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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1927)
Monday, Juno 27, 1927 THE EVENlNfl HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pare Three BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH '" turns 'of Interest Concerning Residents of the Great Klamath Hasln. If You Have Ncxos for This Department, Your Courtesy In Calling 89 Will Be Appreciated I'nHy KmJojunI A rulorlo ii f rlillilrell. I'tiian frii'liil of Murjorlo anil llrtira Vaster, itatli ervit t Iho (Irirfllh I.. lluater liom un frerlfle Tar rare Mi rVituruoy f-li-rnoon lo rnjuy birthday party, lun In honor u( sururle. Mn. Master ered tho chlMr'nn . wllh dainty refreshments al th cloae ot tho afternoon which we ajirrit with antra, i - . , .. . KvtMI'KIH) llMIII' jtunliiKl AHMrilrl Mian Durls (Iray, popular ineiiilier Contract rorerln ronilillullon of of Ilia young m t of (iraut I'mw, who ubatrarts and nnl land title fur tho pual wei-k lua been enjoying work fur I lie period emllng June, a Vlalt hern at the home of tier uiii lu IftZK, has been nwariti'd liy Ihn and aunl. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I'oltvd HUlr Itw lumutlim fii-rvlie Aarija ItobrrUon, la plitu nlaa; to re- In Abstract of T it Jr. Coinpuny of tuio houia Iho early part of thl Huullii.rn Oregon, of hlrli ('. T. tart Kor Koulh M Mlldrvd Craln, riauihler of I Mr. and Mra. N. J. Craln uf this rlty and Mlse Iran llnr hv left (or Han Krani:lco aftor an enjoyable visit here at Ihn Craln noma. Mlsi t rain will llt In tbn aoulb wltb relatives and friend for a time. Mia Hitc will rnnintit south, - In-rt-flDtIr. Ilolh young women hare tauilil In Ashland durlnx the past .... week. Cnlvfnl llliiliila) A Itroiip of youiiKslers, all iloae friend of Calvin Hunt, son of Dr. and Mra. Warren Hunt, wura eui'sta jal th Hunt bourn on Friday after noon. Thla markad . tho aeventh birthday of t'atvln. (iamea ou tho aiiiona lawn at th'a horna tho merry hour for the uiipiberliic 21. I'rlce la munniccr. The roinpaiiy bna Jul completed a almllar ton trim wllh tha llci Initiation HtvIc. roc rll)K the work for Iho Inat pre ceding year. Vl-llitl Willi Hon 51 r. and Mra. It. D. Medford arrompanled Coats Remodeled. 'ur Manufacturer. Furrier MR. WILLIAM llhhftl.KH 428 Klnmalh Avenu. Between Kourtb and Klflb. Klamulb Fall Ore. Arrived Today I .Mr. and Mra. Carl Newberry and' .Mra. Iwrenro Mehaffejr arrived In the city till noon from the north I and will be guests at the borne 'if, Mr. and Mra. Wilbur June, nr., for. some lime, Mra. Mehaffey and Mr. f ."tnwbirry are the daughter and eon ' of Mr. J one and have been north to l'ortland where they were Joined by Mra. Newberry who has been vialilng with ber parenta In Mlnnea polia. They will return aouth to their bonus at Antioeh, California, ufu-r vlaltlng here for a lime. livim I.leenee j In From YYonleii Fraucla Osrsr Freuer, axed 17, . Mr. aud Mra. llrunt Nelaon ami farmer of Olene, and Margaret , aon Richard speul the diiy hnra ouf Wlllnette Tallman, axed 2t. of iter- bualneaa. Mra. Nelaon vlalted lirlef rill, were laaued a llrenae late thla, ly wllh her alater. Mr. T. 8. Abbott, , afternoon at the county rlcrk'a of- J The Nelaon'a are prominent fiir;u flee. era of the Worden oectlnn. ' ; l-rft For Kelao . Mr. J. r. Props!, mother ot Kd At lt'KMllY HollMW Member of The Hoyal Neighbor are scheduled lo meet, tbl evening at 7; 30 at the home of Mra. Itegnler at 7 High atreet'. AH member llenaon of I by Ibe'r puaaed daughter. Mr. K. C. Downing of 1 gueat. Spokane epenl Ibu week end here' vlaltlng wllh their aon, Jimmy Hen- aon. They returned home to lliu! valley thla inurnliig. ward Propel, who apeht .everal dy.,r" l,,nJ ' ' her aa the ho.. guoat of h.r aou Importam will be brought before and daughter-in-law at their aumm-'r l,n" ranch home on Merrill road baa left for Kelao, Waahlngton,' where the: will vlalt for an Indefinite f 'mn with reUllve and friend. Mra. I'ropat , ha been making hrr homo In Vtrna ttiulr with a daugblnr. "MhoHy" Dalim y ImvUik "Khorty" Dubney. popular em ployee of The California Oregon of j I'ower Company plana lo leave with in the neit few day for aouthern California where he hea accepted a poaltloB and will reald permanently. VUUral Itauglitpr Mr. C. F. Olaon of M.dford haa retuned home after enjoying week'a vlalt here wllh her daughter. Left For Homo After an enjoyable vlalt hero at the bom of Mr. and Mr. Maurl.