Pntuidny, Juno 2f, 1027 THE EVENIN6' herald',. Klamath FALLS OREGON Page Five 3E 3C NOMINATION BLANK Good for 2000 Votes Plcaso enter: Nam A a Caiididiilo In This Klnnimh Falls .News and Herald Aulnuiobllo and Prize Campaign Hum and No.. lJM. No.. . 1 Here Is Your Opportunity To Satisfy Your Ambition Enter the News and Heralds $ Town nr CKy ..... Signed Address 10,000 Extra Votes If yon enter during flmt six wn'ki of the campaign. Only one nomination blank credited to rarh candUtc. Vuo ran ruler yourself or uomiiiato any otltrr person. Make Your Decision NoW Fill Out the Nomination Blank Go In and Win 6,000 Campaign ' $1,515 Buick 5-pasaenger Standard Sedan, purchased from 'f?T-T a .,T miJS iXTll i,i JMr .! f r 7-,r Ari-.X ' K T-" wim it cm .- 1 aT THIRD CAPITAL PRIZE 1965.00 Etse'x Sedan, purchased from and on display at the Acme Motor Co., 400 So. 6th St., Klamath Fall. V1k7 Ja . FOURTH CAPITAL PRIZE $849.00 Chevrolet Sedan, purchased from and on exhibi tion at the Chevrolet Sales &. Service, 522 S. 6thSt., K. F. Four splendid automobiles! Four fine radio seta!. Four cash awards! Cash commissions! All to be given away in just a few short weeks! What a wonderful opportunity awaits you in THE KLAMATH NEWS and EVE NING HERALD'S $6,000 prize campaign. Votes alone will decide the winners. It costs nothing to compete. Get your friends to subscribe to The News or The Herald and you will earn thousands of votes. It doesn't matter what you are doing now your spare time is all you need to win. This campaign is just starting. .It will be over before you know it. And then one of these smart, trim motor cars may be YOURS! There's enough for everybody a record-breaking prize list and cash commissions for the remaining aciive candidates. Send in your nomina lion today! Vote Value of Subscriptions Payable in Advance The subscription rates of THE KLAMATH FALLS MORNING NEWS nd TUB KLAMATH FALLS EVENINO UK KALI) are shown below, to gether with the regular number of votes allowed on each subscription payment,. The voles shown burn apply on both Old and New subscriptions. $1,515 Buick 5-pasenger Standard Sedan, purchased from and on display at Buick Garage, 1330 Main St., K. F. RATK8 FOK NEWS on HERALD News or llrrald Dy. Carrier In Klamath Falls Three Months Six Months ... One Year Two Years ... Three Years .. Price" ..$ l.SS .. 3.50 .. 50 .. 13.00 .. 19.50 News or Herald By Mall Outsldo Klamath Price Three Months I TS fix Months 2.75 One Year 6. 00 Two Yi-sm 10.00 Thrco Years 15.00 ' Vote 1.6U0 6.000 IS. 000 40.000 0.000 Kails Votis 1 .SCO 4.000 11.000 33.000 CO. 000 COMBINATION' ItATK FOR BOTH TAPERS News 'and Herald Dy Carrier In Klamath Falls Three Months Six Months Ono Year .. Two Veers Three Y'ears ..- Price ... 3. SO .... 7.00 .... 13.00 .. 20.00 .... 39.00 Votes S.000 1S.000 40.000 110,000 iso, uoo Extra Votes Given for New Subscriptions ' ; Extra voles as fiilluu will be iilven during the raniiwlgn: 100,000 extra vutra xi III bo given for every 920 north of NEW sub scriptions turned In from I lie beginning of the raniaigit up to anil Iih lulling July IN. IMI.IMM) extra votn will Ite given for every SUO worth of NKW subscribers tunieil In from July 2.1 to nml including August 0. IMI.IHIO extra vutes Mill be given fur every (tit) north of 'I.'VV MiiliMirliitlfiti tumt'il III friim AiiuiinI H to uml liit-lutllntf An gust ito. The NEW subscription turniil In during the flnnl week from .iuumm to m inriuMve win earn voies niiin to t on enrh nml every WM north of NEW subscription. , These E.XTIIA votes are um In nililltlun to the ri'irulnr votes nm shown In the volo scliiilule. How Territory is Divided