fttF, EVENTNft HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREflON Salt; nlay. July 0. 1027 rape- rfciit Society News HKI.KNK nREITKXSTEIN, "Certainties' TWHETHKll you live by hut or " throno Whether your feet tread stone or Rntss. Cornea the one lad yon shall never own. . Or the one Iim, Whether you'vo pence to spend or gold Whether you've toll or time to weep. Comes the one pain that may never be told And may never sleep. Whether you weep or mock tu prlilo Whether you toll or itill deny. Cornea the one scar that your heart shall hide . Till the day you die. JUST remember that the old world will jog along somehow when you are taking a long rest with your hands serenely folded across your breast. All work and no play, well yot know without my telling you. what It will do.' Stop today and just think, are you getting any kick out of life, or is It Just one drab day after another. . . When your vacation days come just relax, forget all your business affairs and just play. The steady grind day In and day out will tell on you, you just cannot keep up your standard It you don't punctuate your daily routine fre-i queotly with a little play. You will lark enthusiasm and Imacina- t Ion is well as the viewpoint to get start and clues be given. The guests a broader version of things In gen-1 '"l search for the hidden treasures eral. . ' I throughout the city, going by motor How'few'of ns today realize that'1" theT last rwl ,he Massey we, are living on our nerve. Just home in Hot Springs. Dancing eking out each day. -and at night wm be enjoyed by the guests for tumbling Into our downy beds all the remainder of the evening, worn out. ,,. If you are one of these j Among those who will enjoy the persons just consider it is a red i hospitality of the co-hostesses are: light yes, a dinger signal. I Misses: Betty Janes of Medtord: Don't take this old world too j Margaret Bowness, Zepha Rogers, seriously. To pep up and keep jull4 Dow of Berkeley. California: pepped, change your daily routine of ,ormm Doege. Maryellyn Bradford, living; walk more, play frequently. Mr Hun, El!iabeth Graham. Jean rest a wee bit, and eat less. Life It what we make It and after all I am afraid most of us miss a lot of the finer points. (jroverVan (jroos Wedding Is Told QP Interest to many Klamath Falls friends will be the following ac- count of the marriage of Mr. James W. Grover of Klamath Falls to Miss Marjorie Van Groos of Corvallls. The home of Professor and Mrs. J. A. Van Groos of Corvallls was the scene of a pretty home wedding oil Monday, June twentieth when their daughter. Miss Marjorie Van Groos became the bride of Mr. James R. Grover, prominent resident of. Klamath Falls. Following the ceremony the couple left for a two weeks motor trip through Washing ton and northern Oregon cities. Upon their return to Klamath Falls they will be at home to their friends at S34 North Ninth. 'Mr. and Mrs. Grover will be re membered by scores of the college set at O. A. C. where they attended. Mrs. Grover Is a graduate of The Good Samaritan Hospital of Port-' land." Jolly Neighbors Enjoy Afternoon v At Kendall Home epiltl home of Mrs. E. X. Kendall on Summers Lane was the gath eflrfs blsce of The Jollv Neighbors Club on Wednesday afternoon. After the routine business meeting the gUesta, enjorod a social afternoon wfth games and music. At the hour of. five o'clock dainty . refreshments were served. .. Among those enjoying the after- noon, were: Melnmes Fred Peter- son. T. N. Case. Lawrence Ulrk, Axel Johnson, Will Rouse. Charles Hamil ton. W. C. Townsend. W. V. South well. K. O. Gentry, Cleve Wingered. Harry Bright. Fred Dreevelow. Wil liam Newman. J. J. Winters. W. H. Perkins, Miss Edna Jones and Mrs. Kendall.. . Mesdnmes E. X. Kendall. Clove Wingered. Harry Bright, Fred Dreevelow, William Newman and .1. JK Winters presided us hostesses for the afternoon. i At the next regular gathering of the elub, ' on August third, a Pot Lurk Supper will be enjoyed at the home bf Mr.' and Mrs. Cleve Wlnger ed on Summers Lane, At this time the husbands will be guests. TZ. J7 sh if I i iVKiiiciiuiniiuwunut N' courtesy lo their