.n'tirfM rlalm. Answering, the klunrath company claims it la not In .inflict, that Hi ciiliipm. nt is superior and that 't . m ii. i : Medford via Klaimuh Fal's with till Columbia (.org Motor tiya tiui niieratlng In' I'ortlaml, rendit ion mil Siw.kaiio. ST. JOHN'S. Newfoundland. July 1 14. (AP) Wreckage believed to be I that of "White Bird." flown hy Nun i gosavr and Coll from France In an ' attempt to reach New York baa been I found In the interior, two huntera TrOUt Crowding Up Small i reported today. c ,. i- f A i The two huntera. who live In Flat Streams to Get Away I ,,ay m 1s wwl eoM broorht ont rrom rolluted KlVer the report that' about 40 milea In land in the wllderneaa they had alght mj itcrioua Im- I ed what looked like a large white hint. Railway official at Saint to whom they reported SAN Snecial lo Tho Herald) Co- i '''""'red im.-.i r;.n. fl.- k- ', , ,. .n, Nr.h (Special 10 1110 iieraio; .v . . . . . , . , . 1- - ... eru i-niinc ami iir n. -ml n.irme.i ih- girt, him leu tnio fll,(1 .M.,,ltl. ,,, ,lp 'a arm and look ALLEGED . WIFE BEATER FINED operation with northern Cali fornia and Klamath county in the move lo complete the Cali fornia aection of the Klamath v- 1 t r . 1 1 . . . raili-weca nignw-y ,,u ..,! pledged yeaterday by the Sa- j HinnBlit ihat would lie an caay way cramento chamber of com-j '"'''" mcrce at a largo luncheon in j the Sacramento hotel at which 1 several hundred Sacramento j buainea men acted boats toj the Klamath "Good-Will" del egation which arrived in the Calif om'm- capital . yctterday morning. Vr.n-i-itat. afternoon. afi'T rnlrr-I Inlniiii'iil I11 Kin rmnenio. the Klniu- mil 1I1 lignlloii rnirnlnrd on tlic( Kliimnltl ircliil for Hnn 1'ranrl.nr nrrlvliia al (lie lw rll) n-iriiMilU , III llie eti'lilllll. Sun Kramlaiu H outdoing llef In providing entcmlnnieiit for I lie Klumath vlallora. Automobile loura. Inn. li.'i.n". a Iwat ride on Han ."ran rl.ro bay ar being arranged to make the iay of Ihe Orrgmi del gatlon a doltahlfiil our. Tonight at 10: lu o'l lork, Hal lllaikliuni'a onhe-ilra. olflcliil luind of Ihe Klimath eniirxlon Aa n-cently aunoiincid from Wanh- ti H. Iinvi ( . ". and coplea of (he petition weie today llrlvcn b purity In the water. Iliour-anda of Klniiuiih river ralnliow trout are i Gt-orgea. M-rkinx Ihe pure wnlera of Knen- I their frnd. believing 'thla might be rcr I'n-efc, which run Into the ;the furelage of the .tram-Atlantic rlier near .Mrt'ollum'a mill. j plane. Immediately aent Track Su- In the meantime, according to J perintendint Keefe wlht Major Y. IHatrlrt (lame Warden Marlon J. Sidney Cotton by anecial car to uuev InfectlOUS Disease ura- Iroul r 4rto ' '' tlon (he men further and to dete.-- , j imp " ihiiiiii n.-rr, iiiim iviaui i mine wnat was aciuHiiy Been. Cases Ore KepOrted, ath Fall aouth to a point below! It wan aaid that several day would s MrColluni'a mill. I be needed to penetrate the apot in U'liU a total of fix Infei tloiia di-' Ir. William I-evin. Portland, di-jthe foreat where the huntera Mid eiuea rtporid In Klamaili during j rector of the Oregon State Board 1 1 hey aaw t be object. the week -inline July !. public health ot iieaitn lanoratory. arrived laal in tliln nectliin 10m uucji to be good. 1 night lo conduct an Inveatigntion Ihe patrolman p.rni.M in ij.nrM .... . . . . - Th. v .. in. woman guve her nam. ' """"' y "T. ' . . . T. . .accor.lli.is to a bulletin received to- of Ihe dlea- and to take aamplea vil larrl. ? "rhnt comml.lon. which ha. the rlal.t lo da). from xhr 0r..