-o '. Mikle III I.. Johnin, Mm. J. Unhand and aon, I Frlenda of Mra. Otto Nlekle will d. have returned to tbelr home Kan Franclco. In VlalleU llarvey Home Mra. Ilohprt Adam of Lakevlew have been vlaltlng at tho borne of Mr. b aorry lo learn that aba I confine I to hoapllal In Portland where ho will be forced to remain for an In definite period. Khe la the wife of Olio Nlcklea of Tho I'eerlea Cafe. Mra. Kdlth Aniborg of The California and Mr, l.loyd Harvey. On Thura- Oregon Power office. Mr. Olaon day evening Mr. and Mr. Claude I wa accompanied by her little grand daughter, Joan Madeline, daughter ot Mr. Antberg. Klaterll KUtr teetlna At the final meeting of Aloha chapter of tho Koalern .Stir to be held on next Tu"i!ny evening. June 1H, Initiation will lake plare, according to an announcement made today. At thla lime a report, of the Orand chupter meeiluv recently held In Portland will be given. Heveral member of the local chapter Including Mr. and Mra. II. K. Momyer, Mr. and Mra. C. K. Dennla. Mr. and Mra. II K Wallen berg, Mr Jennie lltirn. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Htelnmelx and many oilier attended the aeaalun while in Portland attending the ft into Festival. Office Movcl Attorney William fianong ha announced tbe removal of hi law office li The William Iliiildlng In Kulte 20.1. Mr. (ianong will be In hl now offUea aftor July firat and can he reached by phone 144C. David It. Vandenberg. another pro minent attorney of thl city will be located In The William Building after July flral. Tl kela Ac Helling That the dunce to bo given on next Wednesday evannlg fur the benefit of tbe baaeball team at Al tamont will be one of the most snc eeaaful affaire of the week is Indi cated by the rapid sale of ticketa. ILil lilackburn'a orcheatTa will provide the dance music. At the baaeball gam tomorrow when tbe Grants I'aas team meet the local team, Hal Blackburn and hi orchestra will entretaln with a number of select loaa. Itet antral T Aalilaml ' Mr. and Mra. Prank A rent and granddaughter. Lucille, returned to Aahland on Saturday after vlaltlng In KJanjaUi - gouuty (or fortnight. Whlui her Mr. Aram suffered a badly sprained, arm but wa Improv ing from her Injury when aha left for her home In the valley, Itrturnwl To I'rluevlllc It, I.. Zeverley returned to Prlne vlll on Haturday. afternoon after having rent a week hr, railed a a wltnea In tho.Wujf .tcutl. . Mr. Zeverley haa many frlenda In Kla math county and enjoyed a vlalt wllh many of tbem while here. - I'lralc Plaunrd For Thursday On Thuradny, ladlea day at th Iteame dolt and Country Club th auxiliary, ha planned tor a aud wlrlt picnic. Playing will start ot nlu o'clock In the morning and Inat throughout tho day. according to aa announcoinent made ou Saturday. , Hon I Ihim "Kdwln Kenneth" la the name rnn,,.iin,,i Mr. A.tama wnicn ir. and sir. Jamea vioira wllh an Informal dinner at their hr ' ,h'lr " on- borI on nomr isunaay. ir. ana lira, vioira are. "j jwell known residents of the Hlld-' P. K. o leeliia Poiiloonml brand uieinci. I'avlna; WiIimw1m' A party of local member of the D. A. It. plan to leave on Wednesday by motor for Albiny where they will attend a state board meeting. Among those expecting to leave from here are: Mra. Churle Martin, re gent of Kulalnna chapter; Mr. O. II. Harshbarger, past state regent of California; Mrs. It. E. Watteubur, state vice regent; Mrs. Wllhur Jones, put regent of Kulnlona chapter and Mr. Kmma Lee Mills, guardian ot the D. A. It. It 1 posalblo . that several other members wllh plan to attend. Juifgn Wallace Itetunicd Judge N. O. Wallace returned