HIS! HUT NO, I t'oiiiprlifs all territory nltliln the rlty limits of KIiiiiiiiiIi I'iiII", ShlppliiKlou anil IVIIinn City. DIHTIIIIT Ntl, a ouiprlves nil territory outslilo the illy limits of Kliimntli I'nll", Hliliiphmton nml IVIIcnn t'lly. Cnnilliliites may secure snlwirlptloiis nnywliere, reKnnlless of the ilMrlil In nhlill lliry nre rnterril. Tmo $300.00 Stromberg-Carl-son Radios Two 1300.00 Stroinlierg-C'arlson ltaillj Sets, ful ly equipped, one for each of the two districts, purchased from and on display at the Earl Shepherd Co., 507 Main street, Klumalh Falls. Xewa anil Herald llr Mall Outsldo Klamath Falls Trlco Votes Three Months I 3.50 4.000 8li Months 5.60 12.000 Ono Year 10.00 35.000 Two Years 20.00 SO. 000 Thrco Years 30.00 160,000 Two $150.00 Stewart-War-ner Radios SECOND CAPITAL PRIZE $1,005 Chysler '50' Sedan, purchased from and on display at Howie Motor Co., Esplanade and Pine Sts., K. F. "WanYJU aL.."a. M, Two 150.00 Stewart-Warner Itadlo sets, fully equipped, ono tor each of the l0 districts, pur chased from and on display at the Earl Shepherd Co., 507 Main street. Klamath Falls. The Nomination Blank Above and This First Subscription Coupon With Your First Substription Starts You With 32,000 Free Votes FIRST SUBSCRIPTION : COUPON Good for 20,000 Extra Votes During first six weeks of campaign only Return this coupon to the Campaign Manager, The Klam ath Kails News anil llernld, with your first subscription pay ment, either old or new, of three months or longer, and yon will reei'lvo l!o,IHK) votes In addition to the votes allowed on the regular v"'" schedule, providing you act during tho first six wevk of the campaign. Name of Subscriber Address - . raiiilidtile's Name .District No mount One. (old or new) This rouiMin, nreompanleil by the nomination blank and your first subscription, vv ill start yon during the first six weeks of the rnmuilgn with 8Vi.(M0 votes I'l.l'H the regular votes on the sulxrrlptlon, ns shown In scheilule. Only one of these blanks will le rreillted to each canilldnte. How Prizes Will Be Awarded FIKSt CAPITAL 1"RI.E 11,615.00 Rulck Sedan will bo awarded to the candidate, regardless ot district, who polls the GREAT EST number of votes during the campaign. ' -."J""-'' SECOND CAPITAL PRIZE U.003. 00 .Chrysler "50" Sedan will be awarded to the candidute. regardless of district, who polls the SECOND (GREATEST number ot votes during tho campaign. THIRD CAPITAL PIUZK 1965 00 Essex Sedan will be awarded to tho candidate, regardless of district, whj polls the THIRD GREATEST number ot votes during the campaign,. . FOURTH CAPITAL PRIZE $519.00 Chevrolet Sedan will be award ed to tho 'candidate, regardless of district, who polls tho FOURTH GREATEST number ot votes during the campaign. UNDER THE ARRANGEMENT every candidate has an equal oppor tunity ot winning one of the capital awards, regardless of district. District Prizes . The awarding of the district prises will be made after eliminat ing tho CAPITAL prlzo winners, and as follows: Tho next four candidates. In vote standings. In each of tho two campaign districts will receive district prises In tho following order: $300.00 Stromberg Carlson Radio Set, $150.00 Stewart-Warner Radio Set, $75.00 In cash. $50 in cash. All candidates who do not win ono of the above prlzos. bu remain activo from tho time they enter until tho campaign closes, will be paid a cash commission ot ten per cent of all new subscrip tion money they turn in during tho campaign. ?ox Fur ther Information Call, Write or Phone Campaign department The News and Herald. Campaign Office Locat ed in Business Office of The Herald. Phone 89 -1