(in Ma(e io3rJ ot'v1 w., ., ,ne riw w,re ,e " ; maKe oeiore iur i. t . i . -.in n n- i .-jiii, I f tnh are dvlnr i I .....l...l 11... if.imaw im iuv off a' . ..... i-i'mHii. lnn are auig. 1 Monlutlnna ait HfeltiiMl lirooer in ine .. . .. .1 - . : . . j . 1 n I cae. The Chicago. Milwaukee, and .. ... h,.r,., ,'. r ! I.evln conducted an Insnectlon thla! Klamath Engineers Hear Advantages of New Paving Process Ht. I'aul haa ai.ked the atato romiuli- Mexican Loses Control Car While Striking Spouse aion hy telegraph to jilve the mai ler Very carellll roin:iierailin oi-iorr f giving approval. If the atatt rominiiu.lon makea no rtpona lo tl-e petltlona within i lava the I. C. ('. will anKiime I' nt no hearing la dealred. Ninule l ull. , The new i-nmiHiny i orRislrc' apei'lfirally to acquire com nil tim! .opi-iate propenica of the Spoi;u ot e of morning. tulMT'-uloaU un.1. unv of typhoid ; meante-i. one of i-r,.timonla. Ot company, the .N'orlli. rn I'aclllc Ha! I' way cotnpany and the (.rent North ern Hallway company. The proponed . (Continued on page lour) Guilty to Charge Intent upon adinliilalerliig a Ihv.I- ... J r I lug 10 hla Indian wife, according lo , Alleged K.areleSS police report, l'eter (larcla. Meilcan DflVer Pleads Not laborer, iohi control 01 nia maciur.n . and pi u lifted off a bridge Into a or ernm. lit canal near (he clly limit lal night. The pair were drngg'-d ' from the deep ditch In aeml-coti- 1 acloua comlltl.m. Mra. (inrcla waa taken to Ihe ho-1 pital to he treated for hrulne ard Itegistered engineerti of Klamath listened to an Interesting explana tion of one of the latest innorationa In paving vibrolithic pavement at a dinner held last night at Link- hav.-a tV- H. Knowle. local - ronaiilting engineer for the American . Vibroli thic raving; company, led the dla- ruaalon attrl Inlrorlitr-Ml ' trvln 1 a jLUL1 'J"0ue ,l,orr ,hot .lf?i !-! Coco, eonsultlng nginew, for Ore vanred ' " Klamath river g(1 f, ,h. coiicern. " ipollnted by open aewera emptying Regirtrations at Triple-A' ' (fontinoeu on page foun Booth Averaging Fifty TOURIST TRAVEL ; IS nnrscrc ucnr mUllLIIULJ Iteault of hia.analyala will he i announced through the Mate board of health In the near fnttire. "The (rout diaeaae broke out last year," Barnea aaid. 'First It was the trout that died and then Ihe j more piuKi!n iwn. rnnoa ann anca lera and mullets, were killed by the ' IhounaiidK. , 2400 MILE AIR JAUNT UNDER WAY Each Day With tourlot from all section; entering Klumath Fall dally from j ill rou.ia. registrations nt the Triple' A booth at the chamber of com- - Louie Stapac Gets Stiff Jolt; Must Serve Fifty Days gon for thla concern 'I Mr. Le Corq diaeo.ed the engineering- theoriea and' features of vibrolithic pavement. Following his addresa a round table discussion and many questions were asked by the engineers present. , Engineers present a: the meeting included Joseph Jenson. C. C. Seeley. R. K.- Geary. C. A. l) -n. O. li. J. C. Sweeney, Olene nierrhmt. thla morning entered a pica of noi guilty lo the charge of carelei and negligent driving In connection with (lie fntal accident on the w ill i cilia aal.l In have been auaialneil at ' A s h I a n d-Klamath Fall highway i .... ,.. u,.,. i.