FridayJune 24, 1027 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Five 38' HEEDS EMAND BETTER PEN CONDITIONS Convicts Defiant in Prison ' Coal Mine; Refute 1 To Surrender " l.ANHINU. Kan.,, June 14, (It Kdenalv demand (or bll con dition at Ilia tt pvullnnllaiy hr today Mr4d th convkt Ultimatum uo clgarottna. no coal that preclplUUd .a inuliny TuwiUy In which IS, prlaouer barrtradril thialraa tad 14 raptlv guard In the Institution oal mine. . - ' Tko new , ultimatum tilipliond front the TSO-fyut Ivvsl p( tli ailna to lb aim prlaon board uarmblad nrro to Invvatlgat tha fourth mutiny In I dacadoa, rrtultad In a deadlock. Although tho mntlnavra bad bn In tha ailn mora than alxijr hour, thy ramalnad duflaul bn adrlnad to aurrtndar If they wlahad thalr d inanda gtgaa mrtoua ctinaldnratlon. 1 Tha ultimatum apocldnd: Hpwdlug oC conaldarallon of parola application! inroad and third larm sonvlrt to rwalv tha aamo con alteration a tint loraia: rr moral of Uia wardua from parola Iwarluga ami llmlnallon of hla recommenda tion: rradll tor. tint In othar In atlltltlona arhaa traiinfurrrd; ' addi tional raduollona. ot aanlanroal for good behavior; mora prlvlt'g' for tnlnara; btlr food; so punlhiarnt tor atrlkart and wrlttau reply' to tb damanda. . " '; Aa unidentified apukaaman for tba ronvlcta laughed. Bad cat evldvac of being In blah aplrlta aftar tba de maada had bran raad to C. 8. Huff man of Topaka, lc chairman of tha board. ' ( ' "W would Ilka to hair yoa boy coma up. right Boar It jrou waul jo," Huffman told tha apokvamaa. , Yon can f"t u up. If you want 1 lb conrkt raollud. II laugh. d aa b grantad Huffman! r,UMt to talk to John tlalt. eapttv ailna pit boaa. llealet aald "ha waa' aa wall a could be pi peeled." '' Haalet did am mention food, al though prlaon ufflclnle bettered tba on meal arnt down ahortly befora tha eonleta blocked .tha cag at 11 o'clock Tueaday m.rnlng, would bar been exhuled wllbln I daya. Ho far aa wax known 3 buabnla of oata Intended for th 17 mlue mule waa the only, puaalbl aourca of food In tha duiigeoni darken rd when tba electric! Haute' won cut off. Open Observation i Car Will Feature i Agents' Excursion On tlmlr return Journoy over the , Caacailo line, inn ticket agent from the I'uget Hound dUtrlrt, due her 'Sunday on nn eiruralon, will view the acenlr beaullo nlnng the new Una from an open air olmerratlon cur, J. J. Miller. 8. P. , dllrlt freight and paaauDgwr agent aald today, Tho ounervaf Ion tar. which .no window or roof, arrived In Kla math Kalla lent ulalit from Ilia outh and will be attndied lo the eicuralou train on It northbound trip from Klamath Tall. Preparation are being made by th chamber of couiinare to uler Uln the vlallor here during their two hour atay Huaday. S. F. Jurist Gives " Man Jail Sentence On Strange Count RAN rnAKClriCO. June J4. (VP) Federal Judge Frank H. Kerrigan aentenced Kloyd Parley to two month In county Jail today, aftar Paraley testified b fit a paaaengar In an automobile he knew waa atolen. il Paraley aald be left Klamath Palla. Ore., to hike to Oakland, Calif.; and wa given a "llff'i by J a me M. Hohaeffor. motortot. The Utter con fided lo him tha car waa atolen, he aid. and disappeared, leaving the caj with Paraley In Oakland. I'araley told tha court he left a fire year old aoa In Portland, Oro. i i Many To Alien, I '. A crowd of local membrra of the American Luglon ar making plan to attend the amokar to b waged In Medford on Haturday night The affair will atari with kaaqnot at :30 at the hotel Medford. i t:3t k JENNINGS v TFNT SHOW Wednesday and Thursday "The Game." A comedy drama in 3 acU. Friday, "The Millionaire and; the Flapper." ' A ' farce comedy in 3 acts. Saturday, "Toby From Tuncrvllle." A rural comedy drama in S acta Sunday, "St. Elmo." One of America's oldest and best known comedy dramas ever written. 4 acts. . ' '"v- Doora opened at 7:30. Starts , at S:O0 o'clock. Price 10c and Sa ; Tent located on South Sixth, ' l..? ! - t" el I i' Near Smlthy'g tiaras BRIEF NEWS -OF KLAMATH InlerenlhiK paM-r I'ounil While enjoying a plcnlr on Hioit llur, located aome to mile aoulh went of llornbrook, Mr. and Mr. Karl Hlivpherd and Mr, and Mr. "Dm" Cook run onto a number of Interesting old pitper. oiue of whleh were dated back a far 0 I 5. Th one dated In Auguat. 1SS. waa written by M. II. d Young, proprietor tit tha Han Kran clco Choroid at that lime. r2 t'omllliin Irnprovcn Word frum Portland tell of the Improved condition of Itobert Ben-I MrNaTV Denies Talk ,n","" UP ,n ,h preldentlai I Inciuillng, rlii.peroue and lht L (..., 1.1. . t nftir ...n will, mm tmrut m mn mm . K..... .. .t. I U . . .. -1.. I- - traps-Canada limited Finett train-thrnujh the CanaJian Pacific Roc ket inn' mounlui arCHrryiailiruwrlu" Fat- '3 9t time acme the Cat dian cnntinrnl to all poinu in r'atern Canada ' and th United State! LOW ROUND TRIP FARES NOW ONI. May JJ to Sent JO. Rcturp Limit Oct Jl, - Open observation car: men't club car. valet ser vice: liberal atopover r very where, including .