to hla knm, ! rflnvl1lM lalH Haltir,lav '.I.. Z". y.. .... k.. aMUIan, def.ndln. Frank Way in hi. trlai f 'l,';h" ",'1!' Member ot the P. K. O. Club havo j poatpourd tho annual picnic until a later dale. The affair waa to ' have been held thla put week end at tho Klwanl picnic ground. Filial Meeting Turwlay Tho final meeting of Aloha chap ler of The Kaatorn Star will bo held on Tueaday evening at Masonic hall. At thl time Initiation will take place and alt member are urged lo attend the last meeting of tho summer month. ' lack IMterbrlit rrtved Jack Olterbein ot Middlelown. Ohio, haa arrived In th rlty and will vlalt hare Indefinitely at th home of Mr. and Mr. Nate Otter heln. The eastern visitor la tho nephew ot Mr. Otterhein. Knrwule Home Mlaa Alice William ot tlend spent tho week end hero wllh friends en roulo to her home from southern California where she haa been vlalt lng with her parent. , , All summer coat marked below coat , at' Bee Begin' Htore. J20-2S From Spring: Lake Mr. Frank Stewart and aon, Ken neth., of Spring Lake visited here Sunday with Mrs. Floyd Duncan .Mo- Mr. McMillan accotn- whlch wa brought Friday. to a clos on III Xt Home Mrs. Floyd II. Pool, well known resident of tha Hnnanta district. I reported a ellgully Improved. Mr. Poola haa been confined lo tha fam ily home for soma Uruo wllh an at tack ot Hint. ' Expert Prescription let -Forbes Pur Drug. Itanrn Wnlneeday Kt-enlng A benefit clanro for tha loral base ball team will bo given at Altamunt on Wednesday ovenlng with. Hnl Blackburn' orchestra providing tho music. From Fort Klamalli Mr. and Mrs. John Copelnnd were Included In the out of town ahnppais hero on Hnlurday from their homo at Fort Klamath. Pretty all-over apron dressea In all sliea for only $1 ou at Beo Begins Store J20-2 Mr. Clioyne Hlioil Mr. W. Cheyne and two aon ot Spring Lake spent Saturday In the city shopping and visiting wltb rela tive and friends. Hock Improved Will Berk wa able to bo about Saturday for tho first time In more than two week, having been III at the family home Buffering with an attack of Influenxa. Pfotty silk drssans at Deo Do tln'i Store, I4.DG to $35.00. J20-2S From Spring Iako Kd. Button, well known rancher of the Spring Lnko district, spent Satur day In the city on business. Prom Algonuv Mrs. Donald Dunn shopped In the city on Saturday from her home at Algoma. Your Choice Quality Huts In various straws tjt greatly reduced prices. Justin & Montgomery, Adv, lu I'rotn Merrill Mra. Henry Voe and , daughter. Mr. Ilea Daniels ot Merrill (pent Saturday In the city ahopnlug and vlaltlng .U'lenUs. In From Kirk A. McDonald of Kirk spent the week end hero visiting wltb friends. Expert Prescrtptlonlsta Forboo Pure Drug. Sou la IkH-n - Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Pullcn ot 637 High are tha happy parent of a baby aon, born on Sunday at the Klamath Valley hospitul. Rrtnrneil Homo Mrs. C. II. Foster and children havo returned from Teunant, Cali fornia, where they spent several day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Murphy, parent of Mr. Foster. Vlaltlng From Houtli - ' Charlea Stoke of the, machine shops at Tcnnant, California, is vlnlt Ing here for a few days with friends. jirtHine; H cuucuu Tho Neighbors of tho Womlcrnft will, meet on Wednesday evening, June 29, at Odd Fellows hull prompt ly at olght o'clock. A general busi ness meeting and drill will bo held. Furniture Halo . Don't forget tho big tduvenport and living room suite sale this week at Mordoff's Furniture IMtise. 