Saturday. June 2I, 1027 ' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OKEflON ' Pace Six MURPHY ENROLLS HELP FOR ROAD TO , Ul Legislator Seeks to Mobil ize Counties of North ern California YRKKA, Calif., June 15 At a special meeting o( the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce held early thla week, Assemblyman J. J. Mur phy explained (he purpose of push, Init the. building of Ike Wecd-Kla-math nil la road. The chamber went on- record of approval ot the road. Murphy stated that tho project will cost $200,000, or about I30U0 a tnllo. lie asked for aid from all the other counties Interested., as Siskiyou county alone could not handle the matter. I To Ret help from the state. It Is necessary to form a. district of the Sicramenlo valley counties. Shasta .MADAMS N'ADKIA Clairvoyant Psychic Permanently Located At 4j so. Kiversiae Ave. i Readings Daily 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. I Taone 652-H for Appointments UPHOLSTKUINU IL H. MAT-. UPHOLSTERY Manufacturer of overstuffed furni ture. Full line of materials. We do j all kinds of upholstering. New and general repair work. We deliver and will call and show samples. Window Shades Hammocks S3 3 lain St. Klamath Falls, Ore. Phone 2W-I. Starting Slay 1st Red Ball Stage Line llct. Lakevicw and Kiam. Kalis Lv. Klamalh Falls 8:SO A. M. Ar. Lakevlew at 1 :SO P. M. Lv. Lakevtew at S:S P. U. Ar. Klamath Falla 7:30 P. 51. Leaves Itcckard's Anto Stage Office Phone 77 HURRY TAXI SERVICE Under New Management rhone 341 Tronipt Service J10-Jyl0 EXCAVATING ULASTI.VU Sewer and Cesspool Work I'liouc . Call al WK1 K. Mnin St. ' FRANK MARTIX HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES Leaving Klamath Falls 7:13 A. M., 10:00 A. M., 1 P. M-, 4 P. M., making connections to Portland and way points same day. Connections at Ashland j with Pickwltk Stages (or Call- lorau points. 7:11 A. U. and 1:00 P. M. Stages make direct through con nections to Portland and Seattle. 10:00 A. M. and 4 P. M. Stages make direct connections to Sao Francisco and Los Angeles. Local Office 613 Main St Phone 000 YOUNG COAL & TRANSFER COMPANY 'DIAMOND BRIQUETS" Phone 1007 First Methodist Church Tenth and High Sta. FRANK L. WfcSlETT. Minister Residence, 1003 High St. "We Specialize In Help fulness. Sunday Services 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. CHILOQUIN STAGES Leave Klamath Falls Dally for Chiloquln and Intermediate) points as follows: a. m. 12:30 noon 1:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. less 9 a. m. bus to connect (or camps beyond Chiloquln. C. S. KINO, Owner KLAMATH-VVKED STACK to vki:i and Intermediate points. Lv. K. F. 7:80 Ar. Weed 12 Lv. Weed 1:30 Ar. K. F. 6:00 Stages Leaving ' Stage Terminal Depot 15 Main WEED Rfll IF u county has approved of tills district, loitcther with Suiter, Tehama und Butte counties. Onilot-MNl Ily Supervisor A delegation from Ihe highway and traffic committees of tho cham ber went before the board of super Visors, who voted to Join with the chamber lu bringing about a Joint meting of rvpresentallvca of the .1 counties Involved in Ihu Sacramento Valley Citizens' Regional Council, end the San Francisco buy counties. It was pointed out thai to hold the big wholesale bu&luess from the Klamath region, this road would be m .