ITnlversitv Library Como. Knuene.'Orfi"1" City Edition The Old Home Paper Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Price Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, OKE., TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1927 M K A MI Ml OHKGON; Fair tonight and Wedneaday wild ton near the coast. Wrmr In th east portion. Normal humidity. Gentle northwest wind. Number 6069 uvulo) ITL nn JVLl Mi it ir it it it ir it ic YOUTH CAPTURES RUM MM SHIP SINGLE HANDED EXPLOSIVES DISCOVERED IN BUILDING Believe Bootleggers Re sponsible far Mur derous Intent SPOKANE, Waah., July 5, (AP) A home made dyna mite bomb containing about SO pounds of explosive, and with the fuse burned to with in a few inches of the per cussion cap, was found here early this morning in the building which houses the Spokesmen-Review' and the Chronicle. IVIIco said the Infernal inmiilac would ! wrrrkiit the front of I he building If II linil rvphxliil. I.IiijiI Khnrr anil (irrnlil Pool. etnili)c of the limitation ilixirt nirnl of I lie ll'lt'W, fnuml a large coffee ran nrar the- liulnc nfrl.f or Ilia) paper, anil rullrtl the build ing engineer. Thry unwironl It lop ami railed poller) when they found ilaxnillr. Drrtlllnn experts are examining the ran ami the charge for finger prints. '.Nn rluia other than th bomb were found. Tha newapnpera hava advanced nn possible mnilve, though both have put on onll-llqunr and anil vice campaigns. Police suggest Ilia mine might have been planted, with Its fuse already burn d. an a honx. AUTO CRASHES HEADLONG INTO SWITCH ENGINE Kcrlnua Injury waa narrowly averted at ll&o lam night when a rnupe driven by Malcolm (Irahaiu, traveling rial on , Main treel, rrsahed headlong Into a Southern I'ariflr switching engine al Ilia .Mailt atreet main Una cross- . Int. tiraham's car was badly damaged, but (irahani aualained only a alight I rut on the hand. , According to H. I. authorities, : the locomotive hail arrived at the crossing and waa on the tracks at i the point where they rroaa Main 1 street. Graham, hla ear rllniblug up the alight grada on the weat BP-' appronrh. apparently did not per-1 celve the engine. Tha accident waa thoroughly In vestigated ( hla morning by 8. . j authorlllea. tiraham's Injury waa not serious enough to necessitate hla being tak en tn a hoaplial. .0.0. P. INS DD P1YC II M C EXTRA WORK IN on Id LII1L SOUTH WILL BE FINISHED SOON COUNTY OILING IS ANNOUNCED NORTHERN Big Scale Work Planned on Oregon Trunk This Summer I'ltltTLA YD, Ore., July t'onitructlon work on the remain ing: 4'Vmlli link of railway mel ill to lie llrnil to klimullll Fail will lie pushed nn a big urate u-t a aiMin aa men ran In hired and ronalructlon equipment nio-ri Into central Oregon. Italpll Itllilil. president of Ihn (irrnl Northern, Another chapter to the rompre ! benstve stain highway oiling pro gram has been added with the an 1 nuunremeut today by C. C. Seeley. :' reaident engineer of the state high- ' wsy department, that official au- Construction ",orl"l"n had been obtained to oil The Dalles-California highway ; from Altamont 2.7 miles south to i the Junction of the Klamath Falla- Lakevjrw highvesy. i Thin segment of oiling had been . In doubt up to today. Charles Win ter, llend. division engineer In ! charge of Klamath state highwaya, ; had recommended the work but the rerommendatlon had not been rat ified until today, j The section of highway waa oiled j last year. Two coata of oil wIM be I laid. It Is understood. Work will It will LINES FORMALLY APPLY 0 MERGER DRIVER DEATH CAR ARRESTED BY STATE COP anld lcrilay in a aMrlal Imer- vk-vr lo the Orrgonlan, Just bi- begin within tho next week j fore