husbands. The Jolly Neighbors Club will en-' teetaln with a Pot Luck Supper on the next regular meeting dale. Aug' nst third, at tho home of Mrs. Cleve Wlngered of Summers Lsne. The evening will bo spent Inform ally with music and games. . Dinner will be served at lis o'clock. Society Kdltor. Accessory Shower For Bride-Elect On Wednesday Evening Clns. Harry W. roole and Mrs. C" Charlton 8. Currin added a delightful "accessory" shower to the pre-nuptial affairs honoring the lovely hrlde-elect. Miss Frances Humphrey at the Poole home on i Wednesday. Undue proved an enjoyable dlver- 'sion for the guests and at the cloe of the play dainty refreshments were served at the Individual tables. The guests Included: Miss France Humphrey, the honor guest: Mrs. Herman Giavold. Mrs. Roger Torrey. Mrs. Cecil Matt. Mrs. Stanley Hl jacek. Mrs. Lester Oftield. Mrs. John Schubert. Mrs. Jacques J. Steiger. Jr.. Mrs. Marvin K. Lucas and Mrs. George Humphrey. Misses Bertha Pelts.. Vera Thomp son, Jean Perry, Merlam Wortley and the two hostesses, Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Currin. . 'Treasure Hunt" For Younger Set Event Of Tonight coterie of the younger social V1 u, -.ill K. h ....t Af MIum lAilsa Massey and Gertrude Lindley I tonight on "treasure hunt." The guests, numbering more than i fifty, will meet t the Lindley home on Lindley Heights at eight o'clock from which point the search will Rogers, Maxlne Olson. Margaret Cummings. Venice Moore, Joy Evans, Dude Davis, Lorraine Mordoff. Es ther Veatch, Etta Mathens. Marie Engle. Clara Greene of Medford: Edna Dunbar." Marie Crystal. Rath Compton, Helen Cofer. Virginia Pey ton. Marjorie Peyton, Ruth Cofer, Dorothy Dryden, Dorothy Dunham. i Helen Abbev. Ailsa Masse and Ger- trade Lindley. . . Messrs: Kenton Hamaker. Bill Kuykendall. Leslie Elmore. Joe Brans. Lester Cofer. Hub Maguire, zi Barnes. Don Veatch. George Massey. Stewart Balslger. Inis Rob- ri. Roland Ulrica. Melvin Engle. Bryant Williams, James Sharp, Don Parker. Dick Maguire. James Danglt crty. Frank Hall. Max Brown. Gil bert Fleet. Armond Ulrich. Thomas Massey. Bob McMillan. Ray Mordoff. Howard Pruitt. Mahun McMullcn and Merle Swansen. Whimsical Play Will Appear At Pine Tree Soon ROUND the huge, stupid figure of an English squire, A. A. Milne has constructed a whimsical play which exactly suits the- Moroni ' Olsen Players, who will appear at j The Pine Tree on Friday evening. July fifteenth, in "Mr. Pirn Passes By." The play Is bound to send me auaience away wim a pieasani feeling Inside. Olson, as the squire, presides over bis household In the dictatorial man- ner of the Em;ltsh male. He bosses his wife and eays, by Jove, h'.s nlece nawn i marry tne artist lei- ,ow- And hen Mr- Prlm Pes by. I Mr- pim- "ranger from Aus- trails, absentmindedly enters the oulre's house and absentmindedly tnrn th household upside down, ana in tne ena aoscntminaeaiy rlgnis it again. Byron Kay rouiger is nearly flawless in the old fellow's part. But for that matter we have no boned to pick with the others. We ,,ke them all. and particularly Janet ,Yonng In the role or the squire's ""I'"- w 'ee Utile sorry tor her. he wi,h hCT Perfectly terrible first husband to live down. We know. ,hat ,ha firBt husband or .so good I looking a woman must have been Perrectly terrible even without tho , "net. Leora Thatcher as the snulre'a sister Is as athletic as the part calls ror, and Dorothy Adams end Brian Strange In the roles ot the Juveniles provide that tender youthful love l which we wouldn't go away wl Ithout. The Moroni Olson Players are well worth the time of those who really j love the stage and do not go to tho theatre to hear slapstick jokes andi leer at gay ladies In tights. I Mary's Allar Society will meet at j the Parochial residence for the regu- Ensembles are particularly for- lar meeting. All members are ro tuniil selections for traveling, or quested to be present. Following ,'the sports coat that I worn over tho 1 two-pioce sport frock. Miss Julia Dow Honored At Bridge Wednesday Evening ffll ISS Julia Dow of Berkeley, Coll fornia, who la one of the de lightful summer guesjs in Klamath Falls, was