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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1927)
Page Eight lE EVENING IIERAT.D. Kr,AMATII'FAU,S, OHEOON Tliin-sdiiy, July 7, 1027 OF Fits PLANNED PUtricV Attorney Duncan to Cooperate With Local 4 Q,Foret Officials With thc anjiroaculni; dry weather increasing (lie forest tiro baiard throughout Klamath county, offi cials of the Klamath Forest Protix: XIt association are taking every meant to prevent disastrous biases In the plue land of the county dur ing the pre ient season. ' Officials of this association yes terday held a conference with Dis trict Attorney V. M. Duncan, at which It was aisreed that close co op ration would be maintained throughout the summer months In a determined effort to lessen the tire Jiatard. . All reports of Improper fire fight ing equipment or carelessness on the part of limber operators gr the gen eral public will bo rigidly investigat ed by Mr. Duncan and all falagrant riolatioDs will be, rigorously prose cuted, It was agreed. ; Last year thousands of -dollars worth of valuable timber was burn ed In Klamath county, and in many Instances this, heavy loss was due to carelessness. "We are determined to prevent this gigantic loss if possible this year," Mr. Duncan said this morn ing. "For that reason this office will work hand in hand with the Klamath Forest' lro tec live associa tion in every possible manner. BOY TELLS GORY TALES OF MANY DEATHS A W FkTfL V t N mm : Obituary CHAMBERLAIN TO ! FLY TO LONDON Lcjral Not uts HOIIKHT Hll.tW .llnuert Shaw, aged IV yivirs. n irealtlent of tresoent City. l'iillfornl,i. passed nwny on Wednesday morning I at 11:15 o'clock. Death resulted ' from Injuries sustained in an nuto ' mobile accident. The rcmulna are at the Karl Whltlock Kuuersl Home, 1 l'lne Avenue at Sixth. Funeral ar rangements will bo aunounred Inter. MACCABEES BUILDING DAI.K It. DltKW Dale D. Drew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Drew of Wilson llrlilge on Lost Itlvcr. pusttod away oil Wednesday evening. The young man had reached his (1st year and was n popular employee of The American National Hank. Ileslds his parents, he la survived by n brother. Charles E. lire and a slif ler, Kay Drew. Friends are re spectfully Invited to attend the fuu vrul services to be held on Krlduy nfternoon at t:j o'clock nt the Karl Whltlock Kuuernl Home. P!ne Avenue at 8lxli with ltev. D. V. tlnlght. pastor of the Ktrst Presby terian church officiating. Inter ment will be ninde in I ho family plot ut l.lnkvllle cemetery. work on the project and that sec tion of the country is Jubilant over the prospect of standard gauge rail road service to replace the old nar row gauge lino." The N. C. A O. project Is being handled by the Southern Pacific, which controls tho N. C. & O. CALM FOLLOWS STORMY SESSION Annum, 1 ! a 7 . thin .huco, of rcttl I ili"liililft V lllit luilt tlillt I'Iiim if Ullli'll (loniiuueu rroiu ruga n tlre described as follows, lu-wll: hlmoeir and l.evlue. j Town l.nis In Kofi Klnmnili, Kla- "I would ba perfectly willing lo ninth County. Stale of Oregon, be take the plane home myself," h lug ! 1. 2. 7 and lis liloek v, said, "but 1 lona auo mud,, enuaiie. , llesslg Adillllou lo fort IvIiutiulU mcnt Hint make It liupoHslblu. Friends of the aviator also staled that arrangements concluded some time ago precluded bis remaining In Kurope any longur. Hint of Iwil Keeling. They aid hint, however, Hint nil was not too smooth between the two men and Intimated that t'hnin berllu felt that l.evlne. without suf ficient experience. In nvtattnu, hud miderlakeu too much In the direc tum of tho flight, especially In their round of visits to Kuropean cities. This was particularly noticeable at Vienna. Aiistrl.i, and Murlcnbnd, Ciechn-Klovskla, and when l.evlne, friends of Chsniberlln say. Insisted upon Hiking oft under such unfav orable weather loudltloiia thai Chamhcrlin himself thought It al most suicidal to fly. Chsniberlln. however, they sny, considered himself a soldier under orders of his chief and look off ut ter remenst rating with l.evlne. Otem n Haled 1!7. ill Legal Notices this lath day of .lillie, KlauinlH Kulls, (iresoll. I.. W. COI'KI.ANI). Guardian of the person mid futntu of Nora Coivlund, a minor. 