FACE FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Wednesday, .Tune 20, 1027 PORTLAND OUTSACRAMENTO Yerke Allows but Three Safe Hits; Seals Out s' last Angels (Hy llir Associated I'm) Carroll Yerkes had the best of a pltrhvr' battle with Rudy Knllio. and Portland nosed out Sacramento to I. Yerkea allowed but three . lata blows while Kallio yielded six. three twin home runs. Klraer Smith collected a pair nf circuit wallops and McOurdy of Portland and McLaughlin ot the Solons each hit one.- Batteries: Kallio and Koehler; Yerkea and Yelle. The Seals outlasted and outslug ged the Anitels ia a wild affair in which , eight pitchers saw ' service before San Krancleo won 1! to . 11. Batteries: Pieroy. Hamilton. - Yarrlson. Weathersby and Hannah: Mails, Geary, Turpin. Kunt and Mo t'rea. A trio of Hollywood pitchers "fail ed to hold the Mission, who took the aeries opener, 7 to 5 by bunch ing their hits at opportune momenta. Batteries: Barfoot. Christian and Whitney: Fullerton, Mulcahy. Praul and Agnew. Seattle shelled Art Delancy off the hill In the first inning and won as she pleased behind effective pitching by Mil jus. The final count was 10 to 3. Batteries: Delaney. Hasty and Read; Miljus . and Schmidt. Yesterray's Results NATIONAL Club St. Louis lvtnilt .. I.KU.tK K. H. K. ..... J 10 4 IS 0 Batteries Kalk and Sedan : Car roll and Wondull. H. Second game: Club K St. Ixuts 5 7 3 IVtiMlt 10 0 Batteries Winsard and O'Neill; Collins and Wondall. League Pennant To be Awarded IC F. Pelicans Chili It. It. E. Washington . .4,8 2 Boston 0 ! 1 Batteries Crowder and Hoe); (.undgreu, Wlngfield and Hofmann. Call 'Em Hams, Not Hands l . ; . i r ! r Try this on your piano some time. Ibis trick of iMut llaiisou. Vmi tana State pitcher, who is holding hv baseballs In one Hand amlUle i lu the other. The ent reason he didn't have ts hi each hand t he cause there wasn't any more balls on lite Held. Hanson waa one ot the leading college pitchers and littter ot Ills section this year. Club K. 11. Philadelphia S 11 New York V 15 uatteries a I D e r g. K. 3 t Johnson, Rommell, Pata and Cochrane; Shocker, Moore. Peunock, Thomas and P. Collins. Club R. It. E. Cleveland 7 It) 3 Chicago 8 S 3 Batteries Hudlin and L. Sewell; Conally. Jacobs, Cole and Croupe. McCurdy. NATIONAL I.K.;i K Club R. H. E. New York I 1! 2 Philadelphia 7 14 1 Batteries Songer. F. Thomas and Taylor; Mitchell and Wilson. Billy Evans -Says- "lnb , R. It. E. Chicago r... 1 S 1 Cincinnati 8 12 1 Batteries Root. Bush and Hart- nett; Rixey and Plclnicb. Fair Golfers Will Compete Tomorrow Official champions of the lirst di vision of the Southern Oregon base ball league, the Klamath Falls Peli cans renowned as the team with the "scoring punch" will be award ed a pennant within the next few days, according to word received here. The pennant will be given the winning team at a meeting of league directors. Second division of the Southern Oregon baseball league will open July 10. The Pelicans In nine league starts, tasted defeat Just once dur ing the first halt of the season; that waa when the rejuvenated Ash-; land Boas nine beat the Klamath aggregation on their own field two weeks ago. The Boas took second with seven wins agid three losses. Grants Pass took third and Med ford, the largest city in Rogue Riv er valley, occupied the cellar.. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock the women of the fleames Golf and Country club 'will 'hold another' of the series of elimination tourna ments that they have been conduct ing this spring for the purpose of determining who shall take part in the final competitive tournament. At noon tomorrow a " sandwich picnic will be served in the club house for those taking part in the morning's play. .Mrs. It. W. Bridgeford urges that anyonewho is at all Interested In playing be present tomorrow morn ing, as it is the desire of the club to increase the interest of -the women in the sport of golf. Kb.wcr SoII.t Rich. ' NEW YORK. June 29. (,Tj For years an old fellow with a long white beard sold flowers1 In Unloa Square and many customers so pilled him thy Itpped him a nick el or a dime. He died at 97 worth IH5.0U0. The revelation ram It litigation over the estate of John I Armstrong. luvtmtor I'mplre Passm Away Jim Johnstone, former veteran major league umpire, is dead in Cork, Ireland, whither he went three ufka ago on a vacation to the old sod. For years, Johnstone waa one of the leading