the motive tor a delight ful bridge on Wednesday evening, when Miss Margaret Bownesa was hostess at her homo. Bridge fillet) the evening hours, with three tables In play. Among the guests who enjoyed th evening were: Misses Ruth Cofer, Gertrude Lindley, Allsa Musey. Ruth Compton. Julia Dow, the honor guest and the hostess. Messrs: Kenton Hamaker, Bill Kuykendall, Stewart Balslger, Wal lace I'erlings, Lester Color and Lea lie Elmore. At the conclusion of the play, the hostess served light refreshments 31 the Individual tables. Invitations Out For Dedication Of Stone Marker TyHILE the general public Is cor- " dlally invited to attend the dedication of the marker at Stone Bridge on Sunday afternoon, a num ber of special Invitations have been Issued by Eulalona chapter. Daugh ters of The American Revolution. The ceremonies will start at four o'clock and a large number of local residents are planning to attend the exercises. Invitations have been Issued to the following: The Evening Herald. Klamath News. Klamath County Chamber of Commerce, Women's Library Club, The Delphian Society, American Association of University Women. P. E. O. Sisterhood. Ameri can Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Spanish American War Veter ans. G. A. R. and Women's Relief Corps. The W. C. T. U.. Klwants Club, The Rotary Club. The Lions, The Longfellows. The Boy Scouts. Camp Fire Girls, all Churches, all Fraternal Orders and all Pioneer families. Dorothy Mackaill To Be Featured In Comedy-Drama CpnODUCTlON of "Smile, Brother. Smile." formerly known as The Road to Romance." featuring Jack Mulhall and Dorothy Mackaill. Is now In final stages, according to Charles R. Rogers, who Is- producing the picture for First National. Flntl scenes in the production will be made within the next two weeks. "Smile, Brother. Smile" Is a comedy-drama based on the life and adventures of a traveling salesman, the role played by Mulhall. Through contests for a new title conducted In salesmen's magazines, widespread interest has been aroused in tho pic ture with the result that "Smile. Brother. Smile," Is expected to be one of First National's outstanding releases of the year. ln-addition to Mulhall and Miss Mackaill, the cast of the picture In cludes T. Roy Barnes, I'hllo McCol lough, E. J. Ratrllffe, Brooks Bene dict, Yola d'Avrll, Ernest Milliard. Harry Dunklnson and several others. "Smile, Brother, Smile," Is based on an original story by Al Boasberg. and was adapted to the screen by Rex Taylor. John Francis Dillon Is directing. f f r- r.( L-nr. A-'eaCOn LODDS AO T PfVcntd SnOfl By Jolly Neighbors MCTJEACO.V Dobbs" a three act romerlr will be nresented to the publ!c wlthn tBe near future by tbe members of The Jolly Neighbors c,uh The dennlte location will be ioft ,i10rtiy. Th fn'.... ,.. t... K hnm. e for tne comedy: Deacon Mrs. E. X. Kendall Swede Hired Girl Mrs. Fred Dreevelow villlan Mrs. Cleve Wlngered Hlred Man Mr, c r lAtwn old Maid Miss Msry McComb Auctioneer Mrs. Harry Bright Heroine Mrs. William Newman Her Lover Mrs. Emll Pnhl Richest Girl in Town ... Thora Miller I The Naughty Child Mrs. Cain Many To Attend j CTLANS are being made by many I'ortland women to attend the 11th annual convention ot the de partment or Oregon auxiliary to the ' United Spanish War Veterans In Klamath Falls. July 17, 18, 19 and! 20. A special train will leave this city at 7:30 A. M.. July 17. An interesting session Is promised by the department president. Mrs. Edna M. Carr. A trip to Crater lake Is listed on the entertainment program. Tho Oregonlnn. . A C a . Alfar dOCtety Meeting Tuesday afternoon at two- thirty, the members of St. 1 he business meeting tho society will i enjoy a toclal afternoon, Miss Schacffer Becomes Bride Of Mr. Edward Cross ISS Bontta Klliabelh Sehseffer, Scharfter of Weed, California, be came the bride nf Mr. Edward Cross on Saturday evening at the Parish House of Sacred Heart church. Iter, Father A. F. looser, pastor of Sacred Heart church performed (he beauti ful ring ceremony at the hour of eight o'clock. The bride was attended by Miss Dolores Wordey of S.m, Francisco, California, . who was