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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1927)
City Edition The Old Home Paper Price Five Cents PLANE HALF If Inclement Weather Hampers Transmis ion of Radio NEW YORK, June 30, (AP) The Wealern Union reported at 7 o'clock tonight New York daylight time that Commander Byrd ' had flown ever Litieux, northwest of Paria and waa j expected to land at Le Bourget field in about a half hour. I.r Ih'I'IUIKT laM.ll, frnitr, June- llo, (A P) (11:2-1 p. ill.) At Ihla luoiurnt, llryd tlans America, luta brra In Iho air Ju one minute over BT hoars. Th crowd Increas ed steadily and at till liuur there wrr About 3,imh' rul Inside lli ground., anil other thousand are huddle,! outside. The rain con. inure steadily but I Hp visibility la atlU good. NEW VOHK. Juno 90. : Com maiidir Uyrd and lila crew of llirro on Ihe monoplane Amur Ira hara seen neither lund or sea lnre 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, he aald In a radio message received at Iho America hangar at llooaevclt field at 7:49 a. m, daylight lime today. IIKEST. France. - Juno 30. IA1--Tho radio service of the niarltlmo prefecture we ' In roinRiuiilrnllon with J'ommander Richard K. Ilyrd al five o'rlork French daylight tlmo til in aftcrnoou I noon eastern day 1 In lit time). NEW YOUK. Juno 30. (,Pi Tha French Cable Company I advised from tta station al Ureal Miut Com. mender Ilyrd ha been In communi cation with the l-o Honrgct flying field through an P.iigllsh wlreleaa atallon and Hint lie expecta to reach I Continued on paita six) HOUR PROM BURET FLASHES ' Tlli:.HlHV Ml'UI'l.lH l.AlttIK WASHINGTON. June illl, (API The treasury surplus for Hie fiscal lenr rnillna lonlnlit will niipnivliiinte KM.VtHMMHMI, II was indicated Onlay, exceeding ftcrti'lnry Mellon'a eslliiiute Ions surplus wn In HUH, when it . . CAI.II'Oltvn TOWN lll'HNINU , OAKLAND, Calif., Jinie l). (AP) The iown of Paclicco, lM-tneen ( oniiilil and .Miirlines, wits hiirnlna; tmluy and ileaplte I lie ffforta of fire men from neiirliy toiviia nil llie buslnesa pstnbll-linieiils m fenred Uimiiii. nl. The loss nits slliiintiil at K.HI.IHMI when Hie town Imll, luilli house, npiiiimeiit douse mid three stores had be'n ileal royiil. I'lNII WIIF.KL OPKHATOIIH OIIDKKFD TO 8TOP rollTI.AM), June mi, (APIAll flsli wlni-1 oH-nilors on llie upM-r Coluililiin well- imlcrt'd lo shut down' ymterdny ns n result of dissolution of it temporary liijuiiclloii iikii'iiIiiIiik Hie stiite from ciiforeliiu; the li'Kln. Inllve net liiiniilHit fislinliei'ls froin the slei'iiin. . . , i '. . e KIII.I.V ON WAV HACK . ' ' . ; VANCOl VKIt. Wash., Jniss IIO, ( Al') Lieutenant Ihikley (I. Kelly, flying litis at lo Vniiiiiuvrr Ihitnicks from Washington, whero lie partlcl puled In llie wclcoiiie to Coloiud hiiilcs K. I.hicllieruli, Is expected lo reach I'eni'xm field here this iiflcrniMin nt rl p. in, . (IFHIttd LKADINd IIAHK HI Til NKW VOHK, June Illl, (AP) Iriiii Jehrl(r pnaseil HiiIh' Itulli lu home run when he lilt for llie circuit In Hie first Inning of Hie game with Ited Mux here Indny. Itulli unit Minrehnrt were mi liiisc. The smash was (lehl lg's U.HIl of the scnsoll iigillnl U4 for Itulli. ASK T'OH IIKORUANIZATIOX v HA I. KM. June Illl, (AP) The Warm Hprlims nml Hie Deschutea IrHga llon piiiJiiSs have requested the slide recliiniiitloii rointnlsslon In inn ki ln veal lunt Ion nf llmse prolects us the first steps Inward rem gun lint Inn mi ller nil net of (he HI'JT Icplsliiliin', , GOME TO KLAMATH FALLS JULY Associated Press mm VM11ILI APP.ROVE BOND ISSUE; MARGIN OF 273 VOTES OHIclal rouni of 15 of the it pro- clncla In Klauiatb revealed lhl morning that volora at the twin I I election Tuesday ratified the half million dollar road bond laaue by a mutorlty of 273 votes. - final rounl allowed aa follow: 1107, yea: nil. no. . Analysis of the return reveals I that while Iho city voted attain! the I Inane by 61 votes, that the country on the other band (are the