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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1927)
Page Two THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Monday, .Tunc 27, 1027 " ISSUES BEFDR E. PEOPtE TUESDAY 12 State Measure and One County Will be De cided Tomorrow At oua of the most Important elec tions ever held In Klamath, tho Vote of the people will be heard to- ' morrow , on vital Issues of date, county and city Import.. .Twelve,, state measures . and one county measure will be aubmlttcd to l tbe electorate, but, aa la usually the case, the one county measure pro- poeed 1500,000 road -bond issue 1 overshadows all In local Importance. ' ' ;. Tbe state measures are aa fol lows: Tbe proposed repeal ot tbe Income tax; Portland school district ' tax levy amendment; Criminal In formation amendment; Legislators' (ay amendment; Voters' registration amendment; State and county offi cers' salary amendment; city an I consolidation amendment; Veterans Memorial and Armory amendment:, State Tax limitation amendment: Income tax bill; Referendum on tha property, assessment and taxation enforcement bill, and Nestucca Bay fish closing: bill. Open At A. M. i Polls will open at 8 a. m. and close at 8 p. m. Cltisens not regis tered, may be sworn In at the polls by ,two free holders. Polling places are as follows: -t 1. ; Number 1 Main street, Wll klos building. , 1. ' Brown's carpenter shop, Num r I ber CS Main street. . 'j S. Number 218 Mala street. County Court house. City Hall. City Library. - McCarthy building, 120 North Seventh street. . . 8. Slater Investment company on Seventh. . 9. R. R. R. garage aales room on Klamath avenue. - - .10. Walton and Wright real es tate office. - 11. . Lake hotel. Esplanade court. Mills Addition school. Mills Addition hall. Carnegie Library. ' Kairvlew school. .- .u . IT. Tamsey residence in Shipping- 4. 5. .. 7. ! 1 12. 13. 14. IS. 18. Oiling Operations ' ' ' Checked by Storm ', , tA summer storm Saturday . and V 8unday suddenly, stopped oiling i: operations on The Dalles-California highway between Algoma end Fort Klamath Junction, state highway ot . flclals said today. . . Barring a recurrence of rain, tbe Oiling will continue tomorrow. , . Heavy oil baa been laid on 2.7 miles of the Williamson river-Al-goma section ot tbe highway. On several miles of the Williamson rlv ' er-Fjsrt Klamath Junction section, a second coat of light oil will be spread. . , ..The highway from a point north of .Crooked creek , to Fort Klamath junction, will be reopened either to day or tomorrow. Automotive traf fic had been detoured by way of the . old Fort Klamath road. ; Puckett Hearing Is Set for Today j .,. .Aa informal bearlug of the charge . against M. A. Puckett. Klamath log '. 'ging.coutractor, accused of not tak .' . log proper steps to prevent fire from J . originating in his operations, was '., j scheduled to take place before Jus- . tlce of the Peace W. B. Barnes this afternoon. v , j- "Puckett .contends , that he had ,. takes adequate pains to protect against fire." the magistrate said. '' ."The hearing will be just to talk '' over the situation." Six Inches Snow H Falls a i Resort KLAMATH HOSTS TO TICKET AGENTS M. Ulrtihet. W. (Continued From Page One) lumber town with no agricultural background. The county agent was about to finish his talk when questions weie shot at him. Not a few but many, asking regarding details ot rvrtaln features he had mentioned. It wns noticeable that nearly every mau present took notes on Ilendertou's talk. II. D. Mortenson also spoke brief ly telling of the lumber production in this section, the smount ot stand ing timber still available, the future for the next quarter century, all ot which again caused the railroad men to show aniasement. Mr. Mor tenson had bis data well selected sad none of his statements were offhand but were grounded. Whn he closed again the questions raiue and sgaln the facts were lrit-n home by the speaker. Captain Applegate made a de lightful short .talk relative to the old days when Klamath Basin win quite young. He was followed V A. I). Charlton, general passenper agent ot the Northern Pacific. Mr. Charlton Is keen with rhetoric and mirthful with his words, and for a few moments he sent the larce audience