n.: t WpiIiipmiIhv. .Tulv 1H. 1027. THE EVENING HERALD.- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON JiRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Items of Interest Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Basin. If- You Have News for This Department, Your Courtesy hi Calling 89 Will Be "Appreciated Mia I'll II I Hobortoon raperla t leave wllhlii the roming fortnight (ur Kiignii whore she ha erceptad a poalllon a booMlseepur fur I lie New I'lty l.iuiiiili-y 1n llin northern rllv,', whiih l iiudor llio munuuuiuent u( Carl Kli'lit, loruiarly miuiaaui -tt the local roncorn. MIm Itohertaon J at present enjoying a 1 rip In Han Fran claro mid other bay point a, Htm re. renlly realgnod hrr position with lh New City Laundry aa liooli keeper. ' Vela l Mn l Tolilulil , Tho progmpi of work lo be cur ried nut by thnVet of foreign Warn d)r (lif ensuing year will Ik outlined i la evening, wlu n all members are urged .19 hu present at the room In 1 h rotiri htio. At I Ula Hum num ber of ne inemht-r will ha Initiated Into llio ord"r. V. J, Walker la rum hihiiiIit ill 1 tin local post. , l.liir t'luinie Charged with posaeaalon of Inloil rating lltinr tillbrrt l.luroln waa lodged In Jail laat night ty polite anil loilay waa scheduled In appear before 1'ollre Judge l.em I., (lag hagen. One-third of a gnllnn of al leged whiskey anl a half pint of , purported liquor war confiscated. Ib'ounml I'oallloii Mlaa I.. I.urllo l.ark-y haa re. stinted her poattton with tho Klamath Kalle Oreamcry aftrr an absence of many wiika. Hs Larkey submitted to medical treatment for .her ryes whlln ahnt In I'urilanil. I1'Ih lt'iiiriU C. It. Ileebo of Chllrotn and Smith returned llila morning frotu Mcilfor I where he waa railed by I he avrlou Illness of Mra. Hcebe. tier rondltlon la very much Improved at the prwm time. l-ri for South Sydney Kyre left llila morning lor IKirrla where be haa acreptgd a po altlon and will reside permsm-mly. Ylliel From Illy , K. Ilanaetlt of My spent T-toi.l.iy la the jrl'y on bulnea, returning home thla morning. Fur Inaurstii Hen Jaa. II Illdi. Adv. Ilrlsroll. Williams At Hodge Motue Mra. A. Nrlaon of Dunamuir la lite houao guest of Mr. and Mra. V. K. Dodge, for a few djya. Klamnlh Hrntrr Hlmn for Hmrti Klofcil design, qusilty wliu aerv Ire. (3 4 Main street, rhino CSJ, adv. F.njoyeil Picnic The Mlipah rluas of the Klrst Molhodlst church hold an enjoyable picnic at the home of Mra. K. X. Ken dall of miners Lane thla afternoon. IWtaton llcauly Hhoppe announrea Mra. Arthur Myera na ex pert mnr-el onarntor. WlnK ra IIIiIk. l'roiu I'litf lllilu Mra. Karrey llnpklna of I'iie ItldBO apenl Tucadny lu.re on a lirlef ahopplnif (rip. In f 'lillitqiiln To.lnv W. C. .Mnrlloa of Phnw-Marltoa la triinniirllnc hiiirlneaa In Chlliiqiilu loilay. ( KnJoeit O11II1111 . Mr. and Mra. I.. O. Arena and chil dren returned yenlerday from in out I IK of aeveral duye on the nor Ih fork of Hrujii river, Mr. Arena enjoyed hla farorlle apnrl, that of flahliK, and liroiiKlil bonin more than 311 nooil aited trout. Iiurlog Ihe neit alx wi'fka Mr. Arena plana to dike a niiinlicr of outlnra, linvlne Juat recently dlaMa'd of hie limi ne, tho Chevrolet axenry, which la now known aa llio l.nrko Mulor company. l-ft for Croter l.k A party Including Jauiea Klnaaloy of Portland; Tom Johuaon. Kirk, Ore.; Jamea KIuiiukIii, oAlund, Cal.; Hun Dnrrla, Knn Kramlaro; Jjk llli'harda, I.ob Amelia; Jninea Krk wood, (JiiihIib, Neb.: Ned Cowclla, Han r'riinchM'O and Charlie Cattlnaj haui of (Itnulin, Neh., left thla morn ing for Crater Inko. The party all met here laat evening and wero gueaia al the lolel Arcade, , t-ft for