Pafce Sit THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH TALIS. OREGON Tuesday, Juno 23, 1027 ' ROYALIST HEAD TURNED LOOSE Mystery Surround Release of Leon Daudet, June 13th, In Parts : PARIS; June 18. OP) Leon ; Daudet, royalist leader who waa Int- ! prisoned June IS, to serve a termj , Tor libel, waa mysteriously released , from prison this afternoon as re- suit, it la aaid, of a hoax on the prison director, ! ; Daudet a associate, M. Delest. and Secretary-general Semard ot the communist party, also were releas- d. . . The release of Daudet waa ef footed by the royalist organisation. Camelots Du Rot, ' king a henct- men," It was staled at the office of L' Act Ion Francalse. This organlxa- .. , .'. ; MADAME N ADRU . ' Clairvoyant Psychic ' Permanently Located At ., . 436 So. Riverside Ave. ; Bead loss Daily S A. M. to 8 P. M. i. Phone CS2-R tor Appointments ufholstkrinu H. H. HI ATT, UPHOLSTERY Manufacturer of overstuffed furni ture. Pull line ot materials. We do mil kinds of upholstering. New and general repair work. -. We deliver and will call and ahow samples. Window Shade Hammock S3 Main St. Klamath Falls, Ore. Phone SMH-J. FOR THE BEST Ask for the union card ' F. R. Olds. J. H. Flkes. R. L. Green. L. B. Shehorn, C. H. King. Mr. Carpenter Employ members ot L. V. 1279 Starting Slay 1st Red Ball Stage Line Bet. Lakevtnr and KUm. Fall Ly. Klamath FalU S:iW A. M. Ar. Lakertrw at 1:80 P. M. lit. Lakertew at 2:30 P. M. Ar. Klamath Falla 7:30 P. M. Leave Reckard'e Aato Stage Office Phone 77 HURRY TAXI SERVICE Under New Management Phone 341 Prompt Service J10-jyl0 E-lCAVATIXCi . ULAKT1XU Sewer and Cesspool Work Phone 422 Call at soa K. Main St KRAXK MARTIN HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES Leaving Klamath Falla 7:15 A. M 10:00 A. M-, 1 P. M, 4 P. H., making connection to Portland and way points same day. Connections at Ashland t with Pickwick Stage for Cali fornia points. 7:15 A. M. and 1:00 P. M. Stages make direct through con nections to Portland and Seattle. 10:00 A. M. and f P. M. Stagea make direct connection to San Francisco and' Los Angeles. Local Office 015 Mala St. Phone 090 - YOUNG COAL & TRANSFER COMPANY "DIAMOND BRIQUETS" Phone 1O07 First Methodist Church Tenth and High Sta. FRANK L. WEMETT. Minister Realdence, 1005 High St. .: "W Specialize In Help . i fulness." Sunday Services 11 a. m.a 7:80 p. m. ' CHILOQUIN STAGES Leave Klamath Falls Dally for Chiloquin and Intermediate point as follow t t a. m. 12:30 noon . 1:30 p. m. 7:80 p. m. T a. tn. bus to connect for camps beyond Chiloquin. C. R. KINO, Owner KLAMATH-WEED 8TAOB WEED and Intermediate points. L. K. K. 7:30 Ar. Weed 1 Lv. Weed 1:80 Ar. K, F. 8:00 . , Stage Leaving . lug Terminal Depot ClC Mala .1 lion I composed of loyal supporters of Daudet. According to the story totd at I.' Ai t Ion Kmncalte, some oue Imper sonating Minister ot the Interior Sarraut Instructed the prison di rector to releatto the 3 prisoner, "t hanown iMtaiiiion It la reported that Daudet has left Paris "for an unknown destina tion. " . Some Camelot la said' to have telephoned the prison director ami' told him that the cabinet decided today to release Daudet, Delest and Bernard. A ' mlnntes later the director became suspicious and telephoned the ministry ot the Interior, as a precaution, but even In the ministry one of the "kng's henchmen," np- parenny was waning ror me can. Ha told the director he was M. Sarraut and sharply instructed him ("Hurry up! Execute my orders." fus Cocky,' Roy and . . J ' . ... Ray Silent, Sheriff Burt Hawkins Finds "They're Just a the press depict ed them. Hugh la cocky, with an air ot braggadocio, and Roy and Ray are more silent but appear to be pretty aalisled with themselves and life in general. Hugh, from a cur sory glance. Is the brains. Hia face is keener, his eye brighter and his talk quicker." ... . . This I Sheriff Hawkins' summary of hia reactions when he saw the three De Autremonta. Slsklyon Tun nel murderers, who have Just started their life sentences In the state penitentiary. , - . . The Sheriff returned yesterday from Salem . where he took J. H. Grayson and Prink Clark ot Kla math, lite termers, and George Frank Way. seven year sentence, to tba state prison to begin their sentences. "Hugh waa the only one that talk ed while .1 was there," the sheriff continued.