-.Mtsarv to both Sacramento anil the bay cities, as well as lo provide j a dlrecf route lo Crater Ijiko aud northern California playgruiid. At The Pine Tree Gilbert Ihe tlreat. Hypnotlo OTi ard and noted lecturer, appearing at the Piue Tree Theatre, is hold Inn his audit ure spellbound with his marvelous experiments. giving last nht evea a grciter demon stration of hi ability in the art of hypnolsm and mental suggestion. His feature teat, that of drawlhg blood from the arm of a young l,tr leavlna the flesh in a state of coma, like then bringing her. by mental suggestion, bnca lo uormil again, was wonderfully ac knowledged by Ihe audience. Several new comic tesis were presented, though the one most annreriaied.' was the' rendition' ot several operatic selections, imper sonations. In voice, of Caruso. Gluck. A I. Jolson and other famous artists, by subjects from Ihe audi ence. On the screen, dynamic rrlscllla Dean. In "The Speeding enus.' the plcturliatlon of an orignal story hr Welfnril Reaton. tiled "At the Wheel." is an automobile story, centering around the manufacture and perfection of a gearless car and a cross country race from De troit to Los Angeles. Res. Phone 114.? Klamath Fall Office Phone II si Mvlhaaei BMg.' (Of Save y Get performance, appearance, and features WORTHY OF much higher priced cars FOR proof of this assertion, give any New Silent Star Four model a tho rough inspection. (fNote the imposing "finest car" features. Relax in the com fortable seats. Study the pleasing har mony of polished lacquer. H Then take the wheel and drive 10 miles. Look at ( Have you ... a "four" that U NEW SILENT,, STAR FOUR ' prices tanlngwith i I. O. B. LANSING . 8th & Klamath- Ave. SMALL DOWN winTiirn rrnn liiUllltll V.LLTD US TO STATE -PEN;: Mrs. Do Autremont to Re turn to New Mexico, Hugh Pessimistic MKDFOKD. Ore.. June j. t.n Mrs. Ilelle He Autremont of Lake wood. N. M.. mother of the Do Au tremont brothers, confessed slayers in Ihe Siskiyou tunnel holdup, wear from weeping, bid her sons goodbye lu the coiutty Jail yesfordav afternoon. The visit lusted over an hour. Mrs. Dp Autremont was not pres ent In the court room during the final scene, because she was not apprised of Ihe proceedings 'until j too late. "I know there could be no hu man as unhappy as myself." the distracted mother i!d this n'orn Irg at the home of a friend In. tin city. "I have no statement no and have been unable to make any plans as to the future. I suppose I will go back lo New Mexico." The three brothers, by their own admissions of guilt, left for Ihe state prison at Salem Thursday evening. Hugh was dressed In Roy's salt nnd pepper Norfolk suit. His faco was drawn and haggard. May wore his owa clothes, whilo Roy was dressed In the new brown suit Hugh wore during the first daya of his first trial. Hugh carried In his hand the straw hat he wore the day he came to Jackson conniy. af ter his return from the Philippines. Once in Ihelr compirtment. the three brothers started reading cop ies of ait evening paper which con tained Hugh's narrative ot the crime. As the train started Roy. a smile on his face, waved to the crowd. A few feminine hands fluttered a farewell. There was no demonstra tion, but a rush of spectators lo catch a glimpse of Ihe notorious youths and outlaws. The De Autremont spent their last afternoon In the rouuty jail making ready for the trip to pris on. They shaved and pressed their clothes, snd packed their belong- 1 ings. j "I might get out ill 60 or 0 i years, said ttugn. vui i oouoi it. Kay and Roy, Ihe twins, were more gloomy about tho future. SONS TAKEN the rigid rear vision mirror to discover how effectively vibration has been eliminated. The "Red Seal" Continen tal Motor is COMPLETELY SUS PENDED IN RUBBER. ((Challenge r.ny low-priced car on a steep hilL Find out how easy it It to past others. seen Star Car's New Convertible Cabriolet?) "smooth at a tlx" a iiiumA, kxibk"lx'7or UutainoiMT! 