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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1927)
WKATHFIl.' OIIKHOX: Fulr eaal, grnrrull cloudy mid unwilled In west pur lion tonight and Tuesday. Norman humidity, (ientle lu moderate -westerly wind. , Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Price Five Centa KLAMATH FALLS, OKKOON, MONDAY, JULY 11, 1927. Number 6074. City Edition The Old Home Paper VMIWl HDL W WEYERH AEUSERS PLAN I POLITICAL LEADER OF ERIN SHOT Relaxation of Vigilance Fatal to "Strang Man" of Republic DUIil.l.W Ireland. July 11. (A I') Sikh of m o u r ii i n jr wero everywhere ftiilay for Kevin O'llitTKins, "the Htront; mun" of l hi- Irish Five Slate, whose well-filled 'uii life tame to un abrupt eml at the huntls of u.8iisjtin yesterday, lie wni shot from an nutomo bile un he wuh walking to nws from hi home at Lilaek Hoik, near Dublin, anil died within a short limn with word of forjrivneuM for bin cnemius on III ll'H. Mr. O'IIIukIii", uninlly ninnn aliliil hk an li of llcliillvew. nna aliiur al lil own reurat. for the flrai Hum In Hirer years, and lila aniluiita. It of llirin. hiI uli k-i l awn) nlirr Infill f luu li.ilf il.-n ! wounds. No moilti was nMiriiil. I The ililng man mm' Hie niiihnrlili'a rimnI il4'rlif Ion of lln mi'ii. ! Kawnii Fleming of Inn ministry of finance and professor John Mac Ni'lll. formrr minister of eilurailnu. were In tho neighborhood and weri aoun on llii tt'in. Aa Ihi wounded In tin ictcd lila noil. I In Fleming's lap. lit wlib.pevcd: "They've goi me- Jusi aa ihcy gnl my father." l-aler. In anfil: "I forgive them. I tlln ul pence Willi my enemies and my Coil." Calmly mid ili'i-Ulvrly lit ill. lull .1 hla will, liriii'lfiliiK all Ilia lioaacaalona In Ilia !(.' and daily il.iiialitiT. Ihnili liii'illulilc riirll In ua In ki n hoiiu. I in lit I ria lirat mntnin, rami hull Hii ro waa uolhllil lo lit dun'. I O lllaalna kn w In waa illn. Hi I hla lf and child, and an 1.1 faii'noll lo frlrnda and to (Contlniii'd (in I so Klulit) ! FLASHES i ( ,UTI '1 IHIIKH list ,PFH 1'lltMI IWITOIW I.OMMIN, duly II, (API A IteiHer illaputeli from NIiiiiikIiiiI smjs thnl Ciipliilii l lalier, Amerlci mater of tin steamer Clililmen, who na eiii.luiiil hv plinl.-a inn weeks nun. rrnrluil lilmnit siifely in Ailunlny, lifter IiiivIiik eaniiil friiin lila mplora. IIOIllll ll '!' ItillTI. U lll.,ltMl.ll . ..... - . lllliil dial lilulil fur I lllir.illlln lllllllla Ix'loimliiK" wen lielim plmi'il III tin' her alllleilae roiltlllllllllC Hie Jen ell) TltAFI IC HKAHH '' -ir.ii r.i.i l.MI, July II, (API While litic giMullije to her lioata nfler tlall in I'oilliinil, Mi-a. It. K. Welble. of Klll'HO, . II.. left Port- PIltTI.AM, July II. (API Pnietlciilly nil ewnlivcs ot nil iriime li.,.ei 4.1 H. si,,,, 1 1 I', i, Hie rlaiii lo iilti'iiil Hie aeiiil.iiiiniiiil I'oiir.'reiice nf the Iriifflr officers of Unit coiiiiiiuy lu he held TlmrMliiy nml Krhhiy In that clly. i CI.HMKM -KM VMPIltlVIMl PAKIS, July II, (API loriner Premier tiinigea t'liineiHi'iul, who haa Imi'ii Mirreiltitf from inrlueiisn for mverul ilnya, Improviil IimIiij, nml la not ronaideii-il III he III. nny tluuKer, II was lenined nl Ills home here today, KMtTiM,r.ii:s ni:ptUTi:i MKi llorilNK. Aiialruliii, July II. (AP) seven emtl like occur. nil In Hie llii'lrt iioiinil i;urin. Vlelnilii, yealeriliiy. Conll us rumb ling mia fulleive.l l.y u loud cvplnalon, lu whliil many buildings were bud ly aliiiken. . ' - WAV TO IIKXO 1'IHI HIVOIH'K r;W VOIIK, Inly II, (AP) Cornelius Vniiileihilt, Jr., iiewapiiM-r