-' Banff and Lake Uhum1 , furtir Twi) ' Ckmmmn Gj4 IW WmtU Owl W H Deacon Mr 4r'Patir Dcetr . UTmrditwihndMJuionbhrlalW aoa Kuykcndall, who had hi leg broken while attending' picnic In the northern city neveral week ago. He pinna to return ' to Klamath Kalla a eoon a he I able to travel. Condition Improve Word received by Bert Hull of tiio Hotel Hull from Port hind telle of the Improved condition of Her bert Merry. HI many friend -. In Klamath Kail will be Intereated to Ivhtu Of hi teady Improvement. K.tlll IWl Wtll TO MKIvT. A meeting of th county fair board will be held tomorrow In tbe county agent'e office to dlacu plan for. the county fair next full, Mr. Luila Parker, terrctary of the board announced today. ' 4th of July Specials New Ford Touring Run 2000 Miles. Sound Values in 4th of July Specials Chandler Touring Jut Like New. USED CMS We are featuring a most complete line of v ' y . 1 Standard) Makes Rebuilt and in splendid condition that will give you unlimited service and satisfaction. A demonstration without obligation. Ul'Y YOl It CAR I'ltOM I S AND LKAD THK I'AKAUK! t ' Of Vice-Presidency MKUKOIID. Ore., June 2i. (P) United Btatea Hcnator Charlea Mc Nary when naked today If he were a candidate for vice president on the republican ticket, anwred with an emphatic "No." "What la more," aald the ienotor, who la pending aevaral daya here wllb United Htatea Benator rltelwer and Congrrxeman Slnnott looking ovar the Irrigation aituatlon, "I would not accept the vice prexlden tlal nomination If It were offered me. I like an active life too well to tie office even with aa good a man Preaident t'oolldg. a member of tlin Lake county club. the ap-r!itt car from till Mellon carrle IS. ; t 'I ' Club Delegation ' Returns Tomorrow After a two week' apeclal coun ty club ro ii rue offered at t'orvalll by the Oregon Agricultural college, the Klamatb-Ike county club dele gation will return tomorrow after noon at 3:55 p. ru., according to word received here today. "The work ha been very ucces ful." Prank W. Sexton, county club leader, wrote. 4 Refrigerators KLATH At Reduced 'Price' from 1 Furiiitlire Co $12.50 to $45 IlKme M4 ,gu ,,., . . Buick Garage 1330 Main St. ' Phone 42 vjv ' ' " ' A ;iiilii!fti lliplli! i:!:i:!!ii:ti:;:r:r:ui:i ; i-S '"Hi !U! TK:iir va, i r 1 "rnnnnKnihttict iApHhajmirtil.-dmu: iiiiii 1 rMiiiiibw - edl JganMiKM 1 Will '' '-m Ilk oV vVV 1 5.00 ....... 3.65 M BifeffV A.Vfl 1 6.50 ....... 4.65 ili mMmK VW 8.50 6.35 ;f i ' il S.Ur. and Stiff . f "il llP straws k TJ" . Ay-- - ..;'.:vm! iPJill 52.00 t..v.:..f 1.85 i Ik aO'UuT- . lt.p ...?mm P JUSTIN 8C MONTGOMERY .. M ; J r VVilliams Bldg. "Men's Wear'l Klamath Falls t xi .v.. . o.: Sfrawbeirries We, are receiving daily, large shipments of fancy Strawberries from the north.': These berries are the finest quality grown; being of dark red meat clear through and with a flavor that is long lasting. When we tell you - 1 - j they are the finest berries ever sold in Klam ath Falls,' we tell you the truth,' ybu'eah b'e'tne judge) after once eating. Now is the time to give us your orders for canning. They will not last long. 24 cup crates at $2.25 case, small way, 2 for 25c. Phone us your orders. THE SUNSET GROCERY "Satisfaction or Money Back" FRESH FISHING TACKLE ' - Powell Ttoclj and Film. Montagu Itod and Allcock Kile ' 8baknpeare, Martin and ' I'duegcr Keel , . Line anil Reel of all Kind Ererytbtng for th Flab ' SEE CONNOLLY BROS. 011-018 Main mm with ' I-I "" Oronite i i r t FLY THE BEST in quality Lowest Prices . v..-. t .V The Reason We Sell For Cash Only PORK Pork Roasts Pork Chops .19c Pork Spare Ribs, lb. .. Fresh Side Pork . Fresh Pork Hocks, lb 12c ;jp: II! LARD -- Bulk Lard, lb ..14c Buckets, 4 lbs. net, each ...80c Buckets, 9 lbs. net, each $1.60 Rib Steaks, each Ril Boil, lb 15c 12c HAMS Swifts, Armours, Morrells, Valley Pack ing Co's., Cascade Hams Whole or Half, lb. 30c PALACE MEAT MARKET 524 Main St. " Phone 68 'sinsefis- FUES MOSQUITOES .MOTHS ROACHES BED BUGS ANTS.ETC. Harmless to Humans r t:l '""'w- V'' k i Onmitef A iltY' -' Get an Oronite Fly Spray Kit (full pint can of Oronite My Spray and improved prayer) at grocery drug hardware or department stores. Alo old in pint quart 1- and 5-gallon cant, barrels rad barrel Take a kit on your camping trip yoH llbtdttithttd! , Am mckmmtnt jth rtinwtk UUmhritt sf STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA ' " ' ;" makers of ' ' , ORONTTE HousehoUPnvtufls ORONITE CLEANING FLUID ' FURNITURE POLISII ALTO POUSH-HANDV OIL '"-'ETC'" 'J ;