California Mr. II. It. Hay and children ac companied by Mra. Martha Kerna left yeeterduy for I.oa Culoa, Cali fornia, whero they will rmike their future home. They huro apent the pa at year at Ihe hnnievf Mr. and Mra. ;. I). Hay of Hot Hprlnga. Mra. Kerna la Ihe mother of Mr. Hay and ilen and Jim Kerna. VUllJng l'roiu Hiilini I.. A. tilll of Helen) la a buainraa vlallor hire today from the Capitol city. Mr. Hill la reglalercd at the hotel Arrado. ' Mit'urtliy lluya Car Mr. and Mra. (i. A. McCarthy of the MrCntlhy Apartmenla are en loylng a new llulck aedn which they purcliaaed through II. K. Han ger of tho Hud k agency. Ktpert rrearrlpllonlata Vorbea I'urs Druga. ' Itahy Ilaughler Horn A liahy daughter waa born lo M-. and Mra. Kdward Duffy at the Klam ath Cieneral hoapltil on Tueaday evening. Tho child wished eight pounds. VUlllna; l'rntn Itorrla ' Mr. and Mra, Itay llornlmm are vlalilng In Ihe rlly lodiy from their home at Dorrla, California. They aro gueata'al tho hotel Arcudp. Eipet rreaciiplloiilata . Korbca l'ure Druga. Mnrrliige l.lcenar 4imittrl A marriage llconne waa granted to Jack MlirpllVw and Mlaa l.eathl Hlmmonria at th clerka office In Yreka. California, on Hunday morn ing, lluth aro well known In thla city. . lllll'a FVtr Flower and Floral doalgna. rhona lilt. AU. Vl.llc.l Cllfloii Home Mra. I.. Conley of Itedmnnd and Mi. C. J", flecker of Hend hare been linuae gueata of Mr. and Mra (I. N. Clifton at their home on I'ine. Tho two mulrnna alnrleil out for a abort motor rldn and aa they travel ed on In Ihe direction of Klumnth Kulla thought of the Cllflona, old frlenda and derided to continue their trip, covering more than ISO mllra. Mra. Conley la with Ihe Lynch and Roberta atora at Red mond whlln Mra. linekar la the wife of a prominent real ealata man of Hend. Tho vlaltora 'have returned home, Mra. Mckila No Heller Frlenda of Mra. Otto Nlckela will bo aorry to learn her condition ahowa no Improvement. 8ho la con fined to the Coffey Clinic In I'ort lunil where aho auhmltted to aerloiiN . major oieatlon aeveril weoka ago. Mr. Nlckela, owner of the I'eerleaa Cafe apent aeveral daya with hla wife during Ihe laat of the week. O.oaf Remodeled, fur Manufacturer, Furrier Mns. wir.i.r iM , IIKHNI.KH 42 Klamath Avenue, Itntwvca Fourth and Fifth. - , ' ; 1' I , . Klamitlu Falla - Ore. " (.cary HHurna 'orth i l-rfi fur Crooked Hirer Arthur M. deary, prominent at-. County Judge T. It. tloddnrd and lorney of Portland . returned home , County CommlMloner II. Uunlap. laat evening following a brief Tlalt 1 left, thla morning for Crooked Klver, here with hla brother. K. A, and Kverett (ieary. Mr. Oeary reprea enta. aome of the largeat HveatAck Intereata In the northweat aad la one of the date'a leading' attorneya. trreplcfl I'oalllon led Haker. reiently from Aataria ha accepted a puxltlon with ou of Ilia local mill and will make thla hla f 11 1 11 re home. beyond . Hend where they will rep resent Klamath county at the formal dedication of the bridge. Vhlling With HcoiImt Mlaa 'May Driacoll of Han Fran claco la ihe gueat of her brother. Tom tlrlacoll, of thla city. Hhe la topping at the Hotel Kern while here. U-tt tP hlliHilln G. N. Clifton of the floMen Rirle , left thla afternoon for rholiquln to tranaart bualuaia. Mr, Clifton will return homo thla evening. l-rarlng Tomorron Mlaa Helen I.lndoulat, Charle I.indiiulat and I-orcn Webber plan 10 leave tomorrow for Han Fran claro where they will vialt for an Indefinite period.' Mlaa I.lndiiuiai a III return to Hakerafleld where ahe will reaume ber poaltlon a teacher thla fall. They have been the bouno gueat of Mr. Webber' parent for the paat week. At