Coma Section Twb Pages 1 to 6 Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Price Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE.; FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1927 Number 6061 University Library Eugene, OffPon PLAYING HOUSE I Children of Pasadena Are Ingenious; Make Own Household Effect . I'ABAUKNA. Calif,, Juno 34 (('I') Tho house Hint J uck built, or even great bin hotiM), haa "nol liitiK on" tlio modern playhouaa constructs! mill furulshnl almost nl"ITly IhrouKh I be efforts o( flint grudera In th Brooklyn school here. Anyone who thinks tint "playlbg hiiUM" and "mania" aud "papa" U paaaa' with children of the year 1917 alioulil drop In any school day an. Inspect the playhouse mucin by pupil of tli A-l claw from a dl- AT YOUR DOOR Industrial nupplit'S Phone 371 113 o. Uib Hi. IS DONE RICH The Polly Shoppe 133 South Ninth St. Opposite Post Office FREE FREEFREE We' Are Giving Away With Every Purchase of $1.00 or Over A HANDY KITCHEN TONG of One Hundred Uses Come Get One for SATURDAY SPECIALS Phone 83 v Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Falls' Own Special Blend Coffee, lb. 25c 3 pounds for $1.30 : ; . Ask about the coupon and the i one-dollar when purchasing.' KRAUSE'S MARSHM ALLOW 1 lb. in nice tin box for 60c C 1 Canned Sweet Potatoes, bpeCialS Asparagus, Vanilla r a 1 Pineapple Cakes. Bakery Specials Mocha Cakes The "Original" Health Bread Try it once You'll always order it FALLS y Grocety and Bakety . : s ' 6th and Main Sts." curded piano lion. And Ilia clilldrei mud lliit furntshliiga, too, Including Lull tlm crockery want. Moat of Ilia furniture In lliu play houae la bright red In color. lint that la only natural because tlm teacher. Miss Klal Houghton, al lowed the pupils of bcr clusa to do velop their own rotor taalea. The outer rolorltiK of tho atruc iii re la yellow and rrveala somuthlng new In artistic house painting. Tlio roof la black, and the re la a red chimney made from a box. , Featured ttiatdo Die bouse la ouo blK room, lama enough for of ilia children to play Id at one time. Hut the livet part of this room la uaeful looking "fireplace," alao made from a bo. The room la papered, and lac curtains, stltch ed by chubby hinds, adorn the win dowa. There are cushioned wludow aeata, cuahlonnd chalra and the niu: -trtsa for I lie bed la "homo made." The glrla did most of the acwlng while the boya created the furullurt. Thero are two big dulla which re aidv In the bousa at all tlinca. but It alo bouse fully a doten mythical "ramlllea." It stems the boya and glrla uerer tlra uf playing house and nrtlng like "papa" and mama." tun i.iticii I) m i r ItAI'll) CITY, H. V.. June 24. ( Al'l The next sesalon of congress will art en the llouldvr canyon dam question, Itepresentatlva Tllson of ( onnertlrut, republican house lead er, declared today after he had mo tored to llapld City with President gCoolldge roin the alate gam lodge. FIGHTING STAG FINISHES FOURTH Day and t. Half Late, In dian Comes Across Ttpe Running Strong HANTS l'Art.1. June 24. My Almost a day a,nd a liulf behind tlio leoibr In the 4 o mile Itvdwood high way niurathou, Klghtlng Slug caimi In to the finish line tbla morning at 8:p2. running atrong. Mad Hull. Hying Cloud and Mellka bad pre-j reded hi in oyer the tape. Thrro olbcra. Falcon, Swcek and Dig While Iieer were still running, having pass ed Patrick's Creek, 02 in Ilea out, early tbla morning. They were to be In tonight. Nut ( single Indian entered In the race ahowi an III effect from the longeat marathon on record, KTi'a Mellki. 