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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1927)
Page Eight IttE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON Monthly. July 11. 27. Klainath Lumber Production Past Year in Excess Of 400,000,000 Board Feet Within the immediate vicinity of Klamath Falls, a total of 451,900,000 feet of lumber was produced during 1926, accord in to figure compiled showing the cut of individual mills. In the Lakeview district, a total of 24,300,000 feet was man ufactured in the past year. Accurate figures on practically every lumber company in the district was secured, with the exception of the two largest mills, the Pelican Bay Lumber company and the Ewauna Box company, whose total cuts were estimated at sixty and fifty million feet respectively. The third largest mill, from the standpoint of produc tion last year was the Algoma Lumber company, at Algoma, with the Forest Lumber company at Pine Ridge, fourth. In ha Lakeview district, only araall mills, and In most rases the portable Ope. are In operation. In pita ot llie fact tat Lake county la estimated to contain a total of fourteen billion feel ot vlrgla pine flmbcr. . The lumber towns ot Dorrls and Mt. Hebron, In California, are in cluded In tbe total f )r the Klamath Falls district.' The Kesterson Lum ber i company at Dorrls produced J4.600.0U9 feet, while the Sinklyou Lnmber company at Mt. Hebron, cut 10,800.000 feet. FWlowIng are the individual cuts of 'the various mills: ' Klamath Palls District Big Takes Box Co.' 31,000,000 Klamath Xnmbr Box 17,600.000 Shasta View Lmb Co..... 4,300,000 i Shaw-Bertram, Lmb Co. 35.000.000 ' Wheeler-Olmstead 2S.000.000 Ewauna Box Co. (estimated) CO, 000, 000 Pelican Bay Lmbr. Co. i (estimated) . 60.000,00 I-on pine Lmbr. Co 3.800.000 Aloma Lmbr Co. 41.000,000 WEToADABOO VieW Crater Lakc at . Its Best bunday; 1 rail Broken N..w Yuik tlliln'l w'u f.M.1 of film lino Hnowdoii. Volu il'Avrlll ami Anna Creek Lmbr Co Braymlll White Pine Co. Campbell-Towle Co Forest Lmbr Co. Illinois Lmbr Co, Lamm Lmbr Co. McCullom Lmbr Co. . Solomon Butte Lmbr .... Kesterson Lmbr Co K C Lmbr Co Siskiyou Lmbr Co. Harlan Davis . Knox Mill Yuman Maxwell 7,000,000 IS. 000.000 15,000.000 3t.000.000 3.400,000 31.500,000 8.500.000 (.000,000 24.500,000 7.000,000 10,800.000 500.000 1.500.000 ' J. 500.000 (Continued From Page One) built to the California line by Ore gon, was also averted by Murphy. Murphy told the board of a moot lug culled in Sacramento tor July 30 at 'which the supervisors from the different counties affected by the proposed route worn expected to be present, and exreed his gratification when tho Siskiyou coun ty board agreed to attend. J. F. Wise, representing the Dor rls district, urged that a part of the 120.000 already set aside for the proposed road bo used at onco lu extending the line from Dorrls some tour and one-halt miles north to meet with the Oregon road now under way. The board asked him to wait until the August meeting. as It wss necessary to keep the $30.-1 000 fund lutart to meet the demands J of the state If the new Joint county) district be formed. Down to Shore; One Way Traffic l'p steep grade lined at times with snow drifts "auto lop high" hundreds of cars from southern Ore gon climbed to the rim of the (loin ot the Cuscsdea yesterday, Crater j lake, and enjoyed the geological and scenic marvel at Its bout. I II to Vancouver, It. ('.?" Trail from the rim to the water's edge hns JiinI lieeu broken, Nation al park rangers said, and bbstlng nud flxhiug on the bountiful lake has been added to Ilia features of the puik. I'ntll henvy deep snow drifts an "It's the best day we've had an cleared away, one way truffle will far this season," smiled Dick Price, prevull on the l.wt Hteeri pitch up manager of tho Crater Luke lodge, the hill to the rim. Cars are held "It looks like a great year. From Information I've received In north ern California and southern Ore gon, I've found that Incoming' tour ists ask two questious: first, where is Crater lake?; second how far Is ! shi inking up 15 to 20 minutes. Snow Is uielllug fut at the com mand of a hot sun. Kven the great drift which was ulnmxt roof at the lodge during tho winter. Is t In Klamath will be 700 to Mil), 111)0, U0O feet. YREKA. Calif.. July 