under taking a plurality of SOS. The rlty rote waa aa followa: 431. yea; 99. no. The country vole waa aa follow: SMO. yea; 390. no. The line precinct yet to be heard from la Klamath lake. City preclnrta which Voted for lh luue were a follow: 7, 1, t. 11 and 17. Klglil country preclude voted against Iba road Improvement aa follow: I'lne Grove. Udell, M'. I.akl. Merrill. Malln. Topay, Tule i Laka and Wordeu. Kxcludlng the ona precinct yet-u bo heard from. I'll vole out of a total registration In Klamath conn- -ly.."13l were cam. ... (Continued on page alx) E Father Locates Body I n Swirling, Murky Stream Yesterday Afternoon Swirling. swoHen and murky wa ter of Anna Creek claimed the life late yesterday of Joaeph lloiind tree. Jr.. 33 months old eon of Mr. and Mra. Joaeph Koundtree, con nected with the alatson Lumber company, when the tiny lot, reach ing for a piece of bark In Iho slVeam, tumbled Into tile Icy watir and tt swept Into deep water where he Immediately sank and drowned. 'robing the cloudy waters with a pike pole, the father located the body several feet beneath the sur face where II had caught on it log. The child had alrayed away from It mothers side but ten minute before, and at the time of the tra (Contlnued on page alx) hy "HUMMMMMI. The Inritvst prvv. -wadicd .VI.1,(mmi,ihn. . i m ANNA EE and United Press Telegraph Service KLAMATH FALLS, ORE.f THURSDAY, JUNE CO, 1927 STATE OUTLINES BLACKMAIL CASE Special Prosecutor Fore cast Evidence Against Walshes and Smith T lv iik'ii who vtlll wim iin (Im iciillt or liiUfKTtirc of llnrry WuUlt, trim mul hruml ftUullrtl wt Irr, Murlc WmUIi, lit iirtffy Ritil nlirurlUf vlft nntl Hy Hinlf l i tnrMirtl MtruhiA of flit !ri JimM I lit fitomlui; from llir U ttf llinir MuiiiiIiik NMrlitl )rovrrulr. tli furrraat of rtdlrnrr by nlilili tltc Mnlr Imt la m-r1 (hi lo m m mul womnti to tlit KnJtiitlury on tlio rliurtct of bliit ktiiMlllntC K. .. iMinlinin, rinilnrn( nml rll-ltHii nut mobllt dlMrlhuior of Kluttwiili Fnllti. . Thoy n-crre told hy Mr. Mnnnlnic In bU otulnx intemnut Hint thtvo thrvt) coiiKplrvd, covertly and malt ... i, i t. VIIIUFM, IU UIIK I fUHIIH( ll OUVtl 1. position that he would be forced lo give them f 10.000 and a Sludebaker automobile. The two Walahes and Smith were arrested on the night of April ; on the charge of attempting to extort money. Dunham at the time was lying seriously Injured In the hos pital from a broken arm and brulsos whlrh be alleged he sustained at the hands of the husky wrestler. N Tool of Men Itnferrlng to circumstances whlrh he claimed would show that thJ Walshes and Kinith had conspired lo blackmail before the day of Ita al leged perpetration. Manning said that evidence Would allow that Mrs. Walsh, had been the loot of Smith, 'the brains' and Walsh 'the brawn,' and that she had, through one pre text and another, lured Dunham to her home on F-ast Main street. "The testimony will show," tit- special prosecutor related, "(hut Do u hs in. always anxious to servo prospective customer In hi auto mobile business had answered aev irul ralla'rroin Mrs. Walsh: that "hi had asked him on the night of April Is lo take her to a dance, flsrt say ing that her husband hnd gone out of town and that her aon was not at home; that Dunham agreiil Jia drive her to stie'dance and leave her there: (Continued on pnge six) If r. 0 i ,v i PUN ACTON Tills la Hie niniV's gliiut Fokker as it flushed by Tefi'urli Jllll, lo Hmiolnlu.'