Tui'sdiiy, July f, 1)27 T1IK KVKNINti HKKAL1). KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON JiRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Ileitis of Interest Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Basin. If You Have Nen's for This Department, Your Courtesy In Calling 8 'J Will He Appreciated rtliin Ktellilel Vetermia Korelm War of Mian I'oal Nil. IIHil I iliiiliia pant week ami miiinliiteil " mlier if llli'lr nimiihera l aerve a rereptlun riiintnllien xteel Sl.inUh Wnr V ran wlm her hero' nil July 17, Aiming ji. who will reet llio vlaliora In inir c.f llio liiml l'l "' l'" nil. tieuraa M. '1'nylnr. Jon. AY (quelle. I'hailee II. l.riiii, nr Klmi Hum. Nohle II. fanler. Kreil H.lna. Verne Jon inker. I. Van Vnrliir. fliprle II. Nirliiaer, il llfurl, I". II. Ilnv.-i, Jnhii W. nlmiiiiery. Ili'iiry K. H'tniria-en I Mllfiiril V. Ilerlilaiin. till .Wleiiiix.ti Tll The fltl erlea nf miclnl I- uootio over wlil'li meiiiliei ' . Kualern H I ii I' will prealiln will lielil Tiieaijny. July I. l kwinli- hull. MiTiirtllng in nil- inrenieiit made, Tliriiiiglimit lUf miner nmniii mo meninrra tin i-hnnter will enlny tlieae f- Iwlrx rath iit'inlti nt Hie hull, thin llni Ylnliliig iiieint.ira of & order ere niif ! n rontlal In- Jiillnll In aileint. 1 t r. for Wllllla Here i. l.Hun.l WUIHa ne J"n llMiimld W illi Iht young li.ui.lil- Hhnrmi nrrlvnl from Lake W on HumUy and will wild inlglil here wlih relailvee ami lend". .Mr. Wllliu arromiianien wlfo anil ilaiuhter bore and re lied M hl dinle In l-aketlew ill I ho Kliell Oil lotiiputiy on Mon y morning. uik AttMnn Well While drilling well at ram 11 line, nine mum anuiiiaai 01 ixin- ill Kalla week. Iloncrt Try nr. well anown jnnrnw 01 tn- n Lane, atrurk an erilainn now water at a depth ( 111 feel rrar liaa Jna ' mnpleled a fine irv burn tin hy to teei nun nit of the flneat farma In miy. I'nr llmlty n'mknl lir. (I. II. Mullii'r timl hln . ;.r hmlly wreraeil on HiiiiiIjiv n.'.it ilie llrtiion Cavt-a wlirn a lar drfvi'ii hy a party froni f 'ul I rirn Ih fin-hi-d In Hi hi in. Tlml llr. or Mm M.n'i.-r r i I v ! (I mi t ii J it i li'n U con- j ildirrd f'trliinuin hy pio;i1f4 441111 ' wlliii4id llio iii'i-hlctif, I'.lljo) hi Vilriillon Sir. and .Mm Oliver Kulkor aro (njoyfng a Irlp lo r.iilicr nml nlh r pnlulM u( lnlril. Thry plan to ho ny for ul ! t 11 Wf k. Mm j KplkiT la Inking hr v.iiuMim from lllr l!llllH nt the lorn) miiI offlrt where he U lu ihiirge of Ihe I'okiiiI Mmtey Order depminiMii. Mr. Ilplker la K ilied Ktih r of lie Klka Iodic" und while nwny la it 1 -lending Hie convention. At Iloilty I'olnt Mr. and Mm. I'laud Davla enjoy ed lh hollduva til Itorky I'olnl. ro luriilug lioni timl evening. Mm. I u v I raugh two Irout, earli welching morn than right poundn. while on tlm online I'loner Sliop Aliraellve After we. lit of remodeling tli Kliimath Klower Khop la eoinpleied making one of thn moi ntrui-tlve nhop In aoulliern Oregon. A clever jay from lialenny haa liei.n adiled to Ihe ahop. rutended floor apure and larger dl. play room. HtliiKoiiN I'eltirn After Irnvellnit more limn liino llillea Rlllei lUhpimiim of Ihilr pin uerly In Kuil h l,..