-r-n,i.... over' Hie bunda of her hnabaml. (i.ieclu which resulted In Ihe death of station KI'O All members of III ! waa lodged In Ihe clly Jail. Itobert Shaw. Crescent City. eirurlon Invite their friend at I Pleading guilty thla morning to Sweeney waa released on hla own home to lime In. I Hi charge of driving a car while in- I recognisance. Ilia Irlnl wia set for I unli sted, (iarcla was fined f !'. August S by Justice of the I'cnoe While a li umber of Klamath Falla 1'nnlile lo pay Ihe line he la aerv'ig ! W. U. Ilnrnes. people nho went south on the Good It out III Jnll at tne rate oi i: n nuj ; Will Tour will remain for Ihe full Police had been called by (larr'n's j period of time, ten day, which tl." , neighbors a hair Hour ueiore to .'i ll.keia allowed, a greater majority terredn In Ihe domeatlr dlfflcalty. of the 1SK who left here on Ttiea- Arriving al his homo they round day night will return on No. 1 on that he had Just left. On their way Sntnrdiiy morning, nrroru.iig lo In- hack to Ihe heiidqunrlera Ihey formation received this morning. reived a call that a car had plum 1 There will be no special train lor Inlo Iho rnnnl. Hushing to the aieiie the return trip Inasmuch n a nil in- of the accident, Ihey found (ii r.-lii iCniiilnueil on page four) and his wife. I.otiie Stnnir rptintd- Vlnmnth 1 inowlea. V. n Henrv I.1 Mill Unni. mcrce have mounted dally during : yMi ,,. , j.i, , er, E. A. Thomas and F. Z. Howard. the past week and since Ihe first ,Kaln ,ni tm)) for 60 dVJ lnd )f . of Ihe week an average of &0 cars . fcc ,, , hta fine ,urt dav , ..jurt . jiahiB,..- or more each day baa registered. jiulcd before Police Judge Lem I SA1XT ANDREWS,-July 14. (AP) Thee tourists are furnisned with i,. Gaghagen this morning. Sianae The Scota like lo see Mr. Jonia information on scenic spots about entered a plea of guilty to the charm ' in action so much they are even Klumath and more than three-l( possession of intoxicating liquor. I stopping trains near the course so Iiiurtns oi mose registering nae e vix sentenced to serve 50 days j the crew can look. Andy Klrkladv. who was up with the leaders in the British open back in " told Bobby: "Mon. ye are nae a gowfer at alt; Ye are Just a machine.". planned to visit Crater inke before! in Jail and fined $100. leaving. j Gilbert Lincoln, pleading guilty to . F-'llowIng is a list of the regis- the same charge was given the same IConllnueri on page four) jsentence. 'Atta Boy! Mayor Rolph of San Francisco Greets Flyers Arrivincr Crowd Cheers as Silver Winged Machine Takes Off MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. Oakland, CaL, July 14, (AP) The silver - winged mono plane "City of Oakland." man ned by Pilot Ernest L. Smith and Navigator Emory. B. Bronte, took off here at 10:39 a. m. today for the 2400-miU flight to Hawaii. The Smith plane headed due west and disappeared in the low fog over San Francis co Bay. Spectator Who Wali hf-rf the Nn.Uk Idjim- through field gtow express ed, astonishment wh.it. Smith ap parently spurted up and passed ono of the escort plane. A Smith, took, off tW crowd ' eherrrcf with" li' kulclny nsr awl thi-rp was much waving: of arm and leaping; Into the air by the mechanic who had worked hoar night and day lo make Ihe Utile plane ready for It flight. ' g.iake vs. Melon. LONDON. July 14. ( AP) What's an earthquake to a nice Juicy water-' melon? advices from Haifa. Syria, are that thousands of melons rolled out when a warehouse was shaken. Some folks ran for safety. Its of others ran for melons. today's nr.sri.Ts National lHagne. Cincinnati g 10 . J New York S 7 1 May. Nebf and Plclnlch. Hargrove; Fitxsimmons. Songer, Thomas and Devormer. FLASHES Wll.l. TAKK BACK Oil. I.KASK.H V SIHV(iTON. July It. ( ') An ngreenieiil iM-lwecn (lie nnvy ami Inlerli'.r .lepiiiliMeiil under lilh the navy ader Align! 