61 year old Zunl. after about two huura rent, appeared yesterday! evening at a banquet glron here for the runner. Tha aged Zunl runner i waa given an oration and bia far, ( usuully Btolld, occaalonully broke In to a am lie, There were aevcu of the runner who had started at San Franclaco here last night. Not a one showed alKUa of wearlncse after abort real and tbelr tralnrra stated thai they were nut even atlff. I Foot trouble and aore leg muscles were the moat common troublea along the way. Jnmon. the young eat Zunl. waa forced out when hot pavement bllatered hla feet. Tho others alao had similar trouble but Mad Hull, the winner, reported llttla trouble of thla kind. Trite money waa distributed at' a banquet laat night. Mad Hull has already apent bla on a large new aedan. -He la making a trip eaat, aome time thla aummer. Bowne and Loosley Believed Elected 1 Although no oflrlal count baat bwn made by County School Clerk j Carl Inge, Indication today were I that Kranrla J. Flowne. Honanu, i and Kay Iooaley, Fort Klamath, had I been reelected directors of tha : county achool board. , j EMBOSSING P R Phone N 522 1282 T Klamath - G' f Klamath. Printing Co. rnstrles muke n picnic out tit any outdoors meal makes the plainest lunch n happy party. Wliun planning that day In the woods stop In and see us we'll help arrange the lunch box treat. SPECIALS x ' Cheese Bread, Straw berry Layer Cake Never Too Late : I fc3 . Daniel C. Snidrr, old aoltlicr, miftrnt of the National Home for Diublcd Volunteer Soldiers, found at 73 it' "never too late to begin." To pan away bii time, lie began rarvinfr at a white Ivory billiard ball. Today the ".trin ket" it valued at f 1,000. Snider'a tiirturc la above; below, a photo .vfhc caning. " The two men were the only candi dates for the two racanclea on tho board, and no active oppoaltion waa umnifeHt agnlnat them. It vKi re ported. Klntlon of district boarde and clcrka' of dlatrlre high arhoola will not be known until the offlrUI count la made known tho latter part of thin week. r W00L4WIS Five Per Cent Rise Antici pated in London,- Bul letin Report BOSTON. June 2. (D The Com mercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: "The wool market continues to strengthen slightly from week to wek. Prices In the west as welt as In tha eastern markets, are slightly dearer, though not on descriptions. Fine staplo wools and quarter blood dompstlcs have been! n chief request. Scoured and pulled wool are firm. "The foreign markets are show ing a hardening tendency in line with the expectation of a five per cent rise at lmlon. "The goods market appears to be In better form. "The demand fo- mo'ialr Mill t Mow, with prices unchanged." The Commercial Bulletin will publish the following wool . quoii tlons tomorrow: Scoured basis: Oregon, fine and P. M. staple, 1.05 w 1.07. Klnu and P.'M. clothing 90 (If 95. Mohair: Original bug ftveragd 12 months, Oregon S3 (r 55. VfiVs Readjusting Production to Meet Altered Conditions NKW YOKK. June it. (4 He ports from about BOO chief lumber mills of the country tq tho nntlonal lumber manufacturers . esociatlon Indicate the readjustment in the in dustry to generally altered economic conditions, still Is in progress. Al though busiuess for soverul mouths has been less than last year, and pro duction has decreased accordingly, the curtailment continues. Soft wood mills for the week ended June IS shnwud a decrease of 11.000 feet In new buslnras from the week be fore and production foil off 1.000,000 feet, iilthnitgh there waa an Increase of !l, 000. otto feet In shipments. Hard wood production and new business show some weekly Increase. Ship ments foil off a little. Moc Arc- Homo Mr. mid Mia. II. N. Moe with Iht'lr house guest, Miss I, tin Moore, ara homo from a. delightful motor trip along the coast, taking In more than 11 00 milse. They report tour ist trnrycl picking up and much talk of Kliimnth Kails. The tnr'lff on Swiss , cheese hs bean ruined GO per , cent. Thla will give some of our local poets a rliiinre. - 1 laemaaa" Hi a enag Mr nVfa fma m H aa? ii,Ym STRENGTHEN NG BERGODLLWDULD FLY TO AMERIGAiWILL HAVE BIG Notorious Draft Dodger: Plans To Return To j U. S. By Air j HKKI.IN. June 24. P) drover llcrgdoll, noiorloua draft dodger, 'anloua to return to America, and Implrtd by the recent Irana-Allan- i tic flight, la determined to fly to . j to the Colled Ktatea If he can ob- i tain an American plane capable of making the trip. ; ! . i . i i . . 