r Thurmlny, Juno .(), 1)27 TMR EVENINfl HERALD. KLAMATH FALLR'ORFfiOM Tacre TrirerJ MARKET PLAGE ft-: S TIN MINES TO BE EXPLOITED PUn For New Plant At Golden Croaa Told Here By Edward Enkine Flrat murrain step toward the, vxplullatlon mill fti'volopiiitini of tin mill nroperiliw nf Itogn Itlver valley aam iiilnca whlih hnvi aroused th Internal of the nation , ha (won fakeu by th Golden ('roan' Mining company, financed br It roup nf prominent Bend rapltaliat, It u announced her yeatnrday by Edward Kraklti, reprrecniutive of Iho concern. Tim forward amp tnt'l nl-o Ih" erection of 40,oo plnnl which will produce approximately AO tone! of concentrate a day and which will soon be In operation. The vein la tour mile from (Inld Hill and la on of the flneat of the proven field of that avrtlnn. Own er of ad)nrrnt proper! lc arc await ing and hoping that tlm develop men! of th ptopcrllra will lm a eurc, pavlm lh way for them. Mine auihortitr from all corners of Iho 1'nlted Htalva have pronoun- C7 Veronica Reducing Weight -- WaJaBloaal P.nn AI4 Coadltl Kidney, LI a4 Bladd Treaties lalfMtai Centals alien Star Drue Co. "We Know How" NEW CITY LAUNDRY Phone 154 Wa clK for and deliver til work. 4 trial will convince. K. J, K.oi.n, Mr. SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Hoy your wlhrr' supply "t block-wood and groen-ajab'a'i price are nt bedrock for wood once, while tha price are at tho iHitlont, FARMERS Alan atock up for tlm yenr, at t ho bin nr delivered, Wa deliver nnywhero In tho ynlley t rord Jilliilio load, f (01 Main Fhon. S3S oio mcv uavjs a Lim.r ; SaOm ruilV coo aaB Ta KEEP IT lA) UlliS VOO SAlO VOO VJ01A-0? i fed lliul I lie Golden Croa wine holila a high perroiitiig of tin. "Our principal trouble, haa been to overcome keptli-laui of author It leu," Krkln mild. "Wo wcr told time and attain that there wua not, eo ulil not bo, tin In Itonue Hlvir "valley. Asaayer would not bellrv ua unlll w III writ II y forced mtr nielal on thnm to Ihi tested: then they hocunin ardent aupporlera." . The tlolden Croaa vein- la 3,000 feet Ionic and from 40 to (0 feat wide. I "We do feel that there la untold Ireaaure In Itogtin Itlver volley, and wa believe that we ehotild be given moral aupport. At the. Liberty l.eo Maloney, etar of "The Out law Kxpreaa," Willi li romea to till Liberty theatre for -Thuraduy and Krlduy. la arrredlled with belni one of the greatest driver of a alx horae tram In Ih world. Of courae, there are few who are In a poal tlon to dispute thl etatrment. hut those who testify to the truth of It, are themeelve expert aecond In ahilliy only to the popular alar. When Maloney assembled th mat of "Tho Outlaw Kxpreaa," h did to with a vlcwi to ualng hi nun In every poaalhle allilutlon. It Just hniiiened that he picked flv who roulik handle Ih alx hnrae that went galloping over th mountain roads drawing Ih atage roach that endanger 1 -a lO Health Fleineoaoa beajtk, 1 hay carry gai me of vanau dieaaeaa. many of which my cauaa aMrkneea or death. KdltUawitli Hy-Toa. mui mi aMiiira Cmt trill. oMjurroti vs.LM. M TIMS' ISMT I 8AOM IS L2 IT 7.Sr y AO-WATS Jl ! : ah kind of : ' ! GLASS Sash and Doors ; i. I,1 . . o . '. In' . otrccna i; ;j Window Frames i; Come and see us ; I GLASS HOUSE ! ! ; 215 No. 11th I ! Phone 477-W j i A.Y.D. I j (At Your Door) Industrial Supplies. nioNE i7i j r 0C M0US6-f rc playa aiuh an Imporlant part In the tory of "The Outlaw Kxprca." Ilut It wot In tha climax of Ih picture when Maloney allowed hlaj kill aa a horaetnan. Handling the alx hah spirited horeea with the aa of a