I - Tuesday, July 12, lfr?7. Nice Record Will He Stick? J. DAVE SHADE TRY ' THE EVENING' HERALD. KLAMATH TAW OREGON QEfSEY 1PB' Ill OUT NEW BL 01 Xhee-Chee" Britt Student of Old School; Member of Famous 3 Street Gang;-Tacoma .Wash. Frankly a,Chee-Chee meeta Alii. ' Brill. who f follow: Tod Morgan draw? Mike TayVwv Mend wild-cat. Bnlerlno. draw; won from ilud Kid 's In the mala renttr.t a. light card! to-wa held at Legion hM here July! leys won 1 from Ioe Snell: drew with loe Oormaa; won from Lien Ztja one more product of the nowj Malody; won from Joe Marcus; won faaabus 'K'' street, gang of Tacoma. t from Ad Mackay; won from Mike ron ' this pugilistic thorough-: Do Pinto; won twice from Benny fare) hare come, eujh "bays as Frank j Dotsoo: knocked oat Chubby Van Partner who has appeared here; Hooser; won from Don Frater. and savoral timea; Al Hupo, Roscoe j won from Lackey Morrow. . Taylor., Lea Biahop. Paul Steele.! . Morgan Joaes Jo Bond and many! O A C Fsirm F-rnort other former northwest fistic stars. A' ..arm P' Britt ranks next to Farmer in num- n InSOect Klamath i jram, opua rieias Here" .George Grant, a former member of the St. Louis Browns, who is with Cleveland now. Grant say he is In the mujors to stick this lime and went out and won his first cams axalust the White Sox as proof of hi conten . tlous, her of vest, j mam events m me nortn-i i Stndcnt of Olil School I t i r .Britt is a evident ' of . the old' To help Klamath's, agricultural aolwVol, having been developed by' population, . attain It ambition a Eddie Marino, who boxed Abe At- J source of. Jirainv apd potato seed tell-when Attell was formerly-tea th- "Ithln tb eoanty--tJ, R. Hyslop. efwetght champion. - I Corvallia. . head of. the farm crops ' fFraakle "MurrAjC who many My! department of. th? Oregon Agrlcul woifld be a 'world's champion should! tor1 col lege. Is, expected to- arrire hancondition himself and take, the! h'r June 23. to spend several days in the Klamath basin.. .Mr. Hyslop will Inspect train and potato fteldsn ef Klamath, to deter? mine whether or not the fields are gme seriously.- tanght Britt the bfjrjng style that made Jack Brlt tos Marty Farrell. Jock; ,Mal,oue. jMjDetepieyV-pir Benje.ilii-and Dare Shade famous. - 'Chee-Chee'(i a-bobber, a-weav-ei.. ad ' s'iws'JsIl? clever. On In side work. Britt will not be put obi the run by Taylor's relentless charting attack: 14caus of his1 eoun- t r-punch(iffc -ability.--Taco me. fight fans will never, forget their tilt last Jinuary and are asking to see the jriMrfc. first. Instead Klamath Falls fight 'fans hare the opportunity to seto' them jn, the return match. (, Shades Joic Uitss i Britt' last fight was a double main event In Portland where he shaded Joe Marcus, the northwest's latest' featherweight sensation. A mail part i of, Britt's record is, aa Medford Scoffs At Henion, Ace V Of K.R Staff Another evidence that Rogue River Talley Is out for the scalp of the slugging Pelican was manifest In. a sarcastically worded article appear- of sufficiently Jilgh. standard to bel(ng ln the Medford press within the May Establish ; Fish Screen at Crescent Lake designated certified., A meeting of the KlamSUT Jtttatb Growers' asso ciation will also be railed at which Mr. liyslop fVfllf e the principal speake" tH J "To hare ou. own seed supply within the county Is a great boost," County1 ' Agent Henderson pointed out today. "Seed standard either goes up or down, and it is our hope that It will go up. thus guaranteeing a high quality product for years to come." Matt Magee Through Ax Fiffht Matchmaker r r aJ T 1 Plainly spoken, they bare the in Reservation i OWn gunfalon already stored away In I their dungarees, so they think. J They hare a real hitting club and recent meeting of the city boxing, a fast ball pitcher with no more commission,.: Matt 'Magee. maun- control over hi pitches than a Tab maker, tendered his resignation to i bit has orer himself in a cabbage oast few days All of which steams up Interest and lends an edge to the rivalry be tween the contesting teams. The article pokes fun at Henion, Pelican pitcher, and. by the way. the same twirler who last year, fanned 18 Medfordltea In a famons game. The article follow: Over in the sagebrush area, where the Klamath Falls ball club hangs