into fits of laughter. . J A. Ormandy. general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific from Portland, responded to the call of Chairman Miller, and he too. was tilled with stories of a classical na ture which went over big. . R. U. Crosier, general passenger agent of the S. P. 8.. gave a pl, ssnt talk and R. J. Toiler, assistant general passenger agent ot the Northern Pacific, gave a short tiU on China as he had just returned from a visit to that warring coun try. Howard Jones with a French harp and Earl Hall at the piano led the entire party In popular songs. The two young men are in the S. -P. of fices at Seattle and they called - Mlshler, II themselves the "musical pups." Ulalnes. When the time had elapsed and I'nlon Station Ticket Office. Port It was plain that a very short ride land Jim U Miller, II. II. Naglo. would be neiess.iry In order to sat-10. F. Olson. tsfy the conductor and engineer! I'nlon Station Baggage Room, pulling the special train, all the ) Portland W. F. Uroh, (ioorg party went to the Klks' temple ami J Knoche, J. O. Anderson. Hugo there had a picture taken of Hie .Doyle. group. They- were then showr. ,., stBllon Master. Portland around the city for a tew mlmiios 1, K Lochner. H. S. Nutter. A. and taken to their train. r. Martlu. P. J. Collins, llnrloa The guests and their different , E vUrstor. v. J. Allirechl. I cities follow: ThiMo From Portland. Santa Fe George II. Nease. Canadian National Railroad A n. lloltorp, R. 11. Ruppon, H. A Weeks. Those From Oilier til lee. Jolut Offices T W. lleapalo. Kuiso, W. K. Eniorson, Vancouver. Wash,: W. L, Van Slyke, l.ongvlew, Wash. Alaska Steamship Co. Ceorge Chicago & Northwestern I. 1. Ilanbury and K. K. Cross of Seattle Ritchie. C. C. Coleman. Consolidated Ticket Office, Port- Canadian National K. I.. Shoe- hall, U M. Jones. L. I Hard, IHmg- land A. L. Arnold. F. J. McShelkii. I lass Roy ot Seattle and 1). C. O' John liardner. R. A. Hollopeler. O. Keefe of Taconta. Hunsen. Sam O. Allen. C. 1). I'apc. I Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul H. O. Murkier. K. F. Ilalrd, John II. E. Carson. O. I). Hlchardsrn. Irwin. W. A. Leldlgh. I). T. Peck. W. F. Roark. A. J. Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul ! Knott., Edw. Marx. P. K. Pearson of C. II. McCrlmnion. C. A. Nave. Denver ft Rio Grande S. A Hutchinson. Great Northern, Portland office H. nickson. It. A. Dunlap. Illinois Cenrtnl K. J. Murphy. Missouri Pacific K. II. Cllngca-pell. gelus; E, A. Sruumaker. J. E. Cirlf fin, George Freestone of Tacouia: II. H. Tavenner. R. R. Reld and It. II. Joso of Everett. Great Northern E. W. ficrlarh. Walter Schulti, S A. Peterson, L. E. Henderson, J. C. Coleman. A. I. Rrrttl llenrr river 1). It. Van Northern Pacific. Portland office ... - , Mark r. -,,,,...... ol A. I). Charlton. Harry C. Smith. ,.,. M. E. Stevens of Everett: hmitn. i. r.M j Seabrook and F. P. Herbert! Taylor, M. E. Large. 11. Scliaf fort. (I. II. Wilkinson. II. It. Far well, E. F. Ghormlcy, II. M. Jones, J. W. Oalle. K. W. Hall of Seattle; A. N. Bryant of Vancouver, II. C. Spokane. Portland ft Senttle K. II, llrooka ot Spokane. I'nlon Pacific System II. A. I.awreiice. II. II. Schiller, II. -A. Moore, C. 1.. Spear, A. W. hrunlt and Ted Allen of Suattle: W. I. Smith of Spokane; tl. A Tolton of Walla Walla: E. W. Kevin ot Olympla: Frank Perry and George Koso of Tacoma. King Street Depot, Seattle Cf. Griffith. C. E. Cook; C. I). Mc Naugliton: I'ulon Station, Seattle I,. K. Gilbert, Hurry Metculf, Henry Myiir Vk 1 1 . II. C. Wilson. I'nlon Station. Tacotua W. K. Tinkling. E. F. Klrlln. llalllinnre Ohio Ity . Seutllo Office A, I. I.uikey and S. II. Freeman. Chicago, Hoik Island ft Pacific, Seattle Office II. A. Schaub. Missouri Pacific, Seattle Office--C. M. Fowler. Missouri, Knusa ft Texas, Henttlo Off lie W. K. Hock. New York Central. Scuttle Officii - - Kli k Norton, Pennsylvania System, Seattle Of flc E. C. Kellogn. K. W. MaUicr and (I. C. Olson. Consolidated Of flees, llreiurctoii, Wiish. A. F. Leo nnd H. S. Ilarvev. Joint Office I,. M. CooiH-r i f Hoqulam; C. P. Flllton of Cliehalls General Hteamshlp Corporal lot', Seattle John Elliott. French Strnmshlp Line Claude Pike of Seattle. ,' 1,0. i tirririni tins.!.' I'rolHililv the busiest two I. our tint Jim Miller and "Itosy" Itosen biiiini have experleni-ed In iniiuy year were experienced ytciila' when they were host lo uili a throng of good fellow. t John M. Scott, the voterau seuger agent ot llm H. P., deilverud his lecture ,lo Ihn whole bimch Lt energetic nisn and II. ran like 1 1. tj : "It I not 't'-o-r-k' that kill men. It 'w-o-r-r-y'," - . A. Y. D. (At Your Door) sffc sTV Industrial Supplies. PIIOXK 8TI juf Tar o ins; M. F. Reading ot Wen- U E. Beach. W. X Duffy. Pennsylvania uaitroaa 1. A. hw,. . 