- "He said: 'Say warden, I've Just crawled outside of a bis meat and It was sure good; If yoj continue to dish up chow like that, you'll have no trouble from me'." , "Hugh said It in a rather signifi cant tone, an implied the warden that he would have to be ; good to mm ana nts orotner ana there would be no trouble. Ray had nothing to cay." Roy and J Patriotic Program - For 4th Announced ..The Patriotic program to be held at the completion of the street par ade on July Fourth, under the aus pice ot the D. A. R.. was announc ed yesterday afternoon by Mrs. F. Clover;' Vi '"OT'.r.v - PoMowing Is the schedule of the program: Band Selection. Entrance of Goddess, Columbia and Justice. " Two verses of America, band. Singing led by R. G. Patterson. Salute to Flag, audience. Presentation of Goddess, Justice and, Columbia. . Mayor T. B. - Wattera presents Key to City to Goddess and her at tendant. Reading ot Declaration ot Inde pendence Rachael Solomon. Star Spangled Banner, band. Singing led by R. G. Patterson. . Invocation. ' .' Invocation Rev. Thomas. IntroductionsCaptain Applegate. Children Wanted, To Enter Parade All younfrstcra who want to enter the children's division of the Fourth' ot July parade a week from today I , . . . . , riHuiaKor oi me uainascr atoior company by some time tomorrow. A number of entries for this popu lar parade bare already been -xude and Mr. Hamaker wanta to make It one of the biggest features of the entire celebration. Some good cash prizes are being offered the young sters. The Hamaker Motor company Is located at Eighth and Klamath r.nd children are nrged to see Mr. Hama ker some time tomorrow without fall- Annual seedlings and biennial and perennial plants need water on hot days and will respond readily to frequent weeding and cultivating by producing stronger growth and therefore better flowers, says the Q. ! A. C. campus florist. MOM'N POP chick- rftH'Re qoiaio to J SwciZ ; i STftUCWU (4fi)MQ BtSOWTS MO X'M ? I,' WS,WP? t rV. ,, . T", - 7lrllS ISGDNNVj ( ' lg Obituary KlXCi IMHM" (John Taylor) Funeral services (or I ho lull! "King Dodo" (John Taylor) , were held on Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock at tho Karl Whltlork Funeral Home, Pino Arenuo at Sixth with Rev. A. F. Simmon' of The Flrxt Baptist church officiating. IVr- ' formers o( the amusement company j with which he was connected, at- . tended the last rite as well as many employees. Interment waa mado lb the I.tnkvlllc cemetery. King nodo was 78 years of ana and a native of Jacksonville, Florida JACK MOLLIS The remains ot the late Jack Hollla are In the slumber room ot the Earl Whltlock Funeral Home, Pine Are nuo at Sixth where friends niav call. Announcement ot the funeral .arrangements m be mado later. New Club Cars. To be Used on "Cascade" Soon That the crack S. P. train. th "Cascade" will soon hare a new club car. something that will be In a clasa by Itself in luxurious railroad equip ment, was the word received he.' today. The Pullman company I now con structing new club cars tor the "Cascsde" which will within the next few months be placed In ser vice. The club cars now in nse never were Intended for Indefinite use. They formerly were used on the "Shasta." Delegation Returns From State College With two weeks of Interesting lectures and experlmenta tucked away In their minds, ( delegation of over 45 enthusiastic county club boys and girls returned Saturday from Corvallla accomDanled hv warning to:Coi.nt riIlh t-.j.r r,nw w s. to ,nd olner escorts- "The two weeks course . offer vl by O. A. C. was 'the best ever held at the state college," Mr. Sexton com mented. "Klamath boy and girl not only enjoyed themselves In their