out, the fan are all aflutter be cause they thins: the pennant race, which waa split asunder so the com petitors could fight for the final say in post -sea son series, will be Just "too bad." PORTLAND, Ore., July 11. (AP) The state game commission bas decided to establish cold storage room for fish need in feeding young trout at "the hatcheries near Eu gene, at the plant of the Eugene Fruit Growers' association. If the state- commission ran provide fish to keep. the room filled throughout the year. The fruit growers agreed ! to build a. special- room for the pur pose at an annua) cost or f 1,000. ; (The- game commission took up I the matter of the commission's right j to, spend its Income as It deema wise anal, necessary and without the ap- i proval of items Jy the secretary of state. The-qnasdgn of not arose' In which Sam' AT' koxer, secretary! of estate,. Requested . thai , hereafter storage charges' on" sutomobilee op-i crated oy tne deputies of the com panies te not included In the ex-1 pense silo winces of the commission. , Mileage expenses are allowed, the secretary said, but no provision is made for storage charge. : Knott v TViil.Tn. It I f A second question of lawful rights was- submitted to the attorney- gen- erai,-reisuve to the ownership of' the beds of navigable streams where I there Is single ownership on both banks. - j I The question came, up when a re quest for permlsrion to establish a' private fish hatchery near the' source of Metollus river was re-i ceived from the owner of both banks o the stream-. - , , iAdvlsablllty of constructing a screen at the oulet of Crescent Lake' to stop The'-escape of lake 'trout ' when the flood gate are open, was ! referred to M. L. Ryckman. super intendent of the hatcheries. The: fish are said tg beyescaping. In large1 numbers. . . I 'Permission was given Warden' Clifford to . make an exchange o( 50 pheasants, with, the Benson j rbeassnt farm at Sllvertoa. that body. Mr. Magee has acted in the capacity of matchmaker for the. commtssbnsince Its Inqotloni in April. ire had nad success with his bouts. . , , Love sometime sneaks out at the window without waiting for. pov erty to come in at the door. . crate. - Henion Is the nsme. Fred Harrison, who has been play? ing'On aadott for Medford for the past- year or so; played at Kiaraatit Falls last Sunday and reports that the Mt. Shasta team hit Henion hard and frequent' atufU was the Pell cans' clubbing that saved the fray for tbe lumberjack team. Guaranteed Dentistry We can give you the best of service in every branch of dental Work. Whether it. be a decayed or aching tpothj,.crown. or bridge work or complete plates, we vrtl! gjylVou the best. You will be pleased with our m odrter prtc ea. A ll -' .X-l i.-t ' Portland Painless Dentists DR. HAVENS, Mgr. lltH and Main Phone 94 Ex-Champ and Fast Middle weight ArUe Early to Hold Secret Work-Qut 8.nVroti.v LAKR. N. v.. , July 18,, AP- Jnrk, Demis'y .soim to have' s.imethlug at ' his cottage very deep ln tbo woede a mil) from the lnke shore training headquiirters snd now the.-seem I ouli.K livery m o r n I u - 1V tfhmlo. lack's middleweight pal from Cali fornia, steals from- the camp Just after dawn and meets Jack In the haytleld back of the cottage.' There, with trainer Jerry Lnradla. the pair . hold a .secret workout for SO min utes before Jack taken to the road for a five-mile run.' During that time they practice just two moves and on the result i t Jack's secret drill may depend the fate of hla come-back nit .mo ment with Jack Sharkey In Yankee stadium July SI. - Damp." poaaesiior of one Tf the fa1eiU left tab In the ftstre game, shoots- that hand into Dempsey's head. The former, champion ratch- the blow on bis right glove, snd with almost the same motion slips Ms left to Shade's body. Then they try the move again and again un til Pave tires, and Jerry, the faith ful Creek, takes his place. Mam moth 16-ounce gloves pud Demp sey's hands to prevent damage to either of his halprs., i ; i The workout at dawn have been going on for a week now In antici pation of the rifle-like left hand Sharkey baa employed so success fully In fighting hi way fo a con-1 tending. posit Ic-n in the heavyweight ' title hunt. Jack in .the coming fight , expecta to see even more left Jahsi than Oene Tnnney. threw his war; In winning the championship last full, but Dempsey also plans to he ready for such an attack with a de-! fense and offense that comprise! little more than a. single movement.' If a young man sows wild oats mixed with old rye he Is reason ably sure to ralao a disturbance. .Sf8.''