Secti6nTyo Wfa& WlATHEh." OREOON; . Fair,, tonight and Thursday but fdg near the cot at to night. Warmer tn tho" Interior ot th wMit ponton Thursday.' Lower humidity. Moderate, n o i th srl jr winds.. - , Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Price Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1927 Number 6065 TvT v .-Ay. - V . 4-T it U (.: ' -' -.: (; ffl.v. .' r' -1 m ss i E WORK TO START ON S. P; PROJECT $2,000,000 Railroad Under taking Underway Soon; Finished October 1 Willi rrcsj awi'inliliiiK at WcihIiI oiitliirn li-niiiiiiui of tlit' V. ', H (). work In Klllllllliril looming "" Vi vhiLi, Cullforiiln mut Oregon mil mini, u project rnlullliitf file p m uilltimi at niiitlitiHii-l'. 9'i.WW,. OOO, Hill lie aliirliil mi aiiii'iluliil 1 1 mi- -.hurt I after July I, according In miiil lunar illMiii' riiiniliiiiil inlliiii front lliu ttvenlng HcrnM' lki'vlew rDmnMiiifliii(. Th N. (.', t U. controlled mid fi nanced by the Houlharu I'nctric Id narrow gatiae linn extending from Lakrvlew IM in lira souli'itu Writ del where It ci.ntifirta with lh 8. H.'e Westwood r'rnlry branch. In an Interview wllh V. II, Mc Cartney, general manner )r the N. C. O. railroad, the lloruld 1 FOURTH OF JULY SALE OF USED CARS Try and Beat These Prices: 1926 Essex Coach ! . $400.00 1925 Ford Coupe $250.00 1925 Hudson Coach, new paint, tires and motor overhaul.1 Studebaker Touring : .......... $150 'Ford Touring ..$ 75.00 " . . - .: 1 926 Chevrolet Landau Sedan, four new tires. ' ' Acme Mptor Go. Phone 680 Open Evenings and Sundays . . ',, ,,..-,,. Ki'..''-:. . u J ruriwii'initniit biurpcd flint three rravK n( 12(1 men each would work on llm project under Ilia direction of A. K. MiKnnnet, H. I'. ongluear who In Cham ot ronalrnctlon work on th Caacade line. ' The flrat rrnw will lay alternate gauge tlia; Hi aprond will lliy the nrw Hiat'l rnlla; and Tim third will Imllnut I tin rand bad. Tbo Work will b cimjilntcd liy Oi-t'ibiT 1. Tbo naw proji-rt la aluhllliaul not only barauac It mean I ha de vlopnu;nt and eiploliailon of Lake romity rokourcra, but twaua It In-illial-a (lit early runipli-llon of th Modoc Northern rullroad m project whlrh would extend from Klamath Knlla to Alturaa ronnartlnc with th N. ('. U. railroad and wjilih would not ha poaibl unlxaa thn H. I', aubaldlury waa Mandard rauitrd. 3 Vereran Thespaln v ; As Growing Weaker BAN VrANCISTO. June !. iAI John lmw, dean of AmcrUan ac tum, auffprad a relapa ypatrrday In hi flkht analnat an attack of artb rltla which aelted him In Portland aavcral k aico. Ilia condition wa reported extremely weak. Thn report mark another tarn In Mr. Drew' battle, which thua far haa been a gradually lonlng one. If had "fnlrly itood" day yeater day, faoapllal bulletlna aald. Kuveral tlmea aim hi confine mnt to the ick bed the 71 year old theaplnn haa been ropprted on th yorxo of death. K. K. TOTrt ItlNTIlllUTK T). 8AI.KM. June . Htat School fiaperlnlendout C. A. Howard - re port that the Klamath Falla achool hav contributed toward th Oreiton fund for the rehabilitation of th Lou I mi Conaolldated Krhool In th flooded aectlon of Muuilaalppl. The achool rhildrfn of Oreiton have un dertaken to put thl achool In re pair for the nponina; of th 'fall term. Huperlatendpnt Howard fur ther report that 147.11 haa l roady been received for thl pur poa. A barber lu New York waa run ovr by but own car. Well, that'll Klva the poor fellow wimethln; to talk about, anyhow. Aire They Collies, or Wolves? p. mi-,. What'wlll thc four yu.mratera trow op to be Mother, who aianda . i by wlill they hav their dinner. II a wolf, captured two year azo en a farm near Milton. Wl. Their futhar la of the Colli breed, a do-' - ineatlo pet for avneratinna. If , , v Ko, .. -'- ........ v -Jcov' ANNOUNCING THENEW 15UPER ' . SIMPLEX IRONER Both Ends Open-Automatic Touch Control ' '. . . Jrons Dreiret , Men's Shirts, Lingerie Everything Easier, Quick ..-a r and Better Than You Ever Dreamed Possible. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION : ' v V- By MISS NEVA Ll BRIDGES' '.' 