The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 23, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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jOJtKOON: Vnscttlod tonight and
Friday, probably showers la the
west portion. Normal temperature,
(jeutlo to moderate aouthcrly winds.
'1 , Asaociated Press and United Press Telegraph Service
' Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade
Trice Five Cents
E., THURSDAY, J.UNE 23, 1927
Number 6059
University Library
Eugene, Orcpnn
Section Two
-. . r. i .i , -( 1
Hugh Gibson Confers With
Representatives of Nip-'
nonese Government 1
(IKNKVA.' Hwltserland. June 21.
(P) Huali g, Gibson chief Amcrl
ran dclegatu, held a private convcr
aallun wlih Admiral Vlaconnt Kalis
autl Viscount IhIiII n( Japan today da
too problems raised by Ilia big diver
genclr betwen the -American, nrll
lah and Japanese naval limitations
protects. i i
W. t). ilrtdgomun. first lord n( til
nrlllah admiralty,-fnund himself un
able to attend tlila 'flrat private
tn retina: becaase of anealoa of the
Dominion, delegates, but be waa to
aee Mr. Ulbaon during the afternoon
nd have a general talk. k -
The Japanese delegatea told Mr,
fllbaon It waa difficult to dlsciiM
limitation of anxlllary naval vecl
la terms of ratio, but assured hint
that Japan earneatly desired to
reach the agreement and believe)
one could be ar blared It all the tar
tare In the altuallona o( the various
nutloiia were tukuu Into consider,
After Iho 'inwllng hn leader
dunlrd a report that Vlarount Hallo
had flatly notified the American
delegate that Japan waa unable to
acrnpt the 6 0 S ratio for auxiliaries.
Whllu the loader were tuck ling
tliu broad political aspect of tlio
American, lirltlali and Japanese pro
posals, the naval expert of the .1
dalogullona mot to hi'gln a technical
t nd y of I lin three plana In order to
ascertain tliu enact purport of
varloua phrase In tlii-tu.
General's Life Is
Endangered As Auto
- Hits Official Car
CAMP CI.ATHOP, Oregon, June
23. (DM Investigation waa under
way' here toduy to place blame for
an auto accident -which occurred
near tier last night and endangered
the Uvea of dlaUnrltve personages
riding In the official automobile of
(ienoral (leorge A. While..
A large car, occupied by four men,
crashed Into the White automoblln
and damaged II,' - Oeneral and Mr.
Hunter Llgett, Mr. I. L. Patterson,
wife of tbe governor and Mr. White
were In the White machine. None
were lujured. -
Are You In Your, Prime?
Not Not feeling just right- then ihe sunshine
1 and not Mineral Baths of .
Near CEico,'ButU County, California, Can Do
Wonder for You
...... Write us, Lee Richardson, Manager.
High Tribute Paid To Ba
sin Country and state
' Of Oregon
. That no country In the world ran
compare with the statu of Oregon,
la the belief of Clmrlua Pagan, who
'more than 30 year ago aetiled leJ
Klamath Falls and la here for a few
daya visit, hla flrat alnce 1912. '
Hlnre leaving hern In 1911 Mr.
Kexau haa vlallrd 63 different coun
tries and declares that no place It
hla travel do people extend the
hospitality that la ahown In Oregon
and especially Klamath Falls.
Kor more Iban two years he has
br a with the government In Hono
lulu employed as a deep sea diver
and -baa recently traveled the in
terned war district of China and a
number of fur eaatern countries,
While many of the old timers who
were close friends of Mr. Fagan
have left ha la enjoying a visit with
a number of the older femlllea while
here and will visit with friend In
(he Bonania section, before learlng.
State Executive " '
. Payi Big " Tribute ;
- To War Veterans
Rev. Wm. Black
." ; -.: 1 -
, i . -, i
, . -'A '
( , '
1 f . :
Tonsils and Hemorrhoids Removed
' " Or Treated - - "
Without Pain 6r Bloodshed "
Consultation Frco
- '
. DR. C. R. LUCAS, Chiropractor
DR. G. F. MOORE, "Specialist I
Phone 420-W " Underwood BIdg.