-.i where i Were toriilfd 111 hllr Illl-KM, Mr. illid .Mm. II. J., M!n. mi. f-iriii'irly of tin rliy, Iinvi returned hero to lovf4i niiilu. Junt whul lli'.lr pluiin um lor ihe future, Mr. and Mm. K.tlo on ure nut yet nhle in my. I-in Ihey ar Imk to KUiuiilli K.11N 10 atny. .Miiliin d To Aliurna Mr. iind Mra. V. f. Iiulion with I Ii' 1 r Iiii;ii. cm-nil.. Mlaa Wlmilfreil Muyrott, ('urhniuii Wulker anil John Kriuik enjoyed the hollilnya at Al lurna iilieii'lliiK Ihe Kodeo nph acorea of otjler people of thU unc tion. In I'rom Aitenc) .Mra. Orovllln Kllliilt nml 'i dnughtet-K, Kloreni-n unit ('hirlcc. apent Saturday here aliopniiK mid vlr.lllnic for n ahorl tl11 1 with friend. The Kllloil glrln r- home from Kiigene i fur Hie auuuner luontha and thla full will reaiitee ihelr atudlea at Ihe t'niveralty of Oregon. Mlilim Moine Mr. and Mra. Krliint Chlldem havu rotiirued from an enjuyohl v 1 It' In I'ortlund ind Heatllo win-re Ihey apent the paat two weekn. Mra. ( hlldera reaunied her poalllon with I lie Knrl Khepherd Muk aloro thla morning. 1 Monftfomery II- j Wlllnnl M. Montgomery, prop Cl ient liuiiueaii man of OreKon t'liy apent Hi week Hid here vl-Itlrr wilh hla brother, J, W. Montgomery of Juatln and Montgomery In Tim Wllllii;iia llulldlng. Mr. Montr' ei ery waa highly Impreaaed w-lth Klu mnlh Kulla and Ha poiililliili-M. Jolly NelglilMira To Meet The regulnr meiilng of the Jolly NV-lhhor will he held on Wednesday uftcrnoon at Ihe home of Mrn. ('. y. Kemlall on Kummera I.uiih road. All mcinbem arw ex ended a cordial Invitation 10 at Page Three At Oliini'inil like Mra. Kffln Itlihanla la enjoying a brief vm-atlon at Diamond Lake with )t. and Mra. 0. 8. Nnwaom. Thn party plana to return home thla afternoon. VMiIiik 1'roin l!enl Mr. and Mra. Joe Marah and Aleg W'ooda of llend apent the holldaya here aa the houae gueata of .Mr. and Mra. Jack Kpauldlng. Mr. and Mra. Mamh are the aunt and uncle of Mra. Hpauldlng. Iletnrneil Todnj' Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Aaron Hob ertaon retnmed today Tram Granta Paaa where they npent the holldaya with Mra. Itobertaon'a parenla. Mr. and Mra. Knhertaon are leaving ahortly for Alturaa to make their future borne. Obituary Vela Meeting Thuraduy Memhera of the Hpanlah War Vnl eruuia are acheduled to meet on Thuraday evenlui; , at eight o'clock nt the rourt houae. At thU time linporlint mattera will be brought liefore the meeting and all member are requeated to attend. MARY DUXX. " Mary Dunn. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr. Lee Marvin Dunn of 211 Martin avenue, waa laid to reat on Bunday from the Earl Whltloek Fnneral Home, Pino ATenue at Klxth. Bealdea her parenta. the little one leavea a alater, Wylene I.arralne Dunn of this elty. Inter- lend. Mian Uiitfe Atvav Vila l-ah Wolf, local nurae. haa " I necomp inled a patient to Portland where the will be for aome time. Home- l-'ront Portlrtml - lieliunr KolM.riMin returned to- Porilund where he apent Hie holiday with frienda. He made the trip by motor, leaving liere late Krlday evening. Klu ninth Manning llomo--t mong the Intereatltia vlaltora In city Ihla week are Mra. Jean (neger and aona of Healtle, no f Vie houae gueata of Attorney jd .Mm. II. Manning!. Mm. Pltteg 4 and aona are eiiroille lo Benttle r an enjoyahln lour of Ihe thern alalea, Much of Ihelr lie waa apent