1 will lake hnrk nilniliilsliiillon of Hie vnl oil rccrvc and l.nes of bind in (hem was nniioiiiice.1 iimIiij al ilie limy lieniluunrleni. TWO III HT IN AITO CHASM Till" IMI.I.KS. July I I, (AIM John X.miiiIiiu, I'oriliin.l, la In a local liosplliil with a broken pelvis ami lnl.-rti.il Inluriea which limy prove fnliil. and Jiime la-e Is surferliiK from a hioken shoulder and seven- bir 'rriilion iilmiil Hi luce anil body, na Ihe result of nn nulo aeci.lenl on Ihe hiKliv.il about eluhl mile southwest of The Dulles this morning. ' I . PltKPAIlH TO IIAXDI.K WIIKAT I'OIITI.A.VD. July II, (AIM Preparations ilre lielnn made by the roioiiiU-liiii of public d.M-ks for Iinii.llliui the million of bushel of wheal from the Inbinil Umpire which will bo shipped in rxporl Ihrouiih I hi Hirt. i (10 KII.I.I D; J.iioii.imio KAMAGK NF.W VollK, July I I. (AIM IH'.piitclies from Jerusalem In Ibe Jew sh Teieitrniibir Agency, my tlml flirures compiled up lo the present show (1711 person nei-e killed mid il.iHMt noiiud.-il in Iho enrfb.iuiike In Pales line nnil Trnns-Joriliiiilii., The dmiuiKo Is est limited lit "2,111111,(11111. VATItot.M.iX IMIICTIID , . . P(lltTI.AVI), July II, (AIM The fed. nil (Hind Jury IimIiiv lnillct.il I'red ('. Ki'ltea, e.'ortlmiil vice squad patrolman, on elniiuc of con splincy to vlolnie the iiiiilonul pr.ilill.il Inn Imv, C. MIMIII I'lll'SIDIAT OF Xt'HSKnV.MI'.X I'OUTI.AN'D. .Inly II. (AIM Semlln iliiniluiiled toibiy's flmil ses- ; sl.m of Ihe I'licirlc Coiisl .Viiisu'ryniena' iiHsoclntlon, I', Milium of Senlll." was elect oil president nu.l Hi'tillle wns selected as nel Jim's eiiiiveiitinii j . , . rn f Vi I Sn&-irWi fW s :'4 UsM -'s i-, ss-nLs3j!fcn.' W.1- aW.a.aV.''iw u'&tU&':tv;mJ , , im' wiaSa.aii. 'a. iswsiislfc,.ttisaswaiia:.ii St. Louis ..; S 10 Philadelphia- ..'. T It ' o Ithem and Snyder; 'Mitchell and Wilson. ''-'. - Chicago it ' i Boston 1 T i, -4 Osborne and Hartnett; Kobertaoa. Gibson, Mills nd Hogan. ' v Pittsburgh .L 14 1 Brooklyn 5 8 4 Aldridge and Oooch; Doak. Clark, Ehrhardt, Plltt and Hargreavea. ' American Leatnte. ' Philadelpbia-Chlcago game post poned; rain. - Washington 0, Detroit 1. Game called la second, rain. . . Johnson and Ruel; Whitehall sod WoodaJl. New York 1 10 Cleveland 4 Moore and Grabowskl; Miller sad L. Sewell.. .Mayor lltilpli nf S.m l'ntnclsco creels (be ti'liiitipluiul Puctfic (rltflil) and .Maltlnnd fljees itpoii Ih.'lr relurn (left), behind Inn) or. ( California, llcgonhcrgcr '.III. HARMONY v . As plaintive and appealing male quartet as could be heard in any barber shop, ha,' been organized In the city JaU.,. under the leadership of Louie Stapae "doing" 60 days. A group of the prisoners while away the long, hot hours In the city bastlle by singing . all the sentimental, southern melodies. Their voice In rloso ' harmony fill the corridors of the clly hall and attract or dls- tract, the attention of clly offl- ctRldom. '- ' - . "Once", one cop reminisced. "the Jailbirds sang to drown the noise of picking a hole through the wall, hut this time , they Just sing for singing's sake."