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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1927)
S;ih Ttlay. July !, 1027 ' TIIK EVENTNf! ITFnAT.D, TT,AAfATn FATJ,?, OnEflOM GRAHAM BUSINESS GOOD Week Ending June 18 Ex ceed all Record in History of Company Hrurlim out reports of (unci liuel nea m i Ivll y HuoiikIiiiiiI, Iho coun try, (iruliiuii Hruilmrs, a illvlaloii of limine Hriillii'm, I nr.. announce I In I retail ! 1 1 v it of firnlmm llroth tii I r ink ami rominerclul rum In customers In Ihn I'nllril Htali'K unit Cuiiutln during Ih i' week ended Juno lHlh iiiiinilml Ihn correspond ing week of uny previous year In Ihn company's history. Not only doc Ihn record if 1,11(1 Iriiikx nml commercial cars delivered iliirliiR this week lo do mestic nml Canidlun purchasers es ceed the corresponding week of the record-breaking year 192 liy n substiiutlul nuimln, Inn It In I ho hlK(( week s fur In 1927, con 1 1 it 1 111 K Urn niurki'il upward trend since laal January. Wlilln good lulnaa lit general Id Indicated liy (imhuni ltro(!ira' re markable Increases In sales, pnilgn llrothers dealers, who aril nml e-r-Vlro these truck throughout t h world, report Mini Ilia recent ad Mini'iii In design and performance nf (irnham llrnihers trucks, In cluding i ho more powerful and economical new engine Introduced early In June, have created l in nml nml enthusiasm among pur chaser probably iinni n n llffl In thi lilntury of the miitnr truck ! industry. TIRE TEST IS KEY .TO SERVICE BaUiger Motor Company Give (might Into Problem of Wear ANNOUNCE NEW SCHEDULE OVER CASCADE LINE (Couilnued Krnm I'agn One) The WVil Const Mmlled's srhed iiln will nlso be changed. Leaving I'urtliinil at llui sumo time Hn ir--'iil, It will arrive In Kun Francisco ten tnlnula-H sooner, at 4:RU p. in, Thn iinrfhhoiind West Const l.lm liid's limn will he till CO minutes, leaving Hun Francisco nl I lift mi inn t lino. U.4I) n. in. unit arriving In Purl li.nil ul M : na . in, . Following In Ihn new schedule followed liy the present schedule for comparison: .NKW M'llKlit'l.K. Cascade, nninlii-r IT, southbound: (.eaves I'urt tnnil 1(1 p, in.; arrives Hun Krunclscn, 9 p. in. Cascade, miiiihrr IK, norlliliouml' leaves Kun Krmii'lHi'o 4:40 p. in,; ar rive I'orlluii'l 3: 40 p. in. Wi'xl CiiiibI, ii n m ! r 15, soil Hi hound: leaves Portland B p. in.; ar rives I'orilunil 4:Cn p. ill. Wont Coast, mi in Imt 14, north hnniiil: leaves Hacrnmnto 9:46 a. in.; arrives I'orilnml 8:35 n. m. I o r I I a 11 tl-KI11 in 11 III r'ulln-lllark lliitln local, 11 11 n Ikt ,11: leaves 1'orlliiml 1 n. in.; arrives Klumuth Foils 1:3a p. in ; arrive at lilark llulln connecting Willi null) bo 11 ml tiumher 11 ut 4:15 p. m : number 1.1 arrives Francisco 7:00 a. in. Klumnih Fiills-I'nrtiand loral: leaves Klamath Full 7:50 a, m.; urrlvra I'm t Innil 7:40 p. m. ritKMKNT WHKIH I.i:. fanroiln, niinUiir 17: leavna Port land 10:05 p. m.; arrlvvH Kim Kran cln.o, 9:S5 p. ni. t'amad', numltor H: loavea Ran Krani-Urn 4:40 p. m.; arrlvi-a Port land 4:05 p. 111. Wont Coaat. nnniher IS; Ipovph 1'iirilnnil 5 p. ni : arrirca Harra IIHMIIO 6 p. in. Wont ( onui, nninlxT 14: loavei Kan Krani'Nro 9:45 a. 111.; arrive Karramrnio 9:!5 a. m. Klamath Kalla-I'ortland local: t.rnvra Klamnth Kalla ( a. m ; ar-rlvi-a I'nrilanil, 7:40 p. m. Kintrnv-K limilh Knlln-llrk Putin loral: Iravrn Kimrnn S a. m : arrlvra Klamath Falla S:55 p. m.; arrlvoa lllai k Hiiiik, 7 p. ni. Trnlh la