work but acquired knowledge from the foremost experts in agriculture In the northwest." Preparations Made For Scouts Camp An Ideal camp with practical liv ing conditions will ho provided Kla math boy scouts for two weeks this summer from July 18 to August 1 Reryl Blevens, scout executive, said today. "The camp," he explained, "will be located at Rainbow Bay on Lake of the Woods and Is a perfect slto for such purpose. Forty scouts will be there the first week and 4) the second week." The camp will be In charge of Mr. Blevlns. He will be assisted by J. W. Scogglns. Merrill, camp director; Merle Swanson, Klamath Falls, scont patrol leader; and Tom Cunning, senior patrol leader. BOOST PROJECT. In the Juno 23 Issue of the San Francisco Business a weekly pub lication sponsored by the San Fran cisco chamber of commerce a news story on page 2 tells of the 8. F. chamber of commerce boosting for the Klamath Kalls-Wced highway. .Significant is tho following state ment: "In thla connection, th i ii (i 111 'rt: i "ill ncim renrefetttaf ton to tho conference rnKed at Sa rv mento, July 20. to dlrrnss ways and means to construct tho SO nillo highway." Thief Scared Away. Either a passerby or a policeman on his beat, frightened a tire thief awsy from an automobile parked on Pine street between Sixth and Seventh, owned by R. W. Geary, McCarthy apartments, recently. Lugs on a new front tire had been removed and the car Jacked up by the thief. A lean flat face, without wrinkles snd a bright eye are Indications of the laying hen. A hen which ap pears to be masculine Indicates poor layer. j Mrs. Sparks is Named Goddess Of K. F. Fourth Mrs, Norm. Sparks, local uurse. caudldat ot the Veterans of Foreign Wars, will take the role of Goddess of Liberty In the Fourth or July celebration, na the result of last ovo- jntng's derision when a eommlltco of juugea vuose ner tor ina post oi honor. Mis All' Massey, tho Klwanta candidate was selocted by the Judges to be Columbia, and Mrs. May Poaplsll, candidate of the Central Labor council will hold the emblem of Justice. H. S. Mathewa. G. 8. Rellman and O. II. Dean were the Judges who , selected the three, young women be- tore a crowded house at the PlusI Tree Inst evening. I Other contestants were: Evelyn lAmlck. D...A. R.; .Mrs. F. It. Olds. I Rotary club; Ilurntce Hector. Ilusl- newt and Professional Women' Irlub and Clnlro Morcler, Legion Auxiliary. WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and fixture built. . 1401 DivUlon Su Phone I t.VI Klamath Lodge No, 77 A. F, and A. M. . Stated Communications Second and Fourth Mondays Visiting Rrolhefa. Welcome LOOM IS Ill'Il.DINd Legal Notices Sl'MMOXH Equity No. "M7.1 IN THE CIRCl'IT COCRT OF THIS STATE OK OREGON, FOR KLAMATH COl'NTY. Mae U Crout. Plaintiff, vs. Chariea G. Crout. Defendant. To: CHARLES O. CROUT. THE ABOVE NAMED PEFENDANT: la the Name ot tho State ot Ore gon: You are "hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint oa file In the above entitled suit on rr before, the 16th day of Julr. 197. and if you fail, to so appear and answer aaid . for wjnt thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court tor the re lief prayed for In her complaint, to wn: For. a decree against you, ills- solving the homls of matrimony now'' existing between the plaintiff. Mae L. Croat anil yourself tho de fendant. Chares.,0,. Crout. on the grounds of cruel aud Inhuman treat ment, and for a decree restoring the plaintiff maiden name, Mne I.. Smith, and tor such other and fur ther relief as may seem equitable, all as more fully set forth Irr the complaint on file in said court and cause- f. -, This summons Is served upon you by publication once a week for six consecutive and successive weeks,' in The Evening Herald, a dally news paper puml!shed In the City of Klamath Falls, and of general cir culation In said city and Klamath County. Oregon, July 28tb. l'J27. the last day ot the time prescribed In the order for publication of this Summons in which you may appear and answer