You Will
Enjoy Eat
at the. :. ..
Hotel Wiilard
Coffee Shop
Fiirnjshd throughout,
' with
riOTEL ' ;
i i
. ;i l
Phone 261
SALEM. Ore.. June 23. (JPr High
tribute to the peace time work of
the. Grand Army or the Republic
In establishing a high standard . of
cltltennhlp In tbe stale waa paid
by Governor L It. Patterson, epeak
Ing before the public reception of
the division encampment here hut
night. -
'The boys In blue did a great
work In aavlng the union, but
their, accomplishment In developing
this stale from a atruggling birth
to powerful position In national
affairs. 1 regard as even more Im
portant than their flrat ' great
work," aaid the governor.
tleaponses were given to (he gov
ernors greeting by national atd
division officer. . ' ' , , '
Chariot -Feeaenden of Salem, di
vision secretary ot the . Sons - of
I n Ion Veterans for two- year, waa
elected commander- at the blnes
aeaelnn yesterday afternoon. Other
officer elocted were: C. O. Goaney.
Marahrielrt, senior vice commander;
Henry L. Howe, Hood River. Junior
vice commander; C. H. .Walter.
Marshfield. C. R. Zeek. Ilandon. and
Stanley Olin, Portland, camp coun
cilman. ..
State Department
Tells Of, Stand On
Arms Conference
WA8H1NOTON. June 23. (iP)
Tbo atato department exerted lt;lf
today to make clear that tho Amer
ican proposals presented at the
Geneva arm conference represent
ed the beat thought of the admlula
trallon at thl atiiae and that barr
ing the usual conclusions af com
promise on detail, the plan ahonld
be maintained a the basis for any
final agreement.
Net Tightens Around
Alleged "Strangled
... s, i . ,
Identification of Earle Nelson, al
leged slayer held at. Winnipeg a the
man wanted hero under the name of
Adrian Harris, a alnyer of women,
we made today by Ruaselt Gordon,
a grocery clerk, pollco announced.
Tho photograph- ot the Winnipeg
prisoner was received today by Port
land police who Immediately sub
mitted It -to .Gordon In a' batch ot
pictures picked at random from po
lice tile. ' Cordon Immediately rec
ognised the picture ot Nelson, alias
Harris, alia Ferrell, said detective.
Two detective left today ' for
Salem la submit the Winnipeg pic
ture to a woman who forruorly liv
ed here,- and who know Adrian
Harris.''' - .
Why put off such an Important
thing a - bettering' your aeelng
power? " "
We are fully equipped to render
you all the aid that glasses will
give. '' . ''' .. . i. i
.Eye 8lght Bpcclallst
105 Mnln Street
Rev. William (Hilly) Black, not
ed Kvangellat who recently returned
from Kurop Jia arrived In Klamath
Fall and wHI preside over a series
of meeting at The Klamath Temple
until July third. ' - 1
Rev. Rlack, accompanied by bis
wife; M. Lola Black, -noted vocalist,
are prominently known throughout
the United State. Canada and Eng
land and have been affiliated with
many of the leading churches, i
- James Black, brother of Rev,
Black and Carmen Tucker, hla pri
vate secretary with tke two children
ot- the Rev. and Mr. Black, accom
panied them to Klamath Fall from
Lo Angeles,
Inflnlteetnal Hpaco McaKurt-ri.
NEW YORK, June 23. UP) Dis
tance between atom are being
measured by a new x-ray micromet
er, tbe "Institute of chemistry" an-nouncea.
Bord Removes
Sheep ToNew
Summer Range
(Special To The Herald). ,
FOE VALLEY. June 23. Mr.
Cober of Medford and her son, ,
Jack Gober of Chiloquln, were vis!'.-
or at the Kedfleld cemetery on!
Memorial day where they decorated
tbe grave of their beloved daughter .
and slater. - ' ' I
Rex Bord hk morad his sheep
major operation, and la reported a
very much Improved In health.
Harold Davis ta recuperating nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O.
Robert. Davis received a crushed
leg while unloading .logs at the
wood cock saw mill ta Aspln lako.