leaving for Item I i Mr. Build s assertion was In an liter lo a query aa lo whether ma-' Klamath Kalla to Algoma: Jnr nperatlona would he held up three. Klamath Falls to the Lake reiidlng the approval by the Inter-ivlew Junction that will be dono 'stale commerce commission of the! with Klamath Falla aa a bae. I be the firat of the three oiling Jobs . one, Klamath Falls to Keno; two. and E Royt-l Neighbor Take Sec ond Prize; 30 Floats Entered ' hTIUM.F. I'olltTII ' I'rolll tin standpoint of l ' frurilom: of the law ami fli-ra ' li.llnllv ln of Hie fcalurea of ' a Fourth of Jul) rrlrlirnilon 1 Klnmnlli Full" viae notably ' 1 niilrt iluilng the lliree-ilny n-lf ' ' lirntlon. The fire ilcpnrtnieiil, ' i'M'rlliiK at cnl two iall, rrrelvi'il not one. The miIIio ' ' ilrpnrtiiii'nt innile hill nine nr ' rewio! elglil men nml one nomnn ' .wrrr nil i luirii nltli iliunken 1 nraa, 1 The Odd Fellows lodge of Kla math Falla look first prlta In the grand parade on Monday for having the moat beautifully decorated float and were preaenled with the flrnt prlin, Ml. 00 In raah. The Itnyal Neighbors, not two years old until August, took swoni honors, carrying oul I heir float In the rolnra of the order, purple and white. The principals of the or der were splendidly repreaented In the float. Second prlie was 25 00 In raah. For the beat decorated automo bile. Klamath Flower Shop carried flrat honora and O. It. Mooller. pro prietor waa preaenled with the caih prlie of 150.00. Tho auto was a how-er of the ae.-iann's blossoms. More than 30 floata were entered In I he parade, which was rerognlied aa Ihe finest Klnmnth Falls hna ever wllneaaed and Judges found It difficult la nwnrd prises. Enrl T. Hhepherd, (leorge M. Ilarth, F. I,. Ilouatnn, n. K. Walton hurg and (ieorgo II. Fife acted is Judges. j srloua trackage arrangements the' . (ireat Northern lias made for the1 ektenalon of Ha opera! lona from' I Xpnkano and Portland lo Klamath Fill la. "The only question before the commission affecting this conatrur- jlloii," aaid Mr. Itudd. "Is whether the Oregon Trunk shall build it for the account of the (Ireat Northern. aa previously suggeaied by the rom mlMlon, or whether the Great Northern will assume the conut ruc tion In Ita own name. Ilauni flit f'ontrnrt. "This queatlon has no bearing on (Continued On Page Kightj LAN T K. F. VISITORS Stcramento and San Fran cisco Arranging For Entertainment FLASHES ,MIM TAhFS STAMI ItHt HI IIMAItlNKS (ll'NEV July !V ( A.IM .liipun mnkliiii n l"t ilrlermiiiiil alaml it lli'lrlrilti navnl nmfi rrniv for Hie treaty rutin to n.-w an nn lltiillitl iiiimlH'r of aiihiniiiiiiea tiniler MMI lona iliiliirrmeiil, for the pur piB.1' of eoKlnl dcfi'iiir. lusri iiHi: mfmi'o itv ii:monst.tiox .MFVIfO I'lTV, July fl. ..l.) Molorcyrlo police, iiiiiiimI with rifle", loili'iy 'aurnuiiilel the i nlU'il suites ronauliite here nml ill-ipi'raiil !S.tMM InlHiilte. mti'iiiplliiK n ileinnnxlriilliiii In lieliulf of Mroliil Nnrro ami Itar loliuiirii Viinsi'lll. IIHIVK l'llt M KKK Tt MTAHT ' HM.IvM tlii'.. July rt. (A.!'.) H. II. Htnllmil anil tieni-Re II.vIiiiiiIit of ronlnnil hjivr notiriiil Hecrrliiry of Minle Kiwr that they will a npt the lull lilt Inn of n bnllnt inen-iin- for the g. nernl election of IIK!H lo re dure iiiiiouiolill( II"' Oregon to a flat fee of :l for nil rum. I'. M. .WI.ITOIW VII'.W t.OAI. TIIF.V KIDN'T ATTAIN I' MtIS, July .1, (A. I'.) (inline '" I1' HoiirKi't this miiriiiiiK. Cmnnwinil- er lluil. Ilnl co-lii nml lcrnl lliilcheii took a liuik nl the flying! field where tliev lull nihil l lit tial on their flight from Hie fnlteil Stntra, Inn Mhlili they Here iiuulde to final In the alorm nml murk of