1 . 1 1 ifi'lfKiBliillUB iiiw nvriiu mim " r - - of the AMKiclated I'reM today from ' amoker to be ataged at Medford by Hoexler, Weatphalli, where be. atop-(1 Vorl Vl, 15 on SlUuruay night. It I j ped on an automobile tour. Berg;- ; txvwAK(i Klamath Fjlla will claim doll wrote: 'one of the largest reprenentatlons j "Will the conntrurtor of the 8plr- :from the rout hern part of the state, jlt of HI Louia. or the Columbia,; Notables from all parts of tbe state 'deliver a piano with a Wright mo- J will be present, including Governor tor In short order?" Keferrlng to bis "proposal to pur- , senlatlve Stelwer. IK-nn Dorris. Hen chose the Columbia, which Irvine j FUher. Arthur Murphy and a nuni dld not answer" he amplified on : ber of others will attend the smoker, his plans as follows , j Capital Post, No. . will entertain Am Ion To Mr. ; the members with a number of popu- "I am anxious to fly from- Eur-1 ope to the American interior nnless the gasoline gives out. as soon as an airplane ran he obtained. No! Cerman plane callable of this flighty is obtainable at present." A dixpatch from Bremerhaveu : last week said that Charles l-evlie. 1 who accompanied Clarence Cham berlin on his Atlantic flight, hid informed Rergdoll that tbe Colom bia was not for sale. To a propo sal that Rergdoll be permitted to accompany Chamberlln on a return flight to the Vnlted States, I-evlne replied that he and Chamberlln were going bark to New York to gether. News that Walter Hagen makes $!0.000 a year playing golf opens up one more useful field for tbe employment of college graduates. 2. 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING Work called for and delivered. t Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works Phone 40H. I GLASSES Ejrrs Examined. Fitted and tlis ' Glasses Ground tn nur on factory to suit jokr inJrrtJxjl itt yV mentf. Broken Lcntes Replaced DR. COBLE'S . 70 MAIN STREET Kcfjhs Qmnk Srtric After Your Shave Harmony Bay , 'Rum Made from the finest Im ported Oil of Bay, distill ed In the West Indies and of full strength. A mint dellghlful and refreshing botly rub and -astringent. Delightful after shaving. Very Invigorating If a small quantity is added to the morning bath. 75c Full Pint Star Drug Store , Klamath Falls, Ore. , KLAMATH REPRESEN TAT! G N i Smoker At Medford Satur day Night Proves Attrac tion To Vets y It h more than two dozen Iocs! ; memliera of The American I.eglon ; Braarfv nrnaril - In ntloftrt lh, Patterson. Senator McNary. Itepre- Don't Forget Brad's Bakery llth and Wash. BAKERS Open Sundays from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. "Brad's". Bungalow Bakery Phone 1273 1039 Washington EE $ 15 0 Or will take lot as down payment ' Easy terms on balance. , New 3 room house with "garage. Large corner lot, 68x140. Desirable location. $1350 full price. . . 1 . , See owner, H. E. H AUGER f Buick Garage mic, we from Cherries Cantaloupes HURRY CASH GROCERY Phone 576 ' lar take-offa on noted minstrel en- -tertaluera. - . .. .. ' A bamiuet at the hotel Medford f t:iO will atart the evening off after, t which the guests will adjourn ty; the Armory for the remainder of the program. legionnaires of tha local prfst lii . find It possible to make tha ttlp ar urged to get in touch with t.eorgV llartb. commander, at Tbe K. gugari man Store. ' leaving: Tenliclit - Mrs. Frank Smith will leave on" thla evenings train for Coeur d' Alene. Idaho, with the remains ot her husband who was killed . at. Iorrls early yesterday. The lasti' riles will be held at Coenr d' Alene.' . STAGE J Information to all points.- Call at , New Stage Depot 11 li mid Klamath Atc Phone 326 OF QUALITY . . 3 With many a skip, jump and hop Our Eddie hat climb- ed to the top; At hard work he' '.a bear . And for SERVICE he's there never knows just when to stop. . In keeping witH ' : Quality Products are adding another line the MONARCH BRAND ' Reid, Murdock Co. Fresh Pineapple Strawberries