THE EV18NING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON Pge Thrca IteelliiK Coinforlalily 1 ' - I, Idle Junior Hlraughan, eon of Mr. and Mr... Trunk Hlraughan. I reatlng coinforlalily at the family home following g enverg fall, yeater day, when rilling with lil. mother. The door of the Hir.uKhun car flew open aa Mra. Hlraughan waa turnips on Hlxth atreol and the child foil lo the pavement. A car directly be hind, paaaed over the child, bodr. the wheula nut touching any part of 111. body, -. , . ; . . RIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH I i ii if.. lit of Interest Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Basin. If You Have let for This Department, Your Courtesy In Calling 89 Will Be Appreciated clav, JuneN'nO, 167 1 I lUlry lluinn id Mm. V. W.'.VewabU Of inula, er lha huu.a uoU hi Mra. I'harlee lllley and rauialu here lor at lea.i n Mr. and Mra. llttejr will Ir bouw gueata 10 Hockr norrow where tlwiy will kurlnlKht at the Hllojr mm p). , Mr. and Mr. Venalila u .a tour of lha faclflo I hare recently enjoyed u kouthera California. Thla hi (rip Into Orin and hey y Improaaed with tola arc a Hal.. , In apond tho month of July parent., Mr. and Mra. J. of JX'lrolt, Michigan. Houth I,. H. Nehon of HeatUe mornlni for Han Pranclxo r eouthern point, wbara ho id the lint eeverat warka mi In lha Intnrcata of hit the Airwald Furnace com- fir. Nclaon baa epenl tha feral daya hare on bu.lneaa. me I'oallUin , of Mra. fcUwaru rrop.i iitnroalod to learn ah' will no of the baby deparmeut For l..rlml , ftMicnmiung Mr. and Mra Urland Kn.terly plan . Mra. Lawrence. Mub Iffey of Au to leave tomorrow for 1'ortlfud and orb, California, la rotinpllmeiitlng Vancouver, W.nhlnalon. whore they , bur alater-ln-law, Mr ). Carl New will apt-nd the Fourth of July uoIIti berry with a lirldiio luncheon ou daya with frlonda. They are max-1 Krlday at Llnkbaren. IMra. New. In the trip by motor and eapect to; berry, with her buabanal, la enjy return here oa Tueaday. Mr. anil lr. nil Home Mr. and Mra. John Mi'Call anil j lu her flrat vlalt In KWmath KalU at tha homo of her mother-in-law. : Mr.. Wilbur Jonea; Br. two dauxhlere are homo from a fort-1 Cotton richer Won t num. which took them aa farj W,h , ,cor, of fre ,0 , UJU north aa Vancouver, II. C. They. r,.,,n i.,k... ,, .(, ..,.. , a alx iunliiK twilight ejime played made the trip by motor. Mr. Mc Cull wa. back at bla dutlea aa Poet maaler thla tnornln. Vlih "Tho Hoda Hqulrter." laat night at the fair around.. Hal JJIackburu'a orvheatra ha. Challenged "Tha Coltqn i'lekera to a Condition I'nl.npruvnl menu or anaa i-oui.e cauuaio, slma 0n Krlday night. Hlx o'clock formerly of the (lolilun Rule, will , i... kMn announced aa lha hour. thla coming month, enrry to learn her mother. Mra., formerly held for many 1 J. Cnttuo of Itllt, California, la In i Mb Wrblarr III 1 Mr. 1-rop.t I taking theory poor health. Hlnco Mlaa Cat- , . , w b . eft pr Mra. I J. if. iteuoieim gtor, j, til at tha family home to IIS ll " " I Am Ml.. I I.k W.. - g Hat unlay larney Chamhera and three are expected home oa Hat rom Oakland, Orogon. ley have beoa rtlllag , at of Mr. and .Mm. Colby While at the Adama home oyed a family 'reunion. ' . .ear Home lxle Wyckoff of Webater a, la enjoying a vlalt here me of her and and aunt. Mra. i- I- Lear.. . Mlaa plana to remain her for at inonth. Mlety iHiaia ; a Wot ore and King I'ort- ely