Pajrp Four THE EVENING 1IEKAL1). KLAMATH 1 AU,K, OKEfiON Wc.lmst1;iv. .Tuly C, 1027 T. B. MALARKEY W. 11. PKRKINS r. B. ENGLISH Editor ...Advertising Manager Business Manager Entered as (Frond rlas matter at the potoffl.-e at Klamath Fall. Oregon, on August SO, 10. undtT act of I'ougreas March 3. 187S. IMIvercd by Carrier On Tear ,. ,.- Fix Month Three, Montha , One Month.. . 80 Ons Month.. . S. 50 Three Montha. l.S Six Montha . .S On Year Bjr Mail ..I .Hi . its . J.TS . 8 00 Associated Press Leased Wire Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Member of the A worsted Press The Associated Press is esclusively entitled to the nt or republication of all new dispatches emitted to It or not otherwise eredited In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights ot republi cation of special dispatches herein are also reserved. WEDNESDAY, JULY G, 1927 Police Enrich City Treasury ?44.80aDayr-::'- street. J: hreaklhat glasa on th pavement, J: reckless driving, S; ii ml disturbing (ho peace, 1. .Mont of the 3 viigimits were ar rested, fined and sentenced, only to have the fine and sentence re- would agree to leave they Invstlahly did. lu addition to fines, the police deportment collivted $1 60 in dog license. Fire Loss $93.95 During Past Month A telling Mow against the men ace of tires was slrurk during th month ot Juno when total loss sus tained In fivo bUtcs during the mouth aggregated 181 S3, a monthly report to tho rlty council last ulghl The report Is segregated as follows: 1 The one actual loss sustained was agnints. 3: drunks. 38; pos- at the Imperial laincn on Juno SI. session of liquor. S: fighting on the Other calls during tho month in Not Including doiens of traffic violators who were haled before the police judge, arrests made by the Klamath Kails police department during the month ot June totalled 90, it was revealed last night at I meeting of the city council. In round numbers the Income from police court fine totalled dur ing the month the sum ot Hi SO a day, or a total during the month ot 1134:1. As usual vagrants ami drunks proved to be the greater number, which little or no dumngo was In-! Homebody steps up lo predict t lies en r red Included. 103 Lincoln slreit ,i n, t a.i.h.i lilr's and boys, could a better time. Iiu.i on June 4; lllg Lakes llox rompnnv, I June 14: 015 Conger venue, Juno 1 IT: and, June 31.' Third -and On k streets, i been chosen? When you buy to pay that way. on time be sure r. Orderly Grazing We had last night at Merrill a representative body of Klamath county citizens who gathered for the purpose of forming a Grazing Association to handle the pasture lands of the lower lake. They expect to lease that large tract of ex cellent pasture land from the United States government and use it for the people who have rights as water users, land owners and livestock operators. The intention is to prevent t large speculation and to encourage the home bands of sheep ; to the ranchers of the project. It is a splendid move and one which the government has indicated it favors. Orderly, grazing is essential for many rea sons. If there is no organized body responsible the pasture will be over-grazed at times, there will be crowding, there will-be lack of respect shown for property rights and chaos will follow. Unquestionably the old statement that honest men will steal range and water holds true yet, hence a proper police system for the lake bed has been provided for in the by-laws adopted last night. ' The whole plan has been worked out by practical men and we believe it is now a question of working out further detail and the big Lower Klamath Lake will begin to serve the public in a way that it never has before. Opening Our Gates W. G. Ide and Whitney Boise, of the state land settle ment bureau, are gate openers. They are the best in their line we have ever known, because they do not get discouraged. Today they, along with other members of the land settlement organizations, are in Klamath for the purpose of getting data that may serve to bring more people into this section. When men like Whitney Boise will give not months, but ! years, of their time for such a laudable hobby as land settle- ! ment they are to be commended. He can see on the dryest hill a chance to grow something; he can shut his eyes and see the waters of every river and creek in Oregon conserved and raised to the high lands which would mean, in the language of Judge