MONDAY, JUNK 27, 1927 ' -' - Page Flvei 7C FIRST CAPITAL PRIZE THE EVENINfl'HEKAU),. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON $1,518 Buick 5-passenger Standard Sedan, purchased from and on display at Buick Carafe, 1330 Main St., K. F. SECOND CAPITAL PRIZE $1,005 Chysler '50' Sedan, purchased from and on display at Howie Motor Co., Esplanade and Pino Sis., K. F. ; z :' .in-ill tAm THIRD CAPITAL PRIZE $965.00 Emx Sdan, purchased from and on display at the Acme Motor Co., 400 So. 6th St., Klamath Falls, t pepsin FOURTH CAPITAL PRIZE $849.00 Chevrolet Sedan, purchased from and on exhibi tion at the Chevrolet Sales & Service, 522 S. 6thSt., K. F. NOMINATION BLANK Good for 2000 Votes I'lonsc ruler! '. Niiiiio As B Candidate In The Klnmnlli 1'iilU News and Herald Automobile mill 1'rlso Canipnlgit Htrcrt mill No - Town or City nM No Hfuut'tl Address " 10,000 Extra Votes If you ruler during flrtt nix wki of the rnniilgn. Only one iiomlnntti'ii tihuik credited lo each cnndlnto. You run enter yourself or iioiiiliiHlo nny other M'rmn. youcaf? nawamoijorcan. How many times you have watched powerful, sleek motor cars hum by And promised yourself "some day I'll have one, too!" That day has arrived. Now you can plan those merry trips down to the ocean's edge up among towering pines off into "wide open spaces." Living in this country is incomplete without a motor car and now you can LIVE! Now you can WIN a motor car FREE by entering the . The Klamath News' and Evening Herald's' $6,000 Automobile and Prize Campaign " Truly an amazing offer. Four of the finest cars built everyone the embodiment of comfort, beauty, distinction, power, speed selected by The News and Herald as prizes for men and women who enter this, campaign. Not one cent of cost to you. Simply induce as many of your friends and acquaintances as pos sible to become regular readers of The Klamath News or Evening Herald. For every subscription you get,' you will be credited with a stipulated number of votes. By accumulating the highest number of votes during the campaign, you will receive a beautiful $1,515 Buick Sedan, pictured on the left. Should you be second highest in the number of votes that $1,005 Chrysler "50" Sedan is yours. Should you get the third highest number of votes, you will receive the $965.00 Essex Sedan. Should you have the fourth highest number, of votes, you will win the $849.00 Chevrolet Sedan. Many other prizes will also be distributed radio sets cash prizes and cash commissions so you are bound to win something if you try. ' It doesn't matter whether you live in the city, in a small town, or out in the country YOU CAN WIN.' You ' have the same opportunity as others to win one of the autom smiles. You can get your subscriptions anywhere and from anyone, new and old subscribers to The News or Herald. Make it certain that you will be among, the lucky ones, by pending dn your nomination at once. ' Use the nomination blank' below it entitles you to 12,000 free votes as a starter and brings all necessary inrormauon ana supplies.! . Vote Value of Subscriptions Payable in Advance The suhnrrlptlon rales of TDK KLAMATH FALLS MORNING NEWS nil T1IK KLAMATH FALLS KVKMNII UK KALI) are Known below, to gether with the regular number ot votes allowed on each subscription payment. The roles abown'ners apply on both Old and New subscriptions. ItATKS KOlt NKW8 Olt HERALD News or Herald I)y Carrier In Klamath Falls Price Three Months I 1 95 Hlx Months S.S0 One Year 50 Two Team 1J.00 Three Years IS. 60 New or Herald Mail Oulsldo Klamath Price Throe Months t 1.73 His Months 3.75 One Year 5. DO Two Years 10.00 Three Years 15.00 Votea 1.500 5.000 15.000 40.000 70,000 Falls Votea 1.500 4.000 U. 000 35.000 CO. 000 FOR BOTH Two $300.00 Stromberg-Carl-son Radios 53 BHnBnBss- Two J300.00 Stromberg-Carlson Radio Sets, ful ly equipped, one for each ot the two districts, purchased from mid on display at the Karl Shepherd Co., G07 Mulu street, Klumath .Falls.- COMIHNATIOX RATE TAPERS News ami Herald Dy Carrier In Klamath Falls Price Votes Three Months $ 3.90 S.000 Hlx Months - 7.00 15.000 Ono Year 13.00 40.000 Two Years 2.0 110.000 Three Years . 39.00 130.000 News and Herald - l)y Mali Outside Klamath Falls Price Votes Three Months S 3.50 4.000 NIX Months . . 5. SO 12.000 Ono Year .. 10.00 35.000 Two Years 30.00 " 90.000 Three Years 30.00 160.000 Two $150.00 Stewart-Warner Radios Extra Votes Given for New Subscriptions "Extra totes as follows will be given during the campaign: 100,000 eitra rotes will be given for every -SO worth of NEW aub srrlptions turned in from the beginning of the campaign np to and Including .July 2:1. 90,000 extra Totes will be given for every S20 worth of ,E1V subscribers turned in from July 25 to and Including August O. 80,000 extra votes will be given for every 820 arorth ot k NEW subscriptions turned in from August 8 to and including An gust SO. Tho NEW subscriptions turned in during the final week from August 22 to 27 lnclu; Ive will earn votes equal to 70,000 on each and every 920 worth of NEW subscriptions. ,, i. ' These EXTRA votes are given In addition to the regular, votes as shown In the vote schedule. v i Two 1150.00 Stewart-Warner Radio sets, fully equipped, ono for each of the two districts, pur chased from and on displuy at the Earl Shepherd Co., G0I Mala street Klamath Fulls. 250.00 In Cash Prizes Two $75.00 Cash Awards, one for, each of the two district. : ' Two $50.00 Cash Awards, one foi each of ; the two districts. ' . ; Cash Commissions For Active Non-Prize Winners. For Fur ther Information Call, Write or Phone Campaign . Department The News and Herald. Campaign Office Locat ed in Business Office of The Herald. Phone 89 The Klamath Falls News arid Herald Phone 89 119 North Eighth Street Klamath Falls Campaign office is located in business office of Herald open every day except Sunday, 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Good for 20,000 Extra Votes During first six weeks of campaign only Return this roupon to the Campaign Manager, The Klain ath Valla News and Herald, with your, first subscription pay. ment, either old or new, of three month or longer, and yon will receive SO.OOO votes lu addition to the Totes allowed on tho regular vote schedule, providing you act during the first six weeks of the campaign. , Name of Nubucrihcr Address i t'andidaic'a Name '4. .. District No. ..Amount One. -...(old or new ) , This coupon, accompanied by tho nomination blnuk and your first subscription, will start you during - the first six weeks of tho rampaign with 82,000 votea Pl.l'H the regular votea on the subscription, as shown in schedule. Only one of these blanks will bo credited t each .candidate.