writer mid son or (ieiieriil nml Mrs. Cni'iielliia Vnmlerlilll, Inia untie to Itenn lo eek n divorce Irniii Mrs, llm liel Littleton Viiltilrrhllt fn in whl ll he has H'en ai'iani.'i iwii Jeiiis, PEAR PICKERS . WIN IN GREAT PITCHERS DUEL lu one of 111 prettiest plthliic ducla aeen hern I III year. Med riiril' Pear Pli kora walloped the Klumuili I'fllf nun. 3 In 2, at the loral hull park yeaterduy. (lulerla. formerly of Ml. Shasta, waa on lli llrlttat llo" for Medford and Ihe I Pelleana were unable to do any thine Willi hl lirund of chinking Minimi, fur I In alo twirled a magnificent game, lint hi I .a in -in -ii con ll nut deliver the run, anit Willi three roaliy errors, Iilui lli'nloii'a wlldnaaa at llmca. Ill ' Pear Pickers scored Ihelr Irln of luns. Medford (nt lull four aaf blows off lill tlii Peliraua garnered flu safe ones off lislcrla The Medford Hunker, however, lightened llk a clam 111 I hi iilnehca. and III" Infield and eiildeld gave lilm wonderful support. (Iff J olo r Tin Pelican showed Ihcy were l I. II otf rolur both on offense and il'f)'Ui'. thla being dui mainly to lark of practice during Ihe paat two weeks. Iteriowncd for their heavy (Continued Un I'afto Klght) Floyd Hoiking Victim of Foot Pad on Eighth and Pine Satviday ll.'l.l at .Hie Hilni of a Kim al Ihi rurnvr of KIkIiI h and I'lnr. Haiurilay nlnht at alioiif 1u:.H). Kloyd llonklii) waa r.'ll.-rr.l of $3u In raak. It The ni'Kro alaiK-d out of th ahadnwa and IrrnaJy nrdfrvW lloa klna to "i.liill out." Thi tlctlm of Ihr rolil.i ry r.iiipllnl, and In a fiw mliiiitra Hi" foot id l awalti.wi'd up In Ilia darknraa. Iloaklna ri'imrli'd lo poll.' thai .tin roblifr wore 11k ! I rolorid troiiacra. a Iilui' ahlrt and waa of ali'inliT Inil 1.1. Pull., are In v,-l Iko 1 1 tm . ' Arrhiil t'niin l lnli. Mr. and Mra. I.onnnrd Flah, r rinily of Sail Ijiko Clly havr ar rlvrd hr-n. Mr. Klh will have rliarnv of lha Soulhrrn (Irrgon tr rliory for While Klnit and took up lila dullra thla mornlim. Thay mail (In trip liy motor and viry nuirh fliilrd over aoulli'Tn Orinon.' .IKWKI.II t It'l.ll.. (il.liini worm i.i jenen-u. . aiilonioblli to Hike her til the Iruln, mia stolen. KMtot Til KlK TII in ol'llnilil, lire cnroine in min i riin- NEGRO HOLDS UP GETS 30 DEDICATION OF BRONZE MARKER IS IMPRESSIVE Pioneer Spirit Hover Over Group Commemorating Tr&il Blazers Spirit or early Ore-icon, of Ilia duya w hen Ihi foundatlona of pre aent day proapi'rity and ronifort were ln'itiK laid, hovered yeater- day over one of the moat liuprea alve cerrmonlea ever rondurle.l In the Klnniilh baaln, the dedlratlon of the bronze marker at Ktone llrldire. by Kulalona rhapter of the haiiahtera of the Amerlian Itevolullon. The marker forever rommemo ralea the fifteen men who, 81 yeara ago, foraed thetr way throuah the then wild and danneroua Klamalh liaalu, Manilla: tin South KmlKrant Trail. It waa at Ktone llrldne that the fifteen croaaed Irfiat Ulver. and It waa at thla point near Merrill that the 1. A. It. memhera believed waa moat appropriate to mark their courae, I'loueer famlllra from Inuc illa lanrea Journeyed to atleud the cere iiiony. The dedlrallon of lite flral perma nent hlatorlrul marker In Klmnatb rniinty at the Stone Ilrldxe on 1-ont Itlver on Kunday after noon waa at tended by a KratlfyltiK number of lutereated peraona. Kulalona rhap ter. Dauithtera of I he American Kevi lutlon, who were hnaleaaea of the oi-rualon were particularly pleaaed with the attendance of pioneer fam ((.'ontluued on pane Ihrcel Louie Stapac Fined; 'Vags" Ushered out of