Lowell of Pendleton, "the marriage of water to des ert soil and the result of such a marriage is abundant prosper- The big work of colonization and land settlement has a good start in Klamath county and with the assistance of this state organization it should go right ahead. USED CARS 1926 Chevrolet Sedan, new tires, 575.00 1925 Hudson Coach, new paint 1925 Ford Coupe 1923 Chandler, new paint 1926 Essex Coach. $400.00 Phone 600 Acme Motor Co. Open Evenings and Sundays Coolidge wearing a cowboy garb seems out of the ques tion. Suppose he should meet a Klamath Basin buckaroo who did not recognize the president. There would be a lot of fun. Road LOil;Cleahing,V Our System Is' Can YTasJwd Motor Cleaned Vacuum Cleaned Something; New and Old Hand System Better than the relished Expert Greasing Free Crank C'sas Service Gas and Oil We call for and deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY E.44 nailo near East Mala Railroads will sure enough begin to build. Ralph Budd is out in tjie west in person and he does know how to start things moving. Thinner clothes are in order for the next thirty days, but don't get them too thin. Good News for Pretty Skins 1927 ESSEX COACH Run only 1800 miles. Guaranteed as new. Save the first depreciation and still buy a new car at a big discount. Buick Garage MELLO-GLO is a wonderful new shade youth color. Perspiration hardly affects It and It will not leave the skin dry and drawn. Try this new French Process Face Pow der and enjoy Its marvelous beantl fyins finalities. Sticks wells, stays on loneer, and does not closr the pores. Vou will surely love MKLLO (ilXJ. I'nderwood's Pharmacy. r??S.9Sit?--5r-7t?.Wf- e(3 Ti One Hundred and Nine'jeerxth Half Yearly Report 2S231 1.3 13 "We Know How" FAMILY WORK ECONOMY ROUGH DRY WET WASH New City Laundry Phone 154 E. J. KOI.ll, Mansjrer th and Klamath If THE SAN FRANCISCO BANK . SA VINOS ...... .. . f Si INCORPORATES TOMUARY 10m. 1st One of the Oldest Banks in California, the Assets of which It ate never been increased by mergers or consoli Ua turns with oclur Hunks Motee Assncisreo s a men pahks or saw nusNCisco 52 CALIFORNIA STREET; SAM FRANCISCO, QM IFORMA JUN 3Cth, 1927 unirpaf and Other Bonds anJ Securities Ford Touring; license;. Ruxtell, extra springs, starter; 5 good tires; $85.00. j CHEVROLET GARAGE Phone 49-W Assets Inired States Bonds. State, (total value 4U4.SS.7.S2i, standi a a books at . ... .. . . $'t."4,977.l4 I.oan on Real Estate, secured bv lirst md -tg.iges . 7. 16A.64V0 n HVi nd"nd Stock and other 1 ectiriilcs . 2,0SW.iS Bank Buildings nnd Lots, main and bran h ottues (value over ir..ss5,00.0i, suwiinc on book. at ... . IM Other Real F.tae (va,ieoer Sfc5.tna.0uj ,t m.lin on l,ta at I.M tmployees Penraon Fund (value over S-1 5.09.S, sutIihi; on l.wksat . " I. So Cash on hand ami check on Federal Ki -cre and other Banks. 10.5Jl.IM.eS Total .. Liabilities Due Deriosif TTS ... Capital Slock actually paid tip Z ' Reerve and Cool indent Funds , $IJJ,W5,$JI.M l.oaa.aoa.M 3,:e. . U k n IIU.925.8JI.M II. Ml I. I E I, VUt.Piidnt and Uanttt. y ol O. Total.. CEO. TOLRNY, Prtndml A fniuvribed and sworn to before me this -toth day ol lime. 1027. (Sr.Al.) O. a. Ktlt.KfS, Notary Public. A Dividend to Depositor. c( FOUrt AND ONE-QUART T.R.' (4 ' f ) rr cent per annum was cleclared, Interest COMP UTED MONTHLY and COMPOUNDED C4UAR TERLY, AND WHIOI MA.V BE WITHDRAWN QUArtTERLY deposits made on or before July llth. I 27, will earn Interest from JuJy 1st, 117, n ,e,i it M -"4 STAGE Information to all points. Call at New Stage Depot Hill nml Kbtnialti Ate. Phone 326 ag!S3 OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR SALE Magneto and Generator Repair. 17 years in the business. Bert's Battery and Electric Service 520 Klamath 30 mile and bet ter ta the gallon of gas 55 miles and better per hour and 4-wheel brakes. Buy a Whippet Overland-Knight Sales Co. 4th JC hlmiuttli I'liono HDD Western Auto Supply Co., uorias LatQ9tJpwu Arcpxwni Concern i ONE WEEK ro lstt iBiaimper Sale r. "V lliill aT sf I sal 1 1 1 1 I II m n I ,0-.t'! 