. Copyright, 2, 3 AND 4 AND uashhaSr . IIONOl.ri.lV June 30. (IP) A" thnuKh they entered lionolu Ihrouich the hack door yeaterday nornlniE, l.leut'Banta Leater Multlnud and Albert Hegenbericer I today were mended every honor T7! city In the conventional manner. The two I rim, wlndbronxed. enp alile l.iiiklnK younic army aviator had (pent the tilk'ht In a private jaulto at the Walklkl )eacb hotel In 'an earncat endeavor lo make up for I the sleep they loM la their flight al I hour, nil minute from Oakland. California, to Hawaii, at the 'end of which thty had nonchalantly landed their !x ton Fokker at Wheeler field, near here, yeaterday morning. No definite time liad been fixed a ; to when the army plane would ar-1 rive and. reaching Wheeler field from an unexpected direction, it had al-j moat landed before it presenca waj noted by the walling throng. The couree the flyer followed had been definitely settled upon be - for their tnke-off in Ouklund, Mall - In ml and lleeenberger were to fly.ed In the amusement 'end1- Men .lairnleht the Colden' Oate to --- --- -- (Continued vn pant six) F T Lloyd J. Wentworth, Trus tee for Bankrupt Mill, Brings Action Today PORTLAND. Ore.. June 30. (Jpf Lloyd J. Wentworth, trustee of the Wheelcr-Olmstead company, to day filed suit In federal court against F. Hill Hunter, the I.umber niens' Trust Company and Hurt E. Hawkins, sheriff of Klamath coun ty, nsking that tinnier, reputed holder of mortgages and ller.4 against the concern, an ad Indicate 1 bankrupt, be directed by the court lo give an accounting of anmu'iU allegedly In his possession ar.d askiug also that certain mortgage oe avi inreu voni. en,,niii claims lii his petition that Hnr.lerj HUNTER OHAUN attempted lo purchaso varmna con- J. K. Hearron. V . IL Jlarrisun ! i D.,,l Mi.!t,n.l II l.l.,v,l MltlMr tt Riinnvtil., secured claims against the coin . imnv. before It went into b.iuttinl cy. ' , ,N a v IHartii aWfrjaaMaatieaWAiafc'f'hal LISTEN TO THE EAGLE SCREAM Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Ar jOLO FASHIONED iPOUeTH PEP IS i a n . e HIGH PITCH !AT popuIat;on cf Klamath Ba- sin Will Center Here For Celebration Next Week .All tlilnK are foculna; In Kla uuttli Fall ou celfhrMlfcun . day ami lieKlnnloa; Katiinlay inornlnic (he city will lie like a world' fair, filliil Willi ry rry feature for fun and amusement that ran be aitracted to a xutxl old fashioned, i Fourth if July relebl-af Ion. The neuera,! committee charge ho not overlooked a alnale fea. ture that would add Intereat to tae , three day occasion, and at the last meeting of the committee the re- view of program and feature waa (very natlafactory to every mciuuer. i For "once there la a feature on , the program for every person. The (old and the young have been Inclnd-iie and women each have their favor - -- I fie stunts and sports- - Added to' tfi .whole are the orthodox Fourth or In existence. "'j j -(July attractions, such aa the greaa- ', : - : ' eu POI. HUH KR'Uru "S vail ,nuira carnivals and the glamor and gilt-; tcr of a great combination of good ! events couched . In the feeling of . hospitality and good fellowship. . i The committee will see to it that ! no hold-up or skin game are work - ed at this celebration. Klamath Falls has Just experienced a wave of I hat kind of entertainment and every member of the Fourth of July committee together with the city police force will' watch carefully and Jail anyone attempting such work. Come to Klamath Falls on July 2nd, 3rd and 4th and have the best time you have had in many years. . -FlyiiiK l'onulnr, NKW YORK. June 30. : UP) AnW inonv roKaer, wno nas quue a rep-. utation for building planes, knows ' at least half a doxen men who want , to fly around the world.. Some of j them wish to do It without stop, hy re(nelln In the air. , , , - lUiJoybig Trty " . ! vMhinipinn are enlnvine s visit in Klamath Falls today. The guests ere reentered at the hotel Wlllurd. Hun Kianelvo, nn Its wny out the flfJ7. Hy NKA MervU-e, litc.J Be ' " (Vi lHAfU CHAMP WINDER IN 10TH ROlSND BY KNOCKOUT Ol.YMi'lC RINGSIDE. I-ondon. June 30. UP) Mickey Walker, mid dleweight champion of the world, knocked ont Tommy Mtlligan. Euro pean champion' middleweight, in the tenth round of their 20 round title bont tonight. Walker, after ndlug Mllligan down for rounl of even and nine, respectively. In the aeventh round, cored two more clean knockdown In the ninth and the Scotaman wr a badly beaten boxer when he wen to bla corner, with, hi face cut and blood allowing- from, hla