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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1927)
Page Two THE EVENING HERAMI'KI.AAtATH-ATXS, OREC.ON Friday. Juno 2-1, 1027 July 2 Last Day for Veterans to Reinstate War Time Insurance f. ... -, air t ' - That July second It the last day lor reinstatement of war tlma in surance poller holders la the word received here at American Ieglon headquarter. Ex-aervlc men will hare lb privilege at this time to ' take up a temporary lerel premium trailer which can ng for five year and after that tlma milt be con Verted to oae ot tha six forma of farad by tba Government War lilsk Insurance Department. condition aa to render him uninsur able in the ordinary sense, and hi diaabilille are. a reault of his war time service, he also has this privi lege. j 3 IUIIIoh Itultur. ' At the present time the govern ment haa slightly under S billion dolara worth ot Inarance covering aoma 0i),0t) ei-aervlce nin. I'p until June SO. 1311. monthly in stallments on' term Insurance poll- BRIEF NEWS -OF KLAMATH p Each of theee forma are standard ele were paid to 11. SO totally dis bud issued by tha government at a abled .veterans . and lo tha bencfl-Bon-overhead expense thereby sat- claries ot 11 4,91 deceased service Ing tba policy holder considerable ines,- - money.- One particular point ot In-) Blank i for the reinstatement of terat to ex-service men is the fact tht( Insurance. rau be had .through that It a man is in such physical the officials ot the local post. TRIAL. MAY " 'RESUtT IN - " kNO VERDICT ; Obituary I L l (Continued From Pit One) . It was-this point. In particular, that War' attorney appealed on their former trial and obtained a reversal and a remandmeat to cir cuit eourt.x The defense at that Time held that Judge Leavitt's fail ure, to- include this Instruction Jus tified a reversal, t t . ( : Another : significant tnstruclon was that If the Jury felt that Way was guilty ot first, or second degree murder and not manslaughter, they .could Justifiably return a verdict -of' ullly3 ot manslaughter. . Inat- ' much aa Way was originally con victed ot manslaughter be ' could oaly be. aentenced oa that charge. But, the Judge pointed out, the .fact that the "Jury" might possibly - feel It was a first degree murder case--not - manslaughter should not impel them to disagree,-but to re turn a verdict of guilty. . WANTED: FOUR 'i TO TAKE AUTOS -,.. . ' !-- ... '!; (Continued From Page One) 'Bnlck Sedan. " ' Suppose yon land second placet . A I1.00S Chrysler Sedan; third place? A 9S5 Essex Sedan: fourth place? -An J849 - Chevrolet Sedan. . Not bad for a few weeks of spare time effort? - Now, left get real pessimistic and aay. ''Suppose I lose out all around ' on the 4 automobile?. What else ' it there? ..... . V Four radio sets. The Newt and Herald picked ont two 30 Strom- t berg-Carlaaa Radios and two 1150 i Stewart-Warner Radios. If you t lav ever listened to any of these -wrell-knewa makes you needn't be told bow nice It would be to own 'one.' And a radio, nowadays', it Just aa- Indispensable . at an auto ' mobile. ... -it-' Than there are cash awards. Two '$75 cash p rites and two 150 rash -pritC. '. -V. - "Ye, thaft all Tery well; but . not everybody, can win " -. -. Everjrbodr Caw Win, ., Hold! . It you'll pardon us, but everybody can win . In tbla cam paign! After the automobile, the radio and cash prixe winner are decided, all remaining .candidates who were, active during tha cam : palgn will receive 10 per cent rash ' i : .,..!.. ". aubacription money they turn In. oo, you see, uers is every reason - why yoa should enter this campaign. Twelve, thousand vote will be given ' yon as a starter, merely for sending la the nomination blank printed' In '.the campaign advertisement . else where In this issue.,. No entry fee ef any. kind; no coat at' any time. . The- prizes are free.'