iiianirr Ihan flrllon. rvpn in thn rnhbrr world. Thr lnrli' which tlrrd llri'a toll whrn thry ro liroiiRht Into Ihv acrvloe dmrlniont of I Ilo HaUlRor Motor Co.. local HollMrlliiR doalora arn a InlormllliR aa any "In-nt arll rr.'V . f , , - Two Imllonn llrtu, which woro piinhi-d by difforonf owni-m. wrro rvntly oxuninoil hy tlin Rrllwr I111R ItulilKir i-oinpaiiy. Iloth tlroa rhawrd lin mine wonr. Thny look-J """"nf ahnoM oiartly" jillk 7in Ihi iut-t ld and niiahl Uava liaon mu-d on 1 Iba mo rar. On tlr hnd rnvar-' 4 elaht lliounnnil mlloa, w hlln I ho other had rhiki rljihloan thonaand. i A lo.jhnlml examination of fiho! two llrua and Iho annworii of Ihn nwnara to ,th quvatlona thry woro1 ankod ahowid tint Iho ten thouaand , mlloa of norvlto which arparalod tho two llriw wtia duo t-nllroly to ! th. dlfforono ihetwoou inipropor and proper Inflation. The tire which ahowed - thoi- oxiwlv wear , aflor only rlnht tbMtand nillm of, ikiiro. had Iwoii run with 1I10 air roiiro aevrnl iniiiiidi l.oluw tho normal proaauri fur u balloon tiro. Tho 0110 which had boon propnrly Inflat ed wan Mill Rood for aorornl thou aand uilloa of imo. llocaunu of tho Importune of nor mal air proMire, a nlogan. which wo launched hi Ihn Wont, la apreadlUR very widely Ihronnhout Ilia roiiutry and la rorommondod for mntnrlata In Ihla rlly by tho loral Holhorlln donlor. It l: "Tent your tlroa every Friday." DE AUTREMONT BROTHERS TOIL Amhaanador HniiRliInn lold Har vard men a national referendum ahnuld hn provided before dnelnrluK war. That la one of Iho Idem for which the polltliinna uaed lo luutth at Mr. Ilryan. You wUl llke- LOS ANGELES Dctter If You Stop at ihcTH and SPRING STREEl (Continued From Pile One) prrvalla. No ronvlrt apeak lo an other. It' prison rule, and Run cunrda In eace overhead enforce the mien. All New. Thin la all new to the Do Autre mount. that they are IxarnlnR, an the old timer have learned. Af ter aunper rouua ah narrow, call. HeadlnR matter la not barred bo fore bedtime, and there' are men In the OreRan prloon, who have learned life anew In I hone roll. So whatever I poaalhlo In the way of aelf uplift for youth with the blood of Innocent men on their handa I there for tho Do Autre monln. free for the taking. There la nothluft about the Sla klyou tunnel alayera, prlaon offi cer! nay, to dlatlnRulah them from othr convlrt. The newly arrived prisoner I known In prlaon par lance aa a "flh" and aa any other "fiah" the le Antremonta have been accepted by their fellow, which mean that no one pay any more attention to them than It they were In Jail for (leallnir, loaf of bread. X11 "Kowr Towing." "Kow lowing to notoriety la niomly done otimldo prlaon," an Id an officer. The Do Aulreroont are fitting In very well In the penitentiary, the officer ay. Thla almply mean that they are learning the routine and behaving themaelvea humbly. "They are willing to talk." aald fiurierlnlenilent Henry V. Meyer, "and will tell n,ll about their rrlme If you lead them on. Kay declaree that he got the other two boya Into trouble and that hnd It not hern for him and hi radical Idea Hoy and HurIi would have been all right." A for a pooalhle Hie prlaon offi cial keep Ilia brolhar aeparated. All occupy lldi termer' colln, but Itay I In different tier from Hoy and Hugh. Thoy meet a they trundle the wheelbarrow betwnnn I he rock pile and the rruher, but thorn thoy are coniluntly Under the eye of Ruard. Sutpect Three a Robbers (Continued From Pk One) fouley of f'hlloiiuln and Hpoclal In dian Officer Corn Illuir. : The eafo robbery wa one of the' mint daring ever perpetrated in Klamath, The, af wa either, "felt out," or one of the robber by observing proprietor open Ihn eafe during thn duy time, learned the, combination. j Valuable wero miaaliig In the do poalt bo recovered from tho river. Inauranra pollcle. automobile rertl-1 fli ate and other paper wero found. ' At the Liberty The fact that fallfoniln I liter ally the tiolilen HlatH I brought out In "The Hevenlh llumlll," the pic ture In which Harry Carer la Blur red nt the Liberty Theatre for twoj day commencing Hundar. ' ' ) While every American know of thn gold runli lo Culifornl-t In '49, and many remember or participated In the one fifty year later to the Klondike, not everyone know that little gold atrike are matter of common occurrence la preeent day California and eielte only minor j newxpaper comment. 1 "The Heventb Ilandlt" I a mod-! em Rtory of the finding of gold at -i : little mountain aottlement. When ! an adventure-loving youth, In- nl aeurch for gold, meet death from ah unknown hand, hi . brother leave tho peace and quiet of hln'r ranch and join a gang of daring bandit in order lo dlacover who , alew hi brother. Two lore torle are told In "The Seventh Bindlt," In the caat of which are Harriott Hammond, Jame Morrljon, Trilby j Clark and Walter Jame. 1 At the Pine Tree Popular and effective method by which orrhld, ermine and dia mond are aeparated from biillor-and-egg men by New York' effi cient army of blonde and brunetu gold excavator are revealed with laughter In Colleen Moore- "Or chid and Krmlne," the picture which come to the Pine Tree Tho uter Humlny. Thl human and humorous atory of whit happened to one little Nov York hotel telephone operator who foil In love with a millionaire trav eling Incognito a hi own valet, poke good-natured fun at the oleo margarine and hen-fruit merchant. In addition to being charmingly convincing and appealing a the I operator, Mita Moore run :!)q iBwitrhhoard xa though she had done It all her life. lot nt Ijiagli. Thl tar's comedy I delightfully whlmalcal and Is particularly effects Iva In "Orchid and Ermine," Thn love arene with Jack Mulhall In a driving rain en the unprotected top ot a Fifth Avenue bua, the effort ;of "lobby aholka" to mako date, and tho arene In which tho flower I "hop blonde ahowa Colleen how to I vamp men, paged laughs In largo, number yesterday. (HUtTKIt NO. Ill Hceerve IMtfrirt ' So. 13 THE BANK OF BONANZA ' KKPOHT OP THK C'OMIITIO.V OF T1IK IUK OF IlO.VIXZ.t. AT HOVl.NZA, IX THK HTATK OF OHKOO.V AT t UWK OF III HINKHH JfXK 30, 1027. Heourrce 1. Loan and discount. Including redbu-oirnt. acceptances or bill of exchange, sold with endorae- ' moot of the bank (including Iteina shown in 29. 30 and 32, "y) 152,126 00 2. Overdrafta secured and unsecured 258.74 3. f. 8. government serurltlea own ed. Includiug thoae ahown iu . items 30 and J5, If any 17.250.00 4. Other bonds, warrants and ae. curltlea. Including tsrolgn gov ernment, elate, municipal, cor poration, etc.. Including those) shown in Item 30 and 35, if : .... 134.38 0. Hanking bonne, 4000; Furn - - ture and fixture. 11 500 S.600.00 7. Ileal eatate owned other than "- banking hnuie 400.00 9. fab) Conn on band In vault and due from bunk, banker and - , trut com pa nlo designated and ' - . , . - approved reserve agent of tblti T, I 24.711.29 ' Total rash and duo from bank. (Not 'to be extended) Item 8, . 