float. demonVtcd enlng at i p. m. from June ly 4. on I-ake Ewauna, by urt. Imperial Oarage. St. m1 Home ; W, J. Btelnmeta Jiaa Invited bent of Tha Degree of Hon- eel with her on Friday af- at her home, 117 Walnut ting ha. been called tor ock. Hvr nd Mra. It. M. Itlxga of ron, are rejoicing over the f a ten pound eon, born at day at the Klamath General Ml Rraklne, prominent mlnli.r Oregon, la her for aevernl bunlneaa. Mr. Kmklne In nt of llend and while huio ng at the hotel Arcado. VeacrtpUoalala . Par Drug.. ' . To Wml f: Gregory, aged. 11. and unra ned 17, wore la.ued a mar- 1-en.e at the office of . tha lark thla morning. , 1 Am Xilmm lli.l. I - V. V, . . . 1 I. . parent.. Mr. and Mra,, alrh(lrt. of her AftMriaaDt ;Curint her abaeuce. Mlaa l.liulley l.uMovcl PrJenda of MIm Cortrude Dudley will lie Inlerealed to learn ahe la re covering from a minor throat opera tion which ahe aubmltled to aeveral daya ago. Hba la reeling comfort ably at the family home on I.lndley Helghla. y Ikaaro Well Attended The benefit danc for the baae ball team bald la.t evening at Altamoat proved one of the moat eucceaaful affaire of lb week. A large crowd attended and the proceed wllf bit i uaed for the baaebalt team. liifomml Dinner Mr. and Mr. John 8lemn, ,M)y Kramwa Clark and J.loyd Low on Joyed, an Informal dinner at Link havuu laat evealnx. The dinner talije waa attractively dmorated wUh a low bowl of CallforiiM pop V'As. wllb tall yellow Cailmnrvl lapere at eltber end of the tiblu. ' Knnn Fort Klamath ' Mr. and Mra. JuX Mi Aullffe of Fort Klamath are In the oily today on bu.lneaa,- lluolneaa VMtura tilvnn and Lee Fergunon of Port Kluniaih were In the city yeaterday trannactlng biialneaa. . lloelery MierJnl ' I Ju.t received a new. alilpnivnt' of Arrowhead hoalery'. ll.OV per pair. I Mode Shop formerly -Mi-Lady Shoppe.) 1122 Main. Adv. 30-1 Give Our Visitors a Chance to Eat a . IF, on 2nd, 3rd and 4th our local patrons ' . ' will eat early , ,'THEN, our out-of-town visitors can avail ; themselves of our unequaled "food and service. . . Lef s all cooperate and give our visitors . the time of their live "OPEN ALL NIGHT" BRICK CAFE 117 North Seventh Food Hale , ' The ladlea of Ibe ChrMlan Church will hold a cookod food aala at 419 i Main Ht., Haturday July 2nd. SOAdv. Left ror TortUnd Mr. and Mra. P. K. Hlnkley !uve left for Portland where they -will I vi.ii wnn Aire, innxiejra nuitlcr. Mra. II. K.' Ileppnor. Mra. Hitppner ha bees In poor health for aoiuc time. - Odds and Endls Prices Houlhera Vlaltor Mlaa Julia Dow of Herkeley. Cali fornia, la enjoying a vlalt In Klam ath Fall at the home of Mr. and Mra. (ieorge t'lrlch and with Mia Gertrude Llndley. . t Hale'ln Kalurday ' ! ladlea of The Flrat Mvthodlat' church are planning a cooked food aal to be held. on Haturday at MU Irr't Meat Market. ftetamed Moutlt . ' 'Mlaa Anne Obermuller of Ilay- w ..I eklllnmlB t.M h.a i. . U . '. , mw UCVU ill'.' j for the pa.t two week returned to ber aoulhera bom thla morning. Cooked food Ma te lly Mvthodlat ladle at Miller. Market, Saturday, July 2, 1(27. Adv. 20-2 JtutM Oeereat l.akr Mr. and Mra.' J. L. Drury nt Creaccnt Laka are here on a brief bu.lneaa vlalt. They are .topping at tbe hotel Arcade while here. KaJolug II Mra. Avla McConnell of Llnkhaven la enjoying a reat from her bu.lneaa duties and la .pending the time at tho Iledford aummer home on tho upper lake. . Pox of Sacramento -baa nr- le eftr for a With III. uncle, Mr. and Mr. C. V. th ueeta nd Mra. M. Kotaman and ry , Kottman of Dend arc In th rltz today. Tha par Watered atrtho hotel Hall. Ilgoina T II. J. Loftagard of Algoma king In th city thla after- ir Mo at de.lgna. Tbon It 11 Hero Ilrnd .