mouth. , A rlpht to the Ja wa the decid ing; blow. ' Walker parted the tenth round with a aeries of blov- to the atomarh and then Trained lover a hard right to the Jaw. Milii- gan went down for the firth ana lait time. ' KAItt; flSH tt -M i Rfc.NO. Nev., June 30. Hr' Tne Nevada flah commiaaion announces that specimen of the cnl-cul, a rare , flah found In Pyramid Lake, are to shipped to the, British Museum ' of Natural History In London. The i mi-cut is declared by scientists to Wonf of the oldest varieties of fish P M C E i . l lu t .1 W I '" ; Application Made by Norlll j . . . ern Line to Operate Train to This City PORTLAND, Ore., Juue 30. Vf Plana are being made by the Great Northern railroad to operate tra'.m between Portland and Spokane lu the near future, and between Port- land and Klamath Falls when me - ed. Officials hope that tbe railroad construction work n.w from Bend goutn lo raunlna whldi Is be- lnff- doue by Rupert and Kenneth Hauser. will be completed by Jan Application to be allow unrr 1, ed to operate the new trains has been made by Ralph Budd. presi- dent of the Great Northers, to tne ' Interstate commerce commission Tsajr-fju-rxrw-r-, ' .v.," ' 1 Hidden flute across Hie Pnclflc ' ' . LAY PLANS FOR 1 WKATHF.R. OKKUO.V: Fair tonight and Fri-' day but cloudy and unsettled oil lb north coast. Warmer la the esit portion Frlduy. Gentle west sod northwest wind. , Number 6060 SINCE FIRST Fastest Growing: City In Northwest Keeps Up Fast Pace , As the firat half 'year ' of 1927 draws to a dose today, one more building record an other higher mark . to shoot, at has been attained ; in the northwest's fastest ., grown., municipality, Klamath Falls. In brief, Klamath' Falls has set a new record for building" for the first half year, a mark which exceeded lest .year's first half year total by ' ap proximately $4,000. ' I ' Following are figures: 1st half ef IO-JS, 910.37:.; first half of 1047. 0S3t, or withta striking dis tance of the million nark. It was Jane'a permit that fait over the first half year rerun! for i -A- -k t. ': innn n pnrr 1 : ' - ' :: ' NEW RECORD' MADE HERE llr2T. During lite past SO Oaya penult totnUji '4a03T have been granted. Two twllitlng Vv Jects. Hie Piccadilly theater . nml the Furch apartment honae, . were i for IIIO,lHn each. ; 1 However, June l27's mark M slightly nnder that of June 193$ which, the records state, shows a totar building Investment of 1 300. 715. ' " The transition from May to June this year Insofar as building Is concerned waa audden and remark able. May showed but $T.703 . while June, the succeeding month, leaped to nearly four tlmea thM figure. Tendency in bnlldlng In Ihe city at this time is a decrease In num ber of homes and ; an Increase. . ie number of large commercial .and Industrial enterprises. A cursory survey of city hall records roraals that compared with last yeur. mie, ber ot homes under construction haa dropped close to 100 per cent. Oh the- other hand development and expansion in the Business district ha shown & corresponding ' lot crease. . . , , Two to be Arrested For Letting Blaze 1 On Property to Run Complaint against Robert ' Riggs and V. C. Rexford charging then two men owners of lots on I.akc.''' shore Gardens. Just north OC. KlaV math Fall with bavins allowed at, fire to get beyond control on their properly, will be filed today. FranV? M. Hooker, enforcement orricar tor Ihe stute board of forestry anuonnc ed today. ' ' "Fire cannot be burned wltu'eai first sernrlnif nermlsslnn from ' an- thorltlos," Hooker point out. , "T will bo glad to not only' supervise, but to help. In burning brash pile. but first the permit must, be -ol-talned. It may be secured uf (he Klamath Forest Protective associa tion office." Mr. Hooker told of Injudl. loot burning of brush north of Klamath Falls on Lakeshore Gardens . and, iaid that property holders, .by fell-, ing lo take proper pains, not only Jeopardized tree of adjacent pro. pertle but also tlruher holdings!