umpires of the National League. " Later he was affiliated with the- Federal League and tbe American Association. After giving up umpiring as a business. Johnstone, who always spent the off season aa a metal worker, discovered a very light metal, of great strength, that ot late yeirs has almost entirely supplanted wire In the making of a baseball mask. ' The mask now worn 'by most catchers and umpires made of heavy bar metal Instead of wire is a Johnstone Invention. Hal Tenipmtttoas Career During his career as a major league umpire, Johnstone had more than his share ot thrills. He first Jumped Into national' prominento back in 1906. because of a contro versy with John McGraw, manager of the Giants. 1 It seems that the officials of the New York club, displeased with Johnstone's umpiring tarred him from tbe Polo Grounds when It was learned he was to work in an Im portant series With the Chicago Cubs, then fighting' the Giants for the pennant. , j As I recall the circumstances. President Pulliam of the Nation.il League personally escorted Umpire Johnstone into tbe ball park. For a time the bitter dispute that resulted threatened to disrupt the league. President Pulliam at thi time said h would have suspended the New York club if theumplro hqil been refused admission to the para. ' The Chicago Cuba won the chan- pionship that year, only to be beaten by the Whfte Sox In the world series. t Won Dispute With llosa Johnstone In his diy was great umpire. He ran his ball games with ati iron hand and would brook F no Interference, I officiated with I him In the I90S world series between Pittsburgh and Detroit. National League umpires still -get a laugh aa the result or a run-in that Johnstone once had with Tom Lynch, former major league umpire, who at the time was president ut the National League. Lynch In his day was commonly referred to as Ihe "King of the em pires." That title stuck with him until his death. Lynch had put Johnstone on tha carpet over a certain ruling that had resulted in a protested game. The argument waxed warm between the two for t time, when an outburst on the part ot Johnstiyio, spoken In all seriousness, caused Lynch to throw up bis hand la despair and end the argument. Said Jobustone: "So they call yon the "King of empires': Well, Just take It from me that I can see better around n corner than yon could straightway in your palmiest days." -" Direct Current Necessary Eddie llundlboe. who worked with Johnstone In the American Assocla- v f t f t T t t t r r t X f f " t t f f y ? ? ? T t t t f T f t t Sale Closes Saturday Night For your own good, allow us to make a careful and comnMe test of your eyes, which I will prove whether or not they ar In need of help. DR. H. W, BARR Ere ight Specialist GUS DUNN JEW tl, Kit An OPTICIAN G03 Main Hirer x.. 'av n t 1 ar . .m. & m lies. Phono 114.1 Klumntb' FalU Office' I'hone 1183 Melhaa Uldg. NOTICE The Neighbors of Wood craft Will meet- Vedncn day, June 29, lit 8:00 o'clock in the' Odd Fel lows Hall, for general business and drill. Kroehler-made Davenports and living Suites are being offered this week at tremendous reductions. Come in and inspect the many styles and patterns. , ' t X . while they last Magazine Racks Sewing Cabinets - 1.45 '1.95 T ' t a Mordoff Furniture House X x 4 4 f f T ? T 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING Work called for and delivered; ' Klamath Cleaning & Dye Work. I"hone) 40H. Z7 GLASSES Ey Kitamticd, lilted and tha Glasc Cirrurd in our bwa , faaory to wit your individual ttifktr menu, t Broken Lentet Replaced DR. COBLE'S 70 MAIN STRCET Repair I ' Quick Sereict tlon, oiice told me an Interesting story, showing Jim's peculiarities. In hla Inter yeara. Johnston be came very heavy and llm warm weather bothered hint greatly. To get comfort, he carried an electric fun with him around the circuit. Tills duly waa delegated to Hiuidt hi. The fan, by the way. required a direct current to operuto It. . lining Into a hotel, Juhustnn would first register, then Inquire ot the clerk what current was used, If the clerk said direct, all was fine, hut If his reply was, .allorniitliiK, Johnstone in anger would fnlrty shout: "This Is a hclluvj hotel. (lot that fan, llundlboe. We will try some place else." llundlboe says ho almost got humpbacked carrying that heavy fan around tbe circuit, looking fur hotrla with direct current. Dist'i ss limn wttitK. Many Bosses .f.'-j.. .w - r-.V . -..fl .'