Friday, July 8, 1f27 THE EVENING HERALD, Kt,AMATII FA LT.S, OREGON J5i?F NEWS OF KLAMATH Items of Interest Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Basin. If You Have News for This Department. Your Courtesy In Calling 89 Will Be Appreciated At IIiihmIiik Hoinn Mm. HiukIi(iii Hlwps Tim Weallicr "I It likely tliHt jour daughter will Mr. ami Mr, tisintml llulilen niiil Mm. OIud Houghton anil two The Oyclo Btormsgraph at Under- marry again?" , laughter, Hhlrlcy Ann, of Ouklun.t. children r the city today from ; wood ' recorded but very alight "I sincerely hop 10," he replied. Cullfornlit. hare returned to their Kirk shopping. Mm. Ilouxhton. ore changes In barometric conditions "When he dooa contemplate marry- southern home following a delight- Mr. Kruiirl Noune of Portland ; over the I ant 24 hour period and a Ing again the engagement will n ful visit hero at the home of Mr. and wan married to Mr-. Houghton this j continuation of fine , weather la duly announced. Thut la ao, Isn't ' l'ut AllllllUMCWl , Vlxlllll Willi Tim cast for the threw u t comedy "Ixueon IXihba" to lie prosi'Mrl wllhln tho near fuluro liy incmlH'ts of Tim Jolly Neighbors Club lint linen iiiioiiiii'imI us fullowa: lumrnn Mr. K. X. Kendall Hwcdlsh Hired tilrl r Mra. Fred Drewulow The Vllllan Mra. Clove Wlngercd The Hired Man Mra. ('. V. Lewi The Old Muld . The Auctioneer ,,, Mra, Mol t Untuning: Visitor Mr. li lid Mrs. Kdwuid Ciinlrall of .M Ikh JiiIIu Dow, popular vlnllor In Mcdforil urn hi 111" illy for a few the illy from southern California duy the houan gncala of Mr. will be the honor guest at an lli- CsntriiU's mother, Mra. Nannii Cm- formal iliiuclng purty on Huturday liull of HlilMilnaioii, Whllii her evening1 at the homo of Mr. and Mr. Oi n trul I la looking ufter prop- Mra. (Icorge l.lmlley on I.lndley Mra. (leorge II. Downing at 4'i'J pant week In Portland and with her : Kooscvvll Btreot. Mra. Hidden la huitbun'd la making her home at the duughtvr of Mr. and Mra. Down- Kirk where he holda a responsible Ing. While here the vlaltora wero ponltloa with the Pelican Hay Luin- taken to Diamond Lake on an out- b'-r company. -Mra. Houghton la Ing and enjoyed a number of other (topping at the hotel Wlllard while temperatures today a follows ) IlKhtful visits through Klaumtb hcra. , High S7 l.ow 47 con my. - : License tJranlcd , It" luriii il Koulli I Whllo tbo entire month of Juli" I Miss Mildred Htuvins, riniiKhlcr of found hut 11 murrlngo Mr. and Mra. Irfivl Htevi-iis, ha ro probable. ! It Mllllrent?" The counteaa amlleil Forecast for next 24 houra: Pair .and nodded. . Until married again and warm. 'ah will cull herself Mrs. .Mllllcent The Tycoa recording thermometer Kogers. regiatered maximum and minimum ! Mll.l.lCHVT I'HOMIHKH. A man plan to- run all th iv serosa America. Another worry for Lindbergh. . j erty Interests. Jlerolne ller l.o l.cnviitr Hjitniilji) Mglit Mr. and Mra. J ink Hpuuldlng mid run, Wiilluce. plun to leuvii on Hiitur- Mlaa Mury Mi'Comb duy evening by iiiolor for their home , Mra. Harry llrlklit m Owen, Wis. Mra. Hpuuldlng bus boi-n a popular employee IMghla. Mtaa llnw la visiting at Hie In. mo of Mr. and Mra. Ceorge I I rich uuil ulait with Mlaa (ii-rtrude Dudley. turned to Ht. Francis Hospital In Clerk, so tar the month of July haa Sin Francisco and resumed her recorded alx, up nntll five o'clock training, on Thursday following a Thursday evening. A year ago In month's vialt here with relatives and June the local off In granted 21 