MantioH Jloltir Mr. and Mr. J. H. Plppig and 1 inn, Kobert Allen of Tulare, Call-1 fornla. are the houae gueat of Mr, ; and Mr. K. H. Maraball, prominent rancher of tho Keno district. Mr. I'ippllt I a brother of Mr. Mur ahall and I enjoying lit flrxl vialt lo Klamuth Fall.' From here the visitor will motor on Into Canada, planning to be gone for Ml loaat a month. A It I mora than 111 yeara einre Mra. I'cpplK vlailed thla city and the change and growth have been a ptnaaunt aurprlae. Tomorrow with ber .huaband ahe will motor to tangell Valley where ahe bold ISO acre of valuable timber. ' . Mr. Plppig I prominently Identi fied with the Harry Crowe Hard ware company of Tulare, California. shopping; on Tuiniloy , Mra. E. Gulliaple. Mra. Frank Thomnann and Mra. It. Itr-iilley of Pine Ridge were Included among the oat of fawn eboppera in the city yeaterday. Durant Sport Touring Disc wheels, good rubber. 175.00 , Buick Garage 1330 Main Phone 42 - "We Know How" FAMILY WORK ECONOMY ' " ROUGH DRY ' . WET WASH - New City Laundry Phone 154 K. J. KOI.B. Manager . 4th b1 Klamath Itching, Irritations GitheSkjoandScsIp 1 Use Zcmo, Healing Liquid Don't suffer aria me of ugly, itchy skin. Never endure Skin Torture and Irri tation. Baiuh Fimpks, Blotches and ISlackhradt. Apply pkasant-to-use, de pendable Zcmo Liquid. Use at any time. The aafe, ure way to keep kin dear and Irce from bletnuhcs. Atdrug-gnts-0c and 1.00. FOR SKIM IRRITATIONS Underwood' Pharmacy. AJv. AT TIIK LIBERTY LAST TIMES TODAY I1F.HT I.VTKI.Ii "Obey the Law" "fill II! IT'S THB BULLS!" CAUtiHT!!! Wednesday and Thursday I'F.TK MOItllDWiV and LlfiHTNINfl ' In "Range BuzzarcU" Don't THIIWP.W Forget "UNCLE HIRAM'S" . "Country Store" Rea. Phone 1143 Klamath Falls Office rbone 1183 Melhaae Bldg At (lie McCarthy Mr. and Mr. W. R. Van Tree, recently of F.ugene hare taken an apartment at the McCarthy where .cr, they will reaide. Mr. Van Tree la vice prealdenl anil manager of the Pelican Cafe Incorporated which will open to the public In the new Wil liam building shortly after tho flrat of Auguat. Mr. Mne (iolng Fjtat On Tueaday morning H. N. Moe of Moo' alore will leave for an extended buying trip In ' the enat. planning to be gone for at least six weeka. While away he will vialt Ihe atyle rcntera of New York. Cleveland. St. Louie, Chicago and en route homo will coma via the aouthern route. Mra. Hunger Away Mra. II. E. Ilauger and children ro enjoying a month 'a vacation In Taroma a Ihe honae gueat of Mia I Agnes KuaaeU, an aunt of Mr. Hsu-1 V ! Vialt lug from .Mittfonl I Mr. and Mr. W. W. Alien 'of 1 Medford are her for a brief vialt and enjoyvd.a trip to Crater Lake on .Tueaday. Mr.' Allenf 1 Chevrolet dealer In Medford. - t May ltHurnlng Albert K. May of Moe'a Store la returning from Hocky Point to morrow where he haa been for the paat aeveral daya enjoying an out ing and rent at Moe'a aummer home. Mr. Muy .ha been In poor health for some rime and It I hoped thla rhnnge will have proven Jiencfldal 10' his condition. HettirtiliiR lo Port Inn. I Mlaa Allcne Worlhlngtnn and Mlaa Olive llepner plan to return home to Portland tomorrow after a fort night' vialt hore with relative and friend. Mlaa Wurthlnglon I a coiialn of Mlaa Wyma llrotherton of thla city. . firoealirrk AtlenditiK Attorney Rollo C. Groealieck and family have left for Hend where they will attend the formal dedica tion of Ihe Crooked Creek bridge. Mr. (iroeaherk will he one of Ihe principal speaker at tho dedication which will be attended by promin ent metSfrom all pun of Ihe Ktmc. Tinier fJticw lo INirtlnml "Red" Tester, member of tho Pine Tree orrheatra left on thla morning train for Portland