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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1927)
i . I Tuiwlay, July l, 192' THE EVENING HERALD,-KtAMATH FALLS," OREGON vPago Nhig. PLAC MARKET lit- STiNomoiiui; w I Willi U II, (J SUBSIDIARY OF S. P. IS RUSHED Broad-Gauge Steel Laid On N. C A P. Railroad North Wendel Working ahead of schedule con struction work on the' standardls-i- WALL I All New Stock ) ' :Acme Quality Paints j F.R.OLDS Actom from Postoffica C-i . . . . . Tt .. '. .r-j. ;i as. . "Anew now priced so low almost eivnj home can have elcctrib, refrigeration . .. . . complete for only Installed ; ; Terms . $25.00 Down $10.00 Per Month FRIGIDAIRE means perfect Refrigeration V , ,v t ; ' " ' An even, dry, crisp and cool tempera lure in your refrigerator. It gives an endless supply of frozen desserts and ice - cubes )for your table. '. Visit Our Sales Room Today FRIGIDAIRE I Sales and . . 14 k P ' ' i' " . , rjlff E.Tj Hunter, Agent 601 Main St. v j ; : FRECKLES AND - - -,. , .. i, . M UMtta aS y . ' l-n STIL1 J il..,. ,i ., - . . .. 1 J v.. J J I Hun of Hi Nevada-California and Eastern railway subsidiary of Ilia Southern Pacific ! progressing rapidly from tha Wendel terminal wllh a crew of mora than Jul) men working on the job, according lo word received here today. A tent rlt jj ha sprung up al Wandol with 'the arrival of the working crewa and tralnloJd of material are ti 4e locn In III yard at Wendtil. A tralhluad of 25 car of 75-pound leal arrived at Wendel aeveral daya ago and la being transferred lo Iba narrow gaug cara for distribution along the line of the N. C. O. The flrat ilecl- on the Una waa laid Ut laat Week. v Ueneral Manager McCartney la at Wendnl looking over tba new work PAPER Phone 43 G1DAIRE 1 1 Service Phone 618 HIS FRIENDS If-raj;. and conferring with Chief Knglneer A. K. McKennnt who la In cbarg. Fqulpuu-nt Arrive. In addition to' Hi N. C. and O. equipment being need other narrow gauge equipment la now In uae along the Una, having bn - ahlpped to Wendel. Engine and equipment from tha main branch and from the Taho extension have recently ar rived at Wondul and are operating on the N. C. and O. The Tahoe branch waa recently atandardlaed by tha Routhern 1'aclflo company under, a plan almllar to that being uaed on the convoralon of tha N. C. and O. The preaent crewa numbering ap proximately 100 men are expected to be Increased conelderably, aome reporta Indicating that the nnmbem may b doubled ovor preaent figure. Tbeae reporta cannot be confirmed In tha absence of Mr. McCartney. According to reporta of passenger the atandard gauge tie have during the paat week been laid over dls tanre of nlna mllea of tha lln north of Wendel. A switch haa been placed In the main lln of tba Fernley- Sutanvlll branch that will permit 1 atandard gauge equipment following out the Una of tha N. C. O. as foul aa tha aleol la laid, where auch ac tion la necesury. , llrconatractioa. Engineer are to be aeen along rarloua aectlona of tha Una where j poulble relocation will b nec euary. Soma of thla work la an- tlclpated on Llkelcy hill wher aev eral aharp curve exlat. The recon struction In Ihe main will follow, on the. preaent grade with correction In alignment made after the atand ard gauge line haa been completed, k From indlcationa of the early part of the work It appear that the rate of two mllea per day for tba recon struction of Iba Una will be realised and probably, exceeded and that tha work will be completed lo Lakevlew well In advance of tba early atorma thla fall. A manicure arttat who could also polish men' brain would fill . a long -felt want. " Legal Notices XOTII K TO CREDITORS. I Notice I hereby given that the un dersigned haa been duly appointed : by the County Court of Klamath j County, Oregon, administratrix of ' the eatala of Amelia James, de ceased: and ' all persona having . clalma against aald estate are noti I fled lo present such clalma with I proper voucher, duly verified by af fidavit, to aald administratrix at-ber place of bueln at Lorella. Oregon, within six month