? i 'VS- 'v' ' IS :t .-s-', Moved to 1134 Main Street Intermountain Kldfl.& mn iftn. T. J. WERB, Dist. Manager F. O. AHl.STROM,-Asrw.ate Loans, Fire, Life Insurance, Savings Phone 1050 . .. : ' " Ml IMdin UruKii. Itrnvi's' otit-tiflilM-. ' aho on June ?!i lud played Hi I.& t'tHisct-ullW Ittujor Icuitui attit's. Iliowu's -rtHoul Imhchu while he Wus m uwmbcr of the lliHiuklyn villi), llmwii s rec. mil. wlulu nut ueur Kvi ird Scott's grcut iiMoiti, Is one orlU tulklitg about. O Veronica! i rv4 n . s.s i KV3 W.leUm la she &f Mgh Blood risssess I rtnJ MOnsy, Live and K 1 Bladdef Troablaa IaalB Caatilranoa I 1 Star. Drue Co. Standard Dyers and Cleaner Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 tea LONGER? 'LIFE i For . Your Clothes ,- ' It is a well known fact that apparel that is kept Spotlessly clean lasts longer than that which' is neglected. Our modern method of dry cleaning will not only lengthen thc ,l,ifc of your clothes but it will add to their attrac tiveness as well, 'V,, ' ' ' . Phone 1166 ' ' Acme Dyeing & leaning Co. 152 Main ; t. If you asked William FaversMiri : i about tKrbat y he'd say to you: Blundering White ' Pelican Cause of j L Lights Going Out A White Pelican threw the city! Into darkness last night for a half I Jiour. flying Into two power lines on : J-fnk River, the great white bird j reused gbort circuit , which dls-' abled one of the two main city light- 1 Ing circuits of the California Oregon ' Power company. Needless to say the Jilrd was Instantly killed. , ."The same thing ha happened IS tor SO times this season, particularly In the Chlloqttln section," T. W. Del-! olL asalstsnt division manager of I the power tompany said today. "Tbe bird are so big that they hit two power line at once causing the abort." , . ; Auto Insurance Fifeand Theft 'You probably have this either jslth-thea finance com- ! ' pany or direct. Don t let .it run out I uatl my own car stolen weeks sgo and It Isn't back yet Yes, it wits Wnotttad but It is no fun even then to have your car stolen and we are on the main line now. 1 .. . .f .." . -,, ' ... -. . , Collision-- S ' i fl)anrai! :tb . your car Yon may hate' pksscd this' hp' because It is high priced. You msy be a careful driver but the other fellow msy be a Sunday driver and then ' ' 'Von 'save a lot of money and worry by having Col- Remember you cant make a-date or a Klre. . Ilslon Insurance. f withe's! Collision Public Liability, and Property Damager- Damage to the other men's person and property It isn't who was right In the sccident, but who the Jury n be msde to think was: right Even if you win the rase or settle oat of court to get rid of It. It Is going to coit you time, worry and some money to get rid of claims. .The courts might take everything you have to settle some claim for perinal injury brought against yo. It ha happened. For a small premium you can turn this responsibility over to a big insurance eom pnny who stands all expense Including court charges. See Me For Details M. L. Johnson Careful Insurance Service 406 Main.St. - ' -Phone 205-W ' t "For years I have been a , Lucky Strike .cnihiisiasti .'' in fact, I never smoke any' ' other cigarette.fh all' this time I have never v been troubled vith throat irritations. i In' addition to the enjoyment that I v get from the superior quality of Lucky Strikes, it is wonderful to knoiv that my voice will never be affected by smoking," William Fsvershamvene ' of tbe mntt'liftlingvfubtdi actor of trie nficaa Stogs. 1 ' ;' - O jbsm rcrtss : You; too, will find that Lucky Strikes are mild and mellow- the OV finest cigarettes you ever smoked, made of the finest Turkish and do Jrj mystic tobaccos, properly aged and ' ..blended with great skill, and there is an extra process" It's toasted" ' no harshness, not a bit of bite. wfe toasted' r , ' , Your Throat Protection Whm In New Yorfc you are cordially InvllcJ to see how Lucky Strikes ar mails at our exhibit, corner liroadivfiy and iSih Sirrrt. it- n 1 A'