( Thursday. June 2X lf2? ' "THE KLAMATH HERALD, KLAMATH VAhlB, OREGON'- Page Five . . i . - '-'' r i , ......... i , , ... . . ....,-.. ,f ., , 21 ; -Kva, miwU vAMPi . .! rant- lt"K' ! ; . I - .(7 K' 1 ' ! j-j . f . I ' " " V;' " J . I ? r; . ' . ... .- t4WV '4 FOUR RADIOS FOUR CASH AWARDS WIN ONE OF THESE FINE PRIZES FIRST CAPITAL PRIZE a ScrM iiO Auu, $1,515 Buick 5-pass. Standard Sedan, purchased from and . J on display at Hiiick Garage, 1330 Main St Klamath Falls. Go In arid Win ' The Klamath News and Evening . Herald is going to award $6,000 in premiums in its great ..circulation prize campaign. No matter what you are doing now, you can quick-' ly become one of the leading can didates in this campaign by start ing to gather votes in your spare time. That's all you need VOTES. Subscriptions to The News Her ald bring thousands of votes and votes may bring you a prize worth over a thousand dollars. Make your decision now go in and win IT'S UP TO YOU. - ' ' , i SECOND CAPITAL PRIZE $1,005 Chrysler '50' Sedan purchased from and on display at Howie Motor Co., Esplanade and Pine Sts-Y Klamath Falls. How to Get Votes 'and Win . , v ll rrnit pbMilMfvly aothltiif'ta Mimp'ro for Ihi priam, rlltirr ', how or IrtCrr. unil vulf iiliiiir will tWx-klr dip wlnnrni. VoIchi Hre nUnlnnl hf nviirliitf new unil rrnrwal nulmrlplluns lo Thn KlnifMlb lulu .rt or The llTlil, or both pniH-rK, which Din be Hvuml Aiiynln-rr. . . ' ' rUnrt your rmiiMlin ml mini1 nail grt Ihn ilvnlngn of an early atari, Afli-r liatlntt M'M In llto nuinliutllun blank, kkI fur l&IHNI vulra, wlilrh lll Iw fimixl rlarKbrm In llila nnuminrr inrnl. Hip urvt alrp la lo UH yuur frlrmla lliat you an oat lo win ohk if Ihn bliatml rlr offrrnl by Ttia Nri anil llrralil, awl alnrt rltlit out lo g-t I Ik-It aubartintlona. . The KIIIHT aulnMTlilnn )o arrum Mill rnllllo )va to 21.HK KXTIIA yrm. Tlirae otr am In ailillllon lo llu mnilar vulm iclvrn an nulxMrlpiloiH, aatliown In Ine vulo arhnlulp. liiro Ihn alnrt la niailr, Tola t III arrumiilnlc raplU'. Tho arranp-mrtit of tlm rln IUt la auiii Uutt ranillilalra In nil arc Ikina nf Ihn Irrrllory nrn aura to altar In Ihn luim lllrlhullon. rarh rnlrnnt lmlo nil niinl iporlunll)r, no niallt-r hrro liny may live, of winning ono of Ihr 'InrRrat prlim. r . How. Territory is " Divided . Dklrlrt No. I 4"oinprUr all ter ritory within the rily lUnlla of klanialh Falla, hhlpplnKton ami l'rllcan City. DUtrlrt No. 2 Coniprlm all trr rltory outalile the rliy llinlta or Klamath Kail, hhlpnlnpon anil I VI Iran t'll I'nmllilnlm ran arm re. auliorrlp tlona anywhere, rennnllena of Ino illnlrltia In which they an) en ( THIRD CAPITAL PRIZE $965.00 Essex Sedan, purchased from and on display at the Acme Motor Co., 400 So. 6th St., Klamath Falls. Vote Value of Subscrip tions Payable in. Advance The aubscrlptlon rates of THE KLA roATH K A 1.1.8 MOKXINO NEWS and TUB KLAMATH FALLS EVENING HKRALU are ahown below, together with the regular number of votea al lowed on each auhaerlptlon payment. The Tolea ahown here apply on both Did and New aubacrlptlona. ; R.ITK8 JXR NEWS lt MER.ILD Ncwa or llrralil By Carrier In Klamath Falls Price Three Months t 1.95 Six Months One Year ..... Two Tears . Three Years S.&D 60 IS 00 11.S0 Voles 1.500 5.001) 15. 000 40,000 70,000 N'cwn .or Herald . ny Mall Outside Klamath Falls Three Months Blx Months .. One Year Two Years'' , v Price . i 1.T5 . ......... ' J.75 - 5.00. 4 10.00 Three . Yeara- jJk IS.Oi COMBlSAflOX B.ATK :j l'Al-EltS Nowa Dy Carrier Three Months . Six Months Ono Year Two ' Years Three Yoars ..... . Votes 1.B0O ' 4.000 12.000 35.000 CO, 000 von llOTH anil Herald In Klamath Foils Price 3.90 .. 