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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1927)
PA OR TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Thursday, June 30,1927 Consignment of 'Chinese' To Be Released Here lloniarknljle nnecess of Chinese 3'lienuintii hi the KUmath Baeln has lid Hi.' smio Kama commission to uiiilnirlie that another connignment of mown liinlg from the state game . farm be released here. "Mow many will be ehlpped or bow noon they will arrlre, I do not know at this time." District Game Warden Marion J. Barnes commented yester day. "But I do know that Klamath Is to hare another shipment." The warden has not yet derided wliere the recal itame birds will be r leased. Thousands of acres of matted weeds and. of grain stubble field in the southern basin, and natural liv ' Iiik conditions for the bird through- join' Hi it section hare provided one' 01 ine tiesi natural huuhmis tor mr bird in the West. On lower Klamath lake and Tule lake the birds abound: nor will it be a simple matter to make deep in' road Into their number as they are afforded adequate cover and pro tection,.. With the season on the spectafn- , Jar "Chink" opened but for a short time In the fall of each year, the bird which waa Imported here has assumed major, Importance in bird life of the Klamath basin. KORFWTS BOXD Jack Hemingway. 2133 Eberletn street, has decided that he will not appear in court on the charge of possession of intoxicating liquor, a charge that was preferred against him Tuesday by police who found 15 gallons of moonshine and aeren quarts of Cordon gin. besides boot leg paraphernalia, in bis home. Hemingway forfeited a $20 bond which he placed with police. Yesterray's Results AMKWCAX LKAGI'K First game: . , R II K Cleveland 1 0 ' 1 Chicago 5 13c; 0 ' Batteries Smith and L. Sewell; Hlankenship and McCurdy. Second game: R II K Cleveland 8 - 12 2 ' Chicago 11 2 Batteries Wilier, Leraen, Hiidlin, Karr and Hyatt. Sewell; Faber, Lyons, Connolly and Crouse. Club It II E Iloston 2 3 3 Ne w York 8 15 2 Ilatteries Wiltse and Hartley; Tipcrss and Grabowaki. Club R HE St. I.OUU 3 2 Iietroll ; 9 12 0 Ilatteries Jones. Gaston and SilianK; Stoner snd Bassler. Club RUE Philadelphia '. 3 10 0 'Washington 5 9 2 Ilatteries droves. Gray and Coch r;ine:Thu?ston, Pate, Marberry and KiipI. , X.VriMN'Ab LF.AGI K IioBton-Ni'W York double header postponed; rain. Club It H K Brooklyn ... 12 2 Philadelphia 5 9 1 Batteries Patty and Henline; Keriiuson and Wilson. Club; It II E Chicago 2 8 0 Cincinnati 1 11 1 Butteries Osborne. Carlson and Ilnrtnctt; Lucas and Plclnich. BOSTON, June 29, (A.P.) Bos-ion-New York double header post poned; rain. tXJAST l.KAGl'K Club RUE Oakland 8 0 fcealtle 0 7 6 Mission ..9 7 1 Hollywood : 2 ,7 1 J.os Angeles 5 12 2 Kim Krunclsco , 21 24 0 Ks'iamento ...7 14 2 J'ortliind , 3 11 0 (11 innings) TiK'sdny'a Clinic Club . RUE Mis.-in 7 11 2 Hollywood . ......... G 0 4 I.os Angeles !.... 