friends,- Mlaa Dimple Hlack of marriage licenses. Medford Joined Mlaa Htevena here and Journeyed aoulh. Mlaa Hlnck Hen from ItMM-burg la nlao In training In the southern If. K. Caatle of Iloaeburg la a hoapltal. ' bualneas visitor here today. Mr. KW YOIIK. July . UP. Count- llcenaea , eM Balm aeema to have promlaed grinted at tbo office of the County ner dad Colonel H. If. Rogers, not to elope again. When they re turned from Europe be was aaked: , Caatle reslKtered at the Wlllard. ne Mra. Wlllmiii Newman Lover Mra. Aliwl I'uhl Kveulug Herald for lha pant w vcrnl Tho Wealthy Olrl Tlmra Miller moiitha. Allachevlous Child Mra. Cain t'Ullhig I'Voih Hiulh Dr. and Mrs. It, J. I'Vancy l4Avlntf Tom KYaney, hrothcr of Jack Kinney of this city plnns to leave trnlla, Waahlngloti, oti Saturday night for Owen. W1 , tlmlr future home, KxtHM'teit -oe Hnnilny Itev. mid Mra, (iuy De Vrlea nra enpected here tomorrow from Cen to miiku tli la Keventh. Itev. De Vrlea HiU'clRon I'roni Houtli Krederli k llnrrlaon. prominent of The architect of Kaeramento is here for r- " '" - "andy and hem Kiiiinuiii .igen.) n few daya Inspecting the new oaughter, Ullve, or Kan Krnnrlwj Artnnr Kpperson trannaciea ouai- Cbrlaty lliilldlug and while hero were among the first vlaltora of the nea here yraterday from his home will he the guest of Mr. and Mrs. season to enjoy Crater Lake. They at Klamath Agency, (ieorsu Chrlatv for aeveral dava. t" house gueata of Mr. and Mrs. I Mr. HurrUon waa the architect for " Omniia. W. It. Klllott alao of the lloiika llultdlna on Main and Kan Kranclaco. father of Mrs. Omnua alao enjoyed the trip. Where he will realde, Franey It la the new punt or of Tho Klamath .Mrs. Itenl.k Home leaving with .Jack, Hpauldliu and Templo and will preach on Sunday. hi orchtatra anil, will play the" r j nialnder of the svnann with the or-. VIolHna I'rom Hik niiiienio elieatra In tlio emit. 1 Mra. K. W, Henlck and daughter, Itamuna, have relumed home from Aahland where Mra. Henick has been l.rarhigj Kiiidnw- t Mlaa Allee Hansen of The llontifil Ileauly Shop plans to lav on Sun day for Han Francisco and other Cali fornia point where she will visit for a fortnight 'with relatives and friend. Miss Margaret Mit.'orfiUk will accompany Mis I lumen south. ... ' KnJo)iM Cretcr Ijike A party of eastern vlaltor Inchid llig Mrs. K. I..' Kruiirla. l.llierly. Mo.; I.ucy Collier, Fort Worth. Texa; Sally Crow and Kthel Wood of Smlthvllle, Mo who are louring till weal enjoyed a trip to Crater l.ako yeaterday. They were guests at the hotel Arcade while In Klamath Palls. V. It. Andersou of Hacftimento U for some time ou account of Ha bere for several days on bualuean. mona'a health. The child Is very Mr. Anderson Is with V. H. Harrlaon, much Improved and I now able to architect of the southern city. I be about the family home. I Social Afternoon I'lniinei!- Member of Aloha chapter of the Kestern Star will enjoy tho firm of a series of summer time soclul af ternoon on next Tucaduy. July 12, at Munoulc Hull. These Informal afternoons are to t ike place of the evening lodge meetings throughout the summvr months. At f IiIIimiIii I To (iliiliuin Home J. K. Mngulre. Jr., local lnsur-1 Mra. J. Country of Ilirmlngham, mice man. spent Thuraduy lit Chllo- Alabama la expected hero thl week iuln on bimlnexa. Kuroula home he end from hir home In the aouth to visited with III" Horan family at bo the house gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Pine Hldge. A. K. (iraham for the remainder of . .the aumtner. Mr. Connley I a KiM-rt PrracrtptiunuiU 'staler of Mra. (iraham and Is to en- Korbc 1'uro Drug. Vlallln; Willi Diiuglilce Mrs, Carrla S. Olda of Wall. Washington, la tlie guest of her daughter, Mra, llallilnny. Mra, Olda la enrouln to her homo from an extended sojourn In the cast. Walla house H. W. KImiiiiiiIi IToMrr Klio Kor fluwera, floral designs, o.uul liy with service. 