7-H-2I-2S Hi'MMCNK. ' Kiiil1v U:UN. In I lie Circuit Court of I lie Stale of Oregon for Klamath County. II, O. VAN I'YKK, . Plaintiffs vs. KSTIIKIt A. VAN UYKK, Ilefelldallt. To Ksihrr A, Van Dyke, defend ant: IN TIIK NA.MK tV TIIK STATU t)K DIlKllON. you lire hereby re quired to anpear and aner the ccuipluliil filed against ou III the nhovii entitled suit, on or before Thiirsiluy I ho till day of August, 1 j T . aud If you fall so to answer, for wnnl thereof the plaint It r will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In Ills coinpliiliil. lo-w It fur a dirt ret) from you on ' the gruuiid of desertion tor muro t hull one year, . Iii'jral Ntitifca This siniiiiioiiH Is served 111111 you I y i 11 h I it u I lull . onee eaili week for four imeeisslio weeks, piirsuaiil lo nil order from II' noi'iihln A, I.. Irfttvltl, Judge of Hie above entitled court, outdo mid entered on July nth, 1n, date of the first publica tion hereof to he Julv Till, 1X27. .MANN I Ml, .MrCDI.MlCIl Hlllrt- COM.. Attorneys for Plaintiff. . post Office and llusluess Address, Hwauseii llilllilllig, Klunintll Kulls, Oregon, 7-U-HI-sH-Ai All kindt of GLASS Sash and Door Screens Window Frames Come and see us . GLASS HOUSE 215 No. 11th Phone 477-W (Continued From Pag One) tnltted. Bisginl hid in a closet, offi cer were told. In time to hear shots. 8alvatore : Carlomagno plunged creaming down the stairway to the street. - He staggered to an adja cent lot and ris-as believed to have lain there fonr henira before he died. $ Albert Carlomagno" crumpled to the floor, shot through the chest. Biaginl Saldino crouched trembling in the closet as he watched the two men stand over Albert and fire four bullets;' Into his prostrate body. jGRo'und may t BE BROKEN SOON J v. GiH.ttH .lUtrlrf MtntiMov fur Kttulhern tlremill. will leave July ISih, accoiniianled by Mm. Stratton, to alteiol the tlttllrailnn of Hie oincu. new ti, SOO.OOO MacrnDc Temple at ot iroll, n; iiicnn. itt iiKuoons 01 lacrabci from all over the lulled Stales nisi Canada to number more than .KMHt will tourney rast to witness the .leilicnllon. The Temple, pictured above, to salt! tti In- the fiimt home office owned by any fraternal benefit assoclutiou in the world. (Continued From Page One) un'each of cruisers and destroyers coin- minals would be ready to handle our that first trains into Klamath Falls." The party of railroad officials de parted this afternoon for Bend where they will spend a short time inspect-, ing construction details on that end of the line. The party Includes: Halph Budd, president of the Great orthern rail- MUunderHliuidinK Japan also la understood to hnve requested TO. 000 tons of submarines, which is some IS, 000 tons in excess of the maximum American sugges tion for submarines to bo allocate I to Japan. This proposal would mean that Japan Is supporting the - r. (Continued From Fage One) t. A H. rallrjiads and other officials Inspected the properties 'owned bv the Oregon Trunk in Klamath Falls including their tract in the Kouih Riverside city park and the Kberlein tract which lies on the south side of E wanna lake adjacent to the South ern Pacific terminals. Mr. Wltchell, however. Indicated that the Eberlein tract would prob ably be selected as the terminal lo cation for the Oregon Trunk. No hint of a possible trade be tween the Northern lines and the Southern Pacific by which the S. P. would acquire the Eberlein tract in exchange for its holdings In the Moore marsh land on the west side of Ewauna lake, was given out by officials. "My Idea that the ter minals would be built at the same time the work on the Bend extension was In progress." Mr. Witchell said this morning, "in order that the tcr- the S. I was ever quietly working toward the development American figures for surface crnrt and expansion of the territory it but wants soma preferential position serves. regarding submarines' "We are in constant commtinlt-a-j The original American proposal tion with the reclamation servico was thai the combined tonnage of and our idea is to bring in the type both the cruiser and destroyer of settlers to Klamath who will stay classes should not exceed G50.000 here and develop your great coun- tons at any time for the fnlted road; L. C. Gilman, Seattle, vice try." Mr. Kelly said. (Slates and Great Britain and thM president of the Great Northern;, Mr. Treadway told of beginning Japan should nob exceed 330,000 Charles O. Jenks. St. Paul, operating of construction work on the stan- tons. Japan now-proposed 300.000 rice president; A..J. Wltchell. Port- dard gauging of the N. C. O. rail- tons for herself, which on the basis land, chief engineer of the S. P. & road from Altnras to Lakevlew. The of 450.000 tons for the Vnited Stutes S. railroad and Oregon Trunk rail- two meu had been spending several and Great Britain would give her a road; Kenneth Mauser, Portland, days in the northern California position somewhat Improved over who, with his brother, Rupert llaus- community. . .the 6-5-3 ratio fixed at Washington er of Portland,, holds the general "Approximately 300 men are at for capltil ship. contract for construction of the Or- ' ham, Oregon Trunk engineer: Ve,.,, Charles A. Hart, Portland attorney. XOTICK. OK GIWKKMX'S KAMI. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County or Klu msth. In the Matter if the Kstute and Guardianship of Nora Copeluud, Minor. , 1 Pursuant to an order uiado by ! the Honorable County Judge. of 1 Klainnth County, Htntn of Oregon, dated the IMh day of June. 1U2;., notice Is Jiereliy given that the uti-j derslgned will sell at private sale ! for cosh or rredlt nl the Kriit Ihior of the County Court llouxn of i Klarrith County. Hlnrnath Kails. Oregon, on or otter the In! day of FRESH FISHING . TACKLE N . Powell Ttoila and Files. Montague Rods and Allcoek Files Shakespeare Martin and Pflueger Reels Lines ami Heels of all Kinds ? ? ? OFFICIALS QUIET I ON ROAD SOUTH (ContUucd From Page One I Treadway, editor of the bureau of t t V resonr- j I news for the Southern Pacific, Mr, Kelly is spending several days in the Klamath country to better ac quaint themselves with the scenic. Industrial and agricultural ces of the Klamath basin. CONCRETE "All that can he ltl itt thai X grading of the Modoc Northern rail- t road has been started near Merriil and at a nninl hetwettn Pnrnffll nnrl - Alturas." Mr. Kelly said. Asked about prospective land set tlement development work by Everything in Music Victrolas . Edisons Portables Radios Piano Tuning Phonographs Repaired - - Picture Framing - , .. . . For Summer Evenings: A Nice Boy; a Pretty Girl, and a Ukelele ; WE GIVE FREE LESSONS. ; Lptest ropuUr Sheet Music, 3 for $1.00. WIRTZ MUSIC STORE 4 So. 6tH St.) Around the Corner from Main. Remember this A Hole In Your Tooth Won't Grow Shut A Little Attention Now Will Save You Money Later On . No Charge for Examinations Open Evenings Dr. Peat ' "Dentistry With a Written Guarantee" Sugar-man Bldg. 6th & Main Gas X-Ray the Southern Pacific, Mr. Kelly said eje t t y V f t t T f T t f y f t f t y f t 2 2 J f 2 T y f f f t We handle all material that goes into Good Concrete ' Prices Low Quick Service Jt f-W T"T t: !t Waai'JI Witwarn twtni ssaj n 1 p u n t f ? ? ? T T t t t y ? y y t y 2 t ? y ? ? t x t y ? t f ? y y y Call or' Phone W.D.Miller! Construction Company Phone 1201 6th & Commercial Sts. ? ? i t ? 5 t y Everything for the SEE Fish CONNOLLY BROS. 8II-91M M11I11 STAGES To all points on the Pacific Coast 999 Is The Telephone Number 615 Main street is the Terminal Depot Special reduced rates: :, Medford, $3.10; round trip $5.60 Ashland, $2.55; round trip $4.60 Portland, one way .... $10.05 The stages that have served you efficiently for many years. HOWARD TRANS COMPANY -J . We Have a Full Line on Display THE best way lo buy farm equipment is to actually sec the products before you invest your money I Uvc them demonstrated to you and then yon know they will meet your requirements. We have on display at all times the full line of Fairbanks-Morse Products. Come in and look over the line, whether . you are thinkingof buying additional equipment at this time or not. It is always -well to have such information when you arc ready to buy. Fairbanks-Morse" Z" Engints Prom tha stsndpoint of tflicicn?, low eoit snd loni lilt, Ills "Z" Koiinsisth ehsapsit "hired hslp" you ssn employ. Ovsi 4(10,000 istii ficd owners era utinj this engine. Sizes I1, 1 to 20 b. p., sll low priced. Horn I. i lit mi Power Hants Moth elt ctrio liht and enjinj power from ess plsnt et es cot hv s com binslion of ths ismmie ' P,n4in with s iturdy, dependeble geoeretof snd 16 cell, 32 volt bsttery. Fairbanks-Morse Feed Grinders Deiifned for frindinl Ursin mix lures, si well atsny iinle jrein. L'nivensl jrindinj pistes ive double service treme im plieity etiures long life. Mad in tbrc eizei. Home Water Plants You sen hive running wster under prsi tur where you wsnt it when you went it el s very low eoit from oi.tern.ehsllow ordecpwcli. l'J3trie, gunolin or kern.ene power, I20,200snd 400 (sllon sn hour plsnti; sll st prioci Hist sre rijhl. Steel Eclipse Windmills All meol construction through, out. Worm drive eliminetee msny psrti snd permits viheel to he tipped to teke edvsnlsie ol lighteat wind. Completely telf-oiling. Th highekt olets windmill eon t true tion built Sijsci H ft. snd larger The Fairbanks-Morse line also includes Fairbanks Scales, washing ma chines, general service fiumfiint equipment, fiumfi jacks, power hends.electrie motors, etc. Come in and let us talk over with you your rtquinmtntt, 123 North Sixth Phone 371 . i f '(: .1. . . Authorized Dealer FAIRBANKS-MORSE PRODUCTS "Every Line SP a Leader"