Klam ath Falls t Poa.ieaafon of moonshine wlilke)' Snlurday coil l.oulo Siapac, reputed Klamath Fi lls houllegger, $1U0 In police court this morning. Stapac was fined that amount by Police Judge Lent I. (iagbagen. He prom l ly paid the fine. Arrested near the clly hull, Phil Hp Krlckaon was arrested yestordity on the charge of operating an iiuto lunlilli while Intoxicated and this morning before Police (iiighugcii entered a plea bf guilty. ' He was fined Mini. (ilven tho choice of paying n fine of $loo and slaylug In Juil for SO days, or leaving town Immediately, S. A. MeKliisiey and Fred Llhak chose Ihe hitter courae mid today promised to leave this city never to return. The pair were arrested b). police on the charge nf vngrnucy. Four were arrested and fined on thu charge of drunkeness. Work Progressing on New Miller Hill Road Construction of the first seg ment of the Miller Hill county road thoroughfare which will for tho first time givo the farming commun ity of Dial district an outlet haa been completed, It was announced Induy by County Koad Kuglneer Joaeph Jensun. The new road leaves tho Midland ,Mnrkpt roul three-quarters of a mile south ot Midland, Is routed three and a half miles west and then turns south for five miles coming lo nn end al a point opposite Mlilluiid. The work Is being done force ac count by t lie county. LIQUOR BRINGS IN TO JAIL M A. SAPIRO SAYS SETTLEMENT OF SUIT IS NEAR f'HK'ACO. July 11. fAI' Aaron Kuplro Juai an a. , i. lent of d"tiny In the vindication of Jewlxh peo ple, aa he deacribctf liiniielf. la com pletely aallafled with Henry Krd'a publlaiied apolnKy for what Ford liearborn lndpeattent hua auld about the Jewa. So lutMicJ la he. in fu.t. that In aiild after reinrnltiK home f r ju .'..... l..u, h..I.,I,I.u. h believed r . ... .it..... .i..ii , ma 1III1I....I ,. lila mtitiiin dollur libel ailit acainr.1 Mr. Ford and Ihi Dr-irborn ImV I pendent would bl rettled out ..f c:urt--poaibly tofuy. ! "The retraction.' apoloay and irant'utlnn have fulfilled the pur- pofe tf the ault. ao.far aa the n!r::i ' Inteiilion ia concerned," he aald. . Tin-. Weatlier- The Cyclo-fStnrmasrapit at t'nder--apprarall,.e of a deleKallon of Mon wnoU'a coiiilnm V reclaier in the ,,, before the public t aervice fair weather area. Fi .-eeaat ftr the ronimia.lon thla morning, pr'oteatlns next twenty-four h.mra: fair ann , warm: brl.-k wlnda. The Tyroa re- rordlnit thermomter reciatered maxl-;i,.aTe mum and minimum temperatures aa fol'jars: l.o-v. HlKh. n mi Murphy Brings Supervisors: Into Action for Inter- State Project rroi ft nTU y.LLU lLr ilil ROAD - BOOSTED VIIKKA. Calif.. July 11. Way M ' Th' dlarrepanclc, .in Ihe map lo belng cleared for the formation of " f Monmouth were later dis- 'the Klamath Falls-Weed-Sacrament - San Francisco Joint road district. Assemblyman J. J. Murphy told the Siskiyou County Hoard of Super visors at their session yesterday. That the larger cities to the south of Yreka realise the value of tho I trade that will drift northward to- .- nt n....i...i ir r-nr .i .. 