11. That aj The Weyerhaeuser holdings In the Joint road district may be formed, Klamath basin will ftirnWh a 85 to of tho Sacramento valley ano norm-j 30-year tunny. Additional pur-: It I ho poker cm counties for tne purpose m chance are contemplated so that the Seventh Handit building tho Weed-hlamuth Mills highway, the Siskiyou County Hoard At the Liberty Chtloquin Lmbr Co. 3,600,000 Lakeview District Bagley Lmbr Co. West Side Lmbr Co. Crane Creek Lmbr Co. Campbell 4k Archer Edmondson Lmbr Co. Chewaucan Lmbr Co. Camaa Prairie Lmbr Co. Edgerton Adams ... Ford A Mlnton . O. T. Storer Underwood Lmbr Co 2.000.000 3.000,000 2.000,000 3.000.000 1.000,000 3.500.000 1.500.000 4.000,000 1.300.000 1.SO0.000 l.SOOsOOO Reserve District .No, 13 't - K"00 Conditio, of "'' , THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK pnarter No. Ujioi ..... c JK SO, 1827 :'.' 1 " . Resources . Loana and discounts, includ ing rediscount . ... - - - -Miikri ul other banks and foreign bills of exchange or drafts, told with. in- uvraemeoi ot this bank( except those, shown In Item 1-b) Total Loans $1,177,253.84 a. : a. 10 13. 14. IS. Overdrafts, unsecured, 34.37S.40 C S. Government accm-itlet owned: a . Deposited to secure circula tion (U. S. bonds par value) b AH other United States Gov ernment securities (including premiums, if any) Total ' ,' .......:..;. Other bonds, stocks, securities, c owned: Banking , House, 328.000; Furniture and fixtures, 324,436.90 "Lawful reserve with Federal Re serve Bank Cash In vault and amount duo from national banks ..... Amount due from State banks" tiff t;Jne Ymi comPf in ana United States (other thsn in cluded In Items 8, , and 10) Checks on other banks in tbe tame city or town as reporting i UK ii item 121 Total of Items S. 10. 11 and .13 ." b Miscellaneous cash items Redemption fund with- U Treasurer and due from U . Treasurer Total Jl.177.253.84 4,378.40 100,000.00 224.814.S2 12, 278.809.21 8,0(7.23 20. 21, ; J2. v , 23. is. . Liabilities Capital stock paid In Surplus fund ."Z a- Undivided profits 334 Jt Reserved for taxes. Interest, etc. accrued Circulating notes "o7uun'di'iiB""i! ' 324.814.82 209.431.62 C2.436.90 144.413.87 1S5.073.13 83.S2S.46 40,010.62 8,067.23 D. 000. 00 12,204.403.89 100,000.00 65,000 349.91 Amount duo1 to 8tate bank. i bankers, and trust companies 27. Certified checks outstanding l.J,8". Jfrahlcr' checks outstanding ...... "" : Total of Items 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 349 4.318 99,700.00 .91 .28 40.639.S3 - Demaod deposHs (other than bank deposits) subject to Rearm . (deposits payable within 30 days) 29. Individual doposits subject to ' : check ' ' 80. Certificates of deposit due In less than SO days (other than for money borrowed ) 81. . State, ocunty or other munici pal deposits secured by pledge of , assela of this bank or surety bond ' 33. Dividends unpaid 84. Total of demand deposits (other that bank deposit) subject to Reserve, Items, 29, 30, 81, 32, ' 8S " 3 1,474.678.55 . i Times 1 s (.abject to Ibwrre (payable after 30 days, or subject , to 30 dsys or more notice, and . .; . postal savings) : '' 88. Certificates of deposits (other than for money borrowed) 37. Other tlma deposits ... 38. Postal savings deposits Total of tlmo deposits subject to jteeervo, items 36, 36, 37, and ,' 38 : Total 9,867.38 10,663.15 20,109.00 918,445.79 15,897.18 E36.335.58 4,000.00 352.(79.43 52,686.46 14,351.74 419,717.62' 82,204,403.89. jSTATB OK OUKGON, COUNTY OF KLAMATH, SS: - I, E. M. Bubb, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly awear that the above statement Is 'true to the best of-any knowledge and belief. . , E. M. BUBB, Cashier. CORRECT: Atteat: Marion Hanks, M. S. West, W. C. Dalton, Ulrectors. 