said complaint, the first publication thereof being June 14th. 1927. and the last publication thereof being July 26th, 1927. This summons Is published and served upen you persuant to the order of the Honorable A. L. Leavltt, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Klamath County, which order waa made and enter ed In aaid court and rauso on tho lltb day of June, 127. W. V. VAN EM ON, 'Attorney for the Plaintiff, 208-7-8 Poole Building, Klamath Falls, Ore. Jl I 21.28.jy5.12.19.26 BIDS WANTED. School District No. 1 of Klamath County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids on 'construction ot six-room sddltton to the MH)s Addition School. Bidders will obtain plans and specifications from C. N. Coseboom, Underwood Bldg. All bid to be plainly marked "Sealed Bid." to be addressed to Ida II. Momyer, Clerk, School Dist rict No. 1, to be accompanied by certified check or bidder's bond for 6 of the amount bid, and to be In the hands of the Clerk not later than soon ot July 1, 1927. The Board reserves the right to rr Oli-Yeah! Klamath Falls Business Directory I.ODUK, FRATERNAL. MiTICK C IKl'.O. El.kS Yjf Meet Thursday evening. Visit. I V log members welcome, U ELKS TE.MI1.B ' 3rd and Main OLIVER RI'IKKIt. Exalted Ruler " V. D." Mc.MILLAN, Secretary FrateruaJ Order of Kaule fP.t Meet every Friday nvnhlnr lid i l(RjMooa Hall. C. 1). Ulna. Hwretnry Aerie Still. 1 I'houe 674, Labor Temple Veterans of Foreign War IVIIraa Pimi 1HMII f Meet every second and fourth Wednesday evenings, 3 p. m., baaa tneut Court House. VERNB J. WALKER. - ' Commander. Phone 1!(-W. Loyal Order of Moose Meet every Thursday 7:30 L. t). O. M. " Moose Hall. Klamath Ave. GEO. OULK, Dictator ACIX)IXTAXT8 W. W. SOUTHWELL Public Accountant Auditor Business Organisation Office Systemlllstng Special Investigation Inventories 020 M Main I'houe 000 A11HTUACTH Title Insurance Abstract ' Blue a'rlnts Conveyanrlng ABSTRACT OF TITLE CO. of Southern Oregon Phones Day U0 Night 678-J C. T. PRICE, Manager 818 Main St. Klamath Falls Legal Notices rfict IB, np all hiii ! Check submitted must be certi fied. Uncertified chocks wl not be considered a complying with ! terms of advertisement. June 11-July 1. Inc. NOTICE OK AXNt'AL SCHOOL MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEM lo the legal voters of Union High School District NO. Two (2) of Klu !math County. State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING I of said District will De held at 1 k fvi oriiivii 3,1. . n J iflvi. T IVEi.lkUi, V. I llll '.4. PW, MUU ,. Sta., Klamath Fulls. Oregon: to bo gln at the hour of two o'clock v. tn. on the fonrtb Monday of June, be ing the :7th day of Juno, A. v. 1927. , Thla meeting la called for the purpose of electing five director for Union High School District No. X and ths transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this (th day of June. 1137. LESLIE ROGERS, Chairman Board ot Directors. ATTEST: W. S. WILEY. - District Clerk. To June i7th. Inc. NOTICE FOR BIDS. School District Number .On jf Klamath County. Oregon, will re. rcelvs sealed bid on bond Issue of $66,000.00. Bonds will be dated August 1, 1927, will bear interest at the rate ot not to exceed 6 per annum, In terest payable semi-annually. Bonds will be due and psyable a follow: Payable Twenty Year from dste, optional for redemption by the dis trict ten year from date. Interest and principal payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon, In New York City, or at the office ot the Treasurer of Kla math Connty, Oregon, at the option of tho holder. All bids to be plainly marked "Settled Bid" and to be addressed to Ida B. Momyer, Clerk. All bids must be sccompanled by certified check for 6 of amount bid and must be In the hauda of the clerk not later than noon, June 29th. Bids will be opened at the office of the district at Fremont school, Klsmatb Falla, Oregon, at 7:80 p. m June 29, 1927, at meeting open to the public. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. School District No. 1, Klamath County, Oregon. IDA B. MOMYER, Clerk. 