1 connect with the road now being ; (Continued On Page Klght) i a-a ' n Vpprr (left lo tight), Neville, llir.l. Aeosln nul llliichin ill' lloivn In this NUA Service, Inc., telepliotn nt Ver-Mir-Mrr. 011 the const nf Friiiici. where their triiiiauiliiiiile plum' Inmleil nfter vnliily seeking; .1 lullllillK lit Pltria, Tills plctllll' anil the lino below, allowing their plant', the "Ann 1-I1-11," In Hie surf orf the bench, were i-uslieil by fust steamer j across the Atlantic anil then telephoned to Sun Friinclscn for siMiillest J ti-jiiiMtttfcaiiiii lo the Fvenin llernlit, IMMEDIATE OPERATil : OREGON TO OPEN FIGHT TO KEEP RfllLROfiO Commission Protests South ern Pixific Abandon ing Line HM KM. July II. (.11) I'ro teat uKiilllal lli ir,ual of the Noullu-rn I'iM'ffir t ttlmnilon 2H mile of trark In I'olk county known aa the .irlle Itraurli awl m rrfuea1 fr a liearlnje wlll be f lt-al w till I lie I. '. ('. by the On-on public aerv Ice cofnmla aloti. it waa anuounccl here thla mi mine'. :k I The announcement followed an aKa)nt the abandonment of the lino ,,, ground that It would , Monmouth wlthont adequate; riifroad facilities. ..Actlnn upon ln-j formation contained in a copy oil, ' the Southern Pacific petition filed w Ith the 1. ". C. the stale . commlaaion advised .'the delegation that Monmouth ia not located on the line which it Is proposed to abandon. . A map attached to and . mW.e part of the petition locate Monmouth on thes Salem-Falls Clly I branch of the Sotifhern Pacff ic ser- ' Aral fnilea from ItW actual location and on a branch line five miles dis tant fr :m Monmouth as Its near est point.- ' Find IHcrcMinclr covered In checking up the copy of the petition received by the stale commission. - Originating at Ilroadmead. In northern Polk county, the line which it is proposed to abandon extends generally southern direction S.J.1 mllea through Perry-dale, for I in las. MIKev. jionmjuin ana 10 Airlle. Permission to abandon MS (Continued on rage beven; SHERIFF SALE OF BIG PLANT IS POSTPONED I'OItTI.ANO. July 11. fAPl -Khcrlff'a sale of the Wheelir-Oliu-atead Timber company ' boldlntr scheduled for tomorrow In Klamath Falla will be deferred, pending arr ument of the ault brought by Lloyd J. Wentwortb, trustee In bank ruptcy for the concern, against K. Hill Hunter, the Lumbermen's Trust company and the sheriff of Klam ath county. In federal court Thurs day morning. The ault aaks the court to dir ect Hunter, reputed bolder of mortgages and sales contracts against the company to give com plete accounting of his holdings, and surrender them to the trustee. Sale of the Wheeler-Olmstead mill, originally acheduled for Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clock, waa postponed to Tuesday by Sheriff Hawkins following receipt of temporary injunction issued by Fed era, Juage Bean restraining him ,, m., ,h. mill nrooertr on foreclosure decree laaued from circuit conrt by Circuit . . Iavltt. (Continued on Page Seven) Oiling Crew Starts In on Lost Chapter .;:lOf $75,006 Project Wind-up of the S75.0OO Klamath state highway oiling campaign will be Initiated this afler:ioon or to morrow, morning when the first of two coats on the 2.7 miles section of The Dalles-California highwsyi between Altamont ana i-aaeview j Junction, will be laid. It was an- When the Northern lines orlgln nounced this morning by state ajjy opened their fight to enter the way authorities. Finished from Algoma to a point six miles north of Crescent, the state highway oiling crew waa mov ed to Klamath Falls and In 12 days will re-treat the Lakevlew Junction section with two coats of light oil. and will re-treat the Klamath Falls Algoma section of The Dalles-California highway and the Klamath Falls-Keno section of the Ashland Klamath Falls highway with one coast of heavy oil followed by a coat of screenings. Wiley, Short Will Represent Court on Klamath Excursion Ilurrell Short, veteran county commissioner aud W. S. Wiley, ; special counsel for the county court, i will be official representatives of ) the