6 DAYS, BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNE 27 . Ladies! Bring Down Your Ironing and Let Miss Bridges Show ' 'You How Quickly arid Easily The Simplex Can Do It. ' The California Oregon Power Company 4th and Main Streets, Klamath Falls ifniii"jil Final Organization Grazing Association i To. be Made Tuesday .' is. " " t ' .' " n Final ornanlxatlon of lh Klamath baa In araxlna; acsociatlpn a or-1, anlxatton 'which will leas lower' Klamath lake a a- sraxlos adjunct to the Klamath llveatock lnduatry will be conaummated next Tueaday nlxht, it waa decided' at the original meetlnir of the Jlreatork men held Monday nixht. r The Tueaday met Inn will be con' ducted Id the Merrill ' commun hall and all llreitock man of the Klamath baaio are arced to be pre ent. i A committee an by-law waa ap pointed a follow: N. R. Laird, Jamea U'Keefo of ML Dome. A. L. A'ndrleu, Morrill. Klchard Walah of Mulln. and E. L. lfoaley ot Klamath Falla. i - . POIZE SEEKERS : ARE AfJfiQU NCFfl Crater 'Entrance Vfioads Mby Not be HOpen by July 1st The falling of ' foot of -enow In the Crater Lake national park Sun day, followed by. fraeilns weather.' prmenla grave danger that the en-1 trance road to the laka ctnnot be cleared for travel by July 1, the - (date i for the- official " opening M (be park.'- " - i Kerty men are at work on the Mat foor-mlle atretch of mow be tween Anna ipringa and the lake. but a the drift are all feec deep " and practically aolld Ice, glow pro grea is' being made. Weather' In the park la atlll -nnaettled and in dication are that mora anow will" full.1 - v: . 1 V. ;. ",' Tb flrat contingen: of lodge em-, ploye. about 20 peraona. left Mad-, ford Monday morning for the lake. ' They wjll travel a far a pomtible ' by automobile and then haul their baggage and auppllea the remaining diatance over the frozen anow with , aleda. 1 i A crowd In St. Loui didn't know I Lindbergh but gathered around tt look, at his naw alUcr-sray roadater. Oh. well, Rt. Loul 1 a pretty big town. , ' . ' At The ' .LIBERTY 1 tTheatre' .LAST TIMES TODAY : LILLIAN RICH :iiN.;- Tlie Golden iWeb" The .Third '.Degree! On truiLfor-mwder! A 300-foot plunge! An earthquake! all in THE GOLDEN WEB" Chamber Members Asked t Attend ' Span Celebration List or Contestants for Her ' aid, News campaign. Told , , iv in -Today's Issue n,; j 'With the "appearance today on j another page, in thla laaue. of the ' . name of "men a n H vnman fntn Klamath Falla apd aorroundlng ter ritory who bare entered-The Kla math News' and Evening Herald's 14.000 prize campaign, actrrlty commences in every section.. '.The public la made t aware, for too firstNtlme, wha th -ambitiou mcn and women are who are aaeklng the many valuable' prizes. '1 r; . With all the preliminary work ot tke campaign attended to. th mer ry race to gather votes Is now on In earnest. Not a few. candidate hcf Improved their 'time during the leal few' days by phoning their acquaint ances what ihey hope to do. Some have enlisted the anpport ot their relatives to spread the news that they sr out after a, beautiful new Membors of the Chamber ot Com merce have been extended an invita tion to attend the celebration of the 'crooked Tllvcr Tlrldgo, north ot Bend, ! enclosed car and are' determined to k3 I Theatre LAST APPEARANCE TONIGHT OF AN . ; ? EXCEPTIONAL-.13 ILL OFrj -v- "VA'U D E VI'LlL E" A Comedy Skit, Novelty, Violin-. Virtuoso, . ; J ,- Singing and Dancing t r vON THE SCREEN: ' JOHNNY HINES in ' "STEPPING ALONG" ' Coming Thursday and Friday CLARA BOW in -PARISIAN-LOVE?i j v a '., to be held on Jaly 1$. through a letter from the Bend Chamber ot Commerce. ' ' The . Invitation was ' extended through J. Upton who is chairman of the roads committee of the Bend Chamber of Commerce. - ! A rticl e Ad vertises Great Klamath Basin 1 1 .