The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 24, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    .in i
Page Two
. Friday, Juno 24, 1927
uutniiu it ii u u iu uuuiii unu iiiie ,
Tlinrr linilJirnpil ;,rnnirnriTTi r
. mm k aw at mm mi k m m a
i mi r r r ,1! rn .iru -! r
baha IIWIIIIIWI - I I lllfll III II I ,1 I I
nnrnn r n niiTiii
rntaata num.
Billy Evans Says
Bat. Leads Lou By Only
Three; Yanks Win Ninth
-' Straight
,". . flly Tho Avux-Utol rim)
Just aa Lou Gehrig, larruping
Yank . first baseman, appeared to
have lost the knack of clouting to
the duuant bleachers, he smashed 3
homers against the Boston Red Sox
yeatenlar to run hia count to 21 for
the season.
Mystery of U-aituti
How did all the American Laagu
,tiania waive on r'lrst Baaeniau Joe
Harris? ;
That thought onurrvd to nie.very
atrongly hint wtuter heu the wire
reports carried the Information that
Pittsburgh - bad taken Joe HarrU
.over the waiver route front Wash
ington. .
During the pant month I have
ficitrii more ronsiai-ration ,io ind
.matter, aud since liarrla has bran
starring Tor Pittsburgh, the answer
la still a mystery to me.
Joe Harris Ja alow of rtoot, I
know, but he never waa a speed
(By The Awwrintm Prow) mercnant. He fan t, a brilliant field
Sailor Dick Aloudv shut oufthe'''' but h '' fuld and Mill can
.Missions with font bits for S Innings n,t tb 01(1 nP'e
and then collapsnCin the Slh, the! In these days of hit-and-run
Bells scoring foor times on a pair ', baseball any player who ran hi:
of passes and. J hits, to win 1 .300 t worthy of considerable atten
H&tteries: Wclnert. . Bryan aud Wal-;"on- despite any other weaknesses
ters, Whitney; Maudy, May and Var-.he may have.
(as. ... ,
Roy Keating toyed with the Seattle! That's the kind of a guy Joe liar
managing a big league club up
Morlurty for a ulck solution.
I . , .
Tlirrr .Are-..Notillatllna:
I In tho American League this
year, we find -two decided cou
i treats from a managerial stand
point In Ueorge Morlnrty aud Kay
Schalk. , '..
-Tutting over ho Detroit Tlapra. a
team that hail always threatened
Two Miinnurrliit t'oiilmata
Hay Hi'hnlk, who, like Morlarty,
la mule lug hla debut at a big league
manager, haa met with Just the op
posite conditions.
None of the experts who toured
the spring trnhilng camps, even
mentioned the White Sox as a pos
sible pennant contender. When
Johnny Miiatll was lost, lie rlub
waa counted out by many
under Cobb bnl, Invariably fa!lltrdj Instead of being au also ran. Chi
MiMionPWFat Ball and
Settle Ft -Bell
hitters while his teammatea were
son, jot he leads Lou by ouly 3
round trips.
i The Yanks won the ball gam.'-. 11
to 4. scaring their fifth victory of
the three-day series and ninth con
secutive conquest.
Connie Mack's Athletics climbed
Into acond place with a 4-1 vic
tory over Washington, while Chica
go tolt back under an eleven Inning
C to t defeat by Detroit.
Rain baited the Cleveland-St.
Louis tray In the Cth Inning, but
oaru. bacramenlo wlnnlnr. s to 4
, Batteries: Keating and Koehler;
Knight, Sutherland, Wagner and
Jenkins, Borreanl.
I Dick Cox singled with the base
full, in the ninth to drive In the run.
cuauung L4s Angeles to nose out
Hollywood. T to . Batteries: W
Murphy. Mulcahy. Praul and Crook,
D. Murphy. Agnew; Plercy. Weatc-
ersby and Hannah, Sandbetg.
Oakland at Portland, postponed;
not before the Indiana had piled up;
a 7 to. S advantage. j ruiy Major Coming
, The St. Louis Cardinals ' took ad-j Major Charles E. McBrayer.
vantage or I'lttsburgh's Idleness to aistant recruiting officer of
Portland recruiting district -for the
I'nited States Army will be a visitor
in the city over tbe week end In
specting the local recruiting station.
gain a half . game on the national
league , pacemakers with a neat 4
to 3 win over Cincinnati.