luat Thiira. tiny nluhl .11 IK.K IU TI.KII III IIT IV ACCIDKNT I'OIITI.AXII, .Inly ft. (A.r.) Judge It. II. Ilutler of The Dulles, In jured In un iiut'n iicclilent on n rood ueiir I'ortlimil yealeiilny, wna recov erlnu (Iny n hoapltiil. An A -rii y fmiilniitloii alumeil hud lirulara wen hla oiily Injuries. llAVI.KiHT IIAMHTH M ft KNSFI I, . TAt'OM , Wash.. July , ( A.l1.) Fnur iiiiiniixkiil linmllla lielil lip and ic Mini I Hluinn liiitrelil, riiihler. nml tlni-e nil rmplo.ves of the Tnininii lliillnu.v nml I'mver -i.iiiHiiiy of l,ln( In frnnl of the tritctlun rompnny'a office III llic liiilnrii illalrlct here Ihls mornliiB. A wonderful trip around San Frnniiaco nay for all who go on the special excuraion train from Klam ath Falls on July 1-th la a feature announced today by wire from the chamber of rommerro of tho Hay city. This waa reported by Lynn Suhin tndny at the chamber of com merce board meeting. This la a remarkable trip and those who have taken It rrnlUo tha. It alone la worth tin to anyone. San Francisco Is doing this as a part of Ita entertainment of the Klamath delegation. Sacramento la not behind, by any means, for she annnuncea a complete tour of the Immediate Sucramento valley, a luncheon with a program filled with excellent entertainment. Theae features are for everyone, whether huslneaa or professional poplo or whether Jual visitors. It wna decided to make a Ourrl son finish of Ihe excursion ticket today and committees are out fin ishing up the Job. Don't delay, but reserve your ticket right now aa they are going fast. Ide'a Crowd la ruining. it wna alan staled today at the Hoard meeting thnt W. (1. Ide's crowd will be here this evening from l.nkevlew. They comprise Ihe stntn land sttlement committee and will spend the tiny tomorrow look ing over the vnrloua projects. In Ihn afternoon at 2 p. ni. a big meet ing of the land owners and business men will be held In the ('hnmhor of ('nmmerre rooms when they will hear Ihn discussion of Mr. lclo nml his delegation. EE THIS EVENING Railroad Party to Journey By Automobile South Front Chemault rsKND. Ore.. July S. (IT). Con struction of the Great Northern railroad from Bend to Chemault, connecting the Oregon Trunk with the Southern Pacific starts imme diately. Ralph nudd, president of Ihe Great Northern, said here to day. "Immediately means now." Ken neth (1. Mauser of Mauser Brothers Construe! Ion company, added. This statement rereila officially for the first time that this firm has the general contract. The new survey starting north from I .a Pine and carrying a right of way seven and seven eiglitha miles east from that town and seven miles east lo Crescent, tying In at Chomaull Instead of Paunina as previously planned has been accepted as the local loq. Iludd said. Mr. Tludd and his party surveyed the terminal sites here and left on speeders over the Shevlln-lllxon Logging rond line which waa re cently acquired by Ihe Great North ern. At the south end of the line the parly left by auto for Klamath Falla and will return here on Thursday. a ' Grazing Association to Be Formed Tonight Great Northern and North ern Pacific Would Oper ate as. Unified System KT. PAI L. Minn., July 3. (AP) Applirullona for prrmlHainn to merge Hie (ireat Northern ami lh- .Nor I hern Parlrir Hallways were signed here lixUy anil Hill be pre. a-iitel to tlw Interstate Coin mere ('oniniisalim within a few days. Charles Donnelly, president of Ihe Northern Pacific. In whose of fice the applications were signed, aaid they probably would be laid before the com mission In Washing ton next Fridsy, July t. I'nder the terms of the applica tions the two northern lines and the