11 13 2 Kan rVaiulaco ......... J 2 IS 2 Kucramenlo - 2 3 1 Portland ...2 ' 1 Onklnnd J 11 2 Scuttle ..lo J2 0 BATTLE ENDS IN L Mm OWUP District Game Warden Warns Local Anglers lu line with his policy of "flrel letting them know what's wrong be fore one makes an arrest," District Game Warden Marion J. Barnes warued all and sundry anglers that j limits were oeing exceeueu on up) per Klamath lake and Diamoud lake. f "Might lust as well ,arn them, be commented. "The bag limit in Klamath lake, and, for that matter on all lakes of this section except Diamond lake shall be 30 fish, or IS pounds of fish and one fish. In 'other words a person can take 30 ftsh from the lake If that number does not ex ceed 15 pounds In weight. On the other hind one ran ratch IS pounds'! of trout and have one mora than ' that besides. ! "Diamond lake limit is as fol- lows: fire fish in any one day or a limit of 15 pounds, and one fish.! "Both limits have been broken ; frequently since the opening of , fishing season." Portland Twirler Weakens And Senators Tally Five Time era. Batteries: Cooper and Baiter; Kdwnrda, Nance and Jenkins. ' Carl Hulling, making his first si.irt In the coast league lime Join ing Mia Missions. KUtpllclied Hank Hulvey to give the Hells a 3-3 vic tory over the Stars. (By the Associated Press) Walter Kinney blew up in lb eleventh inning and Sacramento broke a 2-3 tie with Portland by counting five times. The final score was 7-3, the Beavers adding a run lu their halt of the eleventh. Batteries: Keating and Koehler; Kinney and Yelle. Whaling two I.oa Angeles pitch ers for 24 hits. San I'runrisco piled up 21 runs to bury the Ansel un. ers. Smith and Sandberg. Walby; Moudy, Mails and Kego. Vive .Seattle double plays choked off several Oakland runs, but the Indians could not score off Wilbur Cooper's superb twirling, dropping a 6-0 decision to the league lead- lUMiiuinn I.OS AXtiKLKS. June 3M, I flu ttering, a il willed ehunge for the better In the financial conditions of contliieiiinl Kurope, Henry M. Robin son, president of I ho Klrst National Bank, has returned to I.os Angeles from Geneva, where he attended the recent International economic conference. Too Late to Classify Al'TOH FOR 8AL.K All the follow ing cars have new paint jobs, new rubber and 1S? license: N)2 Chevrolet Coupe, lopks and runs like new, 1550.00; X9S4 Oukland Touring, looks tine and lota of pep, S42S.O0: 1934 Yelle Touring Silver Soliow, this car Is some buy. (375.00: Late 1925 Ford Tudor with Ituxtell. look this over. S325.00. Cory's fsed .Cur Lot. Slh and Pine. X 30-2 Eight golfers out of ten are mar ried, aero riling to Die stiitlatlclnnsj Maybe that's whnt they mean when' they tulk about hnaards. v GLASSES Fyct Examined. PittcJ anj the tilttuci liriHjml m nir tmu factory to sun ir indmJmM mfXirtmrmtt. Broken Leruci Replaced DR. COBLE'S TO MAIN STRCIT K. fjm ' QMt Smut Natives of Madagascar sleep on carved wooden pillows, an explorer reports. It must be a great con vention country. THE SUNSHINE ROUTE STAGES Change of Schedule KKKKCTIVK Jl l.Y I. I1MT ' l.eave kluniolh Foils for IW-nil, Tli Itallea. Portland 7:1.1 .. M.. 1:M) I". M. Arrive hmUml 1 1 -.III P. M. -KF.Itrt 'F.D SI MM Fit KATFS Tt Anslilnml, Mntfonl and way Points. Iave Klamath Falls M:tMI A. M.. la-.JNI on, S:.tit P. M. FAR KM: ' klumalli Vall to Athlnml S-J..VI k Initial h Falls to Mrslfonl SI.IO' STACKS I.KAVK FROM v NEW STAGE DEPOT Slh ami Klanialli Ave. Phone S'.'tt SOMEN WANTED ' to get married Ihla month and have their suits tailored at ORRES, TAILORS "Where Yon Have a Kit" 1.13 No. 4th SI., Klamath Falls WALL PAPER All New Stock 'Acme Quality Paints , F. R. OLDS '".... Across from Phone 43 WATCH REPAIRING HERE - 1 year guarantee on all work GEO. METZ JEWELER (23 Main J. , FISH STORIES Tell Them with Snap