- Look for the nomination blank 'now,-use it, and everything you need to start will be tent to you by return mall. At atom the Jury" was taken to lunch by Court Bailiff H. J. Matteoa. Vimy returned shortly before 1 l. m. to ronrlaa their deliberation. . o Inkling of what was transpir ing In- the tjury room was - evident in the court hoasc. Sior rouhl . loud J guiauii tftUve- voice be beard frorh wltboat. v : " With' the Jury out IVt hours, pre dictions were being made that the Jury would be dismissed because ot disagreement. KHAMiM. KMITH Frank, S. Smith, aged 35 years IS days, "husband of Dorothy Smith and a resident of Dorris, California. rtor - the ; past two months, passed away In tbat city yesterday morn ing. Death- was Au to an accident while employed at his regular work at the Keateraon Lumber company. Mr. Smith waa a former resident of K4iuuiatb , Fall and a native of Mootaaai v Hesluei his wife he leaves one daughter. Dorr la Gene, ,.,. age S"yen." mother and father. Nr. I r-i 1. , o i,u iki,.I To Visit II. May Attend MiM-tilig Mrs. t'harle Martin, regent; Mr. R. K. Wat ten burg, vice regent; Mr.. O. 11. llarshbarger, past regent of California; Mrs. Wilbur Jones, past regent of En la ion i chapter aud Mr. Kainta Lee Mills nil of the U. A. K. will probably attend the meeting ot the State Hoard ot th D. A. It. to be held In Albany on next Thursday. A number ot other, member from Eulalona chapter are hoping to be able lo attend the meeting. Home From Trip Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Moe and house guest, Mlsa Llla Moe ot Spokan. Washington, returned last evening from an enjoyable trip along the coast, covering more, than 1100 miles. Mr. Moe . reports traffic heavy and much talk ot Klnmath Falls. Improving; Hlowlj '" The condition ot William Itourk continues .to ahow slight Improvo nti nt each day and bopra are now held tor bla complete recovery. He la a patient at the Klamath tlencral Hospital where he wa taken Hun day following a aerlotia accident, which caused him to lose the sight ot bia right eye. . .. Home For Summer ( " Friends of 'Mr. Mary Moor will lie pleased to learn ot her return to Klauiuth Falls i for th,. sutnmer mouth from Los Angelea where she ha eujoyed the winter months with relatives and friends. Mr. Moore t a guest at the hotel Wll lard. ..-.I- . i i i :i 1 i lft For Itocky IVInl - Mra. V. C. Pulton and daughter aud Mr. II. N. aloe and niece. Ml Llla, of Spokane, left thlt afternoon for Kocky Point . where they will spend the week end.. Markets - l OUTI.ANU, ur., June II. fl'i Duller Htoudy; extra cubes, city, 40 He lb.; standard Sic: prltno first 38 4; first stc t'rvumery price: Prints, 3c above rubus; but urfat 3V fob, Portland. ' Milk Steady; ruw milk (4 pur contl. II 17 rwt. fob. Portlnud. Hut- terfnt, 3SH fob. Portland. Kggs Kxtrns aim midluma dowu lo; current rvoelpts 30s doton; treah medium. 19c; . fresh slandanl Units, Sic; first slumlard extru 31c. . Poultry t l.exa per rent com mission) Hteady; heavy ben 17 d 33c;. light. 13 t 14c; prlng, nom trial ; broilers, 13 (I 1; Pekln White dueka. 30c; colored, nominal; turkey, allvo, nominal; dreased, 37c lb. Onions Steady; local, $3.73 V Potatoes S. SO 4. SO safV To Join IIuxIhiimI Mr. Frank Woodard and daugh ter are expected in the city this week end to spend several days here with Mr. Woodard. an official of the Allan-Lewis company. A warehouse for the concern la to be erected In this city within the near future and Mr. Woodard It here in the Interests of the' proposed new building. Mra. Woodard and daugh ter are motoring south from their and Mr.- Charles Smith of White Fish. : Man tana: 1 brother and 4 sisters, all ot Montana. The remains were brought to the Earl - Whltiock Funeral Home In this clgr and will be sent this eve ning to bqeor dv Alene, Idaho, ac companied by the wife and daugh ter, where interment will take place. ROilERT ; CiRCXAC. Funeral services for9 the bite Rob ert Grunau were held - today at 4 p. 1m:"atthe Earl Whitlock Funeral Home, ' Pine Avenue at Sixth street, the Rev. J. Henry Tho mas officlalng. Interment waa made W LJnkvme cemetery1. 