831 phono 689. adv. From Valley W. II. Wood of Ashland Is a busl ness visitor here today. Joy her first trip west. IteliimlllK Hliiidny Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Borgman and Mlaa Dclphlne (iraham are expected home on Sunday from a three weeks' visit In Butte, Montana. They mado the trip by motor and while away have visited a number of point of luterest throughout the north. Hill's For Flowers and Floral doalgn. Adv.. (nine Stliiduy The Medford Pear Picker will Main street, play the Klamath Pelican on Sun day afternoon at 2:30 on (he local fair grounds diamond, this game to mark the first of the second half of the scries. In the first half of , the series, Klamath Kalis won eight out of nine game. I Albany Forty He Imu Zuhladrof, Richard Warner and Audrla Zuhlsdrof are hotel guests at the Hall' today. Th visit ors are registered from Albany. Mrs. ' Davis H Mrs. Charles Davl of Medford la enjoying a brief visit In the city with friends. VUitliiR In lleml Mrs. Fenn S. Walte and son are Tisitlnx lu Bend with relative and friends. Strange how this grain market Is acting up. after all the nice class prophecies and all! Coat Remodeled. Far Manufacturer. Furrier MRS. WILLIAM BESHLLft 42( Klamatb Avenue. Between Fourth and Fifth. Klamath Fall Ore. At The LIBERTY Last Showing Tonight ; Of "Winds of Chance" Rex Beach's Thrilling Story of the Klondyke Gold Rush! Saturday, Qhly ."Coyote Fangs" lU'tunttMl From Ijikevlew Mrs, Lynn Zimmerman has re- Quality Hat In various draw ati turned from I.skevlew where she greatly reduced price. Jualln c spent aeveral day transacting bunt Montgomery. Adv. j ness. I'hon 1111. ; Itcturnnl Home I Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Oroesbeck and children are home from Bandon and other const point where they en joyed tho holiday. Returned Xortb L. L. Rogers, of Spokane, Pacific Coast Superintendent of the Invest ment department of The Prudential ' Life Insurance Company, and Harry 1 Hawkins, member of the mortgage loan firm of Roberts and Hawkins ! of Sulem, returned north yeaterday j after transacting business here for ; several days. Too Late to Classify FOn SALE Hay at"' Enterprise Hunch. Phone 400-J. ' ' 8-11 Fxpert Prewrrlptlonlata forties Pure Drug. Heeignr-d loltlon ! Mis Francis Humphrey haa re signed her position with the Pelican I Bay Lumber company. Her mar riage to Paul Keller or Portland will bo solemnitcd on Sunday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mr, (leorge Humphrey of this elty. Time to Get d Brownie Don't wait until chances come up, then wish you had a Brownie -get one at our store now ($2 up) and be ready to save all your good times in good pictures. Picture-taking easy with a Brownie All you need know to operate a Brownie is how to press a button. Come in and let us show you this "simplest REAL camera." Developing and Printing For best results, bring your films here. All prints in our exclusive Krystal Kote finisn, on Velox. Work left before 9 in the morning ready be fore 5' in the afternoon give us a trial 1.. .... Oivflerwoocrs mrm V rV