trained expert, ha swept the old roach around tha aharp turna with amaxlng spved and null It y. Now and then It would he going on only two wbeela. Ilut Ma loney kept up Ibe dasxllng pare and th cameras (round away. At the Pine Tree Clara How, th romantic, fuwlu atlnf ymmx arreeo aelreaa of to day, who haa appeared In recent picture, aui-h aa "It," ."The Run away," and other well known photo plnye, la lie lux atarred a "Marie," the apaebe (irl In "I'arlnlun l-ove," a atory aurroundlnx the under world of Far la the Intriguing city of lore and romance. Pari where even the crooka ars romuml. It la the atory of a dlatlnxulahed Parlaan alcentlat, whoa klndncea and depth of undemanding brlnxa about tho regeneration of two young people, a boy and a girl, who have been thrunt by miafor- IB This new FRIGIDAIRE no5 Jor puts electric refrigeration within the reach of every urniiij IT'S what many thou sands have waited for a compact, con .venient sized, com pletely self-contained Frigidairc, at a low price. And it's here! At a price so low that it puts dependable automatic refrigeration within the means of almost every home. Come in and sec this new Frigidairc. When you have examined the line workmanship and beautiful finish of the cabinet noted the quiet, vibra tionlcss operation of the' F R I G ID AIRE FRIGIDAIRE ' Sales ano! Service R. T. HlNTElt, Agent 601 Main St. More Than f , V. l-sl V ' i tnno Into th Uvea of crime. In the Apiichii dena of i'.irl. Mlaa flow a "Marie." I.lillun Lelxhlon aa "Im Krouihard," an nbulnllle drinking old hnx. who la Mnrle a auurdlun, Donald Kltb aa "Armaiid," rno of Marlc'a Itor. and oihcr prominent tm make up an excellent raat In the romantic portrayal of thl I'arlaiun inaater plece, which oin nt the Plu Tree theatro for Thuraday and Friday. (i.-orro Kcrnard Hhaw baa looked up KtiKllah dlxlecta and aaya there are 4 2,7(17.Ii'iu of them. II ouxht to Tonic over and hear oiira! NEW TODAY KOIt HKNT Four room bouae, furnlahed. Garage.' 120 mo. 1712 Portland HI. SO KOK HAI.K. HEAL KSTATK Wo have a dandy five room, modern tucco houwi In Mill Addition. Thl houae I on a corner lot, two block off Raat Main atreet, con nected with the aewvr. (iaraxe. hardwood floor, fireplace, lots of bullt-lua. etc. The owner , will taki a good lot a firm payment and the balance like. rent. The price la fsr.iJO.OO. Walter and llnrnhlail, C26r Main Ht. Phono CUD. 30-Jyl 1! mechanism -ask us about operating costs. Learn what a small down payment will put this, new Frigidairc in your kitchen. You'll find that you can easily afford Frigidairc now. Phone 618 Tag Can Standi 1 . xsav r" - iyi I lull NEW TODAY KOIt HKXT A four room, modern I eliirco honae with hardwood floora ) anil, fireplace, on the aewer, thrf I blocka from Mill Hchool. 1D 0 month. ' Alao fmir room bouae, on corner of I-ak vicar and IJelu atrect. with garaxe. and ranre In - the kit' hen. a5.00. Walter end Hiirn!il"I, fZt'.i Main Ht. I'bon 6. 3D-Jyl-2 KtK KKNT Completely furnlahed cottugo, neat. and clean. 1 18.00 j per mo. Phone 6S. 12K-5-t IMKiS I'.OAItKKD Keonela Pelican Bay road. ;- . 127-30-2 Foil SAI.K (ierman Police puppies, pedigreed. 115 and up. Kennel Pelican Itoad. 126-.10-2 ; WANTKD Gardner, one day p..-r week to care for lawn and flower. Phone 295 or 851. Pacific Ter race. 125-30-1 KOK HAI.B Income property, good location, 2 furnlnhed bouex, ut coxiplvtcd. One S large room and bath, built-in feature. One 4 room and bath, double garage. Rood Income. Small payment down, balance I50 per month. Phone 1447-W. 124-30-9 KOOM.S 44.0M and 42.50 a week. 352 No. 10th. . 