PAGE POUU i THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Thursdnv, Juno 30, 1027 E Announcing the Opening of Out HE FIRES liC KLAMATH Firt Blaze Now Under Con trol; Enforcement Offi cer Issues Warning A red nirnare lite firo demon horern over Klatnath'a virgin pine lorwlii. ' With liot woather aim low lin nililltv. fire hatard haa raUeil to l ho point where aoperlal rare muat be Mi'rted liy every person In the woods. Frauk M. Hooker, enforce ment oftlcer for the atato hoard of forestry. a!l today.. "We have already eontrolled our flint-- potent tally aerloua fire one that covered 15 or IS aires on 'he bknko of Klamath river below Keno and whirh waa obviously afarti-J by a, flahernian who had tossed a match or cigarette Into dry brufV "This blaze, fortunately, was utopped before It rearhed the tim ber line. The next ono m:iy be a different Ptory. "I have been assigned to tbi territory to ee to It that woods men, campers, fishermen, hunters and tho like, obey forestry lawr, and I ask for cooperation of the public." Hooker urfred that care be ned In disposing of camp fires, and that eniokera should be careful cot to throw a lighted cigarette or match In dry brush. 'Appoint Directors For Chamber Work Community advertising Grocsbeck. . I Civic improvements department Bert Hall. Legislation department, Fred Fleet. ' Merchandising department,' R. F. Ilurhin. , Special committees, Fred Fleet. Membership department, C. H. pnderwood. - Finance and budget department, l. M. Collier. . ' Fornra luncheon, Bert C. Thorn a. Program and work -department, B. F. Dnrbln. Finance budget committee, W. O. Smith, W. H. Lodge. Oscar Shlve. James Swansen and R. K. Ueweese. Pedestrians Cause Of Many Accidents SAX FRANCISCO, June 30. (UP) - Carelessness of pedestrians nas been blamed for 44.2 per cent of the 1 automobile fatalities in San Francisco since January 1. In a coroner's report, 37.7 per cent of the deaths were attributed to carelessness of the automobile driver, while in 2 cases both and' pedestrian were said to hare been responsible for the accidents. Sixteen 'of the 61 persons killed were drivers or passengers In auto mobiles, while the remainder were classed as pedestrians. Speeding re sulted In six deaths, reckless driv ing In four, while negligence was held responsible for only one death. . Masterpieces nnrbtl. NEW YORK, June 30. (JP Masterpieces of art dealing with bird lifo,-painted and sketched by famous expert, are burled beneath common paint and wall paper on the walls of John James Audubnns old study, and it is doubtful whe ther they can bo restored. The mansion along the Hudson ' rlv-.r where once lived the ornithologist and artist, who died in 1851, 's now a rickety frame house ocm pkd by James McCrath, a railroad Worker. The studio is his kitchen. Tearing down some old wall paper he found something "pretty," but, lie explains, '"I got tired of looking at those bird pictures, so I got some good lead paint and put a nle coat all over those walls. Then I got tired of the paint und put up some green wall paper." Experts are studying the possibilities of restora tion. ; 1 ITU TROOP Plans to organlre a 14th boy acnut troop In Klamath nnd to com plete enrollment In time to extend the privileges of the summer scout camp at Lake of the Woods the latter half of next month, were nn-uoulirr-d yesterday by llnryl Blcvfns, scout executive. The troop will be by Rev. Allison, pnstor of the First Christian church. Appointments, of directors to aerre on the tentative program of work vhich was recently adopted by the board of directors of the chamber of commerce were named at the luncheon of the , board on Tuesday noon. Following are the appointments Which were made: Re-manufacturing and wholesale, , J.C. Hoyle. , ' Agricultural department, J. W. Kerns. Land settlement, J. W. Kerns. Forestry and stop forest fires, -."ft"." E. Lamm. Roads and highways. W. C. Dal; ton.' ' , Transportation and rate depart ments. J. A. Cordon. Federal building department, E. JI. Balslger. , R, i C. In Connection I. Milium II ,M .UtU