1987 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day ot July, E. S. Veatch, Notary Public. My commission expires July 4, 1928, of Supervisors voted at its session ot July B and 6 to go as a body to Sacramento. July 20, to meet with supervisors ot other counties who are to be there on that date. The members ot tho board indi vidually expressed their appreciation or the work of Assemblyman J. J. game In "Thj In which Harry business of manufacturing at Khun- Corey la slurring and to bo torn Falls Is expected to dcontlnue nt the Liberty (or the lait lime t. for mauy years. PEAR PICKERS WIN IN GREAT PITCHERS' DUEL (Continued From Pats 1) hitting, they were helpleM before t..r,,hv nf Weed, whose extensive the speed and slants of the b- efforts have already beguu to show I spectacled (iulcrlu. Walt Fuller crystaliiatlon In tbe forming of ! pickled a fast one for a homo run Joint district to retain the Klamath . In trade by moans of tho highway to Fc oss got a pair of sate hit.'), one of ,urn urr,ire th that point. IRISH LEADER IS ASSASSINATED (Continued From race One) workers lu the Free State cause. Shortly before the end. he. raised himself from bit pillow to tay: "I am dying at peace with my enemies. I die for my country. 1 go to Join Michael Collins." One ot the friends at the bed side remarked: "Kevin, while there's life there's hope." No Hope "Ah, there is no hope," he auswered. "But I was always a bit ot die hard." day. Imprvsxcs you as being natural ly done, you may he certain that tho men pi tlclimtiug did uot gel their prnctife lu the studio. Most of Hie studios Itnvo slrln rules forbidding gambling In any lorm among p'ople working in pic tures, and the Carey studio Is m exception. This rnle dues nut menu that film people ar ei-nei lully prone to gamhMug, but when Ihev ere sitting about waiting for theli e camera. It Is somo- times a problem how to employ the time. ) Many of the men form the r.ud 1 Ing h.illt. and books and news pupers urn in demand. The women knit or embroider. Croo-word pus cle huvu not lout their hold In tin I studios, and. of course, much eon- The defeat of the Pelicans starts ,,, on- nJ tfu ,, ,, them off at the bottom of the D)1 ,,,,,., ,lf ,no (uv leaguo In tho second half of the- Harry Curoy's support lu ''Th split season, while the Pear Picker. gvcnth Hnndlf are Harriett Ham-tull-enders during tho first half. m,llu, James Morrison. Trllh) are now perched at the top of the flnrk. Walter James and John Oil- which wont for naught when he tried to stretch a single into a double. Conlin. Medfurd center fielder, trobbed the Pelicans ot a chance to tie th? score when he made a leaping one-hand stab ot a bard drive to right center from the bat off DUBLIN. Ireland. July 11. (A. P.) Several arresta were reported to have been made today, growing out of the assassination of Kevin O'HIg ladder. Following Is the box score: Mc.lfor.1 AB K H SB Sll K Caulln. cf 1 S o Dunn, ss 4 0 n McShane, 3d 4 Ion. Scot Dunliip directed from i story by Arthur Proton Minikins. Hansen, rf . Dclaney. 2d Reed, c Harrison, If gins, vice president of the Free Adolph, 1st uaieria, p . State council, but no Indication has been made that the actual person Implicated In the crime have been found. An official account of Mr. O'HIg- ain'a assassination says that five najocss, men were engaged In It. two ot Fuller, whom acted as scouts. All are be lieved to have been between tbe ages ot 20 and 35. 3 Klninatli All d ........3 rf 4 Pubeck. 3d 4 Powell. s 3 Foss, cf 4 O'Brien, If 3 Brown, 1st 4 1 Peterson, c 4 BE CONSTRUCTED "-J Health-Brown ....0 3 4 I'alU 0 ! 1 0 ! 0 ' 0 ' 1 0 ' o ; 0 ' I At the Pine Tree Although more than half of Col leen Moore's newest starring pic ture, "Orchids and Krmlne." a msde In the heart of Broadway CAItl) OF TII.WK.H. We wlh to express our heartfelt 2 thanks and appreciation to tho many frieuds and relatives for the beau- JC, H Sll SM P. llful florul offerings and klndncus HUGE MILL TO (Confined From Page One) way before the end of the present year. Work to lie :ulicd the paper says, "will be pushed play, and sympathy given during our re cent bereavement, the deuth of our darling !ulo. Mr. and Mrs. Chat. K. Drew and Family. 