10 and II 124,711.29 TOT A I lOOjj-XOi; MAIHUTIKH ' H. Capital stock paid in 15,000.00 17. Surplus fund 2,750.00 IS. (s I'ndivided profits 2,429.32 (b) Leas current- expensea. In- . eerrst and taxta luild 1,053.17 1.375.95 lK.MAM HKItlSITS, other than : banka, Bubject to reserve: ' v ' ' " 23. Individual deposits subject to . ' 5 . . chock. Including deposits diss the State of Oregon, rounty, cities or other public funds 65,211.37 24. Demand certificates of deposit ! outstanding ... . go.OO i ' 25. Cashier 'a checks of thl bank outstanding payable on demand . 1,401.06 Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve. Items 2.1, 24. 25, 26 66,632.43' TIMK AXI HAVIXOH DKIOSITS, subject to. reserve and payable , on demand or subject to notice: 27. Time certificates of deposit out standing . . 14,622.63 Total of time and savings depoalta payable on demand or aubject (Not to be extended) to notice. Items 27 and 23. 14,622.63 T0TAl' 100.3Sl.0l STATE OF OrtEOON. County of" Klamath iw. I. Jno. 8. Harn, cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swoar that the abovo statement Is true to the best of my knowledgo and belief. JNO. S. IIOIIN. Cashier. CORIIECT Attest: I). O. HORN. JACOB KUKCK. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of July, 1927. IX'CMETIA C. llOItN, Notary Public. My commission expires Dee. 11th, 1927. ) 1 Everything Increased B UT THE PRICE Seiberling ALL-TREADS have won an envi able reputation for GREATER TRACTION LONGER WEAR. Yet today Seiberling ALL-TREADS have been VASTLY IMPROVED with broader tread 20 More Rubber 25 Stronger Body ; In SEIBERLINGS you will find the most tire, and yet no increase in price. Just Note These Sizes and Prices 30x3 1 1-ply Seiberling Cord $11.75 "s 30x312 6-ply Seiberling Cord, Extra Heavy... $15.85 32x4 V2 8-ply Seiberling Cord, Heavy Duty...: $33.20 30x5 8-ply Seiberling Cord, Heavy Duty... $40.00 33x5 8-ply Seiberling Cord, Heavy Duty... $44.15 32x6 10-ply Seiberling Cord, Heavy Duty.. $61.20 32x6 10-ply O. S. Heavy Duty ..$66.55 Oldfied 29x4.40 Balloon Cord $ 8.40 29x4.40 Seiberling Balloon Cord $12 35 - 29x4.40 Seiberling Balloon Cord, Heavy Duty.. $1575 : - . . Balsiger Motor Co. . Exclusive Seiberling Agency for Klamath County ' 1 I E5 Qtt Uu a isnrd MmM" . New Million Dollar Annas 1 - MO CenlMMM Reoeil 1 (2.00 per day up without bath, ., (2.50 per dif up with bath . riKIONAL lEttVICI - Popular Priced Coffee Shop ) and Orill Real Tire Repairing Shop open from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays Included r , The quickest and best place to have your repair work done. , " . i ' Written Guarantee With All Vulcanizing, "Section Work and Retreads. t We carry exclusive insurance for 12 months on all tires we sell; No matter how or what the damage, we will repair it FREE. Yo do not have to pay for this protection. you have a flat, don't run it just call 843 and get prompt service. ACE TIRE SHOP CERTIFIED USED CARS 1925 Hudson Coach, new duco and recon ; ditioned $800.00 1923 Buick Roadster, new duco and re conditioned 475.00 1924 Hudson Touring, run only one year . . 475.00 1925 Ford Coupe, new duco 350.00 1925 Ford Roadster, new duco ........ 175.00 i Studebaker Light Six Touring, new duco . 475.00 ; DUNHAM, AUTO CO. Sixth and Oak Streets W, I 115 So. 11th St. Andy J. Warner Phone 843 t'Wft Check Your Cnr nt Iho Door" 3- 3E B. zr.