In New Orleana. King From Hem He lr. A. U McNealy and two Idren. Arthur l.e and hvelyn or ittle. are Ihe liniiae gueata of Mr. I Mru. W. W. McNealy. I'pon ir return north! Mlaa Itutti. the lighter of Mr. nnd Mra. MrNealy. l aicmipuny them tor a vacation the north. ulily Iinprovwe 1 It will lie pleaaant newa to tne 11 y frienda of .Mlaa Loulae f.tttu 10 learn that her mother la rap- recovering from a critical III a at Ihe family homo at lllll. r many weeka the doclnra hare U alight hope fof her recovery. 1 ( limed From Xnrtli T. n. Malarkey returned on Ihla rnlng'e train ' from Portland, Vf he enjoved Ihe holldaya with latlve and frienda. Ilotea An IteMilv l-.p.nn. .n.iil... . ....I Ir 1. 1 Inn lor ' Valtel FroUl Ill-Oil Imm 11 Ihe poat office are advled ! Mr. and Mra. Fred Illoomqulat that boxea aro ready and urged 1.1 and Wllllnm Frrdrlrkann of llend call at thn local office. At leaat Mi enjoyed the holiday lu Klamath appllcatlona have been made, hut Palla with frienda, ( . . Ihe Ian number of apjild ntlon curding to Pualmnaler John hi-. 1. - kJS Mct'VII. Pi I la (la I llrenka Arm Iiorothy. the elx yenr old duugli ler of Mr. and Mm. K. I.. Crlfflih. auffered a broken arm yeaterduy while playing In the yard at the lamlty homo 011 Plum. The arm wna broken between the elliow nnd thn wrlat. M,otoml To Morgnn llnnie A party of local folka Including Mr. and Mm. Judd 1-own, Mr. and Mra. W. T. I.e, Tom OVonunr, W. P. Thomaa. Mack fireene. lilllx-rt Knoff and Ihe Mlaaea Man nnd Dor rlrt Morgan apent the hulldav nt Ihe home of Mr. and Mr. Ii. V. Morgan at Illy. At The LIBERTY TtlllW A Nil TOMOItHOW II IITai For Howcra and Floral dealgna. Adv. rhon 111S. CONVAI.KSfKNT IIOMK 1X1 l.ranlle Kt., A-liliind, Ore. Where the alck und aged are cured fur In ttlt.aaiifit home aurrnunil Inua. "DEVIL'S DICE" STAUltlXO ' ' Barbara Bedford The mill Cuat Hie Dicn Inn L upid 11 ad I hem ' Loaded Don't Forget Thursday Uncle Hiram's "Country - Store" T V V ? ? V V Y r r y Y ? ? e " iTe' T O Phone 656 Heturnetl From Portlaml Mr. and Mra. ft. D. Eller re lumed over tho week end from Portland where they have been via-1 me"f WM ,n Llnkvllle eemetery, Iting for tho paat fro week. While north Mr. Kller tranaacted builneai wlib a number of Inaurance aneu In tho Intoreat of the Jamen Ilri-x.ii: Inaurance office of thla city. J ', Rctarnnl From Altar I Mr. and Mr. Joaeph Shirk and Mr. and Mr. David Shirk returned laat evening; from Altura where they enjoyed the holldaya. GJhis SunimerPnfoMakeihc You'll marvel at the re sults obtained through our modern methods of Laun dering." ,jVo .matter how much the clothes may be soiled, they can be : made exquisitely clean- and fresh by our new process. Troy Laundry 336 South Sixth Strieet - t t T X y t I t ? ? ? t v at. V t ? ? t 1 j Victoria-Vancouver- the magnificent Cana dian Pacific Rockies-Banff Lake LouL-ie-ihe Bungal.-iw Campi Calgary - Spokane! All on one delightful vacation trip, all under supreme Ca nadian Pacific direction, all designed for your re- i creation! Cet literature and information now ' bout this rail-water-resort tour. Special Summer i Faret are effective and Canada welcomes you! .. 