7-9-27 - , 34 2 6 0 0 3 Summary: Home run. Fuller: two base hits, Henlon: struck nut by Henion II. by Gnlcrla 4; double Dunn to Dcluney to Adolph; ith all the dispatch -consistent ; wild pitches, Henlon 1: time of with economical construction. j game, two hours and five minutes: Amnirmnre. .ubntantiallv to thlt umpires. Shea and Pool; score- effect were obtained Saturday by The Oregonlan from George S. Long, of Taroma. president and general manager ot the Weyerhaeuser Tim ber company. Mr. Long hns been associated with Weyerhaeuser inter ests for 26 years." Information is also In the hands of the writer cf the article, he says, confirming rumors that the build ing of so mo 15 to 20 miles of log ging railway will be necessary to begin logging ot the 300,000 acres of high quality pine timber con stituting the Weyerhaeuser holdings in the Klamc'.h basin. Last Stand of Pino "The pine resources of the Klam ath basin are said to constitute the largest remaining stand of pine In j the United States," the article adds ia this rt.ipt.t. I "Commencement of the develop-1 ment of activities by the Weyer haeuser Interests follows almost Im-j mediately upon the completion of arrangements by the Great Northern, fur the extension of its operations from Portland nnd Spokane Into j south central Oregon. The Weyer-, haeuser move Is In line with that 1 company's promise to the Hill rati- j ways that as soon as a northern out-1 let was available Irom Ihe Klam ath basin, it would supply a heavy tennage of manufactured lumber. The Weyerhaeusers are large stock- j holders In both cf the northern I railways." hliimntli to Ho Center I The Weyerhaeuser company will centralise Its development at Klam ath Falls rather than scatter Its manufacturing units throughout tbe I m Iter area. Included In Its plans and In ad-1 ditlon to a huge sawmill, will lie ft sash and door factory, a veneer 1 factory and other Incidental manu facturing units. It Is said. Con- tlderlng the large timber resources, i Mr. predicted that Klnmnlh Falls will be by tar the largest western pine manufacturing point in America, and that it was likely that ! within a few years the annual cut keepers, t'acho and Glovor. Left Hlnomtli l ajl-. I. V. Craighead and family, of Klamath Falls, have arrived In Grants Pass to make their home. They expect to rent, a small place In the city until they find a small furm which suits thorn. RAISED LETTER PRINTING KLAMATH -PRINTING COMPANY C22 Klamath Phono 1282 shol." Neither Miss Moore nor her di rector, Alfred Hunlell, wanted peo ple tu know they were making pictures. Ho they look pedeslrlans unuwsres, with cameras marked In fish wagons and taxlcabs, some times hull concealed beneath Ihe ciimeruuiiiu's overcoat as he walked along. - ' Tho New Turk atmosphere win essential to "Orchids and Krmlito" which is being shown nt the I'lue Trc for tho last limes today, for It lolls a story of u little telephone switchboard operator In a big New , York hotel. In uildltloii to Jnik Mulliull, llio eail of tho pli'luro tit-, eludes Sum Hardy, tlwon, Alma j liennett, lledda Hopper, Kulo I'rlco, Jed Prouty, F.inll Fltiroy, taro-l brooks Benedict. For Tuesday nnl Wednesday another le l.iiku vaudeville bill Is In lie featured, nlmi Lewis Stone In The Notorious l.udy." STAGE Information to all points. Cull at New Stage Depot Sill nnil Miiliinlli Ave. Phone 326 JL Y If Father Had To Do He'd have the t ? ? ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X t f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y '-T ' The Family Wash Just Once! Troy Laundry Do it ever afterward Good Collar Work a Specialty Phone 656 t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CNE nVOU S MEADACHE llgMiri mn " . I Nisxt time you have a nervous ncna nchc try thi.s Two tcMpoonfuls or lr. .lines r.rrti. If vou can trt a few niimtw tiloep, thn hciulacho Is prouy sure vo uc when you wuUe tip. i DR. MILES'. If you nrc subject to nervous licuilaclie", tnko Dr. Miles' Nervine an tlirectcd, Dr. Milca Nervine in recommended Tor .NcrvouHnesH, SlecplessnesH, Ncuralcin, Ncnous Dyspepsia, Nervous Ileutluche, . Neurathen!a We'll send a gencrujs sample for 5c in statnps. Dr. Milca Medical Company, ICIkhlrt, Ind. EC YtOO 5224J5 Chajslt f.o.b. Detroit Amit Chassis f.o.b. Ustroit Bf'l-t'frXplI Our Best Offer For Tuesday . PUBLIC MARKET "Pay Cash-It Pays" Phone 169 6th at Walnut Do Not Delay . Can Now We Deliver Apricots Per Crate $1.50 Black Republican Cherries Per Crate ,,; $2.25 Bing Cherries Per Crate $2.50 t Royal Ann Cherries $2.50 , s1445 Graham Brothers Trucks V l'i 2-Ton Ostendorf Motor Co. 515 Klamath Ave. Phone 272 A New Subdivision to Be Annouced Soon Different from Anthing Marketed Here Before. Better than most Splendid Home sites Convenient to Business, ;; jet out of the crowd - We are Not Going to Put This oh Until We Can Put It on Right But It Will Be Worth Waiting for. , M. L. JOHNSON 406 Main St.' ' Phone 205-W