550 GREATER STAR SIX price starting with P. O. B LANSING StsirlCdirs fours (cat SIXES HAMAKER MOTOR PAYMENT esse '."llrother and I see no hope e are i willing to pay, said Roy. All three expressed aat Infliction with Ihe sentences. "We're glad we took a loaj off oir consciences," said Roy. the laikiitlvo brother, who kept Insisting "there, uiv things 'about this the public don't uuiler- land." Pressed for au eAplamitlon. he ountercd wtll 'Mt'tn long story." I Dolp and Wilhelm Get One Hole Lead, VICTORIA. Juno 23. (.11 Frank Pulp and Rudy Wllheliii each secur ed a one hole lead this morning in the semi-finals of Ihe Pacific North west Amateur championships at Colwood. A Jinx pursued Roy Moe for the flr.;t IS holes of hta match with Frank Polp. who was 3 up nt this point. .Moe then won Ihe ltFth und ! 17th. but Dolp saved his lead by sinking a seven footer on the Inst green. j F.i:t CARS An 8. O. 8. cull for ran with which to. transport the ion railroad ticket agenta who will visit Klam ath Falls Sunday, was Issued this afternoon by Lynn Sabtn, secretary ot Ihe chamber ot commerce. "We neeu cars: lots of them." Sanln rominented. "We want lo give these visitors an Intensive course In the advantage of Klam 'ath. The train arrives at 9 a. m. ' and leaves at 1 1 a.m." ! 11. D. Mortenson, president of tod Pelican Hay Lumber company, and C. A. Henderson, county ageit. will address the agents at the t lumber of commerce. Legal Notices XOTICK FOR. I'l lll.U'ATIli.V. Department of the Interior, IT. S. Land Office at Lakevlepw. Ore- j NOTICK Is hereby given that ' James Clarence Olson, of Dorrls. California, who. on August 4. 1933. made Homestead F.ntry, Art Juno ( Section 9. Township 4 IS.. Range ' r,1 i 1 in I .1. 1 1 J a . n m 1. n ThrM Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. R. DeLap, Clerk of the County Court, at Klamath Falls. Oregoh. on tue sutn cay vi juir, iv.i. Claimant names as witnesses: I Jav W. Tucker. Frank C. High. Frank Mullln. Charles II. Olson, all or. 1'trn.i. vttitti.Tui.1. I F. P. LHillT. ! r , Register. Sun S limes $ 725 CO. Phone 1040 EASY TERMS C - - - - -ayj "We Know How" NEW CITY LAUNDRY Phono 154 . We cull for and deliver , all work. A trial will ovnvlnc. K. J. K01.ll, Mgr. r-.v'-;-iVii SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Duy your winter's supply of bloek-wood and greeo-lub at prices are at bedrock (or wood once, while thu prices arc at the bottom. FARMERS Also slock up for the year, at the bin or delivered. We deliver anywhere in the valley lia cord Jumbo loads. Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 . Veronica for RedudngCUght Ala vssrraest s Fkyslcfaat la ska rssttSMMsr-.- High Blood Pi sMsaa ' Acid Coadltloas Kldosy, Llva aa4 Dladdar Traablas laalMta C ( I a I a Star Drug Co. Legal Notices 'OTICE t)K Prill.lCATItl.V. rrarlmnt of tho Interior. V. S. Land Office at 1-akevlcpw, Ore gon, June 20, 1927. NOTIC K la hereby given that Kd ward .Martin C'henal, of Klamath Kails, Oregon, who, on October 27, lHt2, mads Kecliimatiun Home stead Kntry. No. 01195B. for Karm l oll "H" or Lot IJ. HiiNVs. NStNVs Lot 12. Hectlon 1 4. Town ship 418., Ilanao lie., Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion lo mako Three Year I'roof, lo establish claim to tha land above described, before C. H. Delip. Clerk of the County Court, at Kla math Kalis, Oregon, on tha 1st day ot August, 1927. Claimant names as witnesses: Preston J. M. tipence, of Morrill, Oregon. Lar J. Hedlund, ot Merrill, Ore gon. Itoss H. Drown, of Klamath Falls, Oregtn. Waller tj. Reynolds, ot Morrill, Oregon. ' ' F. I'. LIC, I IT. Register. SUN 1i tlmr.s. SOLMON'S. Kqulty 8:170. ETHKL K. IIKD(iE3, l'Uintlff. vs. WILFRED LEWIS