0. Turner of Anacortes.i irecnt. Northern Pacific R. J. Toxics. Spokane. Portland ft Seattle 11. E u t,rev, A. f. Stlckloy. A. O. H. Croiler. 0. F. Dinwiddle. L. F. , Kinsman. Chat Week, nr.lll. N.r. Knowlton. Milton A. Fuegg. J. W. Zimmerman, H. W. Winkler, C. J. Livingston. Southern Pacific company, Port land offices John M. Scott. J. A. Ormandy, C. W. Stinger. Guy Hill. S. C. Wilkinson. L. E. Hufstader. Harry Shaman, N. V. Murrny. .Wil liam Sutherland, J. C. Pomeroy, G. E. Cote, J. A. Hopgood. A. A Mlck el, J.' B. Hewitt, A.. F. Noth. A. Road Oil Cleaning Oar System Is Something New nnd Better than tha Old Band System Cars Washed Motors Cleaned t Vacuum Cleaned Polished Expert. Greasing - . Free Crank Case Service Gas and Oil We call for and deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY Kftpliinatto near Kutt Main WATCH REPAIRING II Ell H 1 year guarantee on all work CEO. METZ JKWEI.EK 822 Main OUR WORK WILL STAND G.iod. conscientious wcrk Is the only kind w pefnil to leave our office. Kcientlflc dentistry, with the minimum of puln and discomfort and tli minimum of service, I what we drive for. Our hint advertisement I our lung list of pleased patron. They recommend us. Our Hint hods are t-orrect, .'. . . . , ' '' DR. R. D. COE Hopka BIdg. one 836 I. T. Orchard. C. F. Neath. A. P. Hlghtower, N. Miller of Seattle; W. K. Conkling. E. W. Brock and J. O. McM-jllen ot Tacoma: W. II. Jilies and William Carr ot Vancouver, I) C: O. A. Watktns of Olympla. Southern Psrltlc .Xtnca B. C. Sunny, pleasant rooms. Dependable nursing care. A goo'l place to convalesce in illness ami after surgical operations, KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL 1'IXB AT FOtltTII STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Corner Fourth and Pine Telephone 4 97 f . Although a miniature blizzard dls ' appointed scores of Klamath basin and Rogue River valley folk at Dia mond lake yesterday, many fish were taken from the famous lake with trolling lures. - Approximately six inches of snow 'fell during the day. - Some difficulty . was encountered by automobiles that left late in tbe afternoon. .' . . . ' "DRESSED IN" SALEM, Ore.. June 27, (TP) i James H. Grayson and Frank Clark, sentenced In Klamath county to servo life In the slate prison for second degree -murder, and George Way, - sentenced also in that county to. do ' time for seven years for msnslaugb- - ter, were all "dresed In" at the state prison yesterday. Ml'IU'HY TO SPEAK. ' J, J. Murphy, California Assera- - blyman and a booster and worker ' for the construction of the Callfor- nla section Weed to Calor if the ' Klamath Falls-Weed highway, will ba the principal speaker before the ' chamber of commerce forum lunch- ' eon Wednesday soon. Mr. Murphy -will-relate progress made in crys- tsllilng the movement for the con struction ot the Inter-state connec tion, i Y t t 4 Te I t Y T Y f t Y t f t ?- t Y T t J 7 Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y We handle all material til at goes into Good Concrete . Prices Low Quick Service i ,- . Call or Phone f W.D.Miller Company Phone 1201 Y Y ?! x M ?' y! ?i Tei Yl Y Y ?! '?i ?i ?; ? ? ?i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I All kind of GLASS j Sash and Doors ;l :- Screens , Jj Window Frames ;! Come and see us GLASS HOUSE f :; 215 No. 11th ' ijl Phone 477-W I; N. J ... " ' ' ' - r ' ' 6tb & Commercial Sts. -Jeee If . you do not vote on June 28 it will cost you money Private Expenditures and Incomes Must Balance State Economy and Not Additional Taxes' are Needed ,...S.4l .- i, V-7 I t l 0 no On State Income Tax and r ' Property Assessment and Taxation Enforcement Bill 319 X NO i , X NO X NO ' sf 1 Oregon Industrial Council 321 317 (I Itl AdvcrlliMiiiriif )