from tha hereof. .. . Dated July It. 1927. - lONA J. FORDNEY, Administratrix. C. C. Brower. Atty. 14-19-24-2 TV imv 11 - A UUL A. AVVyj. JUAVA. X TITLE is Defective? r-"t YOU WONT LOSE : Errors In th records, unrecorded documenra, ; etc., can causa axpensiv HHgation and pea- n .t alble los of your paopeity. Tak aochiww, . Protect yourself y - i '. . TITLE Insurance POLICIES . Ittued through ui by the ; Title and Trust Company Of PORTLAND You pay oaUy on small premium. In exchange . this inMirution will defend any title It guararx ' teca at It own expense in conn, and in case of . loss will reiraburs you. ' Th COST is NOMINAL ' . ' WILSON ABSTRACT CO. 811 MAIN I'HOXE 100 NEW-TODAY CHKCK THESE OVER HOOD AUTOMOBILE W ANTED A part payment on cosy S-romn borne In Hot Hprlnga; cuiupteivJy .and well furnished- l.wn, garden and flowersj paved atreet. ' 1'rlce only, t 400.0(1. . '. tV ' .. A SPLENDID BUY t-room modern borne, very" clone In on pavrd atreet, paving paid.. Ii eur roundlnsn; far below present value ' at t&liOO with small payment down, it!.- d;, 41100 buya cosy modern home with garage on large lot: rlosa lA and a ar one of beat Kftoot. In city. 4 too down.. . j ' ir HOTKL AND APTH. Cluarlng -over IZ00 per month: good tea, at tractive propeaitlon. Very reaaou able. Coma' In. . v . ' WAt.TOX-WRIOHT CO. Cor. lllh ft Main II'hone'1114 1MJ-14 FOlt RKNT--Oarage. SSKo. JI. YOH KKNT-a-reom house. ' Phone 747-J. .Inquire J2, Grant 8t. , " - ' 12-IM FOR IlKNT Sleeping room. Prl , vale family. Private entrance. J7' Jefferson. Pbon 479-J. . ' ' 1J7-II JAMTOH Married, partly emulor , ad. wlahea. I or 4 hours work dally or will exchaoge service for apt. &2t High. Apt. .. Phone 14-M. 1 J8-12-M WANT TO MAKE quick easy money? Then writ Fred U Vlel, Salmon. Idaho. 1I4-IJ POIt RENT -Large front room, also garage apace. Phone 515 or call JOIg Wah. m-lz-14 FOR RENT .Unlurniihed G-room modern house, newly renovated. Johnson. 3S a month. Termrtna. lease. H. V. Sackett. Phone 51-J. i2tf FOR RENT BuMe of offices. lel haae Block, opposite Court House. e acre. Cregan Ranch jesr Orln dale school. mile from town. . Mm. - h. B. , Hague, , Ull . WiUIU. Uldg. Phone i!7.-. r lJ-lJ-14 FOR SALE X Jvory uamunaillc lined bsnalnrt baby bnggy,. rub ber tired .wheela, SS0 ' Eberllne. ' .. . . -117-ll-H FOR RBNT-r-Bleeping rooms, one or two gentlemen. 124 N.- trd St. , . . . . ... 1I8-12-18 FOlt RENT t-room furnished apt. Phone 23FV i. .r-2-14 FOR 8AIK-Kadlo;aet qulr 70S ?o. 3nd. ' . 170. 'In- '12lt FOR SALE-f 200 tort of upland hay In tha graaa at 14.50 per ton; and 140 acres of tine beef pasture. T. A. Culbertaon, Fort Klamath. ' . 12I-1J-18 A Good Laiigh v; - , VHJVADDVA ) OiOiMTVOOFOBSEr " AlO I DIDA) T ' CVA-i . - vAor n tMPry 7W6 nat ; r-. I "n"trL r. . Z,c - , -1 'il At0M$A owDEBTwS ry V EAAPTIED IT AA PU. ' m www is V" ' rf ...TiKtMjes. Tf V T J NEW TODAY FOlt LEAKE Clean 4 -room bouae. 2x2S, at 39 Nevada Ave. One , niile from Main on Blilpplngton road. Home furniture If deelrrd. ' Cnll'207-W or write Mra. J. P. ' 'Unman, P.' O. Box 353. City. i , . 122-12 WANT TO BE INDEPENUENTT Than write for free sample and territory (or fastest aelllng article la America; every borne, drug atom, cafe, soda fountain, garage and bank are prospects. Address Fred L. Vlel, Salmon, Idaho. 123-12 FOR SALE Two pedigreed, regls , tercd Alred.ile Terrier. Big game atock. ' Nothing better. Brainy. companionable and a courageous ' aa they come. Sacrifice for 4 SO. 00 each. Room 405 Anchor Hotel. ... . ... . . 12 LOOK AT THIA 150 acre of grow ing potatoes, good itand and look , Ing fine; alio Interest in tractor with tractor equipment such e harrow, plow and planter. Th! ; can be bought at a price yon are bound to maka money. You must -act, at once. Trl-Stata Realty. Phone 1050. 