HEDGES, Defendant. To: WILFRED LKWI8 IIED0E8, the above named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE BTATE OF OHEOON, yon are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the shove entitled suit, on or before Friday, tho J9lh day of July, 127. and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof, thn plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for Iho relief pray ed for In her complaint, to-wit: tor a divorce from you upon two caus es of suit, first, upon the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment, rendering" her life miserable, bur densome and nnhappy, second, upon Ihe grounds of gross habitual drunkenness, contracted since mar riage and existing for more thnn one year Immediately prior to Ihe commencement of this ault and for Ihe absolute control and custody of tha two minor children, Claudo Ray mond Hedges and Josephine Hedg es, and that you pay the sum of 330.00 each and every month for tho care and support of Ihu nuld cltildruii, und for such othvr aud 101 Mala Pbona S3S II -v I f I FSVS. Legal Notices further relief, which In Ilia court may seem Just and equitable I This summons ia served upon you by publication (hereof oure I each week for a period of six ron secullvo and successive weeks, pur suant to order ot Ihn llonomblu A. I. Leavlll, Judge of Ihu above en titled Court, aiadn and vine red ou Ihu 1 til at day of Juue. lJ7. 1'ntu of first publication ' hereof June i I Tib. 1937. and dul of last pub lication hereof July 811th. IU37, i. M. van VAcroa. , Attorney (or plalutlff. Post office and Uuaiuess . address: au 1-3 Wllllta llulldiug, Klamath Falla, Oregon. JunelT-Ht-Jyl-g-la tiit HI MMONH. FylTlY IM.-MI. In the Circuit Court of tho State ot . OraltfOli f.k lli I'iiiiiiI, ..f l.'t.. alii.. AN LKJC NOREN. I VlnltttMf. vs. , PAt'I. 8. NOHKN", IVfvuiluut. ' To I'aul 8. Niirvn, iho akove natu re! ilvfvinlant. IN TIIK KAalK Of TUB BTATR OK OKKUON. yuu a-s horoby to quired to appear ami an:iwir His riiinplalnl filed aaalnat yuu In Ihu atwva cntltlril ami, on ur hvtiirs, Krlilav. tha ih day ( JulV. and It you fall to to anawsr. for want tkrrwnl tha plnlnlKf will apply to tho t'oun for Ilia rn)i( prayvU for lu her rvniplaltii. tuvll: for a divorce from you, upon lbs (rounds of crunl anil Uibuumn irralmout su4 Ipi-rsonnl Imliaulllva, rncdsrlnc Ur Ifs nikipittblo. hurtlvamiui and ua .happy and for Iho almoluta control and custody of the minor dauihlor, I'aullna Krclyn Noma, and for such othsr and furthsr rfllel. whlfh to the Court may icsm just . and vquuaoia. Thla summons Is ' scrvsd nnon you by puhllralloa Ihvrnof vnn each wok for a period of six con secutive and auccoaalvs wveks, pur suant to ordvr ot tha llonorabla A. L. Lravltt. Juilxs ot tha abova sn- iiltli-d Court, niadn and antorvd on 17th day of alay. 1I7. IMtU of first publication May :7th. 19S7. 'and data of last publUatluu July 8th, 137. D. E. VAN VACTOII. Attorney for I'lalntlff. I'oat Of j flea and business addrvsa: Od4 I Vsllows Bulldlug Klamath Falls. Klamath County. Oraana, ;U27-Jl-l-I?..Jyl.k. 11IOH WANTKO. School District No. 1 ot Klamath County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids on construction ot sU-room addition lo Iho Mills Addition School. Ulddars will obtain plana and specifications from C N. Cusvbuoui. Underwood Hldg. All blda to bo plainly marked "Sealed Rid." lo ha artdreaaed to Ida It. Momyer, Clerk, Kchool Dist rict No, 1. to ho accompanied by certified check or bldder'a bond for t of the amount bid. and to ba In Iho handa of tba Clerk not later than noon of July 1, 1927, Tho Hoard reserves Ihe right lo reject any or all bids. t hocks submitted must be certi fied. Uncertified chocks will not m considered as complying with lerma nt advertisement. June 2 1-July 1, inc .VOTK'E OK ANNUAL HCIIOOL MUKTl.VO. . . NOTICE IS 11LHEUY GIVEN lo the legal solera of Union High School District No. Two (J) of Kla math County. Btate of Oregon, that Ihe ANNUAL bCHOOL MKKT1.NU of aald District will ba held at K It E MO NT SCHOOL. 