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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1927)
I'll"!" Six THE EVENIXfl HEKAUl KLAMATH FALLS. C1RECON Friday, July 1. 1027. FIRST CAPITAL PRIZE rj?r--Ji--SL.Jl'ff' -IB"rr 1.. II ; ' ' ' I $1,515 Buick 5-passenger Standard Sedan, purchased from and on display at Buick Garage, 1330 Main St., K. F. v ! ,e .:. r.r. o- y . , , ., ,.' - ', ' ( fcki ti -IJ THIRD CAPITAL PRIZE $955.00 Essex Sedan, purchased from and on display a the Acme Motor Co., 400 So. 6th St.j Klamath Falls. Your dream of owning a beautiful enclosed ar will come true if you "Say It With Votes." Votes are all that you need to win any of these four beautiful motor cais, or other vaulnble prizes. Votes will win all the prizes. Votes are given wit h new and renewal subscriptions to The Klamath News and Evening Herald. . Wouldn't you say yes to an Opportunity to w in a brand-new motor car free without one cent of costwouldn't you? The Klamath News and E vening Herald are going to give away these four automobiles, four radio sets and four cash awards in just a few short weeks to ambitious men and women who by their energy and salesmanship a bility, poll the highest number of votes during the campaign. And RIGHT -NOW is the best time td start, because of the 100,000 extra vote offer, which lasts until July 23, the biggest and best spe cial vote offer of the entire campaign. Don't delay another day sending in your nomination. Extra Votes Given ' ' " ' ' . for New Sub- List of Candidates' In.-lutte hi nilnatlon rrrlved Ui to noun Thiiraituy will) only nom ination nini (mil tint subscription pii'ilMutl DISTRICT NO. 1 Comprise nil ;HTrr ' "wtlliln Hie hy limit of Klumuili Fall, NlillKtnn nml pelican CHy. 100,000 EXTRA VOTES For every $:o.OO worth of new subjcripticns turned in to the' campaign department np to end including July 23. a bonus of 100.000 extra Totes will be given. These ertra. votes are in addition to tne regular vctes allowed on subscriptions, as shown in the rote schedule. It Is not necessary to hold your subscriptions until you have se rum! 20.0O worth. Turn in your subscriptions as obtained, so the new sul-scriber will receive their paper promptly, and after the offer closes the campaign department will mail you a ballot to cover the ex tra votes earned during the offer. THIS 100.000 EXTRA VOTE' OFFER IS POSTIVELY THE BIG GEST OF THE ENTIRE CAMPAIGN. Vote Value of Subscriptions Payable in Advance The subscription rates of THE KLAMATH FALLS MORN'INO NEWS s and THE KLAMATH FALLS EVENING HKKALb are shown below, to gether with the regular number of votes ..allowed en each subscription payment, me votes mown here apply on both Old and New subscriptions, RATES FOR XF.W8 Oft HERALD News or HentM By Carrier in Klamath Falls Enter the campaign RIGHT NOW GREATEST votes opportunity. end take advantago of this Price Three Months $ 1.9S Six Months - 3.60 One Year . .50 Two Years 13.00 Three Years . 19,50 News or Herald ' By Mail Outside Klamath Pries, nrce .MO"tn i fFr3r . if' FOURTH CAPITAL PRIZ $849.00 Chevrolet Sedan, purchased from and on exhibi tion at the Chevrolet Sales & Service, 522 S. 6thSt., K. F. Six Months tiue Year Two Years . Three Yars J.75 5.00 lo.oo 15.00 Votes 1.5O0 5.000 15.000 40.000 70.000 Falls Votes 1.600 4.000 12.000 35.000 60.000 CO.MB1.VITIOX R.tTK FOR 1IOTII I'APKKH News and Heralil By Carrier In Klamath Falls Thre. Months Six Months One. Year Two Years Three Years Price .. 3.90 .. 7.00 . 13.00 .. 26.00 .. 33.00 Votes 5.000 15.000 40.000 180,000 Two $300.00 Stromberg-Carl son Radios i News and Herald By Mal Outside Klamath Falls Price Votes Threeionths I 3.50 4.000 fiix Mentha 6 60 12.000 One Year 10.00 35.000 Two Years 20.00 90,000 Three Years 30.00 160,000 Two $150.00 Stewart-War-ncr Radios ' scriptions Fxtra votes as follows will be given during the rampoisn: 100, UUO extra votes will ho given for ev ery $20 worth nf NEW sub scriptions turned In from the beginning of the cani palstn up to and Including July 2.1. 