V aWsUtU-dsU u u with the Shoe Dept. 4 . The 12 Steps to Savings Just walk down 12 steps to our newly established self-service hosier- department and you will be amidst a large assortment of hose in all styles, qualities and prices. Every possible means is being taken to save the women of this community money on their hosiery bills. By the establishment of this ndditinal sec tion we fully believe that we can offer better service and better hose at lower prices. Walk the 12 lucky steps and see this new department. ' A Make the Golden Rule Your Hosiery. Headquarters , All your hosiery needs can now be easily satisfied under one roof your desire to have the opportunity to select from thou sands of pail's is now here come in and see them note what a saving it is to walk the 12 steps. This extra addition' is proof that' the Golden Rule has quality hose at reasonable prices. . Super Hosiery Values Always , Klamath's Greatest Hosiery Center Biggest Hosiery showing in the coun try. There's been nothing like it in the history of Klamath Falls - Chiffon Silk Hose Knit full length with splendid quality pure "silk very .sheer, light weight, 'very fine gauge and in many colors. You will be more than pleased with this beautiful hose every pair shows taste in hosiery selection. Theme AH Silk A full fashioned, all silk hose, knit of pure silk. Very beautiful and rich in appearance. A selec tion from this number in Theme will be an in vestment in real stylish hosiery. m.ool '.J' & 4 Pairs ( ILa $5.50 VA ' $-1.95 II 3 Pairs ' J I $5.35 J : :? ' 1 A 'J i .v i )1k I .i.65 Is4-68 yi Theme Service Weight $. Theme also offers a good, substantial hose in a service weight. This hose has proven its worth by real hard wear. Along with its wearing qual ity will be found a good looking pair of hose. Pointed Heel A beautiful silk hose, silk to 4-inch garter hem, pointed heel, cushion sole and made from a good weight thread. A trial of this hose will convince you of its real worth. $ I .00 Dozens of colors. . 2 Hosiery Sections , Down-stairs Main Floor Visit Both Presenting the biggest and best collections of Hosiery Holeproof Hosiery Silk from top-to-toe Full Fashioned ' Silk from top to toe, full fashioned, . Holeproof alone offers this hose in such lovely colors very new creation by Lucille of Paris. This is the hose that has the ex-toe and heel, which insures three to four times more wear. . Dozens of colors to choose from. $51.95 11.3 pairs J l $5.35 Holeproof Medium Weight $51 .65 Pure thread silk to mercerized flare ton. New I I r Paris colors. ' , , t, ' J I $4 This is extraordinarily good for the. price it's a sheer weight, full fashioned hose. Excep tionally unitorm in texture and even appearance. New pairs .68 Holeproof Service Weight A good serviceable and dressy hose mercerized heel, toe and sole. Service weight with 18-inch , silk legs. This hose also comes in a host of de sirable shades. 11-35 II 3 pairs Silk-Fashioned A $1.50 seller in . ,t ; any store Note these features: 1. Fashioned. ' ' 2. Pointed Heel. ' ' 3. Reinforced toe" and heel. 4. bilk to top.' 500 Pairs Children's Hose AT In Brown, Black, Biwcuit and BieKe. Thi8 is a won derful hose .for wear and comes in good looking and fitting styles. 25. In season s nety colors, 700 Pairs Allan A Children's Hose . In Brown, ' Black, Beige, AT ' cnampagne anu thamois. A real dressy hose of last ing quality. $L29 2 pairs $2 -55 Service Hose The ideal hose for everyday wear. You're assured of long wear and a good fitting stocking in this group. Silk to 4-inch garter hem, cushion soe and reinforced lisle toe. 79 c 2 Pairs y $ J.50 50. Fancy Ribbed Boys' Hose In Pongee ,and Brown. This is a 60c (teller but a large purchase permits us to sell it at this low price. AT 25 Black and Brown. A sturdy hoes with double knee tot insure long and hard wear. AT 50 Complete stock of Golf Hose Men, Women and Children 59c $1.00 $1.95 MSI . . luiMiii.hMiiHiiiiiirtiiiit ri HI AM ATM JI PA I I i Watch for new items to be added to our Downstairs" Hosiery Department. -'tov - - 1 , ' 1 an 1