'j ? ' Lntlllut L. S. Nelron. vice presi dent ot The Arcweld Furnace Com-; pany of Seattle expects to spend 1 several day here this coming week. I Mr. Nelson la visiting the various' cities along the' route from Port-' land on south. He will go as for. soma as san r rsnciseo wnere nt company have established southern headquarters. , :4 A I Look at These SATURDAY SPECIALS Pppk Roast Pork Chops Pork Steak J-11 1 v VANCOtlVKlV. Wash. June SI. "COUNTY COURT (4') -Lending rredsnre to I ha report I u , v ,- cro NEW ROAD that Lieutenant Oakley tl. K.lly. F " riii Jait iltV first non-stop tranttontliiental fly. ' . (Contlrfusd Frro Fag l)i er. may attempt a flight lo th.), Ileatlyttly tenlon. 'roh. Dalry to Hiiwntlan Ulauds. In a radio nies.ia.t th commou point aud Illy east, received al Pearson field here lod.iy. I which project will oust about 3 3B,- rniuri.,i that Kellv hoiuivd off aarly ! 000, the stale will pay till morning from t'lierenuu, V)u. cnroulti for San Fiuticlsro. two third ot the cost provided lb county will J pay lite remainder. GIGANTIC SALE OF JEWELRY Tomorrow Morning . (", Starts t. V, Gus puru) Jewe!ry tore 605 Main StrceJ Between tho Two SUgo Office 'i ' V-s 9 Mr. Dennis Leaving Mrs. Bruce Dennis plans to leave the first of the week for Portland and other northern points where she will spend some time with friend. " ' ' -" . i '-1 f -.- . . - - o nirzan rl ao. c.l v"ta :if'i i. Real Sale ' at pLApysHppPE i 822 Main St. There are still some bargains left. - k t - ... i J , . .; " r. f -.'.'4 Come in Now. WILL BUY HATS HOSE 5 . BLOOMERS ' INFANTS' DRESSES BABY BONNETS Many articles less than . 95c.-, . . -'.i .'. .,. . . Lard, lb. - - - - -Veal Pot eRoast, lb. Veal Steak, lb. - - 15c 20c 25c MILLER'S MARKET 818 Main St. Phone 750 SpecialTackle Prices for SATURQAY -u Telescope Fly or Bait Rods $1.95 Diamond Lake Gang-Spinner. A 1.2S Split Bamboo Fly Rods....:.;.:.'. 1-45 Jointed Steel Fly Roils.. -.. ;95 Featherweight CaHtiTig Reels ......:.:.. 1.45 Double Multiplying Reels .95 Camp Mattress, Doubla Size 4.95 Camp Mattress, Single(Size 2.95 Duluth Pack' Sacks (large size) 1.9S Boy -Scout Fuck Sacks' 1.25 Water ' Bags 1.25 Thermo Jugs, 1 gal. aize.'....'..V.. ....'.....'.. 3.25 Colman Camp Stoves . 8.50 Leave Your Films With- Ut One Pay Service Agents for' the Lincoln Steel Camp Outfits KLAMATH SPPRTINP GOODS CO. 117 So. 7th, Near Main Telephone 1369 Safe Robbery- Puzzles Officers - -e a - , t . ' (Continued from pace une) ' ale's Place and attempted to hare bis purported loot kept In the pool i hall. Wbea he was arrested a torn . : bill which the proprietor of Miller's ) establishment claimed was one he ' 'bad pasted together, was found on . ' his person. 3 ' ' I Gallows Facing j 1;t' ' "Dark Strangler '.. ; (Continued Prom Par One) .trunk In the attic of a house she had (or rent. . . About the same time. Mrs. Vir ginia Grant was found dead in the basement of a Tacant bouse. . Chief of Police Jenkins wired ' Police Inspector Frank Collins, now j : vislttnc relatires In Detroit, to stop at Winnipeg on his wax borne to .question the prisoner In regard to j the four mysterious deaths In Port Follow the crowd to the abaturday Specials . -'' - I T- M M J at- SANITARY MARKET Pot Roast - - - 15c lb. and up iSirloin Steak Round Steak T-Bone Steak Rolled Rib Roast 22c lb. and up Picnic Shoulders, (Smoked) 22c lb. and up 1 (PS) pound r : & up Fresh Dressed Hens Red Springers Rabbits Milk Fed Veal 7th and Main We Deliver " Phone 22 We Deliver "' YOU DO NOT VOTE ON i ; I l t' h 'r i'. JUNE 28 It Will Cost You it cu ' 0 I ' A;,v.t. ' i i ., , MONEY!; PRIVATE EXPENDITURES AND " MUST BALANCE INCOMES State Ecpnpmy and Iot Additional Taxes are Needed VOTE ...... i ;,."f . .on w . i NO i State Income Tax and j Property Assessment and Taxation Enforcement Bill ' . ' -. '..' Oregon Indus trial Council . - ." (Paid AdrcrlUcmcnl) ..!. ' i' - land, ii' . I. IL. 1