90.00(1 extra voles will be given for every 120 worth of NEW subscriber turned in from July 25 t and liK'luilliig August 6. ho.ono extra votes will tin given fur every 120 worth of NEW subscription turn ed In from August to and Including August 20. The NEW subscriptions turned In during the filial week front August 22 to 27 In clusive will earn voles equal to 70.000 on each and ev ery 130 worth of NEW sub scriptions. These EXTRA voles aro given in addition to tlio regular votes as shown in the vote schedule. Itarn't. JtxepMiiA. Ijkrvlw . tU.IMHI Healer, .Nell fl-AWMI Itrurhou. Hoplile . .... !WHH Ih'UItt, Plljllls 12.IHIU I 'ruff, Irf ', fUMMMI Ihimmn, Wm. J. ' .. VJ.tMMi I ...liT, Mrs. WHVniii .H.immI lloMiinl, JutuiHn : .' hm.ihmi llnll. Ilnltle IJ.lMMl lliailillill, Mrs. H. 4 -.l.T.IMMI Jours, Ni'llle ltit rVI.IMk! Juhnson, .Mr. Mnrgan-t ... :H..vmi Miirllii, Mnrlon Im :. ltt.MMI .MiMire, Vera ... ,.: fMt.lMMI Torrry, .Mrs. " ft. II, na .VNl Vernon, .Mr. 4 W, BJt,HMs Wnhl, Mrs. .N'elln , IU.IMXI DISTRICT NO. 2 Comprise all territory outside tlio city limit nf KUmalli Falls, Hlililiitiu awl IVIiran City. Ilitmn, Mrs. Arlene, Merrill 4ll,rMMI llunrli, Marian .. I'J.ihhi Iluf.n1, Mm. J. ., lilliKiultr' ll.VHMt llnnlrl, Mr. -. M., lltmniiM M.IHMI (MMlrlch, I 'hnrliille, Imrrl, t'nl I'J.tHMI Kclksr, Ksinlll.i, Miilin .! imhi Ml.lkirr, Mililreil, .lg.ima ... .VJ..VHI Pi. Until, Ernest, llrnv. (al. .. 44.IMHI Phillip, Mr. ir, n.F.h., I'JIMto Itrlllng, Msrgii.-rile, olene ... S.i.lMMI Trefrn, Mm. v., MarlltHd, l et IS.fHm Wall, Mr. II. W.. n.F.ll. ... il,.VM Vuutiitrrn, (ius. Pine Itl.Ure . I-J.INMI NOMINATION BLANK Good for 2000 Votes Please enter: , Name. ' As a Candidate In The Klnmnlh l alls X. ws and Herald ' Auloinoblle und Pric t ampuiKn Street anil No Town or City j Xo filKni.! . Address w 10,000 Extra Votes If yon enter during first six week of the enmpulan. Only one noniliiatlnn hiitnlc erodlled to each candlnte. You can enter yourself or uomlniilo uny ullicr person. Two $.100.00 Stromherg-Carlson Radio Sets, ful ly equipped, one for each of the two districts, purchased from and on display at the Earl Shepherd Co., 507 Main street, Klamath Falls. 'IBBl fully pur- Two $150.00 Stewart-Warner Radio sets, equipped, one for each of the two district chased from and on display at the Karl Khepherd Co., 507 Main street, Klamath Falls. ffl SECOND CAPITAL PRIZE $1,005 Chysler '50' Sedan, purchased from and on display at Howie Motor Co., Esplanade and Pine St., K. F, For Fur ther Information Call, Write or Phone Campaign Department ) The Klamath Falls News and Herald Phone 89 . 119 N6rth Eighth Street Klamath Falls Campaign office is located in business office of Herald open every day except Sunday, 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 p.m. FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Good for 20,000 Extra Votes During first six weeks of campaign only lief urn this coupon to Hie (ampnlim Mnmiuer, The Klam ath Full New and llernld, Willi your first subscription pay-mi-iit, either old or new, of lliree month or longer, and you will receive SO.IMMI vol.- In n. I. Ill Ion to Hie voles allowed on the ngiilnr role w li.ilnli., provl.lln you act ilurina llin first six weeks of llin raiiipiilun, Namo of Hiihscrilx r . Address C'liii.llil.ile's anin District; No Amount One, $ (, nr new). This coupon, n.roililnnlc.l hy the iinniliiutlnn lilmik nml your first subscription, will start you during: H... fr,t RU weeks of I ho riimpiiiirn with 112,000 vote PI.I'H the resular vole on the subscription, n shown In schedule. Only of thrtso blanks will lio rreilited to enrli rninlldnta. r. T'-l auausi 2n