The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 01, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday. July 1, 1027
; (Continued From Pace One)
11 n J reckless driving. Sentence was
deferred unlit tomorrow morning by
folks Judge Lein L. Oaghagen.
F. W. Van lluskirk mas making a
delivery In tho Arcade apartment.
A etray wind blew Mi coal tall up
a that II wan caught on a bottle of
whiskey In his hip pocket.
iChlef Ambrose and Deputy Muell
er espied the tell-tale bottle; Am
brose leaped out ot the ear.
Kcnsntlonal t lift no,
rVan Mitsklrk dashed wildly up the
Mstrs of the Arcade apartments. He
sot to the top tloor and dashed
down the hall. Ambrose clone at
his heel.
Ju?t as the husky chief wai ab
out to lay hand on the elusive
bootlegger. Van ttnsklvk threw the
quart bottle ot whisker through the
The bottle lit neck down and
small quantity ot liquor was recov
ered enough to persuade Van Hus
klrk he had belter plead guilty. He
was fined 2,0. which he paid.
W. V. Marlins Is In jail under the
charge of vagrancy. He was arrest
ed by Lee Craft at the corner of
Sixth and Wilnut. In his sedan
were four empty ten gallon kegs,
two racks of suKar. one case of
Dance on
Ewauna Float Just Completed
5000 ft. Floor Space
Music by Ramblers
Sails 9:30
Float Will Anchor Near Fireworks
yeast, and numerous empty one cat
Ion Jugs.
"So," the chief admlted, "there
was no liquor: but we have our sus
picions as to where he was bound
May Kin' t'awe.
' Martina Is being held under $100
bond. He may plead not guilty and
fight the case.
II. 1). Dorgmau's arrest was the
only one that had no extra thrills.
Complaints of neighbors put the po
lice on the trail. He was arrested
at his home on Sll lKty street and
11 pints of whiskey rouflscaled.
Heading guilty this morning he was
fined 100 and sentenced to serre
SO day In Jail.
Work to be Started on Base
ment of $40,000 Struc
ture in Short Time
Sanitary Market
Order for Monday Also
Shoulder Pork Roast,
5 lbs. 1.00
Fresh Dressed Fryers, lb. - 33c
Fresh Dressed Hens, lb. - 27c
Baby Beef Roast
Sweet, Tender, Juicy Steaks
Sweet, Tender, Juicy Giops
Leg of Lamb, Lb..- . - - 35c
Free Delivery
7th and Main
Phone 22 H
(Continued from page cne)
"Wo went on. hoping for a rift
In the clouds through which we
might see land when day rame. Hot
we were running terribly short of
gasoline. At tire o'clock this
morning there was nothing left but
to come down and trust to luck.
AVe did so and had a cold sea bath."
Commander Byrd also was quoted
as saying that bis wireless apparatus
failed to pick up land signals and
that his rompav was completely
out of order.
Turchase by the cent nil tihor
council of Klnniath of property on
which 140,000 labor temple wilt
be constructed III the near future
was auuounced this morning b
Archie U Itlce. city building lni-.'-tor,"
Mr. K Ice said. "It Is lot 1
and part of lot J of block SO orig
inal town and was boiutht from
I Claude Daggett.'"
) Purchase, prices was tT.000. The
' deal w-va handled through the office
of Wallers and Ilarnlilsel. The
I property. Is K hy ISO feet.
Construction will start within
next few months on the baem ml
of the two story temple. The la,
men! will serre as a labor heed
quarlers and then as money Is rais
ed the remuluder of the 'building
J will be constructed.
(Continued Prom Pace One)
could not bo sure. When their
gas and oil was nearly run nut.
Commander ltyrd said, the America
was headed in the direction where
the sea was thought to lie in the
hope that a safer landing could he
made there than on unseen ground.
The commander said that the
America was driven nntil the fuel
was virtually used up. He sent
down a flare and then followed with
the plane.
Commander tlyrd said that tho
plane slrurk'shallow water and the
landing gear was torn off. Tho
plane quickly submerged to the
wings to which the flyers clung until
they succeeded in launching their
rubber life boat.
As soon as this was done they
took their Instruments, personal
effects and a sack of mail ashore
where they waited two hours In the
rain before they were discovered by
the villagers and taken Into their
Commander Tlyrd estimated that
he flew 4200 miles from the time
of leaving Roosevelt field until his
landing at Ver-Sur-Mer.
The commander expressed hops
that he would be able to save his
ship but aviators who had seen thu
plane today expressed the opinion
that the hopes of salvage were slight
as tho plane was breaking up In the
Commander Byrd said that he
would like to fly to Purls from Vor-
Sur-.Mi r. but that he had no idea uf
returning to Now York by air even
if the plane were In condition to
make the Journey.
The clt liens of this little sea re
sort gave tho aviators a reception In
the town hall this-aflernoon and
soon a great crowd was present In
cplte of Inclement weather.