He waa a patient at the Klamath
Valley hospital - for several day.
His condition Is reported as very
much Improved. - , , ,,;
A break In the wlume above Olena
has mad It Impossible for Irrigation
tbls past woek in the Poe Valley district.
Gulfere? .. - k
.GENEVA, Jooei 23. W7, A , a
golfer. Admiral Early . Jelllcoe I
from the lambing .tatlon near Olene a good naval atrateglat and Hugh
ta tbe summer rnnaea a bore Uo-I ' an excellent oipiomai.
, i Therefore, tneir -maicn on
visitor at tbe A. j '"
thl. week. Mr. I were able to determine.
of Mrs. Roberts
Fred Clark I 1
O. Roberta home
Clark I a coasts
and make bis home at Drain, Ore.
Glenn Van .Meter ha1 returned
home from southern California
where he recently .submitted to a
News Notes of Beatty Dis
trict Told By Herald Cor
respondent (Hperlul To The lleralil)
BEATTY June 23.--T.- Mcllattcn
and Frank Blade spent last Monday
n Ik lit nt Realty.' Mr, Bluda was i a
Illy rancher for many yeara when
the cattle busineaa was ran on s
large sceJe. -The vhtitor enjoyed a
fhhlug trip In the popular stream
of- North Fork.
Nettle Foster paxm-d away lust
Thursday and was laid to rest on
Friday.- The last rite were attend
ed by a large gathering of -relatives
aud friends, fine was a daugh
ter of Pete Foster and a sister of
Joxhaway Foster. -
-The Lakeview stage baa made a
change in schedule and now makes
a atop st Beatty at the noon hourl .. . ... i ,,... . , .
whnre passengers can secure dinner .$M$-JeJJ
.Mr, Frank Schm.U and M.r..X lloVS-LSPt'.rrAT. SAT.R 9 TAV
Owens, daughter of B. F. Owen of
Klamath Fall, who haa been visit
ing at the home of her 'aunt, en-'
Joyed tho week end at Medford vis
iting with relatives and friends. '
Bill Loe. county assessor ot Kla
math county, transacted business a''
ilcayy od last Thursday. .
SANTA CRUZ. Calif.. June 22.'
(L'P A new steamship service be-'
tn Monterey, Santa Crux and San
Francisco la to be Inaugurated soon,
according to plan announced hero
by Captain Walter A. Brunnlck of"
Los Angeles. Brunnck heads - a
company which haa been operating
-. From Ilemb ...-'
J. C.' Williams -of Bend Is here
on buslneaff ' for-s few day. Mr.
Williams Is stopping at; the hotel
Arcade. -
mm mmjK Mm-sm-m jke -r mm m t mm m- "J - '
Ghildreh's -Dresses I
.... . , . . r i
Ages 2 to 14
Specially priced from :
Special " price on hose, $1.75
Hemstitching '-
Phone 374-J ' it
810 Main
aleamihlp service between Saa Pedro ,2 ' ' l' . . rn. -m.-m, m m -m. m. '
and Mexican ports.
ske O -Hara
. . ... i
If you offered Bi
a cigarette oth'dilm iv!Luclcy ! Stnke
Ke say to you:
' alb
k 'S. ..
;" t , f -, ' .. '' - s
"The throat is a dd
icaie instrument,
which all singers
protect with, the Mt
most care. To avoid, '
irritation. 1 1 : tmoke
Lucky Strikes. They,
my throat but have r
the finest flavor.'
Fiske O'Hara, the "
pleasing stage star.
You, too, wilt find that Lucky
Strikes are mild and mellow j- the
imest cigarettes you "ever smoked,
made of the finest Turkish ariddp
mestic tobaccos, properly aged arid
blended, with great skill, and there
is an extra process "It's toasted"
no harshness, riot a bit of bite.
TV.". UtS
: Your Throat Protection
When in New York yov r cordlaf(y (neincal
to see awte lcky Serikea or mad. a ewr
exniUa, corwri BroaJtetry mnd 45th Sanaa, .
, 4 , , M ,