27-23 Here From MmuMod ; -..Ilrilt David, ol M4iuton tie here for tha week, eud on a combined buslnest and pleasure trip. I At The Liberty y "Buck" Jone in "The Cowboy and the Countess?' . Speedy Jones will show his stride in this picture Last times tonight. Pretty alUivar apron dreasoa In all . slues dir only il.00 at He Bo glu'a Store. J2V-26 Kliopel limp. Halunlay Mrs. J.. S. Taylor spent Saturday Bfturaoon In tha rlty shopping (rum her homo at Merrill. In, C ity Halnnlny Miss Mary William was among the-out of town shopper who spent Saturday here, , Tuken To Home Mia Pauline Akin haa been re moved to her borne (rom the Kla math General Hospital whore she waa taken following the accident early Sunday morning on tho Merrill highway In which aha was Injured. Sho Is reported aa doing nicely. Tbrlmn Urlxxla 1rfl Mis Thelma Crlxsle. daughter o( Mr. and Mrs, George Grlrile, left this afternoon on Tho Cascade Limited for Set Frnhc'Hco where alio will spend a week, Wltb friends. A now shipment of pretty dreas oa and bats just In at Be Begin' Store, "J2U-26 Itctumcd To Home Mr. and Mrs. Levi McDonald have returned to their ranch homo at l.angcll Valley aftor spending several dnya her visiting with relatives and friends. Bill's For Ftovvor- nd Floral daalgna. Adv. rhona 1118. With Mm. Blc Member ot Tha Mah Jongg Club are to meet with Mr. John C. Boylo on Wednesday afternoon. From The Valley Oscar Hogberg of Mcdford was a week end visitor In the city and slopped at tho hotel Arcada while here. VUltoU At Bonen Joseph Brlggman and aon of Col lino, California, spent the week end at Bonanta visiting with Mr. Ilrlggman'a mother. In Prom Kirk Mr. and Mrs. II. Collins 'of Kirk spent tho week end here visiting wllh frlenda. , 8omo pretty felt hat, have- lust arrived nt Boo Begin' Store. J2O-20 Character in Writing Paper la like . character In elot hee unobtrusive but recoKnltttd Instantly. A choice ot styles and, sh ii pes to suit Indlvlduul prcfuraneus aud usus. SYMPHONY LAWN make the solution sim ple lis beautiful linen flalah la -always correct. Tho quality -Is tha finest money and pnper-mnklng lirulna ran produce. White and Tints 75c TIIK BOX Star Drug Store Klnmnlh Falls, Oro. " "We Know How" FAMILY WORK. ECONOMY ROUGH DRY WET WASH New City Laundry Phone 154 K. J. KOI.H, Mnuvrrr 4Ui anil Klnniulli l You will like LOS ANGELES Better if You Stop at . SIXTH and SPRING STREETS I ... V; v, . - Save nalHHicrtr1! Itr. Phone 1143 Klumath Falla Office Phono 11 S3 Mclhase Bide. mM mm (,f: !,i.'i;i! fii'f-H(ra ; s; & sKllti if "cm a mu" New Million Dollar Annex ISO OoaalastaMa twl 92.00 per day op without bath (2.50 pe day up with bath RXSOKAL sntviai Popular Priced Coffee Shop . , and Grill "We Chock Your Car at th Door." Pine Tree Theatre Tonight i the Last Showing of "Summer Bachelors" You know Absence makes the heart grow fonder of some one else's wife! . And Don't Forget! Tonight We choose the Goddess of Liberty! Every candidate must be at the Pine Tree Theatre tonight! The Fourth of July committee gets ten per cent of the Receipts - iiWi!iiM!'illllllHt;H"1li: ! I I ,1!' i I I IB K- 4-1' I MODEL "K" CLETRAC a 15-25 H. P. Ideal for Farm Work and Industrial Service MODEL "K" CLETRAC is rapidly being adopted as standard equipment by State Highway - -' Departments -and contractors generally ' because of its great power, flexibility, ease of operation, fuel 'and oil economy and its ability to pull heavy loads on any footing. MODEL. "K" travels sure-footedly over soft ground and wet spots over ice, snow and slippery mud. No other tractor so thoroughly com bines simple construction, giant strength and power- efficiency 1 1 PROFIT POWER for Industry and Agriculture J. W. Kerns ' Moline Distributor Farm Implements, Cream Separators, Milking Machines, Fencing, Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds 1303 South Sixth St. Phone 557-J Klamath Falls, Ore. 3agfg'l rv ;AVcrlca Reducing Weight K3 11 Also prescribed bp fbyslclam la Ik ' Sreoimanl sri Hllh Blood Praseara Acid Condltloa Kidney, Lie aad Bladder Troableo Iadlfattt Comilpatloai Star Drug Co. Standard. Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St. Phone 825 The Stability of Any Flexible Type of Pavement is Dependent Upon the Subgrade SOIL CONDITIONS IN KLAMATH FALLS MAKE , PAVEMENT FOUNDATIONS VERY UNSTABLE Pave with Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, the rigid pavement' with the long life, and avoid continuous patching and repair bills. Dunn '& Baker Pelican City Road ....". Phone 952