7.00 . 13.00 .. 38.00 .. 39.00 Votes 5.000 . 15,000 40.000 110.000 ISO, 000 By ww anil Heralil .. Mail Outside Klamath Price Three Months $ 3.50 Six Mouths 6.60 One Year .... 10.00 Two Years 20.09 V Three Years SO.qft J r Falls Voles 4.0JO 13.000 35,000 90.000 160,000 HOW PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FIRST C.XriTAI, rni'.K $1, 515.00 Ruick Sedan will be awarded to the candidate, regardless of district, who polls the GREATEST number of Totes during the campaign. .. - . KHT)M) CAPITAL PRIZE $1,005.00 Chrysler "50" Sedan will be awarded to the candidate, recardlegg of district, who polla the SECOND GREATEST number of Totes dnrlng the campaign. THIKI CAPITAL PRI.t 1965.00 Eseex Sedan will be awarded to the candidate, regardless of district, who polls the THIRD GREATEST number of Totes during the campaign. KOl'RTH CAPITAL PK1ZK 6S49.00 Che'olet Sedan will be awarded to the candidate, re gardless of district, who polls the FOCRTH GREATEST number ef Totes during the campalxn. I XIKR THE ARR.X(iKMK.T EVERY CANDIDATE HAS A V EtJCAL OPPORTl'.MTV . OP W1XXIXU 1K OK THE CAPITAL AWARDS, RE G.UiULFSS OF DISTRICT. : DISTRICT PRIZES The awarding of the district prices will be made after eliminating the CAPITAL prise winners, and as follows: The next four candidates. In rote standings, in each of the two campaign districts will recelTe district prires In the following order; $300.00 Stromberg-Carlson Radio Set, $150.00 Stewart-Warner Radio Set, $"5.00 in cash. $50 In cash. All candidates who do not win ono of the above prises, but remain active from the time they enter until the rampaicn closes, will be paid a cas-h commission of ten per cent of all new sub scription money they, they turn In during the campaign. 5 FOURTH CAPITAL PRIZE . fiiii-v - iffl iurp WT'- :. :: l?rrvJ?m .7T Mil mffisr sv- xv- $849.00 Chevrolet Sedan, purchased from and on exhibition at the Chevrolet Sales & Service, 522 So. 6th S., K. F. NOMINATION BLANK i'. . Good for 2000 Votes' rienso enlrri' 1 ' ' Xumo ,'JL.lLa As a Cniullilntn In Tho Klnmnlli Falls News nial Herald Automobile nml i'rlso t'nnipnlgii Hlnet nml Xo.....'. ' -. Town r City .'. t Wat. Xo VHInneil i....: - i Aililress . 10,000 Extra Votes -V ' If you enter (luring first six week of the campaign. Only one ' noinlnntlon blank rrrilltoil In each rnnilliilo, You can enter yoursi'ir or nniulnalo 'nny other person. ' "'" " ' For Further Inf'ormation, Subscription Books,' etc., Call, Write or Phone ' I ' Automobile ' and Prize Campaign Department , 1 The Klamath Falls News and Herald . V VI-.',. 119 North Eighth Street Phone 89 Klamath Falls Campaign offioe is located in business office of Herald open every , except Sunday, 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Good for 20,000 Extra Votes During first six weeks of campaign only Return this couMn to the Campaign Manager, Tho Klnm ath Kalis Xewa and Hernlil, with your first subscription pay. nient, either old or new, of three months or lonffrr. and you will receive 80,000 Tote In addition to the vote allowed on the regular vote schedule, providing; you net during the first ' sl weeks of tho rnnipnlgn. Name of Subscriber.... . , Adders , Candldute'a Xante . District No. .,. Amount One. (I (old or now) This coupon nccntiipanlcd by the nomination blank and your first subscription, will start you during the first alx weeks of the campaign with JI'J.OOO votes PI. I'M the regular vote on the suoaertptlon, as shown In scliedttle. Only one of these blanks will be credited to each candidate.