Spokane. Portland and Seattle Rail way which they own, wonld be op erated as a unified system by the Great .Northern Pacific Company by lease and stork ownership. The applications were signed to day on behalf of the two northern roads and the Spokane, Portland and Seattle' line, and they will be signed tn New York this week fqr the Great Northern Pacific Com pany before their presentation to the commission. From Diamond Lata Judge and Mrs. R. A. Kmmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Will Humphrey re turned last evening from an enjoy able holiday trip to Diamond Lake. Road Oiling Work Is Renewed Today Oiling program on state highway in Klamath was renewed this morn ing from Modoc Point north toward Williamson river. The work had been stopped for three days In or der to not impede Fourth of July holiday traffic. Seventeen of the IT miles of second heavy roat of oil between Algoma and Williamson river bridge baa been finished, and the remain ing ten miles from Modoc Point north to the Williamson river will be completed within the next few daya. Then the oiling crew will move to Klamath Falls where re treatment of highways heading out of the city will be commenced. Board Considering For one year Arthur Luckett. Pelican City driver of the two kseated "bug" automobile which crashed north of Merrill early Sun day morning. June 2. and caused the death of Thomas Vehawn. known here as Jack Mollis will not drive a car. A complaint charging him with reckless driving was filed by State Traffic Officer Walter A. F.oster. Lurkett's driving license was sus pended for It months. No fine was levied. A complaint was to have been filed early today in Justice court by the slate officer against D. Toul ouse, whose car plunged off The Dalles-California highway at Death curve, south of Pelican City, early Saturday morning, turned over, righted itself and caused the severe Injury of Toulouse's woman com- I panion. "Toulouse has been told to ap pear In court," Foster explained. "Just what charge will be filed has not yet been determined; probably reckless driving." IE BROTHERS nnnm nc oo i in i kk in Vlllaill V 1 aaassWai BLUFFED BY DARING 0 Half Million Dollar Liquor - Cargo Is Confiscated NEW YORK,. July 5, (AP) A 21 year old ensign of the coast guard who almost single handed captured a rum steam er with a $500,000 cargo and a crew of 22, today waa hail ed aa one of the greatest in- I dividual heroes in tho govern f Mnt'a. Affaiinsl mm. j r (tun lea Duke, armed wlin si rule containing only inree- nnmn, leaped from a smalt ermat - gaanl patrol boat to the deck of the liqaar rnnnina; craft, bowled over at sailor tpvIio sought to stop him assf the held off "the crew for three hours until hrlp arrlveL The capture occurred In the har bor almost in the shadow of the statue cf liberty, after the craft, the Displaying a brand of golf seldom j Economy, had slipped through a DEFEAT ' PROS Roy and Don Both Make Reames Cour:c in Par; Match is Hard Fought t- seen on a southern Oregon golf coarse. Roy Moe and Don Mo., phe nomenal amateur golf players or Portland, defeated Tod Gardiner. Eugene professional and W. J. Wade, "pro" at the Reames Golf and country club In an IS hole match on the Reames golf course Sunday morning. Three of the players the Moe brothers and Wade shot the IS holes tn par. TO strokes. Long puts, hard driving and ac curate Iron shots featured the play. Final Drive for Tickets Will Be Begun This Week cordon of eighteen coast guard boats guarding the narrows, the entrance to the port. Duke waa In charge of a 30-foot cutter with a crew of three men when he spied the rum ship near the narrows. In a 41-mlle gale the