1134 Miln. 11-13 JlL'rUNEHH OPPORTUNITIES Auto ramps, grocery stores, apartment houses, service stations, pool halls, reauuranta, hotela, rooming houaea. electric atorea, confection ery atore, bnslneaa buildings, va cant lota on Main St.. also rer.ident lots, small acreage farm property. Opportunities to trade and ex change. If yon are looking for a good buy. see us at once. TRI-STATE REALTY r 1134 Main St. Phone 1050 REALTORS Open Evenings 11-13 ; For Sale Automobile FOR SALE ModelKM Special CMC truck with cab and body, new , pneunafJe, tlree all around.. Right -- ap in ahape for Immediate work. : Addesa KV. 9-15 FOR 8AI.B Late model Standard Six Studcbaker Coach, five good tires, new In May 1920, run 18.000 - mile. ' Thla car la a bargain. Addreaa KV. 1-15 FOR SALEModel . 328 Packard ..8idD. 13.000. miles, upholstery '.'and paint Ilka new, latest type high compression motor. Address Box KV. 9-15 nrpn SALE 1924 Rig Six Studebak- er 5-paesenger Sedan, 120 inch wheel-base, new last December. Robber, body and motor in tint class shape. Address Rox KV. 9-15 WANTED GIRL WANTED To do general housework. Call 542. 104-11-13 WANTED iLawn work. 247-J. Reference. 100-9-15 WANTED--Cood cook. Camp cooks . need not apply. Write Box 683 , '.c;o Herald. 8--.f CONCRETE WORK Phona Tom, the Mixer. I481-W. Thos. Philip sen. 424 Plum. 34-J21-Jy21 WANTED Experienced stenograph er and bookkeeper desires perman nent position. Local reference. Write Box 587 cara Herald. 11-12-13 WANTED Cook tor amall ranch trow. Leave address at Herald. I 11-12 WANTED TO BUY Good used of . fire desk with typewriter stand or without tor cash. Phone 205-W. WATED Car of children. Ex perleuced. Phou 491-W. 84-8-14 WANTED Uood reliable married man who understands Irrigating and garden work. Call 715 E. Main Of Phone 1023. 115-11-12 WANTED- Attractive young lady to -work In the Eureka Fruit Stand ' and help do house work through fruit s'esson. Must have good char acter. Fr particulars write ut once to Mrs. J. R. Robinson, Rt. 2. Grants Pass, Ore. . 108-11 ' FOR SALE FOlt HALE Wilton rug, xl2. In- quire 433 No. 10th. 113-11-12 FOlt SALE Jay Hawk bay stacker. A-l ahape. Price 475. Frank Cacka. Malln. Oregon. 42-4-14 I FOR HALE Uood alfalfa bay. 414 per ton In the ahock. A. Otto, J Spring Lake. 07-9-1 5 FOR SALE 300 aheep and Iambi, inquire of Herald office. 109-11-12 FOlt SALE 350 one-year White Leghorn. 75c each If all taken. D. E. Alexander. Rock Croek Hancb, Upper Klamath Lake. 10(-ll-lt FOR SALE OR TRADE One Instru- I moot for locating gold deposit I and hidden treasure. Inquire I 144 Eldorado Ave. 38-8-14 LOST AND FOUND , LOST Between Stone bridge and j Klamath Falls. Sunday 10th. tire ; and rim. Willys-Knight cover. Re ! turn to G. D. Grizxle, 11 So. llth. I . - ,- 110-11-12 jLOST Hand valise at Klamath ; Hatchery. Finder return lo Her- aid office. Reward. 77-7-10 CONCRETE WORK WANTED -Estimates furnished. No Jobs too large or too small. Phone 197. K. C. Johnson. 105-11-2S LOST OR STRAYED Sunday morn ing, German police pup eight weeks old. Answers to name of lted. Extra large feet and dark brown. Reward. Phone 950 or call Oaka Hotel R-2-A. 70-C-12 MISCELLANEOUS ROOM and board. St. (29 Jefferson 78-7-1J WINDOW CLEANING Floor wax -Ing.' bona cleaning and Janitor . service. Reference. A. M. Rboada. Phone 1054-W. ' 107-24-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Auto camps, grocery atorea. apartment house, service stations, pool balls. restaurants., hotels,' rooming " . houses, elecrrle-stores, confection ery stores, business buildings, va cant lots on Main St. also resident lots,, small acreage farm property. Opportunities to trade and ex change If you are looking for a good buy. ' See us at once. Tri Statea Realty Co.. Realtors. 1134 Main St. - Phone 1050. Open evenings. 9-11-12 For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Rooming house. Terms Inquire 920 Lincoln. Jel5-Jyl5 FOR SALE On highway In Chlio- quln. lot and new building suitable for store and gas station, with liv ing apartment. -rse and) wood shed. Price right for casb. Daisy B. Laurltaen, Cbiloquln, Oregon. 107-11-18 WILL TRADE beautiful home in Klamath Falls for Medford prop erty. This property located in very desirable district on corner lot. Pavement, etc. House new with hardwood floors, furnace, full basement, etc. Must see to appre ciate. A. A. Bellman ft Co, Real tors, 120 N. 7th St. Phone 158. 