4 SSThlrdSiPbnlandMukrK , .Cmadw Pacific Jftrt-Wfm Good the World Xprr. , 'Ask about our tSungaliw Camp Tour T ft. in ,-rrlll 1 I. Arnnt, well known rancner or rrlll, (ranaarted liiialueaa hero for eral hour today. port ITeacrlptlonlata Korbet Pure DniV:a. Iiirmil IIohii J ' Mia llernlco lUclor relumed mo laat evening from Wllllnmaoii 1 Iver where alio apent the holiday Ihe llrnwn rnrti'lt home. l-lleil At IjikevleW 1 Dr. I,. W. Pent relumed lnat evo- lig from l.akevlew whero hn mo-, ed Into Knturdny afternoon lo I .ml thn holldu) with hla brother 1 d lator-lii-lw, Mr. and Mra. fred, ,it. ftnnancteil Itiialneiw A I.. ' Mnrahnll pf Olene waa Iiong bualnea viallor In the city la morning. 1 pert Preacrlptlonlatu 1'orbci Pur Drug. Pine Tree Theatre Today and Tomorrow ON THE SCREEN , ROD LA ROCQUE ON THE STAGE live llrllliimt Acta of VAUDEVILLE FKATIItlNO The Five "Follette Girls" IX TIIKIlt Novelty Song and Dance Revue IN "The Cruise of the Jasper B" . A t'rlpplng, Itoittnntle Comedy E.I . snv.y if 1 I j. 1 s 1 i a fall JJaWT I fa. I COMING j NEXT FRIDAY-NIGHT- "Amateur Nite" Whcn' Local Talent "Struts' lu Stuff!; mMil mm zr ai ijwtri-nri'irii'iriji rir a i uiii r- r ! - rrearent Clly-Ll .Mr. and Mr, rhnrlea nentnn mao, Junior, were Included arnonft pe local realdent Who enjoyed Ihe llduya nt Crearcnt Clly. loin Illy ' Mra. Ida Howard of Hlv ahnpped the city today, reliirniiiK homo tn till nflcrnnon I Quality Hat n Vnrlnng atraw nt reatly reduced ptlcoa. Juatln It nntgnmnry. Adv. I " The Joy of Vacation nhould mit bo marred by a miserable ncliinp; tooth, vhen painloss tlentinlry can no readily relieve any such troubles that teeth aro heir to, as practiced by Dr. Coe There ia little that is painless or repugnant. His methods are of the very latest kind, scientifically up-to-date, and backed by dental skill and knowledge that has made his reputation an en vied one. Inlays, fillings, crown. and bridgework aro his specialties. DR. Hopka Bid?. R. D. COE Phone 836 Good Investments in , .City. and Farm . , Property We have a splendid 152-acre farm just beyond Altamont oh highway at $12a per acre. 1 Hot Springs Addition y -lots, each - 5UX15U at ssuu each. A modern, . strongly built 4-room house, one block from school $2650 If you want profitable real estate invest f ments see Slater Investment. Co, 1 1 5 South Seventh Phone 688 aV". .rv a . ."ak ! i .1 4' IT I or quick fiW-V aIe list property withus Look Your Best Appearances count. ' It pays to look , your best at all times.' Let us keep your clothes in perfect condition. Our methods are strictly up-to-date and our service is prompt. Just Phone 1166 Acme Dyers anil Geainers 15 Main St. To day --,- . , r Our living comfort anJ.the high . speed of modern business are large ly the results of the invention and skill ful adaptation of a multitude' of time and labor saving devices and service. - The telephone is conceded high rank among such accessories in both business and social life. .- , Nearby and in distant places, th tele phonebringsindividualsvoicetovolce the neatest approach to being face to fact. In home life of the business world, use of the telephone has come to mean con venience, speed, economy and more personality in every contact. Say the u ordSavt the timcj THE pacific telephone and telegraph company I; njnjyiyvTjvvvx- "i -i r i