Klamath county court on the I Klamath "(lood Will" tour to Suc '. ramento and San Francisco thd week. It was announced this morn ing by County JudRe Fred R. (ioddard. Both officials will bourd i the excursion train which leaves this city tomorrow evening for California. Open Air Observation Cars Now Being Used on Cascade Lines; .. Marks New Era in Rail History Tomorrow the Southern Puciflc will lion of open topped observation lift the roof from Its scenic Cascade ! Hecogniied as one of the most , , . ... ., ., ... , interesting scenic routes on the Pa route between Klamath Falls and , " ,, , . ... j ciflc coast, the route between Kla Kugene. math Fas ,nd Kogeen will here- All that ts advertised Is not al-' after be fully exposed to the gaie way seen or scenery. Years ago ; of ull passengers traveling over the they hung lace curtains In railroad I Cascade line. passenger cars, but Increasing speed ! F. S. Mrtiinnls, passenger traffic of trains has blown them nil away, j manager, announced that tomorrow Window washers became the offldui I the railroad will place open type ob greeter at railroad terminals. And 1 nervation cars on two ot Its day now the Influence of metropolitan I light trains operating between the New York's Fifth avenue rubber-, two Oregon cities. The cars will be neck wagons has reached the Pa cific coast. The Southern Pacific has raised the root and so the rubber neck, lallroad car has arrived. All ot which means that the and hikes north of Shasta and Cra Southeri) Pnclfip Is startlnj; opera-Iter lulte. LONG SAYS PLANT WILL BE El Mill Site Purchased on , Klamath River; ' Plans Drawn , In keeping with its promise to Northern lines, the Weyer haeuser Timber company, owner of approximately 300, 000 acres of timber land in the Klamath country, will be irin construction either late this summer or some time in. (the fall, on a huge plant on i their mlil site on Xlamath riv er, two miles south of Klam ath Falls. ' Thla."- In aute-tawe. waa tle xoua. tens of confidential information re ceived by the fcwstlnaf -HermW Iroaw a high official of the Weyeriusenaer Timber company, which waa sub- ' stunt Latrtl Hominy morning la the Sunday tre:oliUin In a special Iwtcr view of lnnident tietirge s. Long, general manager off the Wryer- la,.UHOr interests. Klamath basin. It wan understood that the Weyerhaeusers, who are heavily Interested In the lines, bad agreed to contruct a plant In Kla math. In fact. George Le.33. Weyer haeuser manager, stated on the wit ness stand at an Interstate corn metre commission hearing, that his concern would construct a mam moth plant In Klamath Falls as soon as the Northern line had def initely received the right to euter the Klamath basin. The Interview from Mr. Long says in part: "The Weyerhaeuser Timber com pany will proceed immediately with lis plans for the development at Klamath Falls of what It Is lelier- - ed will be the largest timber manu facturing enterprise in ine .orm west. "Plana have already been com pleted for the beginning of the en gineering work necessary to lay out the various plant units which will be erected on the Weyerhaeuser" mill site two miles south ot Klam ath Falls. "This work and the designing ot the plant units to be erected first will be far enough along." the ar ticle reads, "so that It is believed actual construction will be under (Continued On Page Eight) open topped, with comfortable seat shielded from . wind. The cars will be free In all passengers and will permit an open air view of the forested mountain country, streams