11-13 FARM FOR SALE The old Ankney Ranch now on the market can be purchased In tracts of 10 acres up. This Is good potato and garden land, It carries permanent paid up water right and close enough for anyone - working in town. See B. A. Olds, 12S So. . 7th St. Phone 909 or at Hotel Wlltard.l 78-7-13 FOR SALE Real Kestate 90-foot Cth St.. 41500. terms. Four 80 foot lots Oregon Are., 4400 each. 100 ft. Oak St.. 4600. Terrace Ad dition Hots, 4300 .to 4550. 10 cash, balance24 payments. Sev eral small houses, will sell like rent,. Cottages, flats and apart ments for reqt. W. M. Monteltus. 521 Main St.' 11-17 By Blosser For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Five room modern borne, completely furnished. Clow In on pavement. Beautiful lawn. Double garage. Pbona 188-J. 101-9-15 FOR SALE Rooming house. ' to rooms. lease. Term. 81000 will handle. Write Box 58 Herald. 93-8-14 FOR SALE OR RENT 1 acre. modern house, just outside city limits or 4 acres, bouse, chicken house and rabbltry. Call or writ R. Vance Hutchina. 12-20-tt FOR SALE New modern home, lo cated foot California Ave., Just paved. Price 45500.. 41500 down. A bargain. . See owner. Phone 1027. 47-4-18 HOUSE FOR SALE By owner. Large 4 room new house In Hot Springs Addition, on pavement. . Two bedrooms, dining alcove,' large living room, built-in kitchen, clotbea and linen closets, rM:l basement, laundry trays. Garage In basement. 4500 down. Plione 1134-W.l 80-7-13 FOR RENT ROOMS 920 Lincoln. Phone 597-W. ' 132-J20-Jy20' FOR RENT Modern three room house. 2217 Belhn. 7-1 J FOR KENT- -Room 235 No. 5th. . i 95-9-12 FOR RENT Apartment, Inquire 929 Lincoln. 329 9th. 91-8-11 FOR RENT Sleeping room, hot. water day and night.- . 43.00 up per week. 303 Wuh. 89-9-14 FOR KENT Furnished apt., wood. water and light furnished. 132.50. 433 No. lO'.b. ' , 8S-8-12 GARAGE FOR RENT 3 blocks from Main. Phone 249-W. , 56-4-tf FOR RENT New pool ball,- never opened. Good opening for bar ber shop In connection. ' Aaron Moore. Keno, Oregon. 49-4-12 FOR RENT 1-room furnished cabin near .Mills, school; also 2-room furnished apt. Phone 953-W. -111-11-12 FOR RENT . 2-room apartment, laundry trays, shower bath, good bulltina In kitchen, linoleum aud atore. 430. Pbone 205-W. - FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3-roon modern house, close in. Also 2 room house, close In. Pbone 1184. 118-11-12 FOR RENT First class furnished apt., steam heated. McCarthy Apts., 830 Pine. - Phone 800. 14tf FOR RENT Sleeping room. cloM in.- Private bath. Phone. Tv. blocks from new high school sit. 1125 East St. Phone 1037-W.-95-28-30 FOR RENT Furnished court apt, Z rooms and bath, electric range, hot water, garage. 1515. planade. Phone 794-W. 78-J?-Jy2 FOR RENT New 2 room houaea, 418.00 month. Close In. Phono 544-J. 423 Plum. (4-J2-IL FOR RENT 3 -room modern fur nished house, woodshed, garage, H block from Mills, school. 2U Orchard. For Information call 622J3. 112-11-13 FOR RENT Close in furnished apartment, electric rang and all modern conveniences. - Walnut Apts., 415 Walnut. Jll-Jyll FOR RENT 4 rooms and bath, base ment, furnace, garage, tire place. New, well built house on new pavement, a nice attractive home. -440.00. Phone 205-W. FOR RENT FurnlshedT Lower apartment In 2-story house within 4 blocks of business district. Five rooms, bath, garage, pavement, nice district, 440.00. Phone 205-W. FOR RENT Unfurnished, 3 rooms with water In kitchen house In good shape, alghtly lot, no danger of nutos for children. 417.50. Phone 205-W. 11-12-13 FOR RENT Unfurnished, good re modelled house on new pavement just going In. Five big sunny rooms and bath, garaga in1 basement.- One block from primary school In Falrview Addition.. Wilt mske very attractive price on year's leas with first and last month's rent paid. Phone 205-W. FOR RENT We can tare you big money at the Arcade Hotel Apart, ments, furnished completely, elec tric ranges, linen, dishes anil tele, phones. Or rooms with private baths at real cut rate to per nanent gU-ts. Arcade. May l-Jun I