TITE EVENING TTEHALD, KT.AMATIT FALLS, OTtEGON Tago Five JCjII LCr LI1C ICW S-l ACI alU & X 1 1ZC JJiXlgll P ECIALQFFER WILL END S T WO WEEKS TO GET Period for oBnua of 100,000 Period of Bonus of 100,000 TW(1hv, July 12,'lf2?. VOTE CI . . i Close ' Two woeka remain of the moat fruitful vote-getting period In Tb Kowa-llvralil'a ft. 000 prl cam- palnn. On Saturday. July 13, tin luu.UOO tm votn uffnr closes. Tho ranitlilata wit h au iiyii to ono of lha four automobile to be given away at lha courluelon of tba cam pallia. AuKUnt Tth, are doing their beat now to turn In every now eub acrlpllon poealhlo. Kvery 120 worth of new aiiliacrlptloB aarna not only tha regular vote, but a bonua of 100,000 voles during tba early pe riod. Well-directed effort at tlila ataso of tha ram pa Inn' la certain to place Bilranta In a loading position In Ilia olo rolumna ao that prlia winning will be all tha eaatar at tba flnlah. Von and women who would Ilka to win one of lha four automobile to be given away by the Ntwa or tha Herald should enter the cam paign now, while till greateat of extra tote offer la on. At no time later In the rampalgn will there be a ule offer a liberal aa the present one. v lly entering now lite candidate will receive 13.000 free volee aa a atarter. Thla la for a limited time only, aa Inter In the campaign the entrante will receive only 1.000 i vote another reaon(for entering now. And with two week remaining In Which to build one or more $30 club. worth 100.000 extra vote, no time ahould be tot In making tha atari Look for the nomination blank printed today on another page. WORLTIS PUSHED ON MILLER ROAD Farmers Aoureciato. New Thoroughfare; Midland News Notes Told , MrtX.AND. Ore.. July 12. (Special to The Herald Thei-wora-on- in Miller Hill highway la progreaalng quite rupldly and will be appreciated by everyotie. Mr. K. I.. Furber and children and Mm. Klmcher wara colling ad Mr. H. I. llurnett Friday afternoon,1 Mr. Frank Flower apent eetoral day on tbs laland vlaltlne; with frlenda. H baa been apendlng hie vacation In tha llogua Alver valley. Nr. Flowera la lha owner of a new Chevrolet coach which he purchased aereral weeke) ago. Mlaa Anna llurnett baa returned home after apendlng aereral day at the home of tho Mlaae Marjorle and Luolle Calhoun. ..' . Mra. J. 1). Hooper and Mr. Wil liam Hooper were among Klamath Fall vlaltora thla week. Mr. and Mr. R. L. llurnett and eon, Amoa. were caller at' the Shul mire ranch Friday. Jesse Hollo of ltogue River valley waa a Midland vlaltor Friday. Mr. William Lee. county aaaeaaor, waa a bualneaa vlaltor In thl d'l trlct on day thla week. 4 Mr. Jlomer Uepuy, a former real dent of Midland, who 1 now living at Oranla I'a. Ore., vlalled with Jrlend hero Friday. Mr. and Mr. Howard YVyant of Morrill, Ore., pent the holiday at the homo of Mr. and Mra. Albert Gregory. 1 Mr. HUbert Largcnt I the proud owner of a new Ford car which ho purchased reecntly. Tho Midland people celebrated the 4th of July by attending tbo carni val In Klamath Fall and by going on picnic. Mr. and Mra. J. I. Hooper and 'fnmltv. Mr. and Mra. William Hoop- air and daughter. Mr. and Mr. Wil liam Klnspcll and Mr. and Mra. Mar f hall pcnt the th at Spencer creek. ' ' ., ' i iiinfniM , i ' i ipi i' i , , ; 77Tr7Tr'UM' y . BUSINESS MEN : SEEK KIDNAPER MOST LIBERAL Vote Offer of News-Herald s .j. $6,000 Prize Campaign Now Open! Establishments Close as Pos se StarU Search for' Criminal COAI.VILLK,:' Utah,. July U. 1A, P.) I'riictlrif ly ' every hnainea houao here kM vloaod tooy, every nhlo b'ndled mnn armed with weapon acoured the hill for the unldenllfnd man who yoalordny' kid naped Kill Itlchlnn, H, and 1 hold ing Mm for llO.nod ranaom. Tho t,ny, who la tho on of Jnrnd Itlrhlna, i venlthy ahnepmnn, wna tnken from hla tnlher'a ahocp cathp along Willi n yotiwrer brother. The Intlor ellhnr oacaimd or wn per. mltted to return to tha camp with tho ranaum demand. VOTES nothing but votes will win the four splendid automobiles and other fine prizes to be given awav by The News and Herald in the mammoth prize event and here's a chance to get ! 