Mayor and Council
To Tour State
(Continued From Page One
Tlalslger, Francis Olds and J. K. Van
"Our community h.'.s enjoyed
growth which probably hss no
puraUel to a small city of Oregon,"
the mayor commented. "With that
I growth have arisen numerous per
I plexlug problems. We are fared a:
: each council meeting with knotty
questions of policy, with mixups. en-
"We feel that by conferring wl'h
administrations of other elites that
jour conception ot municipal problems
wouia oe oroaueneu.
( (Continued From Pnge One)
menled. "I do not think it would
t be fair to the property holds."
It is understood that the city ad
ministration has been Informed bv
the Warren construction company
that the four blocks would be re
paved this summer".
Mayor Walter's stand on the
paving wis backed up by the en
tire personnel of the city council.
I "Thn paving company has shown
,a disposition to cooperate in Ihlx
respect," the mayr- said, "and the
vuuiiiuinii uiitjn uuii.'i maiiun niai (ill;
J project will be done over again."
llecause Klamath motorists do not
appear lo be cooperating with slate
authorities In their ailempt to en'
force the lighting res illations, the
next auto light raid to be staged
In Klnmath will be followed by ar
rests rather than mere warning
This Is the decision of Lieutenant
O. O. Nichols of the stst. trufflo
force who with Htalo Traffic Officer
Walter A. Foster and City Tratflc
Officer Craft stopped VIS cars
at the corner ot Mxth and Volnut
streets last night and checked llchts,
"Sixty-two per rent." Lieutenant
Nichols related, "of the muUrtits
slopped last night had l.ghls that
were all right. Tho other it w.'u.
deficient In minor respects. .
"We have no Intention of working
a hardship, but such a record as
this means that action must be
taken. We will arrange ' to have
fines levied lupollce court. In
Justice court one has to pay a 11.10
court eost oulsldo ot the fine and
we do not want to be hard."
Special Vacation Period
Stage Line Rates
Until furthor notlio and durinir
tho vacation Hummt-r nonaon. tho
Howiirri Tnmxpoi'tntion i'om
puny will mako iftlucod niton
iiH follows:
To Medford, one way '1S
Round trip, Medford and return 5.60
To Ashland, one way 2.55
Round trip, Ashland and return 4.60
To Portland, one way 10.05
Tho Howard linen are tho Old.
Salt', Uoliablo and Comfortable
' Stnjro Lines of tho Southern Ore-
lion country. '
Stage Depoti 615 Main
' ' Telephone 999
What Are You Going g
I To Do Over the 4th? I
n.nmf--.z. t - - '
Our Good Foods
SWahe Picnicking a Real Pleasure
Money Talks
K V,!"n. J,""1" Potato Chip Yankee
Sweet I'lcklcs np
1 Beans Baked
35c c- 10c
Jar Can
Kraft Cheese Better Fruit alad
30c 20c 35c
Pound ' Can Can
Boned Chicken
Phone 576
HI ore Will lie Closed Mnndny
All Kinds of
Fresh Fruits
when they nse this now wonderful
French Process Face I'rwder called
I MKLLOOLO. Keeps that ugly shine
away. omen rave over Us super-
i lor purity and quality. Stays on
longer- skin looks like a peach
keeps complexion youthful pre
vents large pnrea. tint a Imx of
MKLUMilX) Fare . I'owder today.
Underwood's Pharmacy.
- It is a curious fact that many
cf tbe ladles who hava written to
ask that they be taken along on
! the flights to Hawaii, have signed
themselves only with Initials.
rue orcr C":
"Let 'cm lllte" nys he and
down he reaches In the of lunch-
box for a piece of toothsome
We, have suggest Irp for your
lunch-box (,n the next fishing
trip that will cheer you on your
way. Drop In and sec us.
XI T IMF.Vll - I'Ot'NI f'AKK
' you're
on a
v-- jf sat to ttay
-1 i If I -yu
You will need some of these
things at the last minute v '
Special Rack of Summer Suits
Light-weight Gabardines and Serges in several pat
terns. ' Two-piece suts, worth the price of the
pleasure in a couple of days' wear. Good selection
of sizes. Always neat and easy to keep clean.
Linen Knickers
Fcr a camping trip, golfing or fish
ing, get a pair of these. Very rea
sonable, easily washed. In plaids or
plain colors. Special
4.50 and 7.50
Dress Shirts
Always a good clean assortment.
More new patterns in recent days,
plain and fancy, fast colors. Shirts
that are a pleasure to wear
1.85 to 7.50
All Straw Hats Reduced S f
$4 Straws now ... . . .$2.85 $6.50 Straws now . . . .$4.84
$5 Straws now $3.85 $7.50 Straws now . . . .$5.85
Florsheim Shoes .
The most popular shoes in America
for men today. Chosen for snap,
service, style and are moderately
priced. Scores of styles
10 and 11
Athletic U-Suits
Mail!, fancy, silk-striped, full cut,
well-made garments of cool, lasting
materials. A very fine lot to go out
at a. price or
Now For Your Flannel Pants
Up to $7.50 now at ; . . $4.95 $9 and $10 now at ... . $7.85
$8 and $8.50 now at . . . $6.85 Up to $13 now at ... ; $8.85
If you want to see some beauties in swimming suits you
should shop at Sugarman's first.
" Ain't Mad at Nobody"