attructlvelv gowned In yellow with accessories to match. Mr. Minor Wallace Ciuiss, brother of tho groom was bent man. Kuterlng on the arm of her tut her, w ho gave her In marriage, the brldu made a charming picture, beautifully gowned iu a frock of orchid. Her hat harmonised with her gown and her hose and slippers were in keep ing with the rest of her costume. She carried a bridal shower bouquet of Lilly of the Valley, Ophelia roses and sweet peas. The bride Is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. II. ,A. Rnnde of this city and has endeared herself lo many people In Klamath Falls where - she has vislU'd on numerous occaslous. Since graduating from Notre Dame Arstlftmv nt AInlnMts f'dlifnrnla. she hna mail -iir horn with hrp falhnrt at Weed. California. Mr. Crosa is from a prominent southern family and holds a respon sible position with The Long Bell Lumber Company at Weed. Califor nia, where the popular young couple will reside after a honeymoon In southern California. A wedding supper and reception at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Runde followed the ceremony. Tho bride s table was beautifully decorat ed with tea roses and sweet peas In the rainbow shades. Prlnress candles added to the lovely effect. ! Covers were laid for twenty. The evening hours were spent with danc ing. Mr. and Mrs. Cross were showerei with beautiful gifts from their hosts of friends. Much entertaining was done for Mrs. Cross prior to her marriage. Among the guests who attended the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. IT A. Runde of New York City: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ekwall of Oukland. California: Mr. and Slrs. Ben Mit chell. Mr. and Mrs. David R. Vanden berg. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Noud. Mr. j snd Mrs. Harry Harsrave. Mr. an I Mrs. Dan II. Crump of Modoc Point; ! Miss Dolores Wordey of San Fran-: eisco: Misses Florence and Clarice Klltott of Klamsth ' Agency: MiM Betty llsmshy. Kathleen and Hurry Schacffer and Mr. Oakley Schneffer j or Weed, California: Messrs Minor . Wallace Crosa, Henry Dullard. J Father A. F, Loeser,. Larkln Mani kin. B. Van Buren and Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Runde. Artificial Flowers RTIF1CIAL flowers have recelv- ed a touch of the modern. No longer are there centres of some soft yellow fabric wound and presv ed lo look like polen stems. In stead like beads, rounded and paint ed to show a new hair comb; ac extreme facial makeup or a saury expression peep out from among soft, floppy petals or stand as If alone in other flowers with petals opening wide about them. These new figures are not confin ed to flowers worn on sports cos tumes, but are placed as renters for large fluffy blooms of chiffon and georgetfe that are to be worn only with evening dresses. The daytime wear flowers of muslin, linen, or gandie and cretonne too have these centers. Felt and leather are mn-, terlals chosen for those favoring Hi" more sturdy spo'lmens. The heads ; are Ihe work of a widely known nr tint who has also designed little ' buckles to adorn narrow belts made or Imitation alligator In a variety of colors Inrlud'ng red, blue, green, j purple, tan, brown nnd black. Buckles are made In one and two sections; when two are used tit" i figures form a complete design, such j as a conple nnnriug, playing tennis or -engaged In some other sport. Picture Shooting Your film can be correctly developed but once! Are you getting the beat of re sults from your kodak ex posures? Try our mail order service. May King Stinson Studio GLASSES Fyes Fxamintd, Fined and fh GIMcsGrouiid in iur own factory to tmit )r individual rtquittmtntt, Broken Leniei Replaced DR. COBLE'S 70 MAIN BTRfgT Rrpairl . Quid Sttv'm Pupils Heard In Song Recital On Thursday Evening CTV KKCTtlD by Lasur 8. Hsinnllotf, i five of the pupils of Mrs. A. I. ; Voya were heard In song recital on ! Thursday evening of hint week nl I the Voye residence. Included among thone were: Belly llainshy. Evelyn Amlcke, Juck Whit ney, Howard Graham and Jack Den nis. Each of the pupils look dally vo cal lessons from Professor 8lncill