Shots They never fail. We even enlarge them. Stinson Studio (May King) Kodak Service 737 Main Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning , One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St . Phone 825 Herb, Our Chef0sdys: " our steaks are not the best that money can " buy you can shoot me at sunrise." HOTEL WILLARD COFFEE SHOP "Only the Best Served." Steel Trout Rods, each $ .95 Split Bamboo fly Rods, each y 1.45 Imported Trout Flies, doz 1.50 Colorado Spinner 4-0 to 2 size .15 Wilson Wobbler, 1, 2, and 3 size '. .45 Camp Mattress, double size 4.75 Camp Mattress, single size ....... 2.75 Thermo Judgs, 1 gal. size .....i j... 35 Duluth Pack Sacks, large size 1.95 Boy Scout Pack Sack 1.10 A . f t w . f . genis jot ine ramous Lincoln camp uuttits m HOLIDAY SPECIALS - Klamath Sporting Goods Co. 117 South 7th St Near Main. Telephone 1369. ! 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING Work called for and delivered. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works Phone 40ft. "We Know How" FAMILY WORK ECONOMY ROUGH DRY WET WASH New City Laundry Phone 154 T.. 3. Manager 4th anil Klnmalh SPECIAL SALE for the HOLIDAYS All Stamped Goods at a big reduction You will want lo take no me fancy.worlt with you when you (to to your cabin or while camplne. , " Northern Fur Store HIO Miiln Street Safe - Departures daily v .. Only Mralcht-thru motor roaeh aertrke to Portland, California ritles ami ureal rionthwent with .1 dally arhe dule. Serrea all intermedi ate point etop-orera if de ll red. Great reaponalhla ay, tem protects you carea lor haxnaia, Fineat lajii-en-rloaed cam, -reclining chain, beaten. Leare for YRKKA, 1)1 XSMIIH KKIIDINti H. s mcisco Um A.XiKLKH ' i 8.1V IIIKfiO, PIIOKMX, Kl. IKIH)KI. ROSKIIlim P(RTI..XI SKATTI.K, V.XM'VKIl 7:1- a. in.. 10:oo a. m.( ' t S:Mt p. ni., 4:MI p. m. Tei-minal Stage Depot Phone 990 I STAGE Information to all points. Call at . New Stage Depot 8th nnij Klamath Ave. Phone 326 SJ Exceptional QiSO HQTEL mm tTLOa & O'FAH HIU CHOICE We feel that one of the most important ele ments in buying a tailor-made suit is having a large selection to choose from. ' That is the reason that we carry materials in the whole piece and that is the reason that our stock , of both domestic and imported fabrics is by far s the largest to be found between Portland :and San Francisco. ' , Have Your Next Suit Hand-Tailored Chas. J. Cizek "Merchant Tailor" 109 South Seventh St. v Used Cars Special 4th of July Sale 4 Why Wait Until the Lait Minute to Choose That Car? i t A small deposit will hold it for you. . We have the largest stock of rebuilt auto mobiles in the city for you to select from. ' ' ' You can save time, money &ud. transporta tion worries by visiting our used car depart ment. , ' - ' " 1 ' Just a few of the many from which" you may choose: - . Dodge, Rex inclosuie. $650.00 , ' Dodge Roadster 375.00 Four Touring, run ?000 miles, jujt . .-. like new, many accessories 395.00 Ford Coupe, balloons'.'. -325.00 Durant Sport Touring ,.r 175.00 Buick Touring , 400.00 Chandler Touring 600.00 i Jewett Touring T. 350.00 ' Light R'eo Tmck (Speed Wagon).. 150.00 We Will Take Your Old Car in Trade. ' "YOUR SATISFACTION, IS OUR SUCCESS" Buick; Garage 1330 Main St. V Phone 42 I Stock Up For The FOURTH i? ; ; RAINIER OLD BREW :V Only $2.40 a case OLYMPIC CLUB $3.50 a case. , PHONt.BO r ' s6