2th and High Sta., Klamath Falls. Oregon: to be gin at the hour of two o'clock p. m. on tho fourth Monday of June,' be ing lha 37in day of Juno, A. 1. 1927. This meeting la called for Ik purpose of electing five directors for Union High School District No. 2 and the transaction of business ustinl at aucb meeting. Dated this 'h day of June, 1927. LESLIE ROGERS. . ChalrmuB board ot Directors. ATTEST: W. 8. WILEY. Dlatrict Clork. To Jnne J7lli, Inn. NOTICK FOR I1IDS. School District Number One -I Klamath County, Oregon,' will re rcelv sealed bids on bond issue ol IGS.qoo.00. Honda will be dated August 1, 1027, will bear Interest at the rate nt not lo exceed fc per annum, In terest payable semi-annually. . Bonds will bo duo and payable as follows: Payable Twenty Years from data, options! for redemption by tha dis trict ten years from date. Interest and principal payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State ol Oreicon. In New York City, or at tho office ot the Treasurer ot Kla I math County, Oregon, at tha option of the holder. All bids to be plainly Marked "Sealed Hid" and to bo addressed to Ida 0. Momyer, Clerk. All bids must be accompanied by certified check for b of amount bid and must be In the hands of the clerk not later than noon, June 29th. Rids will he opened at the office ot tba district at Fremont school, Klamath Falla, Oregon, at 7:30 p. m., June 29. 1927, al a meeting open lo the public. The Hoard reserves tba right lo reject any or all bids. School District No. 1, Klamath County, Oregon'. ' IDA B. MOMYER, Clnrk. -2!. f itutlon lo Show CniiHc on APl'licn- I Hon In Hell Itenl l'mMrly. I In the County Court nf the State of Oregon,' for Klamath County, !ln the Mailer nf the Estate ot W. M. BWARTSFAOER, deceased. John M, Mnliicy, the AUmliitatra- LpcuI Notices - lor of Ihn cslaln of YV. M. Hwarls fnanr, ilocaassd, lisvlns prosrnlsd to Ihls rourl and flld livrnln his vurl fli'd fsottt lou, In duo form nt law. pisylna fur ad uolr for Iho aalo ' of all thn ruul properly of auld W. M. HwntUfmter. dmeased, for tha purposes therein set (yrtli. ami It uppeurlni lo llU court, by said pa lllluu. that II uuld b fur Iho ad Voiitujt, licnirii. and bast InterMt or tho valuta, and those Inlon-sted Iborulu, to sell Iho wbols of tha rent eslalo. to pay hi debts nut ataiidlim uaalusl said vsluia of said diKtiasvd. Iha said V- HwarU fuavr, and Iho debts, iuansoa. and i luira-ea of ad iii III 1st (at Ion. It la Thurvfora hereby ordured by Ikla court. Hint nil persona liitnrostud la Ihn estate of said deceased appar beforo said court on lh Until day o( July. . IHJ7., namely: John W. Hwartsfater; Charles a. Hwarlafat er: Mrs. i. N. Malney: Maal Sparks: Mr. Offla Voun: ton Ktiutsstv; I 'Ulc Knuiien; llaslar Ktiiilsen and l.ottln Knutaen, tho Inst four named persons belli Ihn heirs, of Olile Kiiltlsen, a Uei eased daiuthler ul W. M. Hararlsraaer, da I rtaseil, (ha tiatnos, residences and ae 1 sail) rlatnd persona kelns; set nut In said verified pallium herein, at 2 o'clock In lb afternoon of said day, at I ha rourl room of said court, kn Ije ssld county of Klamath. Buie nt Oreion. titer to show causa slty an order should not Ua srautwl lo said admlnlslra lor. lo avll the whola ot tha real state of aald deceased, at either private