123-30-2 FOH SALE Oil EXCHANGK rHood 4 room houae, 3 lota near achool, walking diHtance from town. Take California property. Price $2,000. Jlox 57S Kvenlng Horald. 122-JO KOIt HUNT Ij-.rge front room -for two pien. Single bed. 901 Pinu. Phone 353-W. 121-30-S FOR KENT Housekeeping room. (Mom In. Phono 568-lt. 1143 Pine. 120-30-2- KoK SAI.K laae and furnitur?, email Apt. homo, good Income, ninull Investment, on Main St. Phone owner 419. 119-30-1' WANTF.D Job shingling, and re fhliixllng. Notify Fred Howard ' at Ni'laon'a L'immI 'Car I-ot, 11th and Main. . 118-30-S FIVE UOO.M eottnge for ale. Prico 4500 cuhi - 4 block from Ma,ln " St.' iroi-BS0 Herald. 117-30-2 LOST From Ford Conpe, 1 umall black bag of baby clothe. lte ' turn to Herald. 11S-30-2 FOM KKNT A nicely furnished I bedroom with hot and cold water A In rnnm Inmilre 20 Lincoln Mr. 1 la vert port. 114-30-1 Foil PUNT One 4 room modern, finished house. Inquire 303 Lincoln. Mr. Davenport. ' " 113-30-5 KOK SAI.K! Furniture for a five room house. In cluding overstuffed davenport, electric range, rug, bedroom fur. ' nit lire. Thl home I for lease. and I one of tho best five room houses In the city. It Is well located four blocks from Main Street, on pavement. Kull base ment, furnace, laundry trays, fire place, hardwood floor through out, plenty of closet space - and built-in features, also large sleep ing porch.- Kent 450.00 per month, with' lease. . Cllll.fOTK SMITH Jtcuitor 727 Miiln St. 30-Jyl Ntat and niodurn three room stucco house. Just off 6th St. Only 42500. Pay llko rent. Rrnnd new English type bungalow In Hot Springs Addition. rav ing paid In full. Only 48250. 41250 cash. Balance easy. . t llll.COTK SMITH 'SOW Keiillon. 72T Main St. A' paw to S3 NEW TODAY KOK RliNT Three room, modern, furnlfthed hone, bath, garage, aullabl for couple only. Pbone ',-W or call at 1335 Lookout Bt. 115-30-1 1SK.1) CAI18 None In. Southern Oregon any better. Our cars are right. Our prices are right, ' Our service I right. And yo'i'wll! be right, If you buy from us. We havn a great number of car for you to select from. Below I Hated a few of wbat we have on hand: 11927 Overland Coach.' license, spare tire, car run lea than 500 mile. 1 192 Olds. Deluxe Coach, bump ers, trunk, spare tire, runs fine. 11924 Master Bull k Sedan.'A-l . condition. 1 192S Ford Coupe. Kuxtell axle, like new. 1 192 Ford, Pick up steel box, spar tire and license, a real buy. 1 1923 Chevrolet Roadster, license. spare tire, bumper, ready to go. IS Kordx. Fords and more Fords. 1 Ktudehaker Light ( Touring. Good buy. ' . Many more for yon to pick from. Easy terms. Roy Call' I'svd Car. See Walt Abbey. Hth and Pine St. lot. Phone 334. WANTED By young lady, clerk ing In grocery store. Experienc ed. Box 577. ' 104-29-3" WANTED To borrow 44,000 on Im proved Main St. property. Will give first mortgage. Call 44S-W. 100-29-SO LOST AND FOUND LOST Black hand bag. containing papers and driver's license. Cora Marker, Shaw-Bertram mill. ? ' " " " 96-2S-5 LOST female German Police Dog. answer to the name of Dirie. Call SI 3 East Main or phone 34S-R. S5.00 reward. 103-29-SO MISCELLANEOUS BROWNIE'S PLACE Old Southern Rarblcne meats of all kinds. 539 Broad St. Phone 1391. . 124-J23-Jy7 WINDOW CLEANING Floor tax ing, house cleaning and Janitor eervlce. Reference. A. M. Rhoads. Phone 1056-W. 107-2S-tf FOR LEASE 24 rooms, either for Apt. or rooming house.' In quire for J. Amhrlgettl or If. L. Knglc. C20 So. 5th and Elm St. 105-2S-0 FOR SALE KOIt SALE Rooming house. Terms Inquire 910 Lincoln. Jel5-Jyl5 FOR SALE Midland Store and Service Station on the Klamath Falls-Weed highway. 