1 ti '7.iiT' f!Sl - sW IVV ' : a7 sTsLaV L& a. fa. U. I J U II HI 7 point ot Excelic U SvlcctrdCatbon SpnngStl. S. Oil Trmpersd HeilTrtaBxl. J. Hravihf SicktW Cast. 4. CbptwKatrfe'' 5. Aun HeavJy And Hnjhly Peusrtwts rYevervc ipcinf Tanricsunl Ear. 7. Evry Bumper B3rrrrji. Guaranteea AjOMTtBlKff. tNSTAULto rate insurance lliuhmriters 12h Reduction on Collision Insurance iTcnuuni" prwxlrrl cam ruitrl with Ii uut diid rear buairrs. Tire Sale One More Weth p.puljr drmariti we tre enmin. utn thrtc trniarional! Uw vrwe on Eusrvnteeii Utc furon more w;k. 30x3 CI. W&ji $4y Wig Qieducttons on... Twin Bar Spring Steel Dumpers ETRY far shouts! have huropcTt fritit nrui rcjf ...At chu Kw prt.e it coits little to prutcctyour fenders, hr.uiliwlits. raJiator, j.u tank atijtail lights ...besiJcs saving your engine an.l cllavls frunt jjrn src. Thc bia. heavy, nil tempered, treated srrinu stevl bumpers will cnhaiwe the nrpruratue of your car. F..uh one is first hcivily nicl.rl.l, then copper pl.ited over the nk-Lle.atid aii'irt nulclcj arul Milhly poiuhcj. making it nut prool asu. ll .ij hand some. Bumpers, and the extra heavy. hUk enntnrlrj brackets are (tuarantccd stf.iimt breakaue. Approvcil by Insurance Underwriters. Special Tw in Bar Bumpers. 1' J In. barj . . ,lor aKive. . . for Ford. Chcvrolrr. St.,r, (Herland an J other liSl.t carw $Loc reduced from $7.95 each to only T . . O Same MoJcl, I?( in. bars for heavier carj. Rcj;. $1 1.90, each (f.20 y,. cMorc Savings Regular Twin Bar Bamper An exrrs heavy snd speclillf relnfovrnl tlo bjr homrer. Bin ar sprit e sicel, oil trmperrj stul trr.irj. I Ker se M.keleJ, corper plstcd, nirkrliil a second time, beautifully rolulied, sr.J braced with ihre at tractive rcnetln. Will besunrj any car. Ikilieti and reinlurcenvnit srs estrs kcjvv snd dtmblv black ensnvlrd. liujrintcr J sesinei break a(a, snd spproveJ by th Iniuranc Underwitrrt. Krvilir lwln Ao eri Bar butnper, l1 j' bars lor light cars, Kcul.ily JH i'5, esji tpo.5U Vl'ah 1,'4 bars (or heavier ear. Reduced fiom JI5J0 each to $13.00 q;. mm - - 10AXJO Mi (raW Sua QxMd aOOO Miks) Wear-well Cords Full overtfre. full srsndard welshi cord tires wiih tougli, rosd-rrtppuig treads. More milsag (or leu. 0J'S CI. $C AC Regular bis . , a(tar law Price SI 3oi ;ci. $A CC hullOvenij . . w-v Rrolar Urn Pm 1M 31x4 S S. OverilM . . . $10.6 324 S S. Ovcrwie . . . . 10.9 33x4 S 3. ... 1 1.6 32i4! 5 Oveniza . . . 1J.9S The "Cruiser" Bumper r Besury and rrorertlon at Low Gr. Th Arlwncrst of them atll .. . Barssr mauive...Klrrrrd carbon spilng steel, oil tempered and liissrn, makln chrm rough and sprinfy to to highest degree. Every nldteted part la first nick, eled then copper plstcd. snd nkk ctcd sgalnover the copper, to pre venc suae or tarnlah. Crooved tripe r neatly black enam eled. Th "Cruiser' Is verysmk. Ing In sppearsnc sod will tli Duct car. I grace 2" bars, S16' thick... complete with brackets. Regu. lat low pile each . aiO.VVJ 2'."' thick... cxnrrptet withbrsckets. Regis $"q rf lar low pries each . . aVO.Uv A Tailor-made Trunk for your car "Wettem Auto" offer- wrinp en Crunk ol ch fine( coiumKtion. appearance and They art Urge, handsornt and can b fuf nitKed co fit any car. The trunka arc built of 5-plf sLaminez panel, enrered with high est quality fabttkotd. They art lipped to make them waterproof and dturprool ... interior water proof lined, to you may tafely carry your fine clothing In them. Knurulrd Clnmer are nmtwrtA (so rirtttd tearher pada. Strapi are genuine leather. ExtVa clajpa maka Udt rigid and tight. tl Trunk, for "Gray" trunk rack... or Hudson Coach typt f. $19. SO Special tattcx Coah Type 22.00 f t Trunk lot "Uray" rak off rludioa Coach typf 24.50 Our rXEB . . Catala, -MOTC UUHl I5U StOTCS 111 UatJ Wcflt .lllfl IrVHsV tandt of ia- inn on sfUsV anterd fltce ioftet, ttrrf, camp fffodt nd rdduii... y.r, if th, jTir AT Pf fJ7 Hik tmt til an m bswm KM m J sVssHl I WesteimAuto bepplyCo, tm-mm vua 03 Sale Price on Twin-Bar Bumper Tip Pumper Hp re" s real protection If you have s trunk on your car. Alio for ua with disc wheel and special Mr carriers. Very .nappy In appearance. Same materials and construction a cur regular bump, ers. Reinforcing bar connects both sides... tigid snd strong. Special . . . IU bars, complete. pslr; Regularly $8.50 $11.73 Regutsr Tip. I," bars, complete, pair, Reduced from $11.90 to $9.20 Regular Style, 2' bars, complete, pair, 114.80 value . , . $11.70 "Cruber" Bumpcrette Sam msrrristi snd construction s our regular "Cruiaei" bumpers. Reinforcing bsr connects both side making them rigid and stronger. Deutltully finl.hej In nickel and enameL Worthy of th finest car. 2 twin bars, with brackets) Regu Isrlowptlc Art fH twin bars, complete) Regular1 ""P'lc 2J.OO Utr Tour ConvnUnc AD "Western Auto" Stores m open baturday until 9 if,'.