. - jlr. Aewson ltutue
The Cyclo-Stormagraph at Under-1 Dr- - s- Newsom. medical dlree-
wood's Pharmacy registered a h!?ii-,lor oI the Klamath County Health
er barometric pressure, today, and I""- returned laat evening from
continued fine weather Is Indicated, j Prlnevllle where be has been trans
Forecast for next 24 hours: j acting business lor the past, several
Fair and warmer. Idiys."-; -'-n-flvi,
The Tyeos recording thermometer! '
registered maximum and minimum ' Here ,
temperatures, today .as 'follows: ' , j R- C. Spink,. well ,known resident
Hlgh...79 " Low S l Chiloquin, la in the city today on
' i business. ' t
,'A rWiaconain .girl ..killed rjajteari . i '
with .a rolling pin. . .What a alec, Eil rreacriptlonlet ' . '' -marriageable
companion! 'l Forbes Pare Drugs. '
t. is. vurioi ois major league ca
reer he has been a consistent .100
batsman, having an average of .JH
over a seven year period.
- ..
Pirates Took. Chance.
Despite his great ability as a
batsman seven American : League
clubs passed up tbe chance to get
Harris when Washington asked for
waivers and Pittsburgh was the
only National League club that was
willing to take a gamble with liar-
ris at the, waiver price.
Manager Donle Bush, who star
red as an American League player
for years, was familiar with . the
true worth of Harris aa a batsman.
otherwise he might have skidded oa
to the minors. ...
In all probability,' the . great
batting of Joe Harris .against Pitts
burgh In the .1924 world series
with Washington Influenced the
Pittsburgh dab in taking him over.
Harris. It will be recalled, .was
the batting hero of the aerlea. His
timely .bitting kept Washington . in
the running. -His average was ,44u
and he got 11 hits in 25 times at
Passed op by 15 major 'league
ball clubs, we now find Joe HarrU
lending a ' pennant-punch to .tho
Pittsburgh offense and also per
forming most capably In the . field.
Til. I t. '
Regan Winning; Streak
Visit Klamath's -Most
Modern Oregon Store
Large Size 3 for 25c
Pr Pound 14c:
Half Gallon Jars
Per Dozen $1.(H) W;
Large Fancy
Dill Pickles
Five for 10c
and H
Fryers " O rf
ens, Jb OiJ C
Dr. Cooper's Eggs, from
Fort Klamath ; Chas.'
Mack's Eggs from Mer
rill Route, fresh
daily. Dozen
I White King Soap
y , special
f 1 large pckV White King 4 " ' g
HO Bars White Kin Soan C I U
i 5 cake Mission Bell Soap JL t Ld
: Additional 10 Bars White King Soap Free
Corn Starch
3 Pkgs.
25c .
-I n Bars P&G Soap and
, " One .Pound Crisco ....
Gloss Starch
3 Pkgs.
65 c
Public Market
Phone 169 c - 6th Street M Walnut
Parking Space for Every Car
Kor a month : this 'spring Jo
Harris sat on. tbe Pltuburgh beach.
j units mure man a spectator, -.ine
Pirates started with a splurge.
winning seven out , of the first
) eight games. ' '! .
Then came, a severe slump. Bush's
; team .dropping from flrat to .fifth
place with a thud, with a percent-
ace around the .600 mark. "
iDonie Bush ' was desperate at
the sndden nnexpected turn of . af
fairs. He realized he needed more
punch at the bat.' Hal Ilhyne ' at
second was fielding well enough but
couldn't hit 'em safe. '
Bush made a drastic change In
I an effort to get more batting
i strength Into his lineup. He shift-
led Grantham from. first to. second.
I a position he played with varying
success while' with the Chicago
Cubs, and sent Joe Harris Jo first.
The day that Bush shifted Harris
to first base the Pirates started a
winning streak of 11 straight
games that eventually carried tbein
to the top of' the National Jague
Karri Coul.l lie ,lsrd
During a recent winning streak
of the Pirates Harris made 23 bits
in 32 times at bat, a truly remark
able performance. 'During that
j base 12 times In succession, either
tnrougn tne meaium ot nits or oas
es on balls. . '
At this stage of the race In the
American League there are sever
al managers who could use Joe Har-l
' rls at first base to advantage.
. No doubt he would be much wel
comed by Connie Mack. Jim Poole.
who played first base most of the
I time last year, and the recruit Bra
' nam have failed at the bat. Tbe
latter, a star In tbe American Asso
cIstloDi was touted as certain to de
liver. I ... , ' ;
Manager Haa Tough Job ' " ,
. While the life ot a major league
umpire is often .far from an en-
- viable one, . there are apparently
several tougher jobs In baseball.
I George Morlarty, who first star
red aa a big league player, became
' one of the beat umpires In baseball
and Is now manager of (be Detroit
Tigers, is well fitted to dlscnss the
(toughest job In baseball.
I Incidentally, I am positive that
' George wouldn't pick umpiring as
the hardest of the three, player,
manager and umpire, all of -which
I he has tasted.
"Two hours is usually the limit
of an umpire's woe unless the game
goes Into extra Innings, but a man
ager worries all 24 hours. If he
! can't sleep, which often Is tho
case," explains Morlarty In drawing
a comparison between tbe two posi
tions. . . .....