or public sale, aa In the pa t It Ion prayed fur. Thai a copy ot thu order be published one ' ft week for four successive weeks In THB KVKM.VO IIKHAI.K a news paper published In Klainalh Kalis, Klamath County, Oregon, being ot aenoral circulation In said county. Tha following, la dearrlblloa of lha real estate herein befora ra ferrsd lo and which la sought to ba sold titular aald petition: lots Nina 19) aud Tu la lllork 3v. of Harrow Addition lo Klsmsth Kslls. Oregon. j Dated Klamath Falla, Oregon, June 17. It7. I I'UKU tt. (IUXU1ARO. ! I County Judgs. ' - (Jun 1$ :S July 1-14. I.VOTK K OF UNA I. KKTTI KMKNT. Nolle Is hereby given I hit lha undersigned administrator ot lha . Estate of Hugh L. I'loplon, ds 1 ceased, has filed In. Ihe County j Court tor Klamath County, Ore- son. Ihe Final Account of his ad v ministration of said estate ami thai aald court has appointed Fri day the 1st day bt July, 1(27, at lha hour of t o'clock p. m. as tha lime aud the court room ol aald 'court aa Ihe place for Ihe hearing and eeiileinenl nf aatl acmunl. t Ialetl this Mny 31, 127. I ( I.AL'HE ii. CLOI'TON." Admlolslralut nf tho batata o( Hugh I,. Clopton, deceased. J4 II-1I-3S. ' " ' I HI MMONH. No. SUM Kqally. IN THB CIRCUIT COURT TS AND , KUK THE COUNTY or KLAM ATH STATE OF OIIEUON. Eva Hummers, I'lalntlff. : vs. , John R. Summers, 1 Iwfendsat, TO JOHN K. SUMMERS, DEFEN DANT. IN THB NAME Of THE STATE OF OREOON: You are hereby required lo ap pear and answer the Complaint filed! against you In the above entitled ,81111 on or before Monday, Ihe 27lh day of June, 1927, and for failure) to appear and answer thereto, Ike ' plaintiff will take Judgment and . decree against you for a drea of ! divorce dissolving the bouds of mat rimony pow existing between, you and the plaintiff herolu, on the grounds of desertion for more than one year last psst, and for Ihe dis solution .of said marriage vows oa the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment, and for Ihe cualody oC Iho minor children, lo-wlt: Claud Summers and Evelyn Hummers! June 27lh, 1927. la Ihe last day nf the time prescribed In lha Order for Publication of Ibis Summons, la which yo may appear and answer said Complaint. Ihe flrat puhllralloa laeroof being May 14th, 1137 and tbo nat publication being ' Jan 25th. 19ST. i Thla Summons Is served by pub lication by order ot Ihe Honorable A. L. l-eevltt, Judge of Ihe tircolt Court of lha Stale of Oregon, for Klamath County, dated May 12, 1927, which order required1 that Summons be' published onre a weak for slg successive wanks (7 Inser tions I In The Evening Herald, a newspaper printed and published and of general circulation. In Klam ath Kslls, Klamath County, Oregon, the first publication being ; May 14th, 1927; and tha last publication being June 3tth. 127. W. II. A. RENNER, Plaintiffs Attorney. Whose office and post-office addresa Is, American National Rank Dlilg., Klamath Falls, Oregon. Mayl4-21-23-J4-tl-18-2t. . NOTICE T,0 CONTRACTORS,' Notice Is hereby given that lha Klsmsth County. Fair Hoard deal res bids on the (lonernt Contract tor Ihe erection of an Exhibition llulld Ing lo be located on lha Klamath County Fair Orounds. I Plans and Specifications may ba obtained at thn office of Howard It. Porrln, 209-21 S Hopka Oulldlng, Klnmath Falls, Oregon, on deposit of 110.00. Sealed proposals will ba received up lo li,:00 A. M. Saturduy, July 2. 1927, by the Secretary of the Fair. Hoard. Each proposal lo bn accompanied by a certified chock In tlrn. amount nf 6 of thn bid. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids,- l.KDA E, PARKER, Becrelnry Kliimnth I'oljnty Fair Hoard. ' JnntVal-sts if