- "Klamath An Ing" Is the subject ot written by Attorney R. beck which will appear tn the August laaue of The Oregon Magazine. Copies pf the magazine, which is beautifully llluatratod. - were shown at .the Chamber of Commerce some time ago, when A, Rebel, publisher. '.appeared before the directors ask ing thst they support the magazine. which Is now on sulo in all the news stands throughout the sate." " To further advertise Klamath, The Southern Pacific haa ordered more than KObo extra copies ot th) August Issue In which Mr. Groes beck's in. Others have obtained promises of subscriptions, resisting that it is the esrly birds that get the automo biles. , Perhsps there are a few whs" have hesitated to enter. These should read how easy it la to get a good start which will send them I along the road to victory. . Fill I out the nomination blank appearing on the same page as the first list of nominees today. That blank I will count 12,000 free votes. Send Empire Awaken- It In and you will be aapplled with . 2: i: 1 J, an article I all necessary forms for taking ssu- (VGroe- scrlptlons. Interest is High ' , In Tout " South To " California WIRTZ : TO 122 S. 6thXSt: juU pff Main Summertime and Ukuleles New Unar.BaantlfuKXlDM and -a atonth's Free Lessons Pjos-Y-ctrola9-Edis6na---U opMuaicilor $1.00 We have a few bargains in used Pianos V- ' i '"' .. . PlCTURE'rRAJflNO ' " ! ' , PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING " : ' 'V - ; ;- , PlANOS 1TDNED AND REPAIRED With a goal ht ISO-ttcketa to be sold for the Sacrlmento-San Fran cisco , excursion on July 12. an in tensive drive was started yesterday, under the direction' of FT. M. Bubb , of the American National Bank. A number ot business men made splendid -article on thla section U to , ero"s yv-wro.y-wna u nnnear - ' . , Miss Wither spoon '"" Is' Good , Prisoner i SALEM, Ore., June 2: W) One ot the moat valuablo prisoners In the state penitentiary, according to Superintendent Meyers, Is Mlas Har riett Weatlifiraoa who Is serving time for participating In the looting ot thn Florence State Bank aevpral months ago. She works In. the prison office and at present Is en gaged In revising the prison records. . ; . HOY KII.I.F.I. SALEM; Ore., June 29, ( Beilo Rernlng. 1 year old son ot Mr. and over th,e week-end Reports from Sacramento and San Franolsro Indicate the southern ' cities are planning a 'celebration for (he local visitors upon their arri val In the south. Hal Blackbnrn's orchestra will ac company the delegation south, plans for the members to go being com-, pleted at the. chamber of commerce directors" luncheon, Tuesday noon. ... Loreman Locates ' Lethbridge Well V-aiaVJkBWsa : ,u The Joy of Vacation should not. bmarrwi tSya rnisera&e aching tooth, when painless dentistry, can so readily relieve any such troubles that teeth are heir to, as practiced by Dr. Coe. . . . There is little that is painless or repugnant His methods are of the very latest kind, scientifically up-to-date, and backed by dental skill and knowledge that has made! his reputation an en vied one. Inlays, fillings, crown and, bridgework are his specialties. .. xv- - V; ' DR. R; D. COE i - Hopka Bib.' Phone 836 In the Oil. and Gas Journal, a, national publication; there was pub-' llahed on June thi an Item ot news' tolling ot an oil strike at Leth-. Mrs. Otlo Horning ot-Gervals, was' bridge. Alberta, at a depth of 2200 killed near that place on the Pacific highway laid yeatorday when ho was run over by an automobile driven by It. 0. Simmons, a salesman ot Salem. Witnesses nay that In try ing lo ouV from hitting the child, Simmons ran his car Into the ditch, and that th boy ran from behind another car and In front of tho Simmons car. , , WOMAX PALM, IHF.S PORTLAND, Ore., June 29., () Tripping on the basement stairs to dn. Mrs. Laura C. Mink, SO, fell to tho hasemont floor at her homo, struck hor head on tho concrete and diod beforo medical aid could reach her. Hor skull was fractured. ,-' j '. . i. I .'' M i . iwi. . This Item of news Is Inleresllng to Klamath 'Ilnsln people for the reason that John Loreman, who haa Just started a well In, the Bonanza region, made a geological report on the Lethbridge, territory three years ago and his report atated oil would bo found at -about' 2 lt0 feet.' 'Ap parently Mr; Loreman waa right. If his judgment here Is as good as It was tn Canada this cduntry ' can look for an toll-excitement-as soon as his well Is down. ', Who remembers way back when Chiang and Chang were baring a war In China and took mdst ot the first page? IsTow $feVe Got a Good Place td' Eat Only the best served .-. a HOTEL WILLARD t. -H ! 1 '