100,000 VOTES FREE! Turn in $20 worth of NEW subscriptions before July 23rd and you will receive all: the regular votes on each subscription as usual and in addition an' extra ballot good for 100,00) : votes! It's easy to gather up enough subscription s among your friends to make a club of $20. And' what a tremendous spurt forward in votes! Puts you right in line for that beautiful. $1,515 Buick Sedan, the $1,005 Chrysler Sedan, the $965 Essex Sedan, the $S49 Chevrolet Sedan, or one of the' many other valuable prizes to be given away., whe n. the, News-Herald campaign ends August. 27th. Don't let this chance slip by. Start building a club right away. Perhaps you can get TWO clubs. That would mean 200,000 EXTRA VOTES. Every $20 club earns 100,000 extra votes. This is posi tively the biggest vote offer that will be made. Never again will new subscriptions earn for you as : many votes as they will now. , If you arcalready entered in this wonderful campaign make the, mo,-t; of this offer. If you have hesitated to enter, send in your nomination now and let this 100,000 extrrv. vote offer bring you victory. ' t,- ;;'.. , ,. The nominntion blank be low in good for 2,000 votes find an additional 10,000 votes free, if used promptly. Just write your name and addrera on it, mail or bring it to the Campaign ' Dep't., News or Herald, and you are officially entered in the campaign. Upon receipt of ihia blank you will receive instructions and &U necessary supplies to start. NOMINATION BLANK . Good for 2000 Votes Fleam enter) Name Aa a Candidate In The Klamath Fall New nnd Herald Automobile nnd I'rlao Campaign Rtreet and Mo 4 Town or City Dlat, No.............. Slirnod AddrciM , 10,000 Extra Vote If yon enter (luring flrat alt week of the campaign. Only one nomination blank credited to each comitate.. Yoo can enter jrounielf or nomlnnto any other person. r i . Vote Value of Subscriptions RATES tn NEWS OR HERALD ' Xcw or Herald . ISy Carrier In Klamath Falls ' Price Vote Three Month 1.95 1.50 Six Month 3.50 . 6.000 One Year :..... . 8.50 15.000 Two Years . 13.00 40.000 Throe Years 19.50 70,000 , ' ( 5 New or Herald By . Mail OuUlda Klamath Falls . -. ., Price Voles Three Months 1.75 .1,500 Plx Months ... 2.75 ' 4,000 One Year 6.00 12,000 Two. Year 10.00 35.000 Three- Year . 15. 00 GO, 000 OOMlUS.VIIOtf RATK FOR BOTH . ' ' PAPERS t' v News and Herald By Carrier In Klamntb. Falls Price Three Months 3.90 Six Month . tf.00 ; One Yoar 13.00 Two Years ............. 28.00 Throe Xears ............ 39.00 ; Now and Hornld - ny Mall Outside- Klamath ' . Price Three Months 3.60 Six Months ........... 5.50 One. Year... .....10.00 Two Years . ..... 20.00 Votes ', 6,000 . 15.000 40.000 110,000 .180,000 Falls Votes 4,000 12,000 35.000 90,000 v This first subscription you, get, either old or new, will o.t , title you to regular votes as shown in the vote schedule to the left, and 20,000 FRF.E votes .when accompanied by the "First Subscription Ela.w" . below. See how quickly yti' can accumulate thousands of votes! Once you have made your start,' the 100,000. extra vote offer will carry you on up to the very top. And that means a fine motor cari. FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Good for 20,000 Extra Vote - During first six weeks of campaign only Return this coupon to the Campaign Manager, Tho KUm. atli Kails Xews and Herabl. with your first subscription pay ment, either old or new, of three months or longer, and yoa will receive 20.IMHI votes In addition to tho votes allowed on tho regular vote echVdair, providing yon act during tha flrat alx weeks of tho campaign. Koine of Snlwrllier.. Address - Candidate's Noma - Dlstrlrt No..... Amonnt One. ........... (old or new). .......... This commit, accompanied by tho nomination blank and your first subscription, will start yon during tho first six weeks of tho campaign with UU.OtHt votes 11.1'$) the regular votes on tho anhsciiptlon, a shown in scheduln. Only one of these blanks will be credited to each candidate.