off and dully couching lessonj from his very able roach and accompanlm, Mr. A. Koslelaneti. MIhs Hetty Itnnmhy received dally lessons in the art of accompanying ind has hod the honor of being f fcrid a position as assistant accom panist In their New York SI i. (I In where Mr. Samolloff retains the ser vices of four accompanists. The showing of each of the pupils was so splendid that they were urg ed lo coin Imie their studies and they are now planning to roach un der the two artists this coming sea son In New York City. Tho two masters left for Portland and Seattle on Saturday to fill en gagements for the next two nuintlw whin they will return to their New York Studio. Mrs. Voye Is planning lo stu!y under Mr. Samolloff In Portland where he conducts msster classes during the month of August. During their stay In Klamath Falls. Mr. Samolloff and Mr. Koslel aneti were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Voye. Mr. and Mrs. Poole Entertaining With Picnic On Monday JS courtesy to the employees of The Pine Tree and The Liberty and a number nf others. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poole will he host and hostess on Monday wlih a theatre plcnlr party at Sunny llrnok Farm. Immediately following the flnrl performance at Ihe theatres on Sun day evening, the guests, nnmtierlhff 45. will leave by motor for the pic turesque spot where they will enjoy swimming, games and other out-of-door sports until late Monday after noon. No matinee will be held nt either theatre on Monday so that the guests will be able lo enjoy sev eral hours longer at the resort. . A flexible bracelet strap which transforms opera pumps Into dan Ing slippers Is said to be the "last word." Gold with yellow rhlnn stones carries out a clever effect on black satin pumps. i Coats Remodeled. Fur Manufacturer. Funier IBH. Willi All iiCHHi.hn 4!l Klamath Avenue, Between Fourth and Fifth. Klamath Fall - . Ore. 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING Work called for and delivered. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Work- IMinne 4nH. WATCH REPAIRING HKRE 1 year guarantee on all work CEO. METZ JKWKLKK 622 Mala Club Cafe The finest equipped Restaurant in South ern Oregon Always Good Coffee ', "To St-nv Humanity Better" , NARCISKl'S IF lliuu lml H I "nf of bread, half It nil buy Hi" flow r or I lie nnrclMiin: for I lie bread noiirlshelh the body, but the flowers the nareUsus of Ihe soul. Oswsld Crawford. A SITKMOK SKHVICK Which Ncvor l'o,st Mora Often I.cit 22 Years of Satisfying Service Lady Attendants Titiyyom 40 yitrtAvi. at 6tk ! Aloha Chapter Meeting Tuesday At Masonic Hall CTIIK ''' of a serlas- of Informal j afternoon gslhrrlngs which will bo enjoyed throughout the summer I months by members of Aloha rhspter or The Eastern Star will take placo on Tuesday afternoon. July twelfth at Masonic hall. ! These Informal affairs are to In! e place of the bulge meetings for the remainder of the summer and visit ors In the city will be welcomed at I any time. Curb Service! Where The Swan When Anytime Honk Your Horn Lnd be served in your cr. THE SWAN SHOP 0iM.itf Court llnux Herb, Oar Chef, says: Ladies, don't kill yourselves theno hot days cookjnir n tiiir men I. Make the old miin takn you out whore he can Ret just what he enjoy best. And. art the Irishman ayn, you will both be Hntisfied and contented. HOTEL COFFEE SHOP ONLY THE BEST SERVED Open from 6 A. M. to 10i30 P. M. rx TURKEY PLACE-LINKIIAVEN WHEN-Sunday, July 10 SERVED-FVom 5:30 to 8:00 j A QUIET RESTFUL PLACE Phone 762 Everything in Music Vietrolas Edisons Portables Radios Piano Tuning Phonographs Repaired ' t Picture Framing For Summer Evenings: ' A Nice Boy; a Pretty Girl, and a Ukelele WE T.IVE FREE LESSONS. Latest Popular Sheet Mimic, 3 for $1.00. WIRTZ MUSIC STORE So. 6th St., Around the Corner from Main. SAFEGUARD Your Eyesight Do Not Let Fear Interfere With Good Vision A rommnn csue of neglect In hav ing their ees properly atteuded to U the f-sr most peuplo have that they msy bsve in wear gtne. DR. H. W. BARR Ere Hlght Specialist GUS DUNN JhWM.hlt AXrt OITICIAX ' AU3 Main Street WILLARD DINNER 560 Conger