small craft quickly overhauled the steamer. Commands to halt went unheeded. Two shots were tired across its bow from '.he light gun of the patrol ooat. (Continued On Page Eight) ' CHILD LOST This evening at Merrll the Grat ing association will lie organised umong the witer tiscra and live atock men It Is expected that a large attendance will mark this illusion for plainly It Is one of Ilia most Important events In V:t his tory of Klnmnth Basin. Those Interested In any way In the fnt'tro of the land owners, t!ie water users and tho llv.i slo '; operatora are urged to b presort at Merr I' I'm .vrnlng. I I'ft For Portlnnil. Miss Adnlene MeDnnnld left on Sunday evening for a trip to Porl lnud and Eugene. Her plana are In temnlii north for nt least Iwo weeks. I Mr. and Mrs. Arkermnn accompan ied her north. Leader of Kiwanis to Be Entertained at Banquet Tonight In courtesy lo George S. French, head of tho Klwanians of the entire world, the local club will bo hosts this evening with a dinner at the chamber of commerce nt slx-thlrty. Mr. French, head of the civic or ganltntlon which ranks among the lending of lis kind In the world. Is making a tour of the entire coun try. He was a noon day guest al the board of directors' luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce today. Six bids, raiglng from $17,997 lo 122. 800, were offered Saturday afternoon at Ihe county fnlr hoard meeting when bids were opened for the construction of the main exhibit building on the county fair gaounds '.his summer. Low blder was W. D. Miller Con- ..m,. .i.h .f. . I $17,997. Other bidders lncluded'rf the following: W A Stevens and son. $19,366: 11. E. Koskamp. 19,55(: PMlipson and Hula, f21.272: E. II. Rohera. $21,488: and Gils Johnson. $22,800. The board declined to let the contract at the Saturday meeting. Finnl derision will be reached at a meet lug next Saturday. a - r He doesn't know bl name r nor dors he seem In be con- rerniil over his predicament. He alts, this afternoon, hi' the lobby of the police station amll- ln nt big "Pat" Winfrey, police patrolman, anil occasionally pointing delightedly at deer heads hanging on the wall. l ' "He la a little boy. shoot a 14 within the next few days. j nM, who wnil fHim! by Members of the committee in, police at the Junction of Ship- charge of the ticket sale will lt-i plngton road and Oregon Ave- With more than 50 reservations I already made for the excursion toj San Francisco which leaves here on 1 Bids on Buildintr Tuedy. J"1 12h. It la expected Bias on Duuamgiht nnotA of 150 wn reache(1 tempt to complete the sale within i nue this afternoon. Police are the coming few days, according to .Lynn Sabin of the Chamber of Commerce. holding him until his parents call." . FIXED HM Gnldo Gusty, Pelican City, was fined $125 and hla driver's license revoked ttt .10 days when he en tered a plea of guilty thia morn ing 1'jfore Justce of -the Peace W. B. Bnrnea to the charge of reckleas driving. (lusty was arrested Sat urday night nn Oregon avenue by Sheriff Burt Hawkins when his car plunged off the road Into the ditch. Heports Accident Although ho put out his hand. John I'erllngs. Jr.. 704 California nvenne. Ihe other car, whose Iden tity wna not mentioned, crashed in to I'erllngs' car as he waa making a turn, according to an accident re port filed in tho sheriff! office. HAVE YOU RESERVED Your Ticket for San Francisco ; Excursion on Tuesday, July 12th ' . -. ... Only $15 for Round Trip. , Lowest Fare Ever Given by the Southern Pacific ' , The Excursion is one of Business and Pleasure combined. You can't afford to miss it.'' Re turn limit on tickets ten days so that you can visit your friends.