. "t V A, V'. lusted ' three days. ' Tbu jury was uut flvo litiura. That members of Ihe roads and highways committee had met with a delegation of' Uikevlew realdonia upon the matter of completing the construction ot the Devil Harden section of the I.akevlew highway, was reported at the directors' meet ing of the chamber of commerce oil Tuesday. Members of the county court were highly endorsed by the chamber ot commerce In the active part they have lken lu having this road improved. , ,,t,,,,,V;.x ,t.'i.1 ' 47? V'1' ' i t u H vrt s .': 'V r' l t jt WATCH REPAIRING iii:kh 1 year gunranteo on all work GEO. METZ jiiwi .i:u Its Mala CORNS S3 "Tim o nitiiinool beMa lias Hi i-nlo Nilis had In ten eek ut pl.iy lit the Ami rlritii J.i nunc. Ni ls, 'tluiwit hare, sinned silli iili lurioii, plavcil si'UmjI vck Willi levelanil ami Is no' with Iho y. hlie tiox as a rcvno nutlivlder. Ends pain at once What Is a Diuretic? Peopl Are Learning the Value of Occasional Use E VSR VON knows that a lav ative stimulates the bowels. A diuretic performs a similar . function to the kidneys. Under the strain of our modern life, our organ are apt to become aluggish and requireaasistance. . More and more people are learning to use Dom'b Pillm.cc casionally, to insure good rum ination which is so essential , to good health. More than SO. ' 000 grateful users have given Domn'm signed recommenda tions. Scarcely a community but has its representation. Atk your nuihborf DOAN'S pf irtw.fcai fiamrie ra f Kidnmy tmtm aWsiaCa.am-ra .B igii. M Y. AtV I'lTKIi ' JIAKKII, ' Ore ', June J. two shots at his former wile, Ida ticorge Itobnor. charged with firing ! Hohner, gear hora June I. waa ac quitted by a Jury In circuit court here late last night. The trial Ho wmltlntmt minus after you apply Dr. a hull's Zino-pads th pain is gone. Alter tha corn I healed it never come back. If new shoes Irn tsts the spot sjsln. Zlno-pad flsea it overnight. Old methods of partng enrns. or uting cauiue acxU, au dangerous, : o tti. SrHll' ilne-esd ar sslt, anilte tit. lro4ffvllv. Sfflin., TMr slee lltff rSMr ,imit.rvllilig mn4 neilwi mt At all rncslst sad sliaa Sfaif t'u Cert Sl s IHAff. DlSchoUs XirtO'pads Put on on (As pain it f eJ I- t IK' ANNOUNCEMENT 7 The New Way Laundry will open for business JUNE 30, 1927 At Martin Street and Home Ave. ' iV ew ' Sanitary ' Methods of Washing Clean fresh water and individual machine for each bundle. Price reasonable. Phone 1469 -Prompt Service Only Ran orpc have the patented CALROD heating units which' are more efficient and practically indestructible Other Exclusive Advantaga of I 1 111 IlatfMi'nt Aulomalic Runirel I '11 if Maifitalnes! Trmprralure. Hotpoint'i V THE patented Hotpoint CALROD range surface unit is the newest and most efficient ever devised ; a prod uct of the Research Labora tories of he world's largest manufacturer of electric ranges. CALROD is cast inside the solid, smooth iron disc. It is your assurance of. i Greater Economy . . Higher Efficiency Speed and ' . Everlasting Dependability Make sure the range you buy is a Hotpoint, for only Hotpoint has the CALROD surface units. (You may have one or all CAL ROD units on your, Hotpoint range, as you prefer. They are interchangeable with the ' open ' coil units.) ' , Maintain! Trmprralur. Hotpoint'i oven automatically maintains the eaact heat it is set for, all during the cooking, as prescribed by leading ilom Econo mist. ..... Spttit On repeated teats, the Hot point 6-Inch and 8-Inch "speed" aurfac units, and the Hotpointfbven, are fttftt in reaching a required temperature'. Larger Ovens. Hotpoint ovens ar. "over-atse." Measure them and sc. how much larger they are. - Flreicss-Type- Cooler. ' Only Hotpoint can offer this. It fits flush with the rang top, in plac of any on of th surface units. For boiling, stewing, steaming, making soup and a host of . other uses. It helps make Hotpoint th most! ECONOMICAL electric rang ver made. -'- These are but t few Hotpoint gdvantageg. Se th full tin of Hotpoint Automatic Electric Range on display at your power company show room and learn In bow many other way they ar superior to all others. i ', .... , There's a Hotpoint Electric Range for Every Purse and Purpose aT.aT.al- MM Automatic Electric Ranges EDISON ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO.,' Inc. O World's Largest kfanuf acturer oflElcctrlc Ranges, ElectricaVatcrHeatersindllouieholdElcctrlc Heating Appilanc V