JVLAPlAi n f ALLS UKtUUfl F7 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE 1 PURITY I OUVTMEIR DRUGS lAwwllfVVtY Living; In I-okevlew Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Webb have moved to Lakeriew where they plan to make their future home. Mr. Webb ha purchased tho New York Cafe at Lakevlcw. "We Know How" FAMILY WORK ECONOMY' ROUGH DRY ' 'WET WASH New City Laundry Phone 154 E. J. KOLB, Manager 4th and KlamaUi At The Pine Tree LAST SHOWING TODAY EMIL JANN1NGS In A Wonderful, Dramatic Portrayal of Circus Life! "VARIETY SPECIAL TONIGHT i j V 8"Act of " 1 ' "AMATEUR VAUDEVILLr The debut ?f Klamath Falls' talent, appearing; tefore the footlights, in Clever Songs. Snappy Dance. Novelty Numbers, Instrumental and SpeclaltUa. Come and boest your favorite, give them your acknowledgement of their effort to please you. PiUZEH TO THE WINNERS Regular Prices 7 Leaving; For Hotnnu-r Mrs. Bert C. Thomas and daugh ter, Mary Charleon, have left for the Thomas cummer home at Diamond Lako where they will spend the re mainder of tho summer. VtoltMl II N. H. McKay, Irving Barclay and Edward llackett with their families, enjoyed the Fourth of July holi days here at the home of F. J. Otto man. The party returned to their home at Aberdeen, Washington, on Tuesday. May Locate II ('re- Mr. and Mr. James Angwln of . Ashland spent Thursday in the city j looking over business possibilities hero with a view to locating permanently. , Iiutcr Returned ' Orlfflth Baxter of Moe'i Store was able to resume his dutlos today fol lowing an Illness with an Infected throat, which confined him to tho family home on Pacific Terrace for several day. llcck Returns Home A. J. Heck of Beck' Man's Store has returned from Woodburn where ho has been transacting business for several days. . J ItcttiritliiK Tomorrow M. I.. Johnson, local Insurance man, and llodner Torrey ure ex pocted home tomorrow from Altur ss whore they have spent the past several days on business. Accepts Position ' Mrs. H. Porth has accepted a position with The New City Laundry as bookkeeper to till tbo vacancy left by the reilRnatlon of Miss l'nnsi ltoberlsnn, who lenves the service of tho company on Monday. Transacted Business H. Rlmar of Klamath Agency spent sovoral houra In tho city on Thursday looking after business In I'rom Medford Among the guests registered nt tho Wlllnrd today are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kuutsen of Medford. Mr. Knntsen makos trenuent business trips to Klunialli Falls. I From WimmIIiiiiiI, I'al. F. Virginia Tabor- of Woodland, California. Is hero for a few days on a brief business and pleasure trip. She Is a hotel Rttost nt the Wlllnrd. 7 "3 Santford & Go. 426 Main Street Your Favorite Coffee, lb. "... .46 Del Monte Catsup, full pint .20 j Glass Fruit Jars When you buy Fruit Jars at our prices, quoted are buying your jars cheaper than t he. average . metchant buys. We would recommend buying your season's requirements now as we probably will be unable to guarantee this low price beyond our present stock. Prices quoted below include lids, rubbers, etc., to make jars complete. Pint Economy Jars, dozen ,85 Quart Economy Jars, dozen. . . . . ...$1.50 Vz Gallon Economy Jars, dozen . . . $1.05 Pint Ball Mason Jars, dozen . ....... .75 Quart Ball Mason Jars, dozen .... . .90 z Gallon Ball Mason Jars, dozen . . ... . . $1.20 Economy Lids, dozen ... ...... .25 e n -.W Jt IT t ..V , .II-'i n. si?1 ," : g Jl r ' t c ' ' ' ' BA Ball Mason Lids, dozen uo 14 i