-Mr. and Mra. A. J. Vellum and daughter of llend are enjoying ,a In Klamath Pall, with friend.. While here they are gueata at the hotel Hall. From I'lno Ithlgr Mr. K. Gnlll.plo and Mra. P. Thomp.ou of I'lno Itldgo apent Wod no.dny here .hopping. Krum Han tVanciiiea : 8.- nura of The Auoclated Oil Company, making hla headquarter.' In San Franclaco la here for aoveral dayx(on bu.lneaa. J Y lolling From k'ugrnc I ' Mra. If. H. Ford and Haxu! Slrow- bridge are here for a brief vlalt with frienda and are hotel guc.ta at the ! Arcade. Coata Ilemodeled. Fur Manufacturer. Furrier : MJlfl. Wn.l.IAM , 1IK8HLUI 42 Klamath Avenue. Between Fourth and Fifth. Klamath Fall - Ore. HhoppliiK From Pannlna - Mra. J. II. nowden la .hopping In the city today from Paunlna. . (cattle Doctor II L. 8. Van Oordor, pauminent phy sician of Benttle, la here on bu.lneaa. Dr. Van Oordcr I .topping at the hotel Wlllard. ' ' Mra. Owh.fta III Mra. W. A. Owlng.l. confined to her home today aufferlng -with an attack of throat trouble At The LIBERTY Theatre v Thtgraday and Friday LEO MALONEY i in ' "The Outlaw Express" . w A Thrilling, Daring Weaterner! . olce y lint In varioua at raw. at reduced price. Juatln' & nery. Adv. ln lmmrel Irondltlon bf Albert May of tor la very much Improved Mr. May ha been aerloualy .ereral daya at the family Vlaltor ' V?' I rinor of I-.kevlew la a bunt- j Itor In Klamath Pall, today llo'here la .topping at Ihe, iii. : S k From t rearem and Mr.. W. 11. Brock, well rn.ldenta of Crearent are vl- br a short time In Klamntn rlth friend.. M -Theatre IWtgaiilaaagaaaaaaaaaaa. T T T "l" l" rr,VTl'YVVV-WVVVXrUVXA THURSDAY and FRIDAY "PARISIAN LOVE" Featuring CLARA BOW THE LITTLE RED-HEADED STAR OF "IT," AS "MARIE," THE APACHE GIRL. It's a Typical CLARA BOW Picture! New ON A and Co mplete Stock Regardless of the fact that our store is now filled with a new and complete stock of merchandise we are going to continue our tremendous odds and ends, sale until Saturday night as announced. Instead of offering you odds and ends merchandise at a price we are offer ing you your choice of a new and complete stock at odds and ends prices and at prices that will astound! - ; j Note Below the Wonderful Savings Every Suit in the Store Divided Into Three Value Convincing Groups $18.85 S23L85 $28.85 Including Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Clothcraft, Buddyshade and others $20.00 Values' $25.00 Values $5.00 Values ValueJ8'00 Boys' Suite Boys' Suits Men' Men's "Pants 11.85 , ; 13.85 Dress Pants 4.95 2 Pair Pants 2 Pair Pants '.3.95 Hannels and $2.50 Values $1.25 Values $5 0 $1.00 Values Dress Shirts ' , , " Value. Athletic 1.69 ' BOySOaUs Hats Union Suits 3 for $4.50 3.85 79C $4.00 Values $2 00 Value $6.00 Values, $4.00 Value. Moleskin Union Suits ah Wool Silk Rayon Pants 1.19 Blazers Union Suits 2.95 Cha0.and ; ( -95 2.45 - $6.00 Values Values All Work $2.50 Value. - Oxfords Scout Shoes Khaki Pants ov L79 Overalls rw195 r Greatly Reduced PL'yD Always the Best. Attend the Huge Bargain Carnival and Save Oregon Woolen Store 8th and Main Sts. We Sell for Less. - I -4 :i .......4 .... . ... I i Preecrlptlonlat m Pure Prngi; ,