The failure of the Detroit Tigers
to get away to a flying start has
. Immediately put the burdens . of.
In the stretch; Morlarty was.cnjieod-
ed to hare tqeiu'iktngs ofl..Q,ne a
gun ciuo, n!
' Some of the experta went so far
an to pick the Detroit Tigers to win
the pennant, which required a moat
opt I mint Ic temperament. I.ea op
timistic scribes expressed the belief
that the team would prove In be
the dark hifretl iof the rcqjl'waleh
after all. ran nran anything. .
On one thing all critics agreed In
siting up the poaalbllltlea ot De
troit, the team could hit, regardless
of any other fault It might have.
During the first two mouths of
this year's play, the Tigers have
failed to do the very thing every
one agreed they could, whale tho
tar out ot the old baseball.
. , .
Instead of getting awiy to a
good start, the club has seldom
been better- than .600 and most o(
(he lime baa been ip seventh place,
rsgo, favored by fine pitching,
which Schnlk haa handled with ex
cellent Judgment, plus timely bal-
I .. .. . I - a I . i I . I. . ...
-"a Nun mo nn-RikR, waa veeu ine
aurprbte ot the race.
Since iiianagprtiil ability la jmlg.
ed by the games won rultimn, Kay
Klhulk la being hulled as a greui
manager, while Judgment la being
tenerved on tienrge .Murlurly.
' I know both Hrhnlk and Morlar
ty to be two ot the smartest pity
era I have over come Into couta. t
with. Kaeh knows the gome tho,-.
nughly. It la ono thing to know
It. however, .and quite another lo
liet results. i
. . . . (
I fuel pretty, positive that George
Morlarty la ronvlueed that manag
ing la tougher than umpiring, tUat
Ituy Schalk, despite hla early vea
aon succeas, thinks It harder than
Man Breaks Four
Dates JiVith Death
('lilt' AGO, June li:. (;Vl -The
I errant lines ot mriune imivu iiiineu
toward lluvael ticolt. who had four
dates with death mid broke lhen
I nil
Ills iliumulle u ml iiupiiralleled
three-year tlglit for Hie which Ul
tractvd worlil-wldo IIUereM. reached
Ha khI of tumporary victory Wed
Iteaduy, after a aerlea u llirllllnii
I'llmnvea which litiil tried the nerve
and lieni't of the condemned former
(tf.nuo uiillluimlro's wlfo and
Tnt her, x
Twice IIuhboI Hcott bad been
saved from the gallows within au
hour of the BiTiriliiled execution for
the murder of Joseph Mnurer, a
drug store clerk, In Chicago, In
lAnnl ltdl Dtiro lie wae granted
a aluy of execution twu days bi-forq
the trap waa to liava sprung bltn
Into I lie ul'llvlon lit dunlll. - - .
At The Liberty
, TJie Miracle ; Dog of the Screen
A Wonderful Dog in a Wonderful Picture!
teSrl .Theatre, j
L L 1
. E rf E
The Hypnotic Wizard
MiTKH K.XIt)NKST til-' TIIK AIIT Of-' l'aiirTIO
Till Work Will Mtartle and .inoae Vuu!
in '
I : , : : :
. ijetyourTKJili ,
$0&-offerclosestien L .
NOT a clay to Joee ! Bt ing 8 tall she Alpine . wMWwWin t ' Vm'h'd
labels or i6finall one to our redeeming u- WW'Wyw' J t
tionat once tk home thia exquisite SIMEON WW'W t& '-'i
L. and GEORGE H. ROUERS "Kingstonv pat- . ,vJ ".i1'-' 0? V '"
AJJ lovely new pieces to your table silver. yWY7M'W11 11 SK&'Wl,
Start using Alpine today. Try this purer, cream- fi't'J ' '&2
- . ler.mtllc tor all cooking tor tastier vegetaDles, , aMa tll
. rooother s-ioces. more delicious coffee. E -.1'3 f?' ifI
Since Alpine keeps indefinitely, irany wctaen L J', "t'JM
are laying in a supply now to make uf," ' ' cXW1 till'
q( getting a whole set of lovely spoons '" il'' &- Vi .- .
before the offer expires. Don't " ZZ? KVl."'1 . . 'w
wait! Try Alpine today S A Spanish Cream.- I
l $&.-lt' "Allll ) SS--'ZZ4 ti " Aaik-U
5-i '..-S-y " ir K
gjff. f w..J..ri. mil tmin
' '"1 ' V Redeeming Station before Jurxe 3Qth. s'Sv.
S iV S Chiloquin Di-ug Co., Chiloquin, 'Ore , iVv"'
'lv, '"Vk-I e Evening Herald, Klamath Falls, Ore. f(vL I
' ; - - Miiv; "
stnsi ., i aaajia, .sist "QSSst '.'
J . .