where he, will remain Indefinitely to re reive medlcal-attontlon for an In fected Up. V ' lr IjiP Improri C. R. DeLap county clork. who haa been 111 at the family home' for the naat several daya la' reported ' aVery much Improved tods. While still usable to attend to hi of ficial duties, Mr. lie Lap I about the family home. GENERAL AGENT WANTED . A progressive. Legal Reserve, Mutual Life Insurance . Company, with over $100,000,000 of business in force, has opening for a. live General Agent at Klam ath Falls. Applicant must be between 28 and 40 ! y'ear.s of age. ' Life Insurance experience preferred, but not.nec- essary if have had successful business experience. Give complete record past 10 years;. positions held; name of employers. and yearly salaries or commis .... iions earned. Answers will,vbe treatetl, str.jptly., con--fidential. Box Number G. A. Herald. ' At The PINE TREE LAST TIMES TODAY Five Clever Acta of "Vaudeville" ' InMromental Vocalist ; llalancing ami CyniDaM tea 'cinsale Dance Itevue ON THE SCREEN I.KWIS 8TOXF. IX "The Notorious Lady" Thrilling f xploratlcn of a Treach . erous Tropic River! FRIDAY THE MOUOXI OLSF.X PL.WER8 "MR. PIM PASSES BY" RESERVED SALE NOW OM 'Ct IW i EarlyS. Inters on Convention , II. J. Winters is attending the convention of muac dealers which I being held in San Francbico this j week. Mr. Winters went south on ' the excursion train last evening and plans to be gone for at least a week. .... - , Moving to Summer Homo Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ward expect to more to their aummer home on Shore Acres within the next few days, where they will remain throughout tho tunfmer. ft Mum Sooficl.l IVllcr . I Mlas Lillian Scofleld 1 rapidly recovering from a ' minor throat operation- which ahe submitted to several day's ago -and was aMo to lie out yesterday for Ihe first time. Miss Scoflcld Is on ' her TBcntlon from Moe'a store. . S4 FREE A 25c ARMANDS WEEK-END PACKAGE Containing Rouge, Talcum, Cold and Vanish ing Cream, and Four Tints of Face Powder 1 F, R E E With 1.00, Purchase Arniands Toiletries nn ww Pftaniiiity J KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tnVJ m V ) WHERt PARTICULAR REOPLK 1 purit BUVTMeif DRUGS tAcZtiS EAT WHERE irS COOL Special ' Today Voal Chops Grilled Tomatoes rotator C, rat In , x Snlinon Salad 50 c CLUB CAFE 1926 Ford Delivery Steel Del. body. Overhaul ed, ' new rubber; license. . .$295 ) ' Locke Motor Co. riiosK 4imv j ; ' i '. Essex Coach Mew. Just rnin two weeks. i.V $150 below new price. Buick Garage GELHTE ; : IN CONCRETE INCREASES WORKABILITY DECREASES LABOR' - Celite is a specially prepared f ornv of extremely finely divided silica. Small percentages are added to concrete mixtures " to increase WORKABILITY and insure WATER TIGHTNESS. Being composed of practically pure silica Celite does not affect the time of setting and is the most permanent ingredient in concrete mixture. It is to the interest of Contractors' and Engineers to be .familiafvvith the qualities this material imparts to all concrete rnixtures. Once used It will be regarded as a necessity.,. " .' To the Engineer Economy in Concrete Workability Means .1-. Uniform Conerete. Water-tleht Concrete Stronger Concrete. Drier ronslstenry and Leas Seg- greaaiion. 't A smooth surface and moro pleasing structure. ' fl ,.)'. To the Contractor Decreased labor eOBts for plac ing. Quicker discharge from mixer. I.eaa honeycombing and patch , i ing. Decrea-il costs.- We use Celite in our Ready Mixed Concrete For further information call at our Klamath Concrete Co. "New Management" Phone 582-W Seventh and Market Streets 'I 1330 Main Phone 42 rr-i i