110-29-7 FOR SALE American Mohair flair. Price 45.00. 6x12. 315 So. 4th St. . 73-27-30 ALMOST NEW Baby grand piano for sale. Will take upright In ' exchange. Call 107S-J. 93-28-30 FOR SALE OR RENT 1 acre, modern house, just outside city limits or 4 acres, house, chicken house ' and rabbitry. Call or write R. Vance Hutchlns. 32-20-tt RABBITS Pedigreed Chinchilla rabbits, any age. Prices reason able. " ' H. E. HANSBERRY, Rocky Point, Ore. 94 June 15-tf. VATAE& o--M ill vatSMAPPVfl llj." ( PECAUSG JS Ai&'JEB A6AOD OP fl.-; ' WANTED WANTED Truck driving. Box 45 Malln, Oregon. K-27-S WANTED Lawn work, era. Phone 247-J.. Rrferen- WANTED Lady to rook for a small hay rrew. Address Box 91. "Merrill, Oregon. 9S-2S-30 CONCRETE WORK Phono Tom,. the Mixer, 1481-W. Tho. Phlllp en, 824 Plum. S8-J21-Jy2t For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Ranch, 21S acres, all In cultivation, stocked. Machin ery and equipment, good build ing. On Improved highway. Close to Klamath Falls. Price 4125. per acre. Very reasonable terms. RKKD Jk REYNOLDS, 1030 Mala Ht. '. , ' 24-30 K4HI SALE 1 Star tour.,' license. All ready to go. , 20.0L 11927 Overland (, - aid. edao. Thl I sure a buy, license. $125. 1 192$ Olds coach do luxe. Some car I7.50.Cd 1 1924 Ford tour. Like new. 4285.00. 11925 Essex coach." this car (, bargain. A la 4325.0V We have many more to select from. Liberal Terms. ROV CALI9 VSF.D CARS. - See Walt Abbey.' 8tb and Pine St. Lot Phone 334 FORWENT FOR RENT 3-room apt. 234 So. Riverside. 97-28-J ROOMS And small house for rent. 222 Rogers Ave. 94-28-30 FOR RENT Famished rooms. 122 - Xo. 'th St. . SS-21-5 ROOMS 920 Lincoln. Phone 597-W. 132-J20-Jy30 FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 708 No. 9th St. Phone 4S7-M. FOR RENT Apartment. S20 '9th. Inquire 920 Lincoln. 107-29-6 FOR RENT 3 room apt. Electric range. Close In. 1151 Pine. 109-29-1 FOR RENT 5. room house, partly furnished, or S room house, ttill basement, garage. 224 Rogers St. 10S-29- FOR RENT First class furnished apt., steam heated. McCarthy Apt., 630 Pine. Phone 800. 14tt FOR RENT Nicely ' furnished, modern 3 room house, bath, gar age, paved street. 435. 215 Roger. 29-30-Jyl KOR RENT 4 room modern, fur nished house. Practically new. Phone 824. 111-29-30 FOR RENT 5-room furnished i house, very neat. Reasonable. In. good location. 1314 Crescent Ave. 47-25-1 FOR RENT SJeeping room, close In. Privilege bath, phone. Two blocks from new high school site. 1125 East. Phone 1037-W. 3t. FOR RENT Sleeping room. Pri vate entrance. Reasonable. 1160 Pine. Call after 6 o'clock. ,74-25-1 FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. Private bath. Phone. 'Two blocks from new high school site. 1125 East St. Phone 1037-W. 95-28-30 FOR RENT Furnished court pt 2 rooms and bath, electric range, hot water, garage. HIS Es planade, rhone 794-W. t 7-JJ-JyJ FOR RENT New I room nouses, 418.00 month. Close In. Phone 64 4-J. 423 Plum. 84-J2-tt FOR RENT Close In furnished apartment, electric rants and all modern conveniences. 'Walnut Apt., 415 Walnut. Jll-Jyll FOR RENT 1 room apartment with kitchenette, electric range, electric water heater, bath, every thing furnished. 425 mo. 901 ' Alameda. Phone (29-J. 112-29-1 FOR RENT Ws can ears yon big money at tha Arcade Hotel Apart ments, furnished completely, also trie ranges, linen, dlihes and telephones.- Or rooms with private baths at Teal cut rates to per manent guests. Arcade. May l-Juna Oiil sr Kr,-! V m:m lr