8-20. Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTOItXEVM t t IIRtlWEIl Stale and Federal Courta 30H WIIIKa Uldg. I'lmno fll Abstracts Examined. Ron Estate i: i. Law a Hiwlally - K. L. ELLIOTT " Attoruoy-ui-ljiw Suite 13 New Molhase Illdg. Across street from Court House Phone JS4-J. Office I'hon 13 AlTOMtlllll.E DKAI.EItS Repair Work, Uattery Service, Tlrss Nash, Oakland. Pontine. Packard It. It. It. GAHAtiK 831 Klamath Next lo Poatofflr Phone lit Goodyear Tiros Fireproof Slorag AUTOMOHILK TMtKH Urlng In your worn tlrra get 51)00 mile more nt ta usual roat ACE Tlltt: SHOP Guaranteed vulenulilug. re-treads 116 South 11th HI. I'hon 843-J AUTti rtPPAirt Smithy's Itrpalr Htmp ' Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars railed tor and delivered South (lb St. " l'bon 401W ItATTKRY SRI1VICK Dattory Service. Magneto. Starter and Generator Repairing FLOYD HEX RIOT CO. Wlllard Service 134 Main St. Phone" 397-W Uattery. Magneto. Generator , and Complete Electrical Servlr W. . Johnson's ACTO ELECTRIC HER VICE 734 Klamath I'hon 849 ' Philco Remy Delco Roach Ailtollt . GENERAL REPAIR SCHl'ItERT'S GENERAL HEPAIK HKItVIt K Carl Schubert, Jr. Repair Cash Registers, Typwrilers. Adding Machines, Safe and Lock and Gun. 610 Klamath Ave. (Between 6th and lh) REACT Y PARLORS Expert Operators. Individual booths, violet ray, marcelling, bnlr tinting IMJHTON HEAI'TY SHOP Glorenna Warren , Winter llldg. I'hon til Water, French Paper Our! . "Facial and sralp treatment nUILDIXQ MATERIAL) SWAM LAKE MOUI DCfG CO. Quality Building Material South Sixth Street Phone lit CIVIL ENGINEERS J. O. CLEGnOR Civil Engineer and Surveyor tit High Street CO. KELLET Consulting Civil Engineer , Underwood Building, Phone 1071 DENTISTS DR. E. O. WISECARVER ' DR. M. B. COOPER ' rent 1st ry X-RAY Laboratory Underwood Building, Fhon 646 General Practice of Dentistry DR. PHILIP COLE 616 Main Over Moe's Store ' Phone 881 Open Evenings by Appointment "Dr. J. J. Etnniens, Mod ror d, Ore. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose, and throat. Telephone 667." Klamath Falls Business Directory I'liiuoi'u.u-roitH lift. (il.EM MtMIKlii ' I'ulmer tlrailual Chronic and Nervous Disease itew Mellmso llloi k 3 35 Main St. I'huiie 1178 Onpoaila Court lluusa !' AMI' IaJs M i'w 4 'jtUSAtl ' KLAMATH KMPI.OVMK.TT OKHtrv Employment fur worker In every ' trad mills, railway and farm. Jmc lltnn, I'n'P. ' Olli and Main Hit. Phone 1117 INSl'RAXCH New York Lite Insurant Co. , E. Ill'HKH Agent . , 110 Main Safeguard your home Protect jroar properties and loved oue. j. h. nnist'OLL Surely Homls Life. Fir and Ante) Insurance, Williams llldg., i'hon 411 DREHER AND MILLER For IXHI'llAKCR Western State Life Ins. Automobiles, l ire fio7 Williams llldg. Phone ISIS LAUNDRIES SUPERIOR AUTO LAUNDRY f ' -. .' Howie Garage Car Washed . Called For and Delivered - . rhon 871 J LIVKSTOt-K : ..... " r Fresh row on hand at all time . . - From One Carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phones: Ranch ISP3; Re. 411 E. Mochellax, Jr.- ' Tex um Staling OPTOMETRISTS Make and grind Glosses. Duplicate broken lenses, repair frames , . dr. i, a. Goni.B 709 Main Street . I boo 649 OSTEOPATHS DR. F. R. GODDARD I.O.O.F. TEMPLB Osteopathic Physician and Burgeol Office and Realdence Phone 111 MUSIC TEACHER AMERICA.V CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ,. Band and Orchestra Instruments Tsnght. Classes In Harmony and Arranging trd Floor Winters Bldg. FH-M18- MUSIC TEACHERS MUSIC STUDIO MISS V. LARSON Teacher of Piano 1311 Lookout Phone 76 March 13 PAINTS, WALL PAPER Wall Paper. Paint, Enamel, Brushes ' F. R. OLDS Across from Poslofflce Phon 41 Everything a Paint Store Keep Paint. Oils, Varnlshea, Deadening Felt, Glass, Roofing, s - Wll-Paper K ' PATTERHOTH PAINT STORH 821 So. Sixth St. Phon 681-4 